Pelosi: I’m Satisfied with Biden’s Response. Reporter: Biden Hasn’t Responded

Biden did respond.
He said it never happened.
Of course, he also declared at a rally not long ago, "I am Joe Biden, and I am running for the US Senate".
Of course, Bill Clinton once declared, "I did not have sex with that woman".
You left out -- Impeached Trump denying he sexually assaulted any of the 25 women who said he did, even though he bragged about introducing himself to women by grabbing their pussy.
The Left lie lie lie.

Biden said that nothing happened with that woman, just as Trump said that nothing happened with those 25 women.
Are they both lying? 25 women.

Biden has said nothing about the accusations because he knows the jig is up.

Biden's silence is an admission of GUILT! Fox News is having a field day with his silence to the point the liberal media are now starting to ask Dems questions. Pelosi was asked today and threw a conniption fit.

Trump News has no problem with a dozen or so women who have claimed that Trump sexually assaulted them. Apparently that is okay. Trump News is fake news.

But, but, but, TRUMP! Dogged determination to always at all cost shift the narrative to Trump rears its head once again. Clearly, the marching orders have gone out. Is it just too difficult to defend Biden on his own merits?

Not difficult, but unnecessary. We know that Trump is not guilty since he said they were all liars--all 25 of 'em.
On, he admitted to sexual impropriety and that doesn't matter to his followers either. So if Trump's stuff doesn't matter, why should Biden's stuff?

You're getting a little closer, but still not making the case for Biden on its own merits. If there's no need to defend Biden, why the shrieking about Trump every time someone criticizes him? If his groping doesn't matter, just say so and move on. As it is, every deflection onto Trump just solidifies Biden's image as a sexual predator, and that's not doing him any favors.

I am speaking about pundits. I want to know why trump followers are so determined. Let it go the way you let the Trump accusations go. If you are going to put so much emphasis on Biden, then do the same for Trump. There is no
way that proof will emerge after 30 years for either of them. One can be wrong, but 25? Nah.

Trump's accusers had their day in the spotlight. This is Biden's turn. Let his situation stand on its own. As it is, this insistence that Trump be brought into it merely reinforces his apparent guilt.

His apparent guilt? Really? It reinforces your desire to deflect from Trump's transgressions.

Nonsense. This thread isn't about Trump and his alleged transgressions. If you want to rant about that, start a thread on it and do so. This thread is about Biden and what he's accused of doing. If your defense of him can't stand on its own merits without constant reference to Trump, you might want to reconsider just how much defense you're actually providing vs how much you make it appear that you believe he's done what he's accused of doing and don't care as long as you can point at Trump.


Suuure, con, uh-huh. Let's ignore the 25 women accusing Impeached Trump of sexual assault. You know, just so we can talk about how you suddenly care about sexual assault.


Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!". I mean, seriously, you can't just say, "Let's check into it and if no laws were broken, let the voters decide who will be the next president"? Or something like, "He might have done it, and we should hear her story and decide for ourselves if she's telling the truth, and if so, whether it merits kicking him to the curb or not". I think, though, that democrat faithful painted themselves into a corner with their absolutist position on Kavanaugh's accuser when they insisted that we had to believe her no matter what, and that he wasn't entitled to defend himself and that no-one was to criticize her in any way.

We don't know what happened in that hallway because none of us were there. At least let her story come out and see if it holds water. I don't think there's any need for the FBI to get involved, since it doesn't appear that a crime was committed that could result in criminal charges, but let's at least hear from her what happened, what she did afterwards, and whether anyone took steps to squash her story. We heard from Ford, decided her story wasn't credible and Kavanaugh was confirmed. We heard from Anita Hill, decided she wasn't credible, and Thomas was confirmed. We heard from Bubba's accusers, decided they were credible, but it wasn't enough to kick him out of office. In each case, we heard from the accuser and the accused was afforded the right to defend himself.

Why is it so hard for you guys to defend Biden? That's the main question I see after seeing the way you insist on jumping to Trump no matter what Biden may have done. It certainly seems that you can't defend him, and that's telling.

