Pelosi Appoints 2nd GOP Critic Of trump To Jan. 6 Committee

How is he whining? He's banned from social media. The oligarchs don't want him communicating with "free speech". Only state propaganda is allowed on social media.
Translation: I so much prefer the propaganda of Dear Leader to that of people who actually know what the fuck they are talking about!
All Trump Haters. No surprise. I'm sure their partisan Trump hating report will be seen as garbage.
...and will exclude any reference to Pelosi's direction to not have the National Guard there before the Capitol was breached. That was the plan since long before Jan 6.
This is a lie.

Republicans are worried that Republicans of good faith will establish the facts and truth of the rightwing terrorist attack on 1/6; facts and the truth Republicans want covered up.
Republicans aren't worried about anything in regards to this joke. All Republicans see is the wonderful precedent Democrats are setting and how they will use it after 2022. Nobody but the most rabid Marxist dogs even remembers this little tiff.
That which you claim to be a 'nation's citizens' was only a fascist minority that was intent on reversing the results of your democratic election.

If the election was unjust then that will have to be decided by the Scotus, in the case of it being the US..

That could perhaps justify the dismantling of the Scotus.
Congress would have the responsibility of doing that.

Do you see some possible way of reversing the results of the election for president at least?

I can only see a possibility in the next election for president.

I'm afraid that the audits are only going to be seen as a losing effort now. Biden is the president and will undoubtedly be for the rest of his term.
Of course we're stuck with Quid Pro until his own party removes him, we know that. But, unless someone can prove that the rioters are not American citizens, my statement stands.
And again, nobody is this stupid. Nobody. Had there been no mob at her back, she would have been a limp sack on the ground in handcuffs 5 minutes later. This should not have to be explained to any adult who is not a drooling vegetable.
An individual does not qualify for murder because who is in the same area with her
You cannot possibly be this stupid and wrong.
I’d hope so… I’d be embarrassed to call myself a Republican with the way that party has crumbled in the past decade. He is however a conservative, a vet, and one of the few in Washington who still has some character.
It hasn't "crumbled." It has developed a spine. I marvel at the way all you prog NAZIs believe groveling to the Democrat party is what a Republican is supposed to do.
Of course we're stuck with Quid Pro until his own party removes him, we know that.
Again, blame the GOP. They are the ones refusing to alter their platform to appeal to more voters. They are the ones hitching their wagons to a mentally ill loser.
Oh yes, keep pretending you care about that. We will put that to the test when the actual people like Trump and his toadies who actually ignored real time cries for help are exposed fully. See you then.
Of course, you're free to pretend you don't care that she didn't beef up security even though she was requested to.

That's when she said she was pretending
Like she knew the plan
That's when I knew she was pretending
Pretending to understand
No, they resisted arrest and got themselves killed. In this case an obviously overzealous federal employee panicked and murdered an innocent peaceful demonstrator.
The stupid bitch resisted his commands and got her dumb ass shot. Stop whining.
Again, blame the GOP. They are the ones refusing to alter their platform to appeal to more voters. They are the ones hitching their wagons to a mentally ill loser.
Yeah, we could adopt the Communist platform like the Democrats have done. That would appeal to more voters!
It hasn't "crumbled." It has developed a spine. I marvel at the way all you prog NAZIs believe groveling to the Democrat party is what a Republican is supposed to do.
It doesn’t take a spine to spread lies and troll. That’s what cowards do. People with spines can conduct themselves with honesty and integrity and intelligence.

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