Pelosi Appoints Anti-Jew Rep. Ilhan Omar To House Foreign Affairs Committee

There were 3 people speaking Arabic in Palestine prior to Israel.
- Arabic speaking Muslims who see Jesus as a prophet.
- Arabic speaking Christians see believe Jesus is God.
- Arabic speaking Jews who rejected, and even killed Christ.

What makes the Jew more of an ancient Hebrew?

If anything Palestinian Christians are God's Chosen people, they are just Levant people of the Holy land, who worshiped Jesus.
You're denying Scripture now. Do you realize that?

You obviously missed that Jews killed, and rejected Christ, the ones who worshiped Jesus became Palestinian Christians, the ones who moved to Europe, and spoke Yiddish, a German dialect, are the Synagogue of Satan, (Presumably)
Yes, many Jews rejected Jesus, but many Jews believed on Jesus. That's what you're denying.

A Jew who believed in Jesus, is what you call a Christian.

Probably most pro-Christ Jews became Palestinian Christians.
There are Christian Jews all around the world. I suggested a book to you by a Christian Rabbi. You really should get it.

When are you converting to Judaism?
Leave it to dumb Evangelicals, to think Jews who rejected, and killed Christ (God), are God's Chosen people.

You can't make up such stupidity.
God has never rejected Israel.

Israel has rejected God, they mock Jesus on their TV even.

What about the Christian Jews all around the planet?

Most Jews aren't Christians, however.

True. That was true when Jesus was put on the cross and hasn't changed. However, that doesn't mean God has abandoned
You're denying Scripture now. Do you realize that?

You obviously missed that Jews killed, and rejected Christ, the ones who worshiped Jesus became Palestinian Christians, the ones who moved to Europe, and spoke Yiddish, a German dialect, are the Synagogue of Satan, (Presumably)
Yes, many Jews rejected Jesus, but many Jews believed on Jesus. That's what you're denying.

A Jew who believed in Jesus, is what you call a Christian.

Probably most pro-Christ Jews became Palestinian Christians.
There are Christian Jews all around the world. I suggested a book to you by a Christian Rabbi. You really should get it.

When are you converting to Judaism?
I became a Jew when I became a Christian. The New Testament says I'm grafted into Jesus. You're a Jew if you believe in Jesus.
Leave it to dumb Evangelicals, to think Jews who rejected, and killed Christ (God), are God's Chosen people.

You can't make up such stupidity.
God has never rejected Israel.

Israel has rejected God, they mock Jesus on their TV even.

What about the Christian Jews all around the planet?

Most Jews aren't Christians, however.

True. That was true when Jesus was put on the cross and hasn't changed. However, that doesn't mean God has abandoned
You obviously missed that Jews killed, and rejected Christ, the ones who worshiped Jesus became Palestinian Christians, the ones who moved to Europe, and spoke Yiddish, a German dialect, are the Synagogue of Satan, (Presumably)
Yes, many Jews rejected Jesus, but many Jews believed on Jesus. That's what you're denying.

A Jew who believed in Jesus, is what you call a Christian.

Probably most pro-Christ Jews became Palestinian Christians.
There are Christian Jews all around the world. I suggested a book to you by a Christian Rabbi. You really should get it.

When are you converting to Judaism?
I became a Jew when I became a Christian. The New Testament says I'm grafted into Jesus. You're a Jew if you believe in Jesus.

No, Jews are those who reject Jesus, and killed Jesus.
Christians are those who accept, and respect Jesus.
Why do you believe anyone who points out the racist nature of Israeli law is anti-Semitic?

"The head of the Arab Joint List Alliance at the Israeli Knesset (Parliament), Aymen Odeh, described the passing of the racist Jewish Nation-state Law as 'the death of our democracy.'

"Did Odeh truly believe that, prior to this law, he had lived in a true democracy?

"70 years of Israeli Jewish supremacy, genocide, ethnic cleansing, wars, sieges, mass incarceration, numerous discriminatory laws, all aimed at the very destruction of the Palestinian people should have given enough clues that Israel was never a democracy, to begin with.