Here's an idea. If you think Trump's sexual peccadilloes are disqualifications for office, start threads on them and be consistent that Biden should be held to the same standard. And before you go off half-cocked claiming I'm saying Biden is guilty and should in essence face the firing squad, I'll save you some time looking by telling you that I haven't.

"Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!"

Well that's not true at all. We could point out Reade has no evidence. We could point out she waited nearly 3 decades to make a case of this, despite Biden running numerous times for public office during that period. We could point out how her recall of events of that purported sexual assault changed.

But why bother with such pesky details when we can even easier remind the loony right that they ignored 25 accusations of sexual assault against Impeached Trump? And that's not counting the one who claims Impeached Trump raped her and a friend when they were 13 and 12.

Well, it certainly seems very true that Biden's defenders really can't come up with anything more substantive because they don't. The majority of their defense is always to yell about Trump.

If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. That's how a story gets vetted. If it's weak and there's no evidence that they were in that location at that time, like with Ford's accusation, then the story is weakened. If people she says were witnesses deny knowledge, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. If she can't remember how she got to the location or how she returned home, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. And on it goes. If, however, all you ever do is shriek "Something about TRUMP!!!" when someone accuses Biden about something, you're not really doing Biden any favors, because you're not pointing out weaknesses in the accusations or evidence that Biden is innocent.

Let's put it this way, would you rather Biden be seen as innocent of the charges laid against him or probably guilty but given a pass because somebody else might have done something?

"If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. "

Umm, I already did it.

But I do like how you play the Ford card while complaining of others playing the Impeached Trump card.


Well, if you've already done everything you can to defend Biden, start a thread complaining about Trump. Of course, it'd be lost in the plethora of other identical threads all complaining about him, but hey.

Note that I haven't said that Ford's epic failure in any way excuses someone else. Bit of a difference there, you know. Feel free to show where I did if you think different.

Who needs another thread to highlight rightard hypocrisy?

And yes, Biden said something about the accusation levied against him. He said it's not true.

Who needs another deflection from Biden to Trump, since that's all that Biden's defense seems to be? So, Biden finally denied it when someone finally told him he was just making it worse by remaining silent. What did you expect him to say, that he was guilty? This is still the first round. She accuses, he denies, his supporters trot out reasons why he's innocent. Oh, wait, they're not. They're yelling about Trump instead. Not helping him very much.


Now you're bitching because Biden borrowed Impeached Trump's line he used on no less than 25 different women??


At any rate ... again ... that's not Biden's only defense as I listed several earlier.

What line was that, "I didn't do it"? Hardly a trademarked line, don't you think? And again you can't defend Biden without diverting to Trump. You keep making my point for me. Basically, the thrust of your posts have been that you believe Biden's guilt or innocence is irrelevant because Trump. Not a strong defense.

You just can't stop lying, can ya, con? I already defended Biden without Impeached Trump. It's not my problem you struggle with English.

My point stands, very few are willing to even try defending Biden without invoking Trump. It's as if you all have fax machines in the basement, spitting out talking points that you all must post or you'll get a "visit". Let's see if you can continue on this thread without invoking Trump to excuse Biden. Heck, we don't even know for sure he's done anything wrong yet, and y'all are jumping around like your pants are on fire and your hair's a-catchin'.


If your point was standing, you wouldn't have to keep lying.

You falsely claimed I gave no reasons other than pointing out Impeached Trump has been accused by 25 more women than Biden -- even though I listed some reasons which don't involve Impeached Trump.

You falsely claimed Biden didn't deny the allegation, a position you ridiculously described as a tacit admission of guilt -- but when shown he did deny it, you tried framing his dial as though he could say nothing else.

Again... there are valid reasons to dismiss Reade's claims as I mentioned earlier. That doesn't dissolve Impeached Trump being accused of the same by at least 25 women and the rights' approach to that is basically, "nuh-uh." Now you're throwing hissy fits because the left is being equally dismissive.

