Pelosi Appoints 2nd GOP Critic Of trump To Jan. 6 Committee

How were they "fixed?"
The GOP Senate leadership and members of the hearing committee stated publicly prior to the hearings that there wouldn't even be a reprimand brought against Trump. Blocking of certain witnesses and testimony pretty much confirmed that.
Pelosi is trying to pack this committee with only those who will vote as she te3lls them to vote.

She has no business choosing or rejecting any from the opposition party as it only leads to a false committee.
Pelosi's hatefulness, anger, total dishonesty and corruption makes it impossible for normal mainstream voters to take her 1/6 commission seriously. It's a total sham, political theater, crass propaganda, hate mongering, fear mongering......
But the Yellow Press will still us it for their left wing disinformation campaign.
The last thing that Dirty Pelosi wants are any questions about her involvement, and the FBI's involvement and Antifa's involvement in 1/6
Kinzenger is a decorated military veteran... If more Republicans were like him and not Marjorie Trailer-park Greene, you might even have a respectable party.
So was Alexander Semyon Vindman...a liar. No wonder the Democrat Party chose him to testify in the sham impeachment hearings.

The same tactic applies to Kinzenger. Nancy can depend on his being disingenuous...or outright LYING! Of course, these committee members (such as Adam Schiff was) are permitted to lie.

The last thing that Dirty Pelosi wants are any questions about her involvement, and the FBI's involvement and Antifa's involvement in 1/6
You lobotomized morons have been spreading that nonsense for 6 months without a shred of evidebce. Everyone not in your cult is laughing at you and embarrassed of you because of it. Pelosi is about as worried about your silly horseshit as she is a piano falling out of the sky.
When did dem protestors attack congress?

1983: Far-left extremists bomb the Senate Chamber,_D.C.

May 29

Protest at 14th and U Street NW on May 29
The White House was on lockdown the night of May 29 in response to protests reaching the gates.[2] The protests began at 7:00 p.m. By 8:30 p.m., the White House lockdown was lifted as protesters began to leave. At 10:00 p.m., the protesters returned, however by 3:30 am Saturday the protesters were more subdued. The protesters came into conflict with the United States Secret Service. At times, the protesters got close enough to inflict minor injuries on certain officers. At one point the protesters were pepper sprayed.[3] Several Secret Service agents reportedly suffered broken bones due to rocks and bottles of urine and alcohol thrown at them by rioters.[4][5]
As a result of the protests, the Secret Service rushed President Donald Trump to shelter in the White House underground bunker, where he remained for almost one hour.[6][7] This occurred after some protesters crossed temporary barricades set up near the Treasury Department buildings. Around that time, the Secret Service alert level was raised to "red". The president's wife and son were also brought to the bunker.[8] Trump later falsely claimed that he had only gone to the bunker for an "inspection", and also claimed that he was in the bunker "for a tiny, little short period of time".[9][10] Attorney General William Barr later stated that the May 29 protests "were so bad that the Secret Service recommended that the President go down to the bunker".[11]
President Trump responded to the White House protesters on Twitter, saying that if they had crossed the White House fence they would have been attacked by "the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons". He also stated that "many Secret Service agents [are] just waiting for action", and accused the protesters of being "professionally organized".[12]
The Secret Service reported that six people were arrested in Lafayette Square within President's Park, directly north of the White House. The Metropolitan Police Department and US Park Police were also on the scene.[13]

May 30

Vehicles on fire, May 30
Protesters gathered around the White House again on May 30.[14] Police vehicles were damaged with one protester graffitiing words disparaging the President.[15] Monuments on the National Mall including the Lincoln Memorial and National World War II Memorial were defaced.[16]

May 31

Protest at 15th and I Street NW on May 31
On May 31, dozens of businesses in CityCenter, Georgetown, and Farragut Square were looted.[17]
A BBC cameraman, Peter Murtaugh, was purposely attacked by police outside the White House. Murtaugh filmed a line of police officers charging without warning, whereby a shield-wielding officer tackled Murtaugh to the ground. A fellow BBC journalist said the attack had occurred before a curfew was imposed.[18][19]

