Peggy Noonan is Wrong!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
This week, Peggy Noonan wrote the following in the WSJ:

1. …the White House seems desperate to be seen as consequential. They're trotting out Press Secretary Jay Carney, who stands there looking like a ferret with flop sweat as he insists President Obama is still at the table, still manning the phones and calling shots.

2. …something I've never seen in national politics. It is that nobody loves Obama. This is amazing because every president has people who love him, who feel deep personal affection or connection, who have a stubborn, even beautiful refusal to let what they know are just criticisms affect their feelings of regard. … Nobody smiles when they talk about Mr. Obama.

3. Here are the words of a hard-line progressive and wise veteran of the political wars: "I never loved Barack Obama. That said, among my crowd who did 'love' him, I can't think of anyone who still does." Why is Mr. Obama different from Messrs. Clinton and Bush?. . . . Maybe the most important word that described Clinton and Bush but not Obama is 'genuine.'" He "doesn't exude any feeling that what he says and does is genuine."

4. And so his failures in the debt ceiling fight. He wasn't serious, he was only shrewd—and shrewdness wasn't enough. He demagogued the issue—no Social Security checks—until he was called out, and then went on the hustings spouting inanities.

5. So he is losing a battle in which he had superior forces—the presidency, the U.S. Senate. In the process he revealed that his foes have given him too much mystique. He is not a devil, an alien, a socialist. He is a loser. And this is America, where nobody loves a loser.
Noonan: They've Lost That Lovin' Feeling -

But here is where the perceptive Ms. Noonan is wrong: how can one say that President Obama is a loser? He won the race…passed huge bone-headed bills that proved misguided failures…but he won their passage.

No, the losers are:

1) The Leftist elites who supported this incompetent, and

2) The Old Left Media, who failed at their job: to vet the candidates.

3) And the biggest losers of all? Those who entrusted their votes without demanding to know what this candidate stood for or what he would do, and didn’t see through the smoke being blown by the partisans.

These same ‘losers’ would have kicked the tires and demanded the CarFax on an old jalopy they were about to buy, instead they saddled the rest of us with this lying blow-hard incompetent.

Obama's on his way out...but you'll be here, and those of us who correctly pinned the tail on this donkey will be, too. And we won't let you forget.

Thanks, losers.
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Noonan is schizo...she loves him, she hates him, is luke warm...she sees herself as the grand Dame of the Reagan gop....

now as far as her latest, I agree, he never seemed genuine to me, he wants desperately to be everything to everyone and Lincoln told us how that works out...;)
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Noonan is schizo...she loves him, she hates him, is luke warm...she sees herself as the grand Dame of the Reagan gop....

This is the same Noonan who wrote a rather scathing article on candidate Obama after he compared himself to Lincoln... she declared his background to be a "log cabin free zone".

It was all about the "Hate Da BOOOOOOSH" stuff. The MSM made sure a Democrat Won. It wouldn't have mattered who it was. Now we're stuck with an inexperienced "Community Organizer" as President. The reality is,he shouldn't have become President. He's a Marxist-trained ideologue. He couldn't change even if he wanted to. This is what he was raised on from early childhood. It is sad but it is what it is.
It was all about the "Hate Da BOOOOOOSH" stuff. The MSM made sure a Democrat Won. It wouldn't have mattered who it was. Now we're stuck with an inexperienced "Community Organizer" as President. The reality is,he shouldn't have become President. He's a Marxist-trained ideologue. He couldn't change even if he wanted to. This is what he was raised on from early childhood. It is sad but it is what it is.

The man's personal mentor was a Communist named Frank Marshall Davis... why would anyone expect anything from Obama other than what we have gotten?
Obama wasn't 'vetted'?

That's a kneeslapper.

btw, Obama has a favorability rating in the 55 - 45 neighborhood.

That's pretty darn good all things considered.
It was all about the "Hate Da BOOOOOOSH" stuff. The MSM made sure a Democrat Won. It wouldn't have mattered who it was. Now we're stuck with an inexperienced "Community Organizer" as President. The reality is,he shouldn't have become President. He's a Marxist-trained ideologue. He couldn't change even if he wanted to. This is what he was raised on from early childhood. It is sad but it is what it is.


You are wearing out the victimology card. Get some new material, crybaby.
Obama wasn't 'vetted'?

That's a kneeslapper.

btw, Obama has a favorability rating in the 55 - 45 neighborhood.

That's pretty darn good all things considered.

Good ol' Carby...I was away for a while, and considered what to do when I missed folks like you.
I realized the answer is to reload and fire again.

A kneeslapper???

Here is Rose and Brokaw verifying exactly what I said: he wasn't vetted:

[ame=]‪Brokaw and Rose Admit They Don't Know Much About Obama.‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Boy, do I love shoving your words right back down your throat!
This week, Peggy Noonan wrote the following in the WSJ:

1. …the White House seems desperate to be seen as consequential. They're trotting out Press Secretary Jay Carney, who stands there looking like a ferret with flop sweat as he insists President Obama is still at the table, still manning the phones and calling shots.

2. …something I've never seen in national politics. It is that nobody loves Obama. This is amazing because every president has people who love him, who feel deep personal affection or connection, who have a stubborn, even beautiful refusal to let what they know are just criticisms affect their feelings of regard. … Nobody smiles when they talk about Mr. Obama.

3. Here are the words of a hard-line progressive and wise veteran of the political wars: "I never loved Barack Obama. That said, among my crowd who did 'love' him, I can't think of anyone who still does." Why is Mr. Obama different from Messrs. Clinton and Bush?. . . . Maybe the most important word that described Clinton and Bush but not Obama is 'genuine.'" He "doesn't exude any feeling that what he says and does is genuine."