On the contrary, I said the general "you", not the specific "you" could not seem to come up with any defense of Biden other than to squeal about Trump, but if you want to count yourself in that group go ahead. I don't care enough about you to bother checking everything you've written, so I don't. Would you care to go back to whatever post you think I wrote that said Biden hadn't said anything? I know others have commented on this thread, and I don't recall saying anything to that effect. I would hate for you to be lying, you know. I do find it amusing that the left cares so very much about sexual harassment that they immediately went from "every woman must be believed" to "it's okay for Biden to do stuff because somebody else might have done something". It really demonstrates their concern and compassion for the victims of sexual harassment.

You miss the point, which is that you and your ilk are jumping on this like Grant took Richmond, and yet you dismissed the charges against Trump as rubbish because Trump called 25 women "liars".

Of course we enjoy watching you and your ilk squirm like worms on a hook when your faux concern for the victims of sexual harassment is exposed for what it is, crass political gamesmanship, and we see the pattern on every occasion. When a Republican is accused you go nuts trying to "protect" her and her feelings, every woman must be believed, and it's the worst thing since womebody wore white after Labor Day. The man must be punished, must be denied office or run off the job. There's no time and no need for looking deeper. When a democrat is accused, you suddenly discover that a man has rights too and there we must follow the rule of law, obviously the woman is a lying tramp, just drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park and see what you get.

It's humorous to watch, because in both situations, you're just as serious as you can be, completely oblivious to the fact that not more than a few months before you were arguing the exact opposite thing.
The Left lie lie lie.

Biden said that nothing happened with that woman, just as Trump said that nothing happened with those 25 women.
Are they both lying? 25 women.

Biden has said nothing about the accusations because he knows the jig is up.

Biden's silence is an admission of GUILT! Fox News is having a field day with his silence to the point the liberal media are now starting to ask Dems questions. Pelosi was asked today and threw a conniption fit.

Trump News has no problem with a dozen or so women who have claimed that Trump sexually assaulted them. Apparently that is okay. Trump News is fake news.

But, but, but, TRUMP! Dogged determination to always at all cost shift the narrative to Trump rears its head once again. Clearly, the marching orders have gone out. Is it just too difficult to defend Biden on his own merits?

Not difficult, but unnecessary. We know that Trump is not guilty since he said they were all liars--all 25 of 'em.
On, he admitted to sexual impropriety and that doesn't matter to his followers either. So if Trump's stuff doesn't matter, why should Biden's stuff?

You're getting a little closer, but still not making the case for Biden on its own merits. If there's no need to defend Biden, why the shrieking about Trump every time someone criticizes him? If his groping doesn't matter, just say so and move on. As it is, every deflection onto Trump just solidifies Biden's image as a sexual predator, and that's not doing him any favors.

I am speaking about pundits. I want to know why trump followers are so determined. Let it go the way you let the Trump accusations go. If you are going to put so much emphasis on Biden, then do the same for Trump. There is no
way that proof will emerge after 30 years for either of them. One can be wrong, but 25? Nah.

Trump's accusers had their day in the spotlight. This is Biden's turn. Let his situation stand on its own. As it is, this insistence that Trump be brought into it merely reinforces his apparent guilt.

His apparent guilt? Really? It reinforces your desire to deflect from Trump's transgressions.

Nonsense. This thread isn't about Trump and his alleged transgressions. If you want to rant about that, start a thread on it and do so. This thread is about Biden and what he's accused of doing. If your defense of him can't stand on its own merits without constant reference to Trump, you might want to reconsider just how much defense you're actually providing vs how much you make it appear that you believe he's done what he's accused of doing and don't care as long as you can point at Trump.


Suuure, con, uh-huh. Let's ignore the 25 women accusing Impeached Trump of sexual assault. You know, just so we can talk about how you suddenly care about sexual assault.


Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!". I mean, seriously, you can't just say, "Let's check into it and if no laws were broken, let the voters decide who will be the next president"? Or something like, "He might have done it, and we should hear her story and decide for ourselves if she's telling the truth, and if so, whether it merits kicking him to the curb or not". I think, though, that democrat faithful painted themselves into a corner with their absolutist position on Kavanaugh's accuser when they insisted that we had to believe her no matter what, and that he wasn't entitled to defend himself and that no-one was to criticize her in any way.