June 1

President Donald Trump held a bible in front of St. John's Episcopal Church
In response to violent protests and riots, Mayor Bowser announced a citywide curfew from 7pm to 6am, which remained in effect through June 3. An additional curfew from 11pm to 6am was added for the night of June 3.[20][21]
Law enforcement officers used tear gas and other riot control tactics to forcefully clear peaceful protesters from Lafayette Square and surrounding streets. Minutes later, President Donald Trump and senior administration officials walked from the White House to St. John's Episcopal Church. Trump held up a Bible and posed for a photo op in front of Ashburton House (the church's parish house), which had been damaged by a fire during protests the night before.[22] The clearing of demonstrators from Lafayette Square was widely condemned as excessive and an affront to the First Amendment right to freedom of assembly.[23][24]
Local resident Rahul Dubey, was widely praised by protesters after he allowed over seventy of them to spend the night in his row home after being boxed in by police officers.[25] At least one of the protesters inside the home live streamed the incident and the interactions between the police and Dubey after the police refused to leave from his doorstep, and created a large social media following of the story.[26]

June 2

National Guard and U.S. Marshals at the Lincoln Memorial on June 2, 2020
Protest at Capitol Hill on June 2
On Tuesday, up to 2,000 people demonstrated, the largest crowd up to that date. Senator Elizabeth Warren and her husband Bruce H. Mann spoke with protesters. The protests centered on Lafayette Square in front of the White House, and also included a march to the Capitol Building.[27]
The President and First Lady visited Saint John Paul II National Shrine during the day, drawing the condemnation of Archbishop Wilton Daniel Gregory, the head of the Archdiocese of Washington,[28] as well as a crowd of two hundred peaceful protesters nearby.[29]
Overall, federal law enforcement presence was notably increased, which Mayor Muriel Bowser said was not the result of a request by the city.[27] In contrast with previous days, little violence occurred.[30]

June 3

Protest at the United States Capitol on June 3
Over 5,000 were estimated to have taken part in peaceful demonstrations across the city, including those well past curfew into Thursday morning. No arrests were made, and no confrontations with police or damage to police property occurred.[31]
One group of protesters marched a route through the city, with National Guard troops and federal agents monitoring. Barricades had been erected around certain areas of the capital and were maintained by Capitol Police. The names of those who had died in previous police encounters were read aloud, and protesters had demonstrated in front of the Capitol building and the Trump International Hotel. In the evening protesters gathered in Lafayette Park or staged a die-in on Pennsylvania Avenue for about eight minutes chanting, "I can't breathe".[32]
Barr announced that he would "flood the zone" in D.C. by bringing in law enforcement agents from multiple federal agencies. Barr himself was supervising the operation from an FBI command center in Washington's Chinatown.[33] The deployment involved at least 5,800 troops, agents, and officers including personnel from the National Guard, US Secret Service, US Park Police, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Drug Enforcement Administration, US Marshals Service, Bureau of Prisons, Customs and Border Protection, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Federal Protective Service and the Transportation Security Administration.[34] The heavily armed officers wore uniforms with no name badges and no insignia to show what agency they worked for, and they refused to answer questions.[35]

June 4

Installation of a fence around Lafayette Park on June 4
Thursday was the first day the municipal government did not impose a curfew since Sunday.[36] Protests on June 4 were peaceful and D.C. police did not make a single arrest.[37]
During the day, several hundred protesters gathered peacefully, kneeling with raised fists at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, which in previous days had been blocked off by National Guard soldiers.[36] A large die-in was held for over eight minutes at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial as well.[31] Around 8pm,[36] a thunderstorm rolled in and dispersed protesters at the White House.[36] Two National Guardsman, non-critically injured by a lightning strike in Lafayette Square shortly after midnight, were the only reported casualties of the protests.[31]
An internal document (“Domestic Unrest -- Washington D.C. Overview”) compiled June 4, 2020 for General Mark Milley and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, reports that 7,600 troops or personnel were deployed (5885) in Washington, D.C. or stationed (1,704) nearby. 2,935 National Guard troops, 500 U.S. Capitol Police, 500 Metropolitan Police Department and 500 U.S. Secret Service, 445 Bureau of Prisons staff,[38] 168 U.S. Marshals Service members, 160 Drug Enforcement Administration employees, 80 U.S. Park Police and 32 FBI agents were deployed in Washington, D.C. 1,704 active-duty Army troops were stationed at Andrews Air Force Base, Fort Belvoir and Fort Myer.[39]

