Pelosi Appoints 2nd GOP Critic Of trump To Jan. 6 Committee

Oh yes, keep pretending you care about that. We will put that to the test when the actual people like Trump and his toadies who actually ignored real time cries for help are exposed fully. See you then.​
the truth will come out on LIVE TV!
The “a mob was following her” means absolutely ZERO as to her murder
And again, nobody is this stupid. Nobody. Had there been no mob at her back, she would have been a limp sack on the ground in handcuffs 5 minutes later. This should not have to be explained to any adult who is not a drooling vegetable.
Fort Fun Indiana It is not a "bipartisan" committee as Pelosi chooses only those that will agree with her and rejects those of the opposition that will not. That is a hand picked committee with a preordained outcome, just as Pelosi wants it.

It is past time for her to go.
Fuck that.
This is exactly what you called McConnell a genius for, when he said he would obstruct Obama and Biden in EVERY way. The Great McConnell. Now Pelosi is doing the same thing, and you hate it.

BTW, I hate ALL these fucking Politicians that just fuck over the Middle Class.

It is time that, We the People, make a stand, both parties, and say enough is enough and vote these partisan hacks out.
The Senate wouldn't even hear evidence
There was no evidence presented or discovered in the house, moron. Adam Schiff, the partisan head of the judiciary committee, running a kangaroo court and disallowing evidence is not an investigation either. "THE GENTLEMAN WILL SUSPEND!" You do remember those words don't you, sure you do. You're a moron.
to compare individual cases where civilians were unnecessarily killed by cops with a rampaging mob attempting to breach security of gov't officials after being warned not to is just absurd.
Right, completely legitimate police shootings of thugs is nothing like equating a few angry Americans to a 'rampaging mob'. How silly of you. The whole thugs getting themselves killed wasn't a one time thing, it was multiple cases of individual stupidity spread across the nation. Yet you folks are still crying and screaming about a little tiff back in winter.
Fuck that.
This is exactly what you called McConnell a genius for, when he said he would obstruct Obama and Biden in EVERY way. The Great McConnell. Now Pelosi is doing the same thing, and you hate it.

BTW, I hate ALL these fucking Politicians that just fuck over the Middle Class.

It is time that, We the People, make a stand, both parties, and say enough is enough and vote these partisan hacks out.
You first, fucking liar.
Pelosi is trying to pack this committee with only those who will vote as she tells them to vote.

She has no business choosing or rejecting any from the opposition party as it only leads to a false committee.
She wants to be able to claim the orchestrated committee findings were "bi-partisan". With all Trump-haters onboard, it doesn't matter if some are Republicans. They're all partisan.
That a majority of Republicans don’t oppose Trump is what’s wrong with the GOP, among scores of other things.
No, that's precisely what's right about the current Republican party. The fact that you despise the fact shows it to be the case.
Totally different. They werent attacking the capitol like that dumb inbred bitch.
No, they resisted arrest and got themselves killed. In this case an obviously overzealous federal employee panicked and murdered an innocent peaceful demonstrator.

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