Pedophilia not a crime Rutgers law professor says

Pedophilia Is Not a Crime Says Rutgers Prof Margo Kaplan News Philadelphia Magazine

She writes that pedophiles don’t necessarily turn out to be child molesters and that pedophilia is not a choice, i.e. a pedophile might be born that way. We reached her in her office in Camden to discuss.
Where have we heard that before!? give it 20 years max and its legalized and then parents will start being thrown in prison for killing pedophiles trying to rape their kids.
Protective parents are born that way... they really have no choice..
Pedophilia Is Not a Crime Says Rutgers Prof Margo Kaplan News Philadelphia Magazine

She writes that pedophiles don’t necessarily turn out to be child molesters and that pedophilia is not a choice, i.e. a pedophile might be born that way. We reached her in her office in Camden to discuss.
Where have we heard that before!? give it 20 years max and its legalized and then parents will start being thrown in prison for killing pedophiles trying to rape their kids.
Protective parents are born that way... they really have no choice..

Treat that father and let him go.
They are not going to stop at homosexual 'marriage'. The have more on their agenda, and they will come for the children. Starting with agitating for the reduction in the age of consent at state level, then moving that into a federal issue when different states have different ages.
And who has suggested we treat pedophilia as anything other than a disorder? Again, read the article. She is arguing that pedophilia should be treated as a disorder to help prevent molestation BEFORE it happens.

Do you even disagree?

At no point did I say I disagreed with the idea of calling pedophilia a mental disorder. I merely stated the downside to doing so.

I don't see your 'downside', as even you recognize that pedophilia is a disorder. No one is arguing that pedophilia is an alternate maybe NAMBLA. And they're a sick joke.

So where do we even disagree? On ever point made by the OP article that you address, you agree.

So , yes I disagree with the notion that we should treat it with some outpatient therapy and leave known pedophiles on the streets unless they actually assault a child.

Sorry you believe a pedophiles "rights" are more important than a child's safety. That's some sick thinking.

So what would you propose charging a pedophile with if they've never commited a crime?

Or is this just imprisonment with no charges.

Once again and for the last time, I said IF one offends they should be castrated, you can't charge someone for a thought...that would be a leftist's wet dream for that to start taking place

So you seem to agree with the OP article completely.

I think the OP article has a lot of useful suggestions on how to prevent child molestation.

You can't prevent it, there lies the problem

And what makes you think you can't treat pedophilia? Or at the very least, reduce the likelihood of molestation?
They are not going to stop at homosexual 'marriage'. The have more on their agenda, and they will come for the children. Starting with agitating for the reduction in the age of consent at state level, then moving that into a federal issue when different states have different ages.

And who is the 'they' in your post?
Pedophilia Is Not a Crime Says Rutgers Prof Margo Kaplan News Philadelphia Magazine
She writes that pedophiles don’t necessarily turn out to be child molesters and that pedophilia is not a choice, i.e. a pedophile might be born that way. We reached her in her office in Camden to discuss.
Where have we heard that before!? give it 20 years max and its legalized and then parents will start being thrown in prison for killing pedophiles trying to rape their kids.
Protective parents are born that way... they really have no choice..

Treat that father and let him go.

good call...thats what they did, no jail time
Hell, there are already states where it is legal for a grown person to have sex with a 16 year old child. Consent laws certainly aren't written in stone. Though I admit that actual pedophilia ha no chance of ever becoming legal, no majority is ever likely to advocate lowering the consent age to 7 or 8 years old.

They only need the courts to do that for them. Too many are comfortable with being ruled by five in black robes right now, and the dumbing down will only make more of those types. It will be a long battle, but it is out there.
‘Lower age of consent’ says gay rights campaigner

9 | Big Think recently.

Dangerous, certainly, but also just a little bit surprising in view of this year of paedophilia scandals and his campaign against Pope Benedict’s visit to the UK -- one of the reasons being the Pope’s alleged “cover up” of clerical sexual abuse of children?