June 5

Part of the mural reading "Black Lives Matter" painted on 16th Street NW on June 5
On June 5 muralists painted the words "Black Lives Matter" in 35-foot letters on 16th Street NW leading up to the White House and Lafayette Square with the assistance of the city government, which gave the section of the street the honorary name Black Lives Matter Plaza.[40][41][42]
Mayor Bowser asked Trump to "withdraw all extraordinary law enforcement and military presence from Washington, D.C.", noting that protests the night before had been peaceful and she has ended the protest-related state of emergency in the city.[37] The Pentagon later that day announced it was withdrawing 1,600 active-duty troops it had deployed near the city.[43]

June 6

Protesters on June 6
Demonstrations on Saturday featured over 10,000 people, the most of any in the city up to that point. Among the protesters that day were Senators Mitt Romney, Elizabeth Warren, and Representative John Lewis.[44] The largest were centered around the White House, as in previous days, specifically several blocks running up to it on 16th Street. Other gatherings occurred intermittently at various locations, including 14th & U Street, Meridian Hill Park, the Lincoln Memorial, the Capitol Building, Chinatown, and Thomas Circle.[45][46] Some of these marches subsequently converged on 16th Street.[47]
Law enforcement presence was heavily scaled back, and the atmosphere resembled what some participants characterized as resembling a "block party" or "festival", in sharp contrast to the previous weekend.[45] Some individuals spray-painted "Defund the Police" on the street where "Black Lives Matter" had been painted earlier the previous day, in a move intended to criticize Mayor Bowser, who also spoke at the protests near the White House.[45][44]
Police reported one arrest, for property damage, related to the protests on the 6th.[47]

June 7

Protests continued on Sunday June 7. Protests at the new Black Lives Matter Plaza on 16th Street in front of the White House remained peaceful in the evening.[48] The atmosphere of the protests was described in media as less tense than in previous days. In a tweet, President Trump said he had ordered the National Guard to withdraw.[47]

June 19

On the night of Juneteenth protesters gathered at the Albert Pike Memorial in Judiciary Square and using ropes and chains toppled the statue of Pike. The statue was set on fire and a few minutes later local police extinguished the flames.[49] The statue was removed the following day by the National Park Service (NPS).[50] In response to the Pike statue being toppled, Trump tweeted: "The D.C. police are not doing their job as they watch a statue be ripped down & burn. These people should be immediately arrested. A disgrace to our Country!" Because the memorial is in a federal park, it is under jurisdiction of the NPS and U.S. Park Police, not the local police.[49]

June 23

Clark Mills' equestrian statue of Andrew Jackson north of the White House in May 2008.
Hundreds of protesters gathered near Clark Mills' 1842 equestrian statue of Andrew Jackson in Lafayette Square within President's Park. Protesters spray painted "killer" and other phrases on the pedestal. Rioters then affixed ropes to the statue and unsuccessfully attempted to pull it down. Police used batons and pepper spray to disperse the crowd.[51]
Several days later, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) charged four men with destruction of federal property for allegedly trying to bring down the statue. The Justice Department alleged that a video showed one of the men breaking off and destroying the wheels of the cannons located at the base of the statue as well as pulling on ropes when trying to bring down the statue.[52]
Soon afterwards, the DOJ announced the arrest and charging of a man who was not only allegedly seen on video climbing up onto the Jackson statue and affixing a rope that was then used to try to pull the statue down, but also had on June 20 helped destroy Gaetano Trentanove's 1901 Albert Pike Memorial statue near Washington's Judiciary Square by pulling it from its base and setting it on fire. The DOJ's complaint alleged that the man had been captured on video dousing the federally-owned Pike statue with a flammable liquid, igniting it as it lay on the ground and using the fire to light a cigarette.[53]
Neither did a republican president. What is your point? Linkie?
Either you are willfully ignorant of the facts, truly ignorant or just lying. Here's something you'll spin like a top to deny:

Incitement Timeline: Year of Trump’s Actions Leading to the Attack on the Capitol​


1983: Far-left extremists bomb the Senate Chamber,_D.C.