"The Jewish Nation-state Law is merely the icing on the cake. It simply gave those who argued, all along, that Israel’s attempt at combining democracy with ethnic supremacy was racism masquerading as democracy, the munition they needed to further illustrate the point."
1/3 of Israel is Arab. Arabs are in the Israeli Parliament and military.

What happens if one Jew wants to live in the West Bank?
1/3 of Israel is Arab. Arabs are in the Israeli Parliament and military.

What happens if one Jew wants to live in the West Bank?
Why don't you pick one and ask?

Statistics on Settlements and Settler Population

"There are an estimated 622,670 settlers in the West Bank.

"This figure is derived from two sources: According to data provided by Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), at the end of 2017, 413,400 people were living in the settlements of the West Bank, excluding East Jerusalem.

"According to data provided by the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, the population of the Israeli neighborhoods in East Jerusalem numbered 209,270 people at the end of 2016."
You don’t even know what the West Bank is.

Your ignorance is what drives your hate.

I’ll ask again.

1/3 of Israel is Arab. Arabs are in the Israeli Parliament and military. They live in peace without fear.

What happens if one Jew wants to live in the West Bank? Let alone be in the Pal Government or military.
1/3 of Israel is Arab. Arabs are in the Israeli Parliament and military. They live in peace without fear.
They live as second class citizens which is exactly what one would expect as non-Jews residing in a racist Jewish state:

Arab citizens of Israel - Wikipedia

"Many Arab citizens feel that the state, as well as society at large, not only actively limits them to second-class citizenship, but treats them as enemies, affecting their perception of the de jure versus de facto quality of their citizenship.[206]

"The joint document The Future Vision of the Palestinian Arabs in Israel, asserts: 'Defining the Israeli State as a Jewish State and exploiting democracy in the service of its Jewishness excludes us, and creates tension between us and the nature and essence of the State.'

"The document explains that by definition the 'Jewish State' concept is based on ethnically preferential treatment towards Jews enshrined in immigration (the Law of Return) and land policy (the Jewish National Fund), and calls for the establishment of minority rights protections enforced by an independent anti-discrimination commission.[207"
Leave it to dumb Evangelicals, to think Jews who rejected, and killed Christ (God), are God's Chosen people.

You can't make up such stupidity.
God has never rejected Israel.

Israel has rejected God, they mock Jesus on their TV even.

Because billions of Hindus don’t.

Do Hindus mock Jesus?

They think highly of cows; Jesus isn’t in their caste system so he’s lower than a cow.
That’s what Hindus think of non-Hindus.
Wrong. Most of them have immigrated since 1948.

From 1918 - 1946 the Jewish population jumped from 8.1% to 30.0% of Palestine.
Jewish & Non-Jewish Population of Israel/Palestine (1517-Present)

Between 1920 - 1945
over 367,000 Jews
and just over 33,000 Arabs had migrated to Palestine.

I already told you the so-called "Palestinians" migrated after the Jews turned the place into a paradise, not before.

No they didn't, and my chart proves it.
It does no such thing. In the chart below, notice the sharp increase in the Arab population after the Six Day War.


It's called birth rates, never heard of that?
Births didn't increase the Arab population by 500% in 35 years, numskull.
Why do you believe anyone who points out the racist nature of Israeli law is anti-Semitic?

"The head of the Arab Joint List Alliance at the Israeli Knesset (Parliament), Aymen Odeh, described the passing of the racist Jewish Nation-state Law as 'the death of our democracy.'

"Did Odeh truly believe that, prior to this law, he had lived in a true democracy?

"70 years of Israeli Jewish supremacy, genocide, ethnic cleansing, wars, sieges, mass incarceration, numerous discriminatory laws, all aimed at the very destruction of the Palestinian people should have given enough clues that Israel was never a democracy, to begin with.

"The Jewish Nation-state Law is merely the icing on the cake. It simply gave those who argued, all along, that Israel’s attempt at combining democracy with ethnic supremacy was racism masquerading as democracy, the munition they needed to further illustrate the point."
1/3 of Israel is Arab. Arabs are in the Israeli Parliament and military.