We don't know what happened in that hallway because none of us were there. At least let her story come out and see if it holds water. I don't think there's any need for the FBI to get involved, since it doesn't appear that a crime was committed that could result in criminal charges, but let's at least hear from her what happened, what she did afterwards, and whether anyone took steps to squash her story. We heard from Ford, decided her story wasn't credible and Kavanaugh was confirmed. We heard from Anita Hill, decided she wasn't credible, and Thomas was confirmed. We heard from Bubba's accusers, decided they were credible, but it wasn't enough to kick him out of office. In each case, we heard from the accuser and the accused was afforded the right to defend himself.

Why is it so hard for you guys to defend Biden? That's the main question I see after seeing the way you insist on jumping to Trump no matter what Biden may have done. It certainly seems that you can't defend him, and that's telling.

Here's an idea. If you think Trump's sexual peccadilloes are disqualifications for office, start threads on them and be consistent that Biden should be held to the same standard. And before you go off half-cocked claiming I'm saying Biden is guilty and should in essence face the firing squad, I'll save you some time looking by telling you that I haven't.

"Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!"

Well that's not true at all. We could point out Reade has no evidence. We could point out she waited nearly 3 decades to make a case of this, despite Biden running numerous times for public office during that period. We could point out how her recall of events of that purported sexual assault changed.

But why bother with such pesky details when we can even easier remind the loony right that they ignored 25 accusations of sexual assault against Impeached Trump? And that's not counting the one who claims Impeached Trump raped her and a friend when they were 13 and 12.

Well, it certainly seems very true that Biden's defenders really can't come up with anything more substantive because they don't. The majority of their defense is always to yell about Trump.

If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. That's how a story gets vetted. If it's weak and there's no evidence that they were in that location at that time, like with Ford's accusation, then the story is weakened. If people she says were witnesses deny knowledge, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. If she can't remember how she got to the location or how she returned home, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. And on it goes. If, however, all you ever do is shriek "Something about TRUMP!!!" when someone accuses Biden about something, you're not really doing Biden any favors, because you're not pointing out weaknesses in the accusations or evidence that Biden is innocent.

Let's put it this way, would you rather Biden be seen as innocent of the charges laid against him or probably guilty but given a pass because somebody else might have done something?

"If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. "

Umm, I already did it.

But I do like how you play the Ford card while complaining of others playing the Impeached Trump card.


Well, if you've already done everything you can to defend Biden, start a thread complaining about Trump. Of course, it'd be lost in the plethora of other identical threads all complaining about him, but hey.

Note that I haven't said that Ford's epic failure in any way excuses someone else. Bit of a difference there, you know. Feel free to show where I did if you think different.

Who needs another thread to highlight rightard hypocrisy?

And yes, Biden said something about the accusation levied against him. He said it's not true.

Who needs another deflection from Biden to Trump, since that's all that Biden's defense seems to be? So, Biden finally denied it when someone finally told him he was just making it worse by remaining silent. What did you expect him to say, that he was guilty? This is still the first round. She accuses, he denies, his supporters trot out reasons why he's innocent. Oh, wait, they're not. They're yelling about Trump instead. Not helping him very much.


Now you're bitching because Biden borrowed Impeached Trump's line he used on no less than 25 different women??


At any rate ... again ... that's not Biden's only defense as I listed several earlier.

What line was that, "I didn't do it"? Hardly a trademarked line, don't you think? And again you can't defend Biden without diverting to Trump. You keep making my point for me. Basically, the thrust of your posts have been that you believe Biden's guilt or innocence is irrelevant because Trump. Not a strong defense.

You just can't stop lying, can ya, con? I already defended Biden without Impeached Trump. It's not my problem you struggle with English.

My point stands, very few are willing to even try defending Biden without invoking Trump. It's as if you all have fax machines in the basement, spitting out talking points that you all must post or you'll get a "visit". Let's see if you can continue on this thread without invoking Trump to excuse Biden. Heck, we don't even know for sure he's done anything wrong yet, and y'all are jumping around like your pants are on fire and your hair's a-catchin'.


If your point was standing, you wouldn't have to keep lying.

You falsely claimed I gave no reasons other than pointing out Impeached Trump has been accused by 25 more women than Biden -- even though I listed some reasons which don't involve Impeached Trump.