May 29

Protest at 14th and U Street NW on May 29
The White House was on lockdown the night of May 29 in response to protests reaching the gates.[2] The protests began at 7:00 p.m. By 8:30 p.m., the White House lockdown was lifted as protesters began to leave. At 10:00 p.m., the protesters returned, however by 3:30 am Saturday the protesters were more subdued. The protesters came into conflict with the United States Secret Service. At times, the protesters got close enough to inflict minor injuries on certain officers. At one point the protesters were pepper sprayed.[3] Several Secret Service agents reportedly suffered broken bones due to rocks and bottles of urine and alcohol thrown at them by rioters.[4][5]
As a result of the protests, the Secret Service rushed President Donald Trump to shelter in the White House underground bunker, where he remained for almost one hour.[6][7] This occurred after some protesters crossed temporary barricades set up near the Treasury Department buildings. Around that time, the Secret Service alert level was raised to "red". The president's wife and son were also brought to the bunker.[8] Trump later falsely claimed that he had only gone to the bunker for an "inspection", and also claimed that he was in the bunker "for a tiny, little short period of time".[9][10] Attorney General William Barr later stated that the May 29 protests "were so bad that the Secret Service recommended that the President go down to the bunker".[11]
President Trump responded to the White House protesters on Twitter, saying that if they had crossed the White House fence they would have been attacked by "the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons". He also stated that "many Secret Service agents [are] just waiting for action", and accused the protesters of being "professionally organized".[12]
The Secret Service reported that six people were arrested in Lafayette Square within President's Park, directly north of the White House. The Metropolitan Police Department and US Park Police were also on the scene.[13]

May 30

Vehicles on fire, May 30
Protesters gathered around the White House again on May 30.[14] Police vehicles were damaged with one protester graffitiing words disparaging the President.[15] Monuments on the National Mall including the Lincoln Memorial and National World War II Memorial were defaced.[16]

May 31

Protest at 15th and I Street NW on May 31
On May 31, dozens of businesses in CityCenter, Georgetown, and Farragut Square were looted.[17]
A BBC cameraman, Peter Murtaugh, was purposely attacked by police outside the White House. Murtaugh filmed a line of police officers charging without warning, whereby a shield-wielding officer tackled Murtaugh to the ground. A fellow BBC journalist said the attack had occurred before a curfew was imposed.[18][19]

June 1

President Donald Trump held a bible in front of St. John's Episcopal Church
In response to violent protests and riots, Mayor Bowser announced a citywide curfew from 7pm to 6am, which remained in effect through June 3. An additional curfew from 11pm to 6am was added for the night of June 3.[20][21]
Law enforcement officers used tear gas and other riot control tactics to forcefully clear peaceful protesters from Lafayette Square and surrounding streets. Minutes later, President Donald Trump and senior administration officials walked from the White House to St. John's Episcopal Church. Trump held up a Bible and posed for a photo op in front of Ashburton House (the church's parish house), which had been damaged by a fire during protests the night before.[22] The clearing of demonstrators from Lafayette Square was widely condemned as excessive and an affront to the First Amendment right to freedom of assembly.[23][24]
Local resident Rahul Dubey, was widely praised by protesters after he allowed over seventy of them to spend the night in his row home after being boxed in by police officers.[25] At least one of the protesters inside the home live streamed the incident and the interactions between the police and Dubey after the police refused to leave from his doorstep, and created a large social media following of the story.[26]

June 2

National Guard and U.S. Marshals at the Lincoln Memorial on June 2, 2020
Protest at Capitol Hill on June 2
On Tuesday, up to 2,000 people demonstrated, the largest crowd up to that date. Senator Elizabeth Warren and her husband Bruce H. Mann spoke with protesters. The protests centered on Lafayette Square in front of the White House, and also included a march to the Capitol Building.[27]
The President and First Lady visited Saint John Paul II National Shrine during the day, drawing the condemnation of Archbishop Wilton Daniel Gregory, the head of the Archdiocese of Washington,[28] as well as a crowd of two hundred peaceful protesters nearby.[29]
Overall, federal law enforcement presence was notably increased, which Mayor Muriel Bowser said was not the result of a request by the city.[27] In contrast with previous days, little violence occurred.[30]

June 3

Protest at the United States Capitol on June 3
Over 5,000 were estimated to have taken part in peaceful demonstrations across the city, including those well past curfew into Thursday morning. No arrests were made, and no confrontations with police or damage to police property occurred.[31]
One group of protesters marched a route through the city, with National Guard troops and federal agents monitoring. Barricades had been erected around certain areas of the capital and were maintained by Capitol Police. The names of those who had died in previous police encounters were read aloud, and protesters had demonstrated in front of the Capitol building and the Trump International Hotel. In the evening protesters gathered in Lafayette Park or staged a die-in on Pennsylvania Avenue for about eight minutes chanting, "I can't breathe".[32]
Barr announced that he would "flood the zone" in D.C. by bringing in law enforcement agents from multiple federal agencies. Barr himself was supervising the operation from an FBI command center in Washington's Chinatown.[33] The deployment involved at least 5,800 troops, agents, and officers including personnel from the National Guard, US Secret Service, US Park Police, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Drug Enforcement Administration, US Marshals Service, Bureau of Prisons, Customs and Border Protection, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Federal Protective Service and the Transportation Security Administration.[34] The heavily armed officers wore uniforms with no name badges and no insignia to show what agency they worked for, and they refused to answer questions.[35]

