Pelosi continues to lie


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2012
She is the queen of the nanny state and the dutchess of government dependency, but the only member of royality that rides a broom.

[ame=]Pelosi taken apart by David Gregory on false Obamacare promises - YouTube[/ame]
She is the queen of the nanny state and the dutchess of government dependency, but the only member of royality that rides a broom.

Pelosi taken apart by David Gregory on false Obamacare promises - YouTube

She wasn't lying. She did a very good job defending the law, holding back the rabid David Gregory and giving a real and good account of where the ACA is going.

You have no idea what you're talking about, you must just be used to incompetence in your leadership in the House.
She said all Democrats are fully behind ObamaCare...
Then why did so many show up at the WH demanding Obama do something to
fix it and fix it quick.
She said all Democrats are fully behind ObamaCare...
Then why did so many show up at the WH demanding Obama do something to
fix it and fix it quick.

Standing behind anything and following blindly are two different things. Democrats are demanding they fix the website now. The longer it goes unchecked, the more damage it could potentially do.
She is the queen of the nanny state and the dutchess of government dependency, but the only member of royality that rides a broom.

Prove she rides a broom. Prove that you can spell.
She is the queen of the nanny state and the dutchess of government dependency, but the only member of royality that rides a broom.

Pelosi taken apart by David Gregory on false Obamacare promises - YouTube

She wasn't lying. She did a very good job defending the law, holding back the rabid David Gregory and giving a real and good account of where the ACA is going.

You have no idea what you're talking about, you must just be used to incompetence in your leadership in the House.

You're either willfully ignorant or just plain ignorant. She sat right there and tried to squirm out of the FACT that she lied right through her teeth regarding people being able to keep their insurance plans. You LOLberals have absolutely NO integrity or ethics at all. When you get caught lying, the best approach is to simply admit it and try to begin mitigating the damage. Instead, this POS sits right there and tries to lie her way out of being caught in a lie.

To folks with your level of integrity, this is regarded as honorable and a good defense.

She is the queen of the nanny state and the dutchess of government dependency, but the only member of royality that rides a broom.

Pelosi taken apart by David Gregory on false Obamacare promises - YouTube

She wasn't lying. She did a very good job defending the law, holding back the rabid David Gregory and giving a real and good account of where the ACA is going.

You have no idea what you're talking about, you must just be used to incompetence in your leadership in the House.

I not sure what you were watching, but when you tell people they can keep something, while knowing they can't.. it's a lie. Plain and simple. And if she didn't know it, then she didn't read it, and is simply incompetent. Seeing that Obama's approval is down to 38%, seems that most of the kool-aid drinkers are awakening to the disaster. If there isn't enough reasons NOT to enroll in ObamaCare.. this one takes the cake...

[ame=]Barton: OCare Website Hidden Source Code Says Users "Have No Reasonable Expectation of Privacy" - YouTube[/ame]

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