You falsely claimed Biden didn't deny the allegation, a position you ridiculously described as a tacit admission of guilt -- but when shown he did deny it, you tried framing his dial as though he could say nothing else.

Again... there are valid reasons to dismiss Reade's claims as I mentioned earlier. That doesn't dissolve Impeached Trump being accused of the same by at least 25 women and the rights' approach to that is basically, "nuh-uh." Now you're throwing hissy fits because the left is being equally dismissive.

On the contrary, I said the general "you", not the specific "you" could not seem to come up with any defense of Biden other than to squeal about Trump, but if you want to count yourself in that group go ahead. I don't care enough about you to bother checking everything you've written, so I don't. Would you care to go back to whatever post you think I wrote that said Biden hadn't said anything? I know others have commented on this thread, and I don't recall saying anything to that effect. I would hate for you to be lying, you know. I do find it amusing that the left cares so very much about sexual harassment that they immediately went from "every woman must be believed" to "it's okay for Biden to do stuff because somebody else might have done something". It really demonstrates their concern and compassion for the victims of sexual harassment.

You miss the point, which is that you and your ilk are jumping on this like Grant took Richmond, and yet you dismissed the charges against Trump as rubbish because Trump called 25 women "liars".

Of course we enjoy watching you and your ilk squirm like worms on a hook when your faux concern for the victims of sexual harassment is exposed for what it is, crass political gamesmanship, and we see the pattern on every occasion. When a Republican is accused you go nuts trying to "protect" her and her feelings, every woman must be believed, and it's the worst thing since womebody wore white after Labor Day. The man must be punished, must be denied office or run off the job. There's no time and no need for looking deeper. When a democrat is accused, you suddenly discover that a man has rights too and there we must follow the rule of law, obviously the woman is a lying tramp, just drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park and see what you get.

It's humorous to watch, because in both situations, you're just as serious as you can be, completely oblivious to the fact that not more than a few months before you were arguing the exact opposite thing.


I like how you say that as though the right behaves any differently. :lmao:
The Left lie lie lie.

Biden said that nothing happened with that woman, just as Trump said that nothing happened with those 25 women.
Are they both lying? 25 women.

Biden has said nothing about the accusations because he knows the jig is up.

Biden's silence is an admission of GUILT! Fox News is having a field day with his silence to the point the liberal media are now starting to ask Dems questions. Pelosi was asked today and threw a conniption fit.

Trump News has no problem with a dozen or so women who have claimed that Trump sexually assaulted them. Apparently that is okay. Trump News is fake news.

But, but, but, TRUMP! Dogged determination to always at all cost shift the narrative to Trump rears its head once again. Clearly, the marching orders have gone out. Is it just too difficult to defend Biden on his own merits?

Not difficult, but unnecessary. We know that Trump is not guilty since he said they were all liars--all 25 of 'em.
On, he admitted to sexual impropriety and that doesn't matter to his followers either. So if Trump's stuff doesn't matter, why should Biden's stuff?

You're getting a little closer, but still not making the case for Biden on its own merits. If there's no need to defend Biden, why the shrieking about Trump every time someone criticizes him? If his groping doesn't matter, just say so and move on. As it is, every deflection onto Trump just solidifies Biden's image as a sexual predator, and that's not doing him any favors.

I am speaking about pundits. I want to know why trump followers are so determined. Let it go the way you let the Trump accusations go. If you are going to put so much emphasis on Biden, then do the same for Trump. There is no
way that proof will emerge after 30 years for either of them. One can be wrong, but 25? Nah.

Trump's accusers had their day in the spotlight. This is Biden's turn. Let his situation stand on its own. As it is, this insistence that Trump be brought into it merely reinforces his apparent guilt.

His apparent guilt? Really? It reinforces your desire to deflect from Trump's transgressions.

Nonsense. This thread isn't about Trump and his alleged transgressions. If you want to rant about that, start a thread on it and do so. This thread is about Biden and what he's accused of doing. If your defense of him can't stand on its own merits without constant reference to Trump, you might want to reconsider just how much defense you're actually providing vs how much you make it appear that you believe he's done what he's accused of doing and don't care as long as you can point at Trump.