June 4

Installation of a fence around Lafayette Park on June 4
Thursday was the first day the municipal government did not impose a curfew since Sunday.[36] Protests on June 4 were peaceful and D.C. police did not make a single arrest.[37]
During the day, several hundred protesters gathered peacefully, kneeling with raised fists at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, which in previous days had been blocked off by National Guard soldiers.[36] A large die-in was held for over eight minutes at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial as well.[31] Around 8pm,[36] a thunderstorm rolled in and dispersed protesters at the White House.[36] Two National Guardsman, non-critically injured by a lightning strike in Lafayette Square shortly after midnight, were the only reported casualties of the protests.[31]
An internal document (“Domestic Unrest -- Washington D.C. Overview”) compiled June 4, 2020 for General Mark Milley and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, reports that 7,600 troops or personnel were deployed (5885) in Washington, D.C. or stationed (1,704) nearby. 2,935 National Guard troops, 500 U.S. Capitol Police, 500 Metropolitan Police Department and 500 U.S. Secret Service, 445 Bureau of Prisons staff,[38] 168 U.S. Marshals Service members, 160 Drug Enforcement Administration employees, 80 U.S. Park Police and 32 FBI agents were deployed in Washington, D.C. 1,704 active-duty Army troops were stationed at Andrews Air Force Base, Fort Belvoir and Fort Myer.[39]

June 5

Part of the mural reading "Black Lives Matter" painted on 16th Street NW on June 5
On June 5 muralists painted the words "Black Lives Matter" in 35-foot letters on 16th Street NW leading up to the White House and Lafayette Square with the assistance of the city government, which gave the section of the street the honorary name Black Lives Matter Plaza.[40][41][42]
Mayor Bowser asked Trump to "withdraw all extraordinary law enforcement and military presence from Washington, D.C.", noting that protests the night before had been peaceful and she has ended the protest-related state of emergency in the city.[37] The Pentagon later that day announced it was withdrawing 1,600 active-duty troops it had deployed near the city.[43]

June 6

Protesters on June 6
Demonstrations on Saturday featured over 10,000 people, the most of any in the city up to that point. Among the protesters that day were Senators Mitt Romney, Elizabeth Warren, and Representative John Lewis.[44] The largest were centered around the White House, as in previous days, specifically several blocks running up to it on 16th Street. Other gatherings occurred intermittently at various locations, including 14th & U Street, Meridian Hill Park, the Lincoln Memorial, the Capitol Building, Chinatown, and Thomas Circle.[45][46] Some of these marches subsequently converged on 16th Street.[47]
Law enforcement presence was heavily scaled back, and the atmosphere resembled what some participants characterized as resembling a "block party" or "festival", in sharp contrast to the previous weekend.[45] Some individuals spray-painted "Defund the Police" on the street where "Black Lives Matter" had been painted earlier the previous day, in a move intended to criticize Mayor Bowser, who also spoke at the protests near the White House.[45][44]
Police reported one arrest, for property damage, related to the protests on the 6th.[47]

June 7

Protests continued on Sunday June 7. Protests at the new Black Lives Matter Plaza on 16th Street in front of the White House remained peaceful in the evening.[48] The atmosphere of the protests was described in media as less tense than in previous days. In a tweet, President Trump said he had ordered the National Guard to withdraw.[47]

June 19

On the night of Juneteenth protesters gathered at the Albert Pike Memorial in Judiciary Square and using ropes and chains toppled the statue of Pike. The statue was set on fire and a few minutes later local police extinguished the flames.[49] The statue was removed the following day by the National Park Service (NPS).[50] In response to the Pike statue being toppled, Trump tweeted: "The D.C. police are not doing their job as they watch a statue be ripped down & burn. These people should be immediately arrested. A disgrace to our Country!" Because the memorial is in a federal park, it is under jurisdiction of the NPS and U.S. Park Police, not the local police.[49]

