Pelosi Gets ‘Obscene And Sick’ Calls After Data Hack

All the Dims in the Compuserve debate forum were gloating about it. They also piled on to the attacks on Palin's family with gusto. Dims are vermin. The have no scruples or principles. Hyenas have a superior moral code.

Sure, just like thousands of Muslims were cheering on rooftops after 9/11. Sure...

Here's hoping the next Islamic attack kills someone you care about.
Frankly... That's what it going to take to wake these fools up.

“This is a sad course of events, not only for us, but more importantly for our country.”

U.S. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said on Saturday she has been flooded with “obscene and sick” calls and text messages after a hacker linked to Russia posted personal contact information online for her and hundreds of other Democratic lawmakers and aides.

Pelosi sent a letter to colleagues warning them to take precautions and said she was changing her phone number after a hacker identified as “Guccifer 2.0” posted the personal cellphone numbers and email addresses on Friday.

The posted information appeared to have been gained in the electronic breach of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the fundraising and campaign arm of Democrats in the House of Representatives.

Other Democratic campaign groups, including the Democratic National Committee, also were targeted by the cyber attack, which was made public late last month.

“On a personal note, I was in the air flying from Florida to California when the news broke. Upon landing, I have received scores of mostly obscene and sick calls, voicemails and text messages,” Pelosi told her colleagues, urging them to keep their phones and incoming text messages away from their family members and children.

Pelosi Gets ‘Obscene And Sick’ Calls After Data Hack

It's also obscene and sick that many right-wingers are cheering about it.
Certainly not hard to believe considering the tone of the Right throughout.
“This is a sad course of events, not only for us, but more importantly for our country.”

U.S. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said on Saturday she has been flooded with “obscene and sick” calls and text messages after a hacker linked to Russia posted personal contact information online for her and hundreds of other Democratic lawmakers and aides.

Pelosi sent a letter to colleagues warning them to take precautions and said she was changing her phone number after a hacker identified as “Guccifer 2.0” posted the personal cellphone numbers and email addresses on Friday.

The posted information appeared to have been gained in the electronic breach of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the fundraising and campaign arm of Democrats in the House of Representatives.

Other Democratic campaign groups, including the Democratic National Committee, also were targeted by the cyber attack, which was made public late last month.

“On a personal note, I was in the air flying from Florida to California when the news broke. Upon landing, I have received scores of mostly obscene and sick calls, voicemails and text messages,” Pelosi told her colleagues, urging them to keep their phones and incoming text messages away from their family members and children.

Pelosi Gets ‘Obscene And Sick’ Calls After Data Hack

It's also obscene and sick that many right-wingers are cheering about it.
Fauxcohontis has not yet realized that we have been watching, and transcribing the activities of our citizens for oh so ever long.

How do you Progressive Marxists say?

"You must be hiding something!

Faux squaw?
“This is a sad course of events, not only for us, but more importantly for our country.”

U.S. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said on Saturday she has been flooded with “obscene and sick” calls and text messages after a hacker linked to Russia posted personal contact information online for her and hundreds of other Democratic lawmakers and aides.

Pelosi sent a letter to colleagues warning them to take precautions and said she was changing her phone number after a hacker identified as “Guccifer 2.0” posted the personal cellphone numbers and email addresses on Friday.

The posted information appeared to have been gained in the electronic breach of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the fundraising and campaign arm of Democrats in the House of Representatives.

Other Democratic campaign groups, including the Democratic National Committee, also were targeted by the cyber attack, which was made public late last month.

“On a personal note, I was in the air flying from Florida to California when the news broke. Upon landing, I have received scores of mostly obscene and sick calls, voicemails and text messages,” Pelosi told her colleagues, urging them to keep their phones and incoming text messages away from their family members and children.

Pelosi Gets ‘Obscene And Sick’ Calls After Data Hack

It's also obscene and sick that many right-wingers are cheering about it.

Wow, usually Pelosi is the one making those calls

Can you provide us with any "credible" examples of your claim?


It would be pretty funny if it was a republican wouldn't it? Are we going to go through a period of left wing conspiracy craziness of blaming Trump for the inability of democrats to protect their software from hackers if Pelosi's grandstand play and subsequent whining is true?
Apparently NaziCons don't take "invasion of privacy" seriously. Why do they hate the Constitution?

Why do you hate my rights to own firearms to defend you?

Let me offer my copy of the Constitution. Yours has shit on it!
Although not unexpected, it's still a shame that repubs are such filthy, nasty people.
Yeah, right, because we all know Dims would never do anything like harass and attack the families of politicians, right?

It's fun watching the douche bags all whining and crying.