- See more at: Lower age of consent says gay rights campaigner
At no point did I say I disagreed with the idea of calling pedophilia a mental disorder. I merely stated the downside to doing so.

I don't see your 'downside', as even you recognize that pedophilia is a disorder. No one is arguing that pedophilia is an alternate maybe NAMBLA. And they're a sick joke.

So where do we even disagree? On ever point made by the OP article that you address, you agree.

So , yes I disagree with the notion that we should treat it with some outpatient therapy and leave known pedophiles on the streets unless they actually assault a child.

Sorry you believe a pedophiles "rights" are more important than a child's safety. That's some sick thinking.

So what would you propose charging a pedophile with if they've never commited a crime?

Or is this just imprisonment with no charges.

Once again and for the last time, I said IF one offends they should be castrated, you can't charge someone for a thought...that would be a leftist's wet dream for that to start taking place

So you seem to agree with the OP article completely.

I think the OP article has a lot of useful suggestions on how to prevent child molestation.

You can't prevent it, there lies the problem

And what makes you think you can't treat pedophilia? Or at the very least, reduce the likelihood of molestation?

of course there is a cure. 2 ounces of lead. Works every time.
I don't see your 'downside', as even you recognize that pedophilia is a disorder. No one is arguing that pedophilia is an alternate maybe NAMBLA. And they're a sick joke.

So where do we even disagree? On ever point made by the OP article that you address, you agree.

So what would you propose charging a pedophile with if they've never commited a crime?

Or is this just imprisonment with no charges.

Once again and for the last time, I said IF one offends they should be castrated, you can't charge someone for a thought...that would be a leftist's wet dream for that to start taking place

So you seem to agree with the OP article completely.

I think the OP article has a lot of useful suggestions on how to prevent child molestation.

You can't prevent it, there lies the problem

And what makes you think you can't treat pedophilia? Or at the very least, reduce the likelihood of molestation?

of course there is a cure. 2 ounces of lead. Works every time.

So not only imprisonment without charges, conviction or crime.....but execution for the same?

Are there any other 'thought crimes' you would start executing for?
They are not going to stop at homosexual 'marriage'. The have more on their agenda, and they will come for the children. Starting with agitating for the reduction in the age of consent at state level, then moving that into a federal issue when different states have different ages.

And who is the 'they' in your post?

"They" are those who want no limits, no boundaries, destroy the family. And who are happy with being ruled by five in black.
Once again and for the last time, I said IF one offends they should be castrated, you can't charge someone for a thought...that would be a leftist's wet dream for that to start taking place

So you seem to agree with the OP article completely.

I think the OP article has a lot of useful suggestions on how to prevent child molestation.

You can't prevent it, there lies the problem

And what makes you think you can't treat pedophilia? Or at the very least, reduce the likelihood of molestation?

of course there is a cure. 2 ounces of lead. Works every time.

So not only imprisonment without charges, conviction or crime.....but execution for the same?

Are there any other 'thought crimes' you would start executing for?

What thought crimes are you talking about? Where have I said "thinking about molesting a child should be a crime?"
Oh that's right, I didn't.
Gay Activists Ask Canada to Lower Age of Consent for Anal Sex, National Post Agrees

By John-Henry Westen

TORONTO, February 14, 2006 ( - Homosexual activists have long sought to distance themselves from pedophiles, however Canada’s most prominent homosexual activist group has now demanded the lowering the age of consent for anal sex to 16 from 18. Surprisingly, Canada’s National Post, regarded by some as a ‘conservative’ paper has come out in favour of the proposal.

Gay Activists Ask Canada to Lower Age of Consent for Anal Sex National Post Agrees News LifeSite
Pedophilia Is Not a Crime Says Rutgers Prof Margo Kaplan News Philadelphia Magazine

She writes that pedophiles don’t necessarily turn out to be child molesters and that pedophilia is not a choice, i.e. a pedophile might be born that way. We reached her in her office in Camden to discuss.
Where have we heard that before!? give it 20 years max and its legalized and then parents will start being thrown in prison for killing pedophiles trying to rape their kids.