June 23

Clark Mills' equestrian statue of Andrew Jackson north of the White House in May 2008.
Hundreds of protesters gathered near Clark Mills' 1842 equestrian statue of Andrew Jackson in Lafayette Square within President's Park. Protesters spray painted "killer" and other phrases on the pedestal. Rioters then affixed ropes to the statue and unsuccessfully attempted to pull it down. Police used batons and pepper spray to disperse the crowd.[51]
Several days later, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) charged four men with destruction of federal property for allegedly trying to bring down the statue. The Justice Department alleged that a video showed one of the men breaking off and destroying the wheels of the cannons located at the base of the statue as well as pulling on ropes when trying to bring down the statue.[52]
Soon afterwards, the DOJ announced the arrest and charging of a man who was not only allegedly seen on video climbing up onto the Jackson statue and affixing a rope that was then used to try to pull the statue down, but also had on June 20 helped destroy Gaetano Trentanove's 1901 Albert Pike Memorial statue near Washington's Judiciary Square by pulling it from its base and setting it on fire. The DOJ's complaint alleged that the man had been captured on video dousing the federally-owned Pike statue with a flammable liquid, igniting it as it lay on the ground and using the fire to light a cigarette.[53]

You need Hooked on Phonics. Protests arent attacks on the capitol.
Right, completely legitimate police shootings of thugs is nothing like equating a few angry Americans to a 'rampaging mob'. How silly of you. The whole thugs getting themselves killed wasn't a one time thing, it was multiple cases of individual stupidity spread across the nation. Yet you folks are still crying and screaming about a little tiff back in winter.
your revisionism is pathetic, as Chauvin was found guilty. If Brown's situation was based on an APB regarding $50 worth of theft, that would have been a different story. Instead, it all boils down to an idiot Brown mouthing off to a cop for potential jay walking, and an idiot cop letting things get to a point where he uses deadly and unnecessary force. All you are good for is just making a claim and then repeating it ad nausea, as if it will magically come true. Goebbels would be proud of you, but look how that tactic ended for him.
Last edited:

1983: Far-left extremists bomb the Senate Chamber,_D.C.

May 29

Protest at 14th and U Street NW on May 29
The White House was on lockdown the night of May 29 in response to protests reaching the gates.[2] The protests began at 7:00 p.m. By 8:30 p.m., the White House lockdown was lifted as protesters began to leave. At 10:00 p.m., the protesters returned, however by 3:30 am Saturday the protesters were more subdued. The protesters came into conflict with the United States Secret Service. At times, the protesters got close enough to inflict minor injuries on certain officers. At one point the protesters were pepper sprayed.[3] Several Secret Service agents reportedly suffered broken bones due to rocks and bottles of urine and alcohol thrown at them by rioters.[4][5]
As a result of the protests, the Secret Service rushed President Donald Trump to shelter in the White House underground bunker, where he remained for almost one hour.[6][7] This occurred after some protesters crossed temporary barricades set up near the Treasury Department buildings. Around that time, the Secret Service alert level was raised to "red". The president's wife and son were also brought to the bunker.[8] Trump later falsely claimed that he had only gone to the bunker for an "inspection", and also claimed that he was in the bunker "for a tiny, little short period of time".[9][10] Attorney General William Barr later stated that the May 29 protests "were so bad that the Secret Service recommended that the President go down to the bunker".[11]
President Trump responded to the White House protesters on Twitter, saying that if they had crossed the White House fence they would have been attacked by "the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons". He also stated that "many Secret Service agents [are] just waiting for action", and accused the protesters of being "professionally organized".[12]
The Secret Service reported that six people were arrested in Lafayette Square within President's Park, directly north of the White House. The Metropolitan Police Department and US Park Police were also on the scene.[13]

May 30

Vehicles on fire, May 30
Protesters gathered around the White House again on May 30.[14] Police vehicles were damaged with one protester graffitiing words disparaging the President.[15] Monuments on the National Mall including the Lincoln Memorial and National World War II Memorial were defaced.[16]

May 31

Protest at 15th and I Street NW on May 31
On May 31, dozens of businesses in CityCenter, Georgetown, and Farragut Square were looted.[17]
A BBC cameraman, Peter Murtaugh, was purposely attacked by police outside the White House. Murtaugh filmed a line of police officers charging without warning, whereby a shield-wielding officer tackled Murtaugh to the ground. A fellow BBC journalist said the attack had occurred before a curfew was imposed.[18][19]