What happens if one Jew wants to live in the West Bank?
1/3 of Israel is Arab. Arabs are in the Israeli Parliament and military.

What happens if one Jew wants to live in the West Bank?
Why don't you pick one and ask?

Statistics on Settlements and Settler Population

"There are an estimated 622,670 settlers in the West Bank.

"This figure is derived from two sources: According to data provided by Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), at the end of 2017, 413,400 people were living in the settlements of the West Bank, excluding East Jerusalem.

"According to data provided by the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, the population of the Israeli neighborhoods in East Jerusalem numbered 209,270 people at the end of 2016."
You don’t even know what the West Bank is.

Your ignorance is what drives your hate.

I’ll ask again.

1/3 of Israel is Arab. Arabs are in the Israeli Parliament and military. They live in peace without fear.

What happens if one Jew wants to live in the West Bank? Let alone be in the Pal Government or military.
1/3 of Israel is Arab. Arabs are in the Israeli Parliament and military. They live in peace without fear.
They live as second class citizens which is exactly what one would expect as non-Jews residing in a racist Jewish state:

Arab citizens of Israel - Wikipedia

"Many Arab citizens feel that the state, as well as society at large, not only actively limits them to second-class citizenship, but treats them as enemies, affecting their perception of the de jure versus de facto quality of their citizenship.[206]

"The joint document The Future Vision of the Palestinian Arabs in Israel, asserts: 'Defining the Israeli State as a Jewish State and exploiting democracy in the service of its Jewishness excludes us, and creates tension between us and the nature and essence of the State.'

"The document explains that by definition the 'Jewish State' concept is based on ethnically preferential treatment towards Jews enshrined in immigration (the Law of Return) and land policy (the Jewish National Fund), and calls for the establishment of minority rights protections enforced by an independent anti-discrimination commission.[207"

Yeah...and a Jew living in Palestine would be so much more welcomed... :rolleyes:
Why do you believe anyone who points out the racist nature of Israeli law is anti-Semitic?

"The head of the Arab Joint List Alliance at the Israeli Knesset (Parliament), Aymen Odeh, described the passing of the racist Jewish Nation-state Law as 'the death of our democracy.'

"Did Odeh truly believe that, prior to this law, he had lived in a true democracy?

"70 years of Israeli Jewish supremacy, genocide, ethnic cleansing, wars, sieges, mass incarceration, numerous discriminatory laws, all aimed at the very destruction of the Palestinian people should have given enough clues that Israel was never a democracy, to begin with.

"The Jewish Nation-state Law is merely the icing on the cake. It simply gave those who argued, all along, that Israel’s attempt at combining democracy with ethnic supremacy was racism masquerading as democracy, the munition they needed to further illustrate the point."
1/3 of Israel is Arab. Arabs are in the Israeli Parliament and military.

What happens if one Jew wants to live in the West Bank?
1/3 of Israel is Arab. Arabs are in the Israeli Parliament and military.

What happens if one Jew wants to live in the West Bank?
Why don't you pick one and ask?

Statistics on Settlements and Settler Population

"There are an estimated 622,670 settlers in the West Bank.

"This figure is derived from two sources: According to data provided by Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), at the end of 2017, 413,400 people were living in the settlements of the West Bank, excluding East Jerusalem.

"According to data provided by the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, the population of the Israeli neighborhoods in East Jerusalem numbered 209,270 people at the end of 2016."
You don’t even know what the West Bank is.

Your ignorance is what drives your hate.

I’ll ask again.

1/3 of Israel is Arab. Arabs are in the Israeli Parliament and military. They live in peace without fear.

What happens if one Jew wants to live in the West Bank? Let alone be in the Pal Government or military.
1/3 of Israel is Arab. Arabs are in the Israeli Parliament and military. They live in peace without fear.
They live as second class citizens which is exactly what one would expect as non-Jews residing in a racist Jewish state:

Arab citizens of Israel - Wikipedia

"Many Arab citizens feel that the state, as well as society at large, not only actively limits them to second-class citizenship, but treats them as enemies, affecting their perception of the de jure versus de facto quality of their citizenship.[206]

"The joint document The Future Vision of the Palestinian Arabs in Israel, asserts: 'Defining the Israeli State as a Jewish State and exploiting democracy in the service of its Jewishness excludes us, and creates tension between us and the nature and essence of the State.'