Suuure, con, uh-huh. Let's ignore the 25 women accusing Impeached Trump of sexual assault. You know, just so we can talk about how you suddenly care about sexual assault.


Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!". I mean, seriously, you can't just say, "Let's check into it and if no laws were broken, let the voters decide who will be the next president"? Or something like, "He might have done it, and we should hear her story and decide for ourselves if she's telling the truth, and if so, whether it merits kicking him to the curb or not". I think, though, that democrat faithful painted themselves into a corner with their absolutist position on Kavanaugh's accuser when they insisted that we had to believe her no matter what, and that he wasn't entitled to defend himself and that no-one was to criticize her in any way.

We don't know what happened in that hallway because none of us were there. At least let her story come out and see if it holds water. I don't think there's any need for the FBI to get involved, since it doesn't appear that a crime was committed that could result in criminal charges, but let's at least hear from her what happened, what she did afterwards, and whether anyone took steps to squash her story. We heard from Ford, decided her story wasn't credible and Kavanaugh was confirmed. We heard from Anita Hill, decided she wasn't credible, and Thomas was confirmed. We heard from Bubba's accusers, decided they were credible, but it wasn't enough to kick him out of office. In each case, we heard from the accuser and the accused was afforded the right to defend himself.

Why is it so hard for you guys to defend Biden? That's the main question I see after seeing the way you insist on jumping to Trump no matter what Biden may have done. It certainly seems that you can't defend him, and that's telling.

Here's an idea. If you think Trump's sexual peccadilloes are disqualifications for office, start threads on them and be consistent that Biden should be held to the same standard. And before you go off half-cocked claiming I'm saying Biden is guilty and should in essence face the firing squad, I'll save you some time looking by telling you that I haven't.

"Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!"

Well that's not true at all. We could point out Reade has no evidence. We could point out she waited nearly 3 decades to make a case of this, despite Biden running numerous times for public office during that period. We could point out how her recall of events of that purported sexual assault changed.

But why bother with such pesky details when we can even easier remind the loony right that they ignored 25 accusations of sexual assault against Impeached Trump? And that's not counting the one who claims Impeached Trump raped her and a friend when they were 13 and 12.

Well, it certainly seems very true that Biden's defenders really can't come up with anything more substantive because they don't. The majority of their defense is always to yell about Trump.

If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. That's how a story gets vetted. If it's weak and there's no evidence that they were in that location at that time, like with Ford's accusation, then the story is weakened. If people she says were witnesses deny knowledge, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. If she can't remember how she got to the location or how she returned home, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. And on it goes. If, however, all you ever do is shriek "Something about TRUMP!!!" when someone accuses Biden about something, you're not really doing Biden any favors, because you're not pointing out weaknesses in the accusations or evidence that Biden is innocent.

Let's put it this way, would you rather Biden be seen as innocent of the charges laid against him or probably guilty but given a pass because somebody else might have done something?

"If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. "

Umm, I already did it.

But I do like how you play the Ford card while complaining of others playing the Impeached Trump card.


Well, if you've already done everything you can to defend Biden, start a thread complaining about Trump. Of course, it'd be lost in the plethora of other identical threads all complaining about him, but hey.

Note that I haven't said that Ford's epic failure in any way excuses someone else. Bit of a difference there, you know. Feel free to show where I did if you think different.

Who needs another thread to highlight rightard hypocrisy?

And yes, Biden said something about the accusation levied against him. He said it's not true.

Who needs another deflection from Biden to Trump, since that's all that Biden's defense seems to be? So, Biden finally denied it when someone finally told him he was just making it worse by remaining silent. What did you expect him to say, that he was guilty? This is still the first round. She accuses, he denies, his supporters trot out reasons why he's innocent. Oh, wait, they're not. They're yelling about Trump instead. Not helping him very much.


Now you're bitching because Biden borrowed Impeached Trump's line he used on no less than 25 different women??


At any rate ... again ... that's not Biden's only defense as I listed several earlier.