June 1

President Donald Trump held a bible in front of St. John's Episcopal Church
In response to violent protests and riots, Mayor Bowser announced a citywide curfew from 7pm to 6am, which remained in effect through June 3. An additional curfew from 11pm to 6am was added for the night of June 3.[20][21]
Law enforcement officers used tear gas and other riot control tactics to forcefully clear peaceful protesters from Lafayette Square and surrounding streets. Minutes later, President Donald Trump and senior administration officials walked from the White House to St. John's Episcopal Church. Trump held up a Bible and posed for a photo op in front of Ashburton House (the church's parish house), which had been damaged by a fire during protests the night before.[22] The clearing of demonstrators from Lafayette Square was widely condemned as excessive and an affront to the First Amendment right to freedom of assembly.[23][24]
Local resident Rahul Dubey, was widely praised by protesters after he allowed over seventy of them to spend the night in his row home after being boxed in by police officers.[25] At least one of the protesters inside the home live streamed the incident and the interactions between the police and Dubey after the police refused to leave from his doorstep, and created a large social media following of the story.[26]

June 2

National Guard and U.S. Marshals at the Lincoln Memorial on June 2, 2020
Protest at Capitol Hill on June 2
On Tuesday, up to 2,000 people demonstrated, the largest crowd up to that date. Senator Elizabeth Warren and her husband Bruce H. Mann spoke with protesters. The protests centered on Lafayette Square in front of the White House, and also included a march to the Capitol Building.[27]
The President and First Lady visited Saint John Paul II National Shrine during the day, drawing the condemnation of Archbishop Wilton Daniel Gregory, the head of the Archdiocese of Washington,[28] as well as a crowd of two hundred peaceful protesters nearby.[29]
Overall, federal law enforcement presence was notably increased, which Mayor Muriel Bowser said was not the result of a request by the city.[27] In contrast with previous days, little violence occurred.[30]

June 3

Protest at the United States Capitol on June 3
Over 5,000 were estimated to have taken part in peaceful demonstrations across the city, including those well past curfew into Thursday morning. No arrests were made, and no confrontations with police or damage to police property occurred.[31]
One group of protesters marched a route through the city, with National Guard troops and federal agents monitoring. Barricades had been erected around certain areas of the capital and were maintained by Capitol Police. The names of those who had died in previous police encounters were read aloud, and protesters had demonstrated in front of the Capitol building and the Trump International Hotel. In the evening protesters gathered in Lafayette Park or staged a die-in on Pennsylvania Avenue for about eight minutes chanting, "I can't breathe".[32]
Barr announced that he would "flood the zone" in D.C. by bringing in law enforcement agents from multiple federal agencies. Barr himself was supervising the operation from an FBI command center in Washington's Chinatown.[33] The deployment involved at least 5,800 troops, agents, and officers including personnel from the National Guard, US Secret Service, US Park Police, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Drug Enforcement Administration, US Marshals Service, Bureau of Prisons, Customs and Border Protection, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Federal Protective Service and the Transportation Security Administration.[34] The heavily armed officers wore uniforms with no name badges and no insignia to show what agency they worked for, and they refused to answer questions.[35]

June 4

Installation of a fence around Lafayette Park on June 4
Thursday was the first day the municipal government did not impose a curfew since Sunday.[36] Protests on June 4 were peaceful and D.C. police did not make a single arrest.[37]
During the day, several hundred protesters gathered peacefully, kneeling with raised fists at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, which in previous days had been blocked off by National Guard soldiers.[36] A large die-in was held for over eight minutes at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial as well.[31] Around 8pm,[36] a thunderstorm rolled in and dispersed protesters at the White House.[36] Two National Guardsman, non-critically injured by a lightning strike in Lafayette Square shortly after midnight, were the only reported casualties of the protests.[31]
An internal document (“Domestic Unrest -- Washington D.C. Overview”) compiled June 4, 2020 for General Mark Milley and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, reports that 7,600 troops or personnel were deployed (5885) in Washington, D.C. or stationed (1,704) nearby. 2,935 National Guard troops, 500 U.S. Capitol Police, 500 Metropolitan Police Department and 500 U.S. Secret Service, 445 Bureau of Prisons staff,[38] 168 U.S. Marshals Service members, 160 Drug Enforcement Administration employees, 80 U.S. Park Police and 32 FBI agents were deployed in Washington, D.C. 1,704 active-duty Army troops were stationed at Andrews Air Force Base, Fort Belvoir and Fort Myer.[39]