She's right in a way.

Pedophilia is not a crime unless the person acts on it. Otherwise you're prosecuting someone for thought crimes.
So you seem to agree with the OP article completely.

I think the OP article has a lot of useful suggestions on how to prevent child molestation.

You can't prevent it, there lies the problem

And what makes you think you can't treat pedophilia? Or at the very least, reduce the likelihood of molestation?

of course there is a cure. 2 ounces of lead. Works every time.

So not only imprisonment without charges, conviction or crime.....but execution for the same?

Are there any other 'thought crimes' you would start executing for?

What thought crimes are you talking about? Where have I said "thinking about molesting a child should be a crime?"
Oh that's right, I didn't.

Then who are you suggesting we shoot? As pedophilia is merely an attraction, and what we're discussing treating. Pedophilia and molestation are no more the same thing than heterosexuality and rape are the same thing.

The former is an attraction. The latter is a crime.

And its the attraction that we're discussing treating. With your preferred method of 'treatment' being '2 ounces of lead'.
And what makes you think you can't treat pedophilia? Or at the very least, reduce the likelihood of molestation?

The recidivism rate is horrible.

First, what stats do you have to back this up. And second, we're talking about those who have never molested. So recidivism for an act that has never occured isn't an issue. Preventing the act from ever occuring would be the goal.
You can't prevent it, there lies the problem

And what makes you think you can't treat pedophilia? Or at the very least, reduce the likelihood of molestation?

of course there is a cure. 2 ounces of lead. Works every time.

So not only imprisonment without charges, conviction or crime.....but execution for the same?

Are there any other 'thought crimes' you would start executing for?

What thought crimes are you talking about? Where have I said "thinking about molesting a child should be a crime?"
Oh that's right, I didn't.

Then who are you suggesting we shoot? As pedophilia is merely an attraction, and what we're discussing treating. Pedophilia and molestation are no more the same thing than heterosexuality and rape are the same thing.

The former is an attraction. The latter is a crime.

And its the attraction that we're discussing treating. With your preferred method of 'treatment' being '2 ounces of lead'.

no, actually were were discussing both the though and the action. My preferred treatment for those who are diagnosed as pedophiles, but have not actually molested any children is chemical castration.
A word of warning for the pedos, touch one of ours and I'll take my chances with a jury. Understand this
Damn right.
titillate yourself with these types of discussions all day long, but pedophiles have always been harmful predators we should have laws against...
I agree. But when more and more people come out saying its "normal" and they are "born that way" its EXACTLY like homosexuality. Same shit different sexual deviant act.

No, it's not the "same shit".

People are "born" a lot of ways with a lot of differences. Some are destructive, some are not. It's also thought that people can be born sociopaths, psychopaths - lacking the ability emphasize. People are born left handed or right handed. A pedophile acting on his inborn inclination is committing a crime, and it's a crime that is very destructive to children. That is not even remotely the same as homosexuality.
And what makes you think you can't treat pedophilia? Or at the very least, reduce the likelihood of molestation?

of course there is a cure. 2 ounces of lead. Works every time.

So not only imprisonment without charges, conviction or crime.....but execution for the same?

Are there any other 'thought crimes' you would start executing for?

What thought crimes are you talking about? Where have I said "thinking about molesting a child should be a crime?"
Oh that's right, I didn't.

Then who are you suggesting we shoot? As pedophilia is merely an attraction, and what we're discussing treating. Pedophilia and molestation are no more the same thing than heterosexuality and rape are the same thing.

The former is an attraction. The latter is a crime.

And its the attraction that we're discussing treating. With your preferred method of 'treatment' being '2 ounces of lead'.

no, actually were were discussing both the though and the action.

Read the OP article. We're not. The author draws a stark delineation between pedophilia and molestation. And has argued for treatment to prevent child molestation before it occurs.

That's the treatment we're discussing.

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