"The document explains that by definition the 'Jewish State' concept is based on ethnically preferential treatment towards Jews enshrined in immigration (the Law of Return) and land policy (the Jewish National Fund), and calls for the establishment of minority rights protections enforced by an independent anti-discrimination commission.[207"
One sec while I go change that wiki page.

I know several Arabs living in Israel. There’s good reasons they CHOOSE to live there.
Arafat the terrorist also won Nobel prize.
Because I believe Scripture and I believe in the One True Living God.

So, Jews who believe in their Talmud, that Jesus is boiling in excrement in Gehenna the Jewish version of Hell, is some how favorable, and makes them God's Chosen people?

More like Christians are God's Chosen people.

The real Christians who didn't leave the Holy land, are none other than Palestinian Christians, who are probably just a mix of pro-Christian Jews, Druze, Samaritians, Bedouins, and Arabs.
You're a filthy liar. You really are very sick.

Israel and Anti-Gentile Traditions | My Jewish Learning

In Jewish History, Jewish Religion Shahak brings numerous texts and legal rulings to demonstrate Jewish antipathy to non-Jews. He mentions a passage from the that says that Jesus will be punished in hell by being immersed in boiling excrement.

Tzoah Rotachat - Wikipedia

The presence of Jesus the Nazarene in boiling excrement is one of the disputed references to Jesus in the Talmud.[2] Onkelos raises up Yeshu by necromancy,[3] and asks him about his punishment in Gehinnom.[4][5] Jesus replies that he is in "boiling excrement."[6]

Talmud תלמוד by Tzvee Zahavy: Talmud says Jesus is punished in Hell for eternity in a cauldron of boiling excrement

Talmud says Jesus is punished in Hell for eternity in a cauldron of boiling excrement

We've known Peter Schaefer for years but have not read his book.

However after reading this early review we must say that the publication seems to fill a much-needed gap in the literature.
What the Talmud Really Says About Jesus
by David Klinghoffer, Religion BookLine -- 1/31/2007

Will Peter Schaefer's new book, Jesus in the Talmud (Mar.), be controversial? "I'm afraid so," Schaefer told RBL. "That's why I'm nervous."

Ah the fake Nazi Talmud - PROOF you are an Iranian.

Rabbi Shahak, Wikipedia, and Peter Schaefer a Princeton theologian expert are all wrong, that must be it.


You think you are the first Nazi to post lies....

The Real Truth About The Talmud
You lost me, SobieskiSavedEurope. I do not judge people based on the name of their political party, but whether they respond to common sense, and that's not judgment, I just put them on ignore for a few hours when they do not listen to good reason given by posters I've posted nearby since 2011 at this website (I took off 4 years during my late husband's suffering, death, then my missing him really bad for a couple of years). I know you don't know everybody here, and I know people change over time, sometimes even ditch a party, but they never learned what I know. This government passed a law alien to the constitution in 1914 called Income Tax to pay for a war, and they just never could get enough of other people's money to spend thereafter.