June 5

Part of the mural reading "Black Lives Matter" painted on 16th Street NW on June 5
On June 5 muralists painted the words "Black Lives Matter" in 35-foot letters on 16th Street NW leading up to the White House and Lafayette Square with the assistance of the city government, which gave the section of the street the honorary name Black Lives Matter Plaza.[40][41][42]
Mayor Bowser asked Trump to "withdraw all extraordinary law enforcement and military presence from Washington, D.C.", noting that protests the night before had been peaceful and she has ended the protest-related state of emergency in the city.[37] The Pentagon later that day announced it was withdrawing 1,600 active-duty troops it had deployed near the city.[43]

June 6

Protesters on June 6
Demonstrations on Saturday featured over 10,000 people, the most of any in the city up to that point. Among the protesters that day were Senators Mitt Romney, Elizabeth Warren, and Representative John Lewis.[44] The largest were centered around the White House, as in previous days, specifically several blocks running up to it on 16th Street. Other gatherings occurred intermittently at various locations, including 14th & U Street, Meridian Hill Park, the Lincoln Memorial, the Capitol Building, Chinatown, and Thomas Circle.[45][46] Some of these marches subsequently converged on 16th Street.[47]
Law enforcement presence was heavily scaled back, and the atmosphere resembled what some participants characterized as resembling a "block party" or "festival", in sharp contrast to the previous weekend.[45] Some individuals spray-painted "Defund the Police" on the street where "Black Lives Matter" had been painted earlier the previous day, in a move intended to criticize Mayor Bowser, who also spoke at the protests near the White House.[45][44]
Police reported one arrest, for property damage, related to the protests on the 6th.[47]

June 7

Protests continued on Sunday June 7. Protests at the new Black Lives Matter Plaza on 16th Street in front of the White House remained peaceful in the evening.[48] The atmosphere of the protests was described in media as less tense than in previous days. In a tweet, President Trump said he had ordered the National Guard to withdraw.[47]

June 19

On the night of Juneteenth protesters gathered at the Albert Pike Memorial in Judiciary Square and using ropes and chains toppled the statue of Pike. The statue was set on fire and a few minutes later local police extinguished the flames.[49] The statue was removed the following day by the National Park Service (NPS).[50] In response to the Pike statue being toppled, Trump tweeted: "The D.C. police are not doing their job as they watch a statue be ripped down & burn. These people should be immediately arrested. A disgrace to our Country!" Because the memorial is in a federal park, it is under jurisdiction of the NPS and U.S. Park Police, not the local police.[49]

June 23

Clark Mills' equestrian statue of Andrew Jackson north of the White House in May 2008.
Hundreds of protesters gathered near Clark Mills' 1842 equestrian statue of Andrew Jackson in Lafayette Square within President's Park. Protesters spray painted "killer" and other phrases on the pedestal. Rioters then affixed ropes to the statue and unsuccessfully attempted to pull it down. Police used batons and pepper spray to disperse the crowd.[51]
Several days later, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) charged four men with destruction of federal property for allegedly trying to bring down the statue. The Justice Department alleged that a video showed one of the men breaking off and destroying the wheels of the cannons located at the base of the statue as well as pulling on ropes when trying to bring down the statue.[52]
Soon afterwards, the DOJ announced the arrest and charging of a man who was not only allegedly seen on video climbing up onto the Jackson statue and affixing a rope that was then used to try to pull the statue down, but also had on June 20 helped destroy Gaetano Trentanove's 1901 Albert Pike Memorial statue near Washington's Judiciary Square by pulling it from its base and setting it on fire. The DOJ's complaint alleged that the man had been captured on video dousing the federally-owned Pike statue with a flammable liquid, igniting it as it lay on the ground and using the fire to light a cigarette.[53]

Again, where is the definitive link that shows a Democratic President inciting a riot because he lost an election? Or for that matter, Democratic senators or congressmen urging or condoning violent riots?
Again, where is the definitive link that shows a Democratic President inciting a riot because he lost an election? Or for that matter, Democratic senators or congressmen urging or condoning violent riots?
Where is the "definitive link" that shows a Republican president inciting a riot because he lost an election?

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