Yea it's kind of amusing on how they have been on the defense for a while now..

They think it is unfair that everyone is attacking them.


Sounds like more Trump projection - accuse others of what you're guilty of. So funny...

Lol, your posts lately have been screaming for a zanix at least or family and friends intervention at most.

It's spelled "Xanax."

Would that be Xanax rage.
“This is a sad course of events, not only for us, but more importantly for our country.”

U.S. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said on Saturday she has been flooded with “obscene and sick” calls and text messages after a hacker linked to Russia posted personal contact information online for her and hundreds of other Democratic lawmakers and aides.

Pelosi sent a letter to colleagues warning them to take precautions and said she was changing her phone number after a hacker identified as “Guccifer 2.0” posted the personal cellphone numbers and email addresses on Friday.

The posted information appeared to have been gained in the electronic breach of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the fundraising and campaign arm of Democrats in the House of Representatives.

Other Democratic campaign groups, including the Democratic National Committee, also were targeted by the cyber attack, which was made public late last month.

“On a personal note, I was in the air flying from Florida to California when the news broke. Upon landing, I have received scores of mostly obscene and sick calls, voicemails and text messages,” Pelosi told her colleagues, urging them to keep their phones and incoming text messages away from their family members and children.

Pelosi Gets ‘Obscene And Sick’ Calls After Data Hack

It's also obscene and sick that many right-wingers are cheering about it.

Wow, usually Pelosi is the one making those calls

Can you provide us with any "credible" examples of your claim?

I get calls from her all the time saying kaz, fuck you for being an employer and creating jobs, screw you for your career helping American business compete bringing more jobs here, I'm going to fuck you again with more taxes and regulations and as for your paying more taxes, fuck you, douche, you deserve it. We should take it all.

Yep, she makes those all the time, every time she opens her mouth in public
Of course you do.

Yep, thanks!
“This is a sad course of events, not only for us, but more importantly for our country.”

U.S. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said on Saturday she has been flooded with “obscene and sick” calls and text messages after a hacker linked to Russia posted personal contact information online for her and hundreds of other Democratic lawmakers and aides.

Pelosi sent a letter to colleagues warning them to take precautions and said she was changing her phone number after a hacker identified as “Guccifer 2.0” posted the personal cellphone numbers and email addresses on Friday.

The posted information appeared to have been gained in the electronic breach of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the fundraising and campaign arm of Democrats in the House of Representatives.

Other Democratic campaign groups, including the Democratic National Committee, also were targeted by the cyber attack, which was made public late last month.

“On a personal note, I was in the air flying from Florida to California when the news broke. Upon landing, I have received scores of mostly obscene and sick calls, voicemails and text messages,” Pelosi told her colleagues, urging them to keep their phones and incoming text messages away from their family members and children.

Pelosi Gets ‘Obscene And Sick’ Calls After Data Hack

It's also obscene and sick that many right-wingers are cheering about it.

Karma, her insider trading and treating little people like crap finally catching up with her.

"The people of Kentucky don't know what's good for them we do"


Can pelosi provide any credible proof to claim?
The FBI probably has it. It will take them a long time to talk to the more threatening ones. Her number was published on every right-wing website on the web, of course she got a bunch of nasty calls. Why even dispute such a thing?
Got proof, or do you hang your hat on conjecture, and hearsay?
The nasty comments on this thread alone is all the proof any reasonable person needs that you childish motherfuckers would send Nancy Pelosi nasty texts if you only had her number. Seriously do you actually believe it didn't happen? Do you actually believe her number could be posted online and one of the most hated democrats did not receive nasty texts? Do you really?
Wonder how many crazy assed lib death threats the Palin's have received over the last 8 or 9 years?

How many times has Palin's "personal/private" information been hacked and made public - that Democrats have cheered about?

You assholes had someone moving in next door to the Palin's so they could spy on them. It's hard to see how THAT could be less intrusive than someone calling you on the phone! If that happens you hang up and change your number. Poor Sarah Palin couldn't do that...
“This is a sad course of events, not only for us, but more importantly for our country.”

U.S. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said on Saturday she has been flooded with “obscene and sick” calls and text messages after a hacker linked to Russia posted personal contact information online for her and hundreds of other Democratic lawmakers and aides.

Pelosi sent a letter to colleagues warning them to take precautions and said she was changing her phone number after a hacker identified as “Guccifer 2.0” posted the personal cellphone numbers and email addresses on Friday.

The posted information appeared to have been gained in the electronic breach of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the fundraising and campaign arm of Democrats in the House of Representatives.