Because poor people worldwide want to better themselves, we had in place a good system of accepting an amount of foreigners we could accommodate by placing them on a waiting list and accepting them as we found sponsors here for them. It gave us truly good people to choose and bring in on an equal basis from all over. The Mexican government became so fond of furnishing people who sent their money back home to family it benefitted their society so much, they decided to push the rest of the world out and dump their prisons contents, insane asylums, and braindead drug users at their northern border to kill two birds with one stone. I became concerned after speaking with one of my relatives who administered one of the largest elementary schools ever built, and she told a chilling story of a border state that we are having extreme problems including having to part taxpayers' children in the back of the classroom just to satisfy state requirements that stated they had to educate the illegal foreign masses on an equal basis with American taxpayer children. That was right up until the time the numbers became so massive, the schools had no one to turn to, and no way to keep excellence as their goal for everyone. It's a little hard to first have to tell those who speak a foreign language what needs to be done in their own language, and wait till 5 minutes before the bell rings to get back to the literate people in the class who only speak English. That's when I realized if the people cannot wait their turn at the southern border to the other 195 other countries in the world can send a few people our way, we need to reestablish our system that works, because this one never will work, because we're spending several billion dollars we do not have on teaching people the Mexican government completely omitted from their help and who benefit tremendously when they in fact ignore our laws of entry for their massive profit. It also kills our chance of reaching out to countries in trouble, because all our resources are being tied up because the Democrats will not even consider closing the border NOR helping border states with what it is costing us. Not only that, but Obama brought in several million Muslims into the United States unannounced at the same time we were having border problems with Mexico, without solving problems and foisting on us the threat to freedom that Sharia law will be when all the babies are made. The first invasion requires the women to have a dozen babies apiece until they have majorities in key areas, and they orchestrate where they will live to create areas in which they quickly seize power, as in the case of Ilhan Omar, and she is the friend of terrorists and the enemies of everyone else who is not by faith a Muslim. She supports jihadists worldwide, and I've read her arguments and those of her supporters who play deaf and dumb to her plans for taking over this land in 50 years and has billions to get what she wants from those in Arab nations who want to join you in hating and eliminating Jews from America. Jews who sacrificed all they had to break away from monster magistrates and learn how to self rule by turning the formation over to the best thinkers on this continent to carry proposals to the last detail that would give government so that men of every kindred, tribe, and religion could govern themselves in a neutral-religious country that accepted people based on the content of their character, not the way they worshipped God.

Corruption by minorities to destroy the majority here has had its day. The only trouble is, one of the religions brought here is not a religion as we know it. It is a killing culture and was designed to destroy Jews first, then everybody else as time permitted. They have their foot in the door, and if we don't acknowledge that this is a culture, not a religion that cooperates and believes in letting people be free to choose their destiny, we will lose the nation to people who will kill every last person who crossed the Atlantic between the start of the seventeenth century (1600) until the here and now (2019). My understanding is that they send in emissaries until they have a total control over the political authority, advancing by stages until their final send-ins are nothing short of genocidal, blood drinking murder maniacs far worse than Hitler, and they have today over 300 million people to dispense with. Of course, that is not evident at present, but will be ever present to the natives here, regardless of religion or lack of it in the year 2065, because all that baby making and forceful proseylitizing, which has already converted blacks who are scheduled to someday return to society return as muslims that fit in with one of the 4 waves of muslim level types who are here. The Mullahs in the middle east have decided the only way they can murder Jews is by allying themselves with the Christian majority, decimate it, then when all the Jews are gone, they can easily get rid of the extreme Christians that weren't perverted into into a desultory Christian sect changed by society's fickle influences, who will be easy pickings for death once the extreme Christians are killed off, by passage of laws so repugnant extremists may try to fight them back. Their homework of allying themselves to other world powers is already in place. I can't figure out exactly where we are in their 4-stage takeover, but I have a feeling we're closing in on stage 3 of 4 if not already there. It took them 40 years more or less in Europe, because of their work with Hitler, which hastened their access, and they're happy to have so many greedy people in our government who'd sell 20% of uranium resources to Russia, whom they are cozy with, not to mention with Kim Jong Un who is Cozy with Russia because the Democrats pulled President Trump away from his attempts to resolve the border problem.

I used to think we were in stage 1, but Hillary's work with the powers that hate the US are so overworked, like Hitler, she was able to do us in with Uranium one deal that put a couple of hundred million into her husband's library to launder the money, probably others have similar sellouts to Russia who will collude with the 3rd world until they show them the knife, but by that time, the Muslims will have power to spare over here, because they have already infiltrated every imaginable resource and have their fingers all over the power grids, water resources, and are working on getting rid of the Jews to infiltrate the monetary system good. The Democrats lies have really done a number on the people they gave gummint freebies to. That will end when the jihad begins and people start getting their throats split, non-Muslim areas gassed with ricin, etc., and by whatever means they can eliminate people they hate the most. They have a foothold in Congress. It won't take them long to create chaos in Christian Churches, the education system, and then go after the Jews.