4. And so his failures in the debt ceiling fight. He wasn't serious, he was only shrewd—and shrewdness wasn't enough. He demagogued the issue—no Social Security checks—until he was called out, and then went on the hustings spouting inanities.

5. So he is losing a battle in which he had superior forces—the presidency, the U.S. Senate. In the process he revealed that his foes have given him too much mystique. He is not a devil, an alien, a socialist. He is a loser. And this is America, where nobody loves a loser.
Noonan: They've Lost That Lovin' Feeling -

But here is where the perceptive Ms. Noonan is wrong: how can one say that President Obama is a loser? He won the race…passed huge bone-headed bills that proved misguided failures…but he won their passage.

No, the losers are:

1) The Leftist elites who supported this incompetent, and

2) The Old Left Media, who failed at their job: to vet the candidates.

3) And the biggest losers of all? Those who entrusted their votes without demanding to know what this candidate stood for or what he would do, and didn’t see through the smoke being blown by the partisans.

These same ‘losers’ would have kicked the tires and demanded the CarFax on an old jalopy they were about to buy, instead they saddled the rest of us with this lying blow-hard incompetent.

Obama's on his way out...but you'll be here, and those of us who correctly pinned the tail on this donkey will be, too. And we won't let you forget.

Thanks, losers.

the losers are future generations who are being held hostage by brock and his minions.
This week, Peggy Noonan wrote the following in the WSJ:

1. …the White House seems desperate to be seen as consequential. They're trotting out Press Secretary Jay Carney, who stands there looking like a ferret with flop sweat as he insists President Obama is still at the table, still manning the phones and calling shots.

2. …something I've never seen in national politics. It is that nobody loves Obama. This is amazing because every president has people who love him, who feel deep personal affection or connection, who have a stubborn, even beautiful refusal to let what they know are just criticisms affect their feelings of regard. … Nobody smiles when they talk about Mr. Obama.

3. Here are the words of a hard-line progressive and wise veteran of the political wars: "I never loved Barack Obama. That said, among my crowd who did 'love' him, I can't think of anyone who still does." Why is Mr. Obama different from Messrs. Clinton and Bush?. . . . Maybe the most important word that described Clinton and Bush but not Obama is 'genuine.'" He "doesn't exude any feeling that what he says and does is genuine."

4. And so his failures in the debt ceiling fight. He wasn't serious, he was only shrewd—and shrewdness wasn't enough. He demagogued the issue—no Social Security checks—until he was called out, and then went on the hustings spouting inanities.

5. So he is losing a battle in which he had superior forces—the presidency, the U.S. Senate. In the process he revealed that his foes have given him too much mystique. He is not a devil, an alien, a socialist. He is a loser. And this is America, where nobody loves a loser.
Noonan: They've Lost That Lovin' Feeling -

But here is where the perceptive Ms. Noonan is wrong: how can one say that President Obama is a loser? He won the race…passed huge bone-headed bills that proved misguided failures…but he won their passage.

No, the losers are:

1) The Leftist elites who supported this incompetent, and

2) The Old Left Media, who failed at their job: to vet the candidates.

3) And the biggest losers of all? Those who entrusted their votes without demanding to know what this candidate stood for or what he would do, and didn’t see through the smoke being blown by the partisans.

These same ‘losers’ would have kicked the tires and demanded the CarFax on an old jalopy they were about to buy, instead they saddled the rest of us with this lying blow-hard incompetent.

Obama's on his way out...but you'll be here, and those of us who correctly pinned the tail on this donkey will be, too. And we won't let you forget.

Thanks, losers.

Unfortunately, thanks to their envious life beliefs, the rest of us (and our country) are being tortured by the side that claims torture is wrong.
The Bush haters would support castro for pres if he ran they are so delusional. But what do you expect from a bunch of idiotic socialists.
Brokaw and Rose? Corporatist hacks?

You go girl. Expose that evil liberal media.

You are running away from your 'air support' as fast as your little paws will take you!

Or, as the paradigm designed by your leader is known, 'lead from behind'!

"Obama may be moving toward something resembling a doctrine. One of his advisers described the president's actions in Libya as "leading from behind." — Ryan Lizza, the New Yorker, May 2."

But...watching you retreat, the view is hardly a pretty picture! Yecccch!
Hey....I use the word "loser"....and look who reports for duty!

Timely reporting, Auntie!

Choose your topic and if I agree, I will be more than happy to put you in your place.

However, you are scared inbred who is afraid to rise up and challenge me to a discussion.

Is that tin hat a little tight? Even on that pin-head?

I see that you are scared. I will even let you team up with the dumbass, Willowtree.

Whenever you are ready to grow a backbone, I will be here. Just flag my attention.
Actually there are winners.

The winners at this point are people that think the United States..should be United. The winners are people that didn't want a total collapse of the economy. The winners are the people that wanted to see the real prepatrators of the worst foreign terrorist attack to this country brought to justice. The winners are the people that believe in the United States Constitution.

The losers are still trying to wreck and divide the country, who make enemies of everyone but do not want to see "the bogeyman" actually caught, who wanted to see the collapse of American Economy because it would be there would be people who would make vast sums of money selling our companies to foreign interests (like Lehman) or parsing them up and selling them piecemeal, and those who would remake our Constitution by ripping out parts they don't like and adding parts they do without consensus.

In other words..the real losers here are Conservatives.

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