Other Democratic campaign groups, including the Democratic National Committee, also were targeted by the cyber attack, which was made public late last month.

“On a personal note, I was in the air flying from Florida to California when the news broke. Upon landing, I have received scores of mostly obscene and sick calls, voicemails and text messages,” Pelosi told her colleagues, urging them to keep their phones and incoming text messages away from their family members and children.

Pelosi Gets ‘Obscene And Sick’ Calls After Data Hack

It's also obscene and sick that many right-wingers are cheering about it.

She deserves far worse and everyone here knows that if this had happened to the Republicans you'd be the one cheering it on
Wonder how many crazy assed lib death threats the Palin's have received over the last 8 or 9 years?

How many times has Palin's "personal/private" information been hacked and made public - that Democrats have cheered about?
During the McCain presidential campaign. Her governor email was hacked by the son of a democratic congressman. How soon you loons forget.

Link? Was it made public?
Yes. As you well know. He was arrested and charged.

Shut up douchebag.

Son of Democratic Politician Indicted for Hacking Palin's Email
I'm still waiting for proof of these alleged obscene calls to Nancy. If somebody actually wants to fuck that creton, he has to be SICK and should be put away!
How many times has Palin's "personal/private" information been hacked and made public - that Democrats have cheered about?
During the McCain presidential campaign. Her governor email was hacked by the son of a democratic congressman. How soon you loons forget.

Link? Was it made public?
Yes. As you well know. He was arrested and charged.

Shut up douchebag.

Son of Democratic Politician Indicted for Hacking Palin's Email

Did Democrats cheer about it - like NaziCons have cheered the Pelosi/DNC hacks and their personal information being made public? BTW, wasn't Palin conducting Governor business on her personal computer? Also, should the Pelosi/DNC hackers receive similar punishment?
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“This is a sad course of events, not only for us, but more importantly for our country.”

U.S. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said on Saturday she has been flooded with “obscene and sick” calls and text messages after a hacker linked to Russia posted personal contact information online for her and hundreds of other Democratic lawmakers and aides.

Pelosi sent a letter to colleagues warning them to take precautions and said she was changing her phone number after a hacker identified as “Guccifer 2.0” posted the personal cellphone numbers and email addresses on Friday.

The posted information appeared to have been gained in the electronic breach of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the fundraising and campaign arm of Democrats in the House of Representatives.

Other Democratic campaign groups, including the Democratic National Committee, also were targeted by the cyber attack, which was made public late last month.

“On a personal note, I was in the air flying from Florida to California when the news broke. Upon landing, I have received scores of mostly obscene and sick calls, voicemails and text messages,” Pelosi told her colleagues, urging them to keep their phones and incoming text messages away from their family members and children.

Pelosi Gets ‘Obscene And Sick’ Calls After Data Hack

It's also obscene and sick that many right-wingers are cheering about it.

"A hacker linked to Russia" ???? How is Guccifer II "linked" to Russia?

This Russia blaming off the cuff is in itself -- very irresponsible and dangerous.
During the McCain presidential campaign. Her governor email was hacked by the son of a democratic congressman. How soon you loons forget.

Link? Was it made public?
Yes. As you well know. He was arrested and charged.

Shut up douchebag.

Son of Democratic Politician Indicted for Hacking Palin's Email

Did Democrats cheer about it - like NaziCons have cheered the Pelosi/DNC hacks and their personal information being made public? BTW, wasn't Palin conducting Governor business on her personal computer? Also, should the Pelosi/DNC hackers receive similar punishment?

The DNC hacks were pretty funny ...
“This is a sad course of events, not only for us, but more importantly for our country.”

U.S. House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said on Saturday she has been flooded with “obscene and sick” calls and text messages after a hacker linked to Russia posted personal contact information online for her and hundreds of other Democratic lawmakers and aides.

Pelosi sent a letter to colleagues warning them to take precautions and said she was changing her phone number after a hacker identified as “Guccifer 2.0” posted the personal cellphone numbers and email addresses on Friday.

The posted information appeared to have been gained in the electronic breach of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the fundraising and campaign arm of Democrats in the House of Representatives.

Other Democratic campaign groups, including the Democratic National Committee, also were targeted by the cyber attack, which was made public late last month.

“On a personal note, I was in the air flying from Florida to California when the news broke. Upon landing, I have received scores of mostly obscene and sick calls, voicemails and text messages,” Pelosi told her colleagues, urging them to keep their phones and incoming text messages away from their family members and children.

Pelosi Gets ‘Obscene And Sick’ Calls After Data Hack

It's also obscene and sick that many right-wingers are cheering about it.
The loopy kunt deserves it...

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