I don't think people know what's going on, but I do. And that's what I think.
Leave it to dumb Evangelicals, to think Jews who rejected, and killed Christ (God), are God's Chosen people.

You can't make up such stupidity.

You think all Jews are the Sanhedrin?

Mackerel Snappers never learned the gospels... Didn't they start letting Catholics read the bible starting in 1964?

Jesus: a Hebrew.
Peter: a Hebrew.
Paul: a Hebrew.
Mark: a Hebrew.
John: a Hebrew.

But you hate Hebrews, hence you hate Jesus, Peter, Paul, Mark and John...
Where does the Bible state that?

There were 3 people speaking Arabic in Palestine prior to Israel.
- Arabic speaking Muslims who see Jesus as a prophet.
- Arabic speaking Christians see believe Jesus is God.
- Arabic speaking Jews who rejected, and even killed Christ.

What makes the Jew more of an ancient Hebrew?

If anything Palestinian Christians are God's Chosen people, they are just Levant people of the Holy land, who worshiped Jesus.
You're denying Scripture now. Do you realize that?

You obviously missed that Jews killed, and rejected Christ, the ones who worshiped Jesus became Palestinian Christians, the ones who moved to Europe, and spoke Yiddish, a German dialect, are the Synagogue of Satan, (Presumably)
Yes, many Jews rejected Jesus, but many Jews believed on Jesus. That's what you're denying.

A Jew who believed in Jesus, is what you call a Christian.

Probably most pro-Christ Jews became Palestinian Christians.

Difference Between Messianic Judaism and Christianity | Jewish Voice Ministries International

The Christians in Jerusalem and the holy land are from the Crusades and Constantinople. The Arabs in Gaza are Muzzie Beasts, the Children of Baal (Allah.)
Why do you believe anyone who points out the racist nature of Israeli law is anti-Semitic?

"The head of the Arab Joint List Alliance at the Israeli Knesset (Parliament), Aymen Odeh, described the passing of the racist Jewish Nation-state Law as 'the death of our democracy.'

"Did Odeh truly believe that, prior to this law, he had lived in a true democracy?

"70 years of Israeli Jewish supremacy, genocide, ethnic cleansing, wars, sieges, mass incarceration, numerous discriminatory laws, all aimed at the very destruction of the Palestinian people should have given enough clues that Israel was never a democracy, to begin with.

"The Jewish Nation-state Law is merely the icing on the cake. It simply gave those who argued, all along, that Israel’s attempt at combining democracy with ethnic supremacy was racism masquerading as democracy, the munition they needed to further illustrate the point."
1/3 of Israel is Arab. Arabs are in the Israeli Parliament and military.

What happens if one Jew wants to live in the West Bank?
1/3 of Israel is Arab. Arabs are in the Israeli Parliament and military.

What happens if one Jew wants to live in the West Bank?
Why don't you pick one and ask?

Statistics on Settlements and Settler Population

"There are an estimated 622,670 settlers in the West Bank.

"This figure is derived from two sources: According to data provided by Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), at the end of 2017, 413,400 people were living in the settlements of the West Bank, excluding East Jerusalem.

"According to data provided by the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, the population of the Israeli neighborhoods in East Jerusalem numbered 209,270 people at the end of 2016."
You don’t even know what the West Bank is.

Your ignorance is what drives your hate.

I’ll ask again.

1/3 of Israel is Arab. Arabs are in the Israeli Parliament and military. They live in peace without fear.

What happens if one Jew wants to live in the West Bank? Let alone be in the Pal Government or military.
1/3 of Israel is Arab. Arabs are in the Israeli Parliament and military. They live in peace without fear.
They live as second class citizens which is exactly what one would expect as non-Jews residing in a racist Jewish state:

Arab citizens of Israel - Wikipedia

"Many Arab citizens feel that the state, as well as society at large, not only actively limits them to second-class citizenship, but treats them as enemies, affecting their perception of the de jure versus de facto quality of their citizenship.[206]

"The joint document The Future Vision of the Palestinian Arabs in Israel, asserts: 'Defining the Israeli State as a Jewish State and exploiting democracy in the service of its Jewishness excludes us, and creates tension between us and the nature and essence of the State.'

"The document explains that by definition the 'Jewish State' concept is based on ethnically preferential treatment towards Jews enshrined in immigration (the Law of Return) and land policy (the Jewish National Fund), and calls for the establishment of minority rights protections enforced by an independent anti-discrimination commission.[207"
The so-called "right of return" is a Palestinian scam designed to disguise the plan to push Jews into the sea as something noble.
Why do you believe anyone who points out the racist nature of Israeli law is anti-Semitic?

"The head of the Arab Joint List Alliance at the Israeli Knesset (Parliament), Aymen Odeh, described the passing of the racist Jewish Nation-state Law as 'the death of our democracy.'

"Did Odeh truly believe that, prior to this law, he had lived in a true democracy?

"70 years of Israeli Jewish supremacy, genocide, ethnic cleansing, wars, sieges, mass incarceration, numerous discriminatory laws, all aimed at the very destruction of the Palestinian people should have given enough clues that Israel was never a democracy, to begin with.

"The Jewish Nation-state Law is merely the icing on the cake. It simply gave those who argued, all along, that Israel’s attempt at combining democracy with ethnic supremacy was racism masquerading as democracy, the munition they needed to further illustrate the point."
1/3 of Israel is Arab. Arabs are in the Israeli Parliament and military.

What happens if one Jew wants to live in the West Bank?
1/3 of Israel is Arab. Arabs are in the Israeli Parliament and military.

What happens if one Jew wants to live in the West Bank?
Why don't you pick one and ask?

Statistics on Settlements and Settler Population

"There are an estimated 622,670 settlers in the West Bank.

"This figure is derived from two sources: According to data provided by Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), at the end of 2017, 413,400 people were living in the settlements of the West Bank, excluding East Jerusalem.

"According to data provided by the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, the population of the Israeli neighborhoods in East Jerusalem numbered 209,270 people at the end of 2016."
You don’t even know what the West Bank is.

Your ignorance is what drives your hate.

I’ll ask again.

1/3 of Israel is Arab. Arabs are in the Israeli Parliament and military. They live in peace without fear.

What happens if one Jew wants to live in the West Bank? Let alone be in the Pal Government or military.
1/3 of Israel is Arab. Arabs are in the Israeli Parliament and military. They live in peace without fear.
They live as second class citizens which is exactly what one would expect as non-Jews residing in a racist Jewish state:

Arab citizens of Israel - Wikipedia

"Many Arab citizens feel that the state, as well as society at large, not only actively limits them to second-class citizenship, but treats them as enemies, affecting their perception of the de jure versus de facto quality of their citizenship.[206]

"The joint document The Future Vision of the Palestinian Arabs in Israel, asserts: 'Defining the Israeli State as a Jewish State and exploiting democracy in the service of its Jewishness excludes us, and creates tension between us and the nature and essence of the State.'

"The document explains that by definition the 'Jewish State' concept is based on ethnically preferential treatment towards Jews enshrined in immigration (the Law of Return) and land policy (the Jewish National Fund), and calls for the establishment of minority rights protections enforced by an independent anti-discrimination commission.[207"

Yeah...and a Jew living in Palestine would be so much more welcomed... :rolleyes:
Yeah...and a Jew living in Palestine would be so much more welcomed..
How many (illegal) Jews live in Palestine?

The growth of Israeli settlements, explained in 5 charts
Why do you believe anyone who points out the racist nature of Israeli law is anti-Semitic?

"The head of the Arab Joint List Alliance at the Israeli Knesset (Parliament), Aymen Odeh, described the passing of the racist Jewish Nation-state Law as 'the death of our democracy.'

"Did Odeh truly believe that, prior to this law, he had lived in a true democracy?

"70 years of Israeli Jewish supremacy, genocide, ethnic cleansing, wars, sieges, mass incarceration, numerous discriminatory laws, all aimed at the very destruction of the Palestinian people should have given enough clues that Israel was never a democracy, to begin with.

"The Jewish Nation-state Law is merely the icing on the cake. It simply gave those who argued, all along, that Israel’s attempt at combining democracy with ethnic supremacy was racism masquerading as democracy, the munition they needed to further illustrate the point."
1/3 of Israel is Arab. Arabs are in the Israeli Parliament and military.

What happens if one Jew wants to live in the West Bank?
1/3 of Israel is Arab. Arabs are in the Israeli Parliament and military.

What happens if one Jew wants to live in the West Bank?
Why don't you pick one and ask?

Statistics on Settlements and Settler Population

"There are an estimated 622,670 settlers in the West Bank.

"This figure is derived from two sources: According to data provided by Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), at the end of 2017, 413,400 people were living in the settlements of the West Bank, excluding East Jerusalem.

"According to data provided by the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, the population of the Israeli neighborhoods in East Jerusalem numbered 209,270 people at the end of 2016."
You don’t even know what the West Bank is.

Your ignorance is what drives your hate.

I’ll ask again.

1/3 of Israel is Arab. Arabs are in the Israeli Parliament and military. They live in peace without fear.

What happens if one Jew wants to live in the West Bank? Let alone be in the Pal Government or military.
1/3 of Israel is Arab. Arabs are in the Israeli Parliament and military. They live in peace without fear.
They live as second class citizens which is exactly what one would expect as non-Jews residing in a racist Jewish state:

Arab citizens of Israel - Wikipedia

"Many Arab citizens feel that the state, as well as society at large, not only actively limits them to second-class citizenship, but treats them as enemies, affecting their perception of the de jure versus de facto quality of their citizenship.[206]

"The joint document The Future Vision of the Palestinian Arabs in Israel, asserts: 'Defining the Israeli State as a Jewish State and exploiting democracy in the service of its Jewishness excludes us, and creates tension between us and the nature and essence of the State.'

"The document explains that by definition the 'Jewish State' concept is based on ethnically preferential treatment towards Jews enshrined in immigration (the Law of Return) and land policy (the Jewish National Fund), and calls for the establishment of minority rights protections enforced by an independent anti-discrimination commission.[207"
The so-called "right of return" is a Palestinian scam designed to disguise the plan to push Jews into the sea as something noble.
The so-called "right of return" is a Palestinian scam designed to disguise the plan to push Jews into the sea as something noble.
You're worried about Jews who can't swim?
Maybe they should stop stealing the land and water of non-Jews in Palestine?

Statistics on Settlements and Settler Population

"As of the end of 2017, there are 131 government- sanctioned Israeli settlements in the West Bank (not including East Jerusalem and settlement enclaves within Hebron).

"In addition, there were approximately 110 'settlement outposts' located throughout the West Bank.

"The outposts do not have official government recognition, although many of them were established with governmental assistance.

"Outposts are generally smaller than recognized settlements.

"Eleven large Israeli neighborhoods were built in areas that Israel annexed to the Jerusalem Municipality after 1967.

"These neighborhoods are also considered settlements under international law.

"In addition, settler enclaves have been built in the heart of Palestinian neighborhoods in these annexed areas, with aid by the Israeli government and the Jerusalem Municipality.

"There are an estimated 622,670 settlers in the West Bank."
God has never rejected Israel.

Israel has rejected God, they mock Jesus on their TV even.

What about the Christian Jews all around the planet?

Most Jews aren't Christians, however.

True. That was true when Jesus was put on the cross and hasn't changed. However, that doesn't mean God has abandoned
Yes, many Jews rejected Jesus, but many Jews believed on Jesus. That's what you're denying.

A Jew who believed in Jesus, is what you call a Christian.

Probably most pro-Christ Jews became Palestinian Christians.
There are Christian Jews all around the world. I suggested a book to you by a Christian Rabbi. You really should get it.

When are you converting to Judaism?
I became a Jew when I became a Christian. The New Testament says I'm grafted into Jesus. You're a Jew if you believe in Jesus.

No, Jews are those who reject Jesus, and killed Jesus.
Christians are those who accept, and respect Jesus.

Nope. According to Scripture, you are in Christ by faith. You don't know the Scriptures.

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