What line was that, "I didn't do it"? Hardly a trademarked line, don't you think? And again you can't defend Biden without diverting to Trump. You keep making my point for me. Basically, the thrust of your posts have been that you believe Biden's guilt or innocence is irrelevant because Trump. Not a strong defense.

You just can't stop lying, can ya, con? I already defended Biden without Impeached Trump. It's not my problem you struggle with English.

My point stands, very few are willing to even try defending Biden without invoking Trump. It's as if you all have fax machines in the basement, spitting out talking points that you all must post or you'll get a "visit". Let's see if you can continue on this thread without invoking Trump to excuse Biden. Heck, we don't even know for sure he's done anything wrong yet, and y'all are jumping around like your pants are on fire and your hair's a-catchin'.


If your point was standing, you wouldn't have to keep lying.

You falsely claimed I gave no reasons other than pointing out Impeached Trump has been accused by 25 more women than Biden -- even though I listed some reasons which don't involve Impeached Trump.

You falsely claimed Biden didn't deny the allegation, a position you ridiculously described as a tacit admission of guilt -- but when shown he did deny it, you tried framing his dial as though he could say nothing else.

Again... there are valid reasons to dismiss Reade's claims as I mentioned earlier. That doesn't dissolve Impeached Trump being accused of the same by at least 25 women and the rights' approach to that is basically, "nuh-uh." Now you're throwing hissy fits because the left is being equally dismissive.

On the contrary, I said the general "you", not the specific "you" could not seem to come up with any defense of Biden other than to squeal about Trump, but if you want to count yourself in that group go ahead. I don't care enough about you to bother checking everything you've written, so I don't. Would you care to go back to whatever post you think I wrote that said Biden hadn't said anything? I know others have commented on this thread, and I don't recall saying anything to that effect. I would hate for you to be lying, you know. I do find it amusing that the left cares so very much about sexual harassment that they immediately went from "every woman must be believed" to "it's okay for Biden to do stuff because somebody else might have done something". It really demonstrates their concern and compassion for the victims of sexual harassment.

You miss the point, which is that you and your ilk are jumping on this like Grant took Richmond, and yet you dismissed the charges against Trump as rubbish because Trump called 25 women "liars".

Of course we enjoy watching you and your ilk squirm like worms on a hook when your faux concern for the victims of sexual harassment is exposed for what it is, crass political gamesmanship, and we see the pattern on every occasion. When a Republican is accused you go nuts trying to "protect" her and her feelings, every woman must be believed, and it's the worst thing since womebody wore white after Labor Day. The man must be punished, must be denied office or run off the job. There's no time and no need for looking deeper. When a democrat is accused, you suddenly discover that a man has rights too and there we must follow the rule of law, obviously the woman is a lying tramp, just drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park and see what you get.

It's humorous to watch, because in both situations, you're just as serious as you can be, completely oblivious to the fact that not more than a few months before you were arguing the exact opposite thing.

It is humorous because Trump admitted to being a sexual predator, so when 25 women accuse him of sexual malfeasance, it is believable, yes?
The Left lie lie lie.

Biden said that nothing happened with that woman, just as Trump said that nothing happened with those 25 women.
Are they both lying? 25 women.

Biden has said nothing about the accusations because he knows the jig is up.

Biden's silence is an admission of GUILT! Fox News is having a field day with his silence to the point the liberal media are now starting to ask Dems questions. Pelosi was asked today and threw a conniption fit.

Trump News has no problem with a dozen or so women who have claimed that Trump sexually assaulted them. Apparently that is okay. Trump News is fake news.

But, but, but, TRUMP! Dogged determination to always at all cost shift the narrative to Trump rears its head once again. Clearly, the marching orders have gone out. Is it just too difficult to defend Biden on his own merits?

Not difficult, but unnecessary. We know that Trump is not guilty since he said they were all liars--all 25 of 'em.
On, he admitted to sexual impropriety and that doesn't matter to his followers either. So if Trump's stuff doesn't matter, why should Biden's stuff?

You're getting a little closer, but still not making the case for Biden on its own merits. If there's no need to defend Biden, why the shrieking about Trump every time someone criticizes him? If his groping doesn't matter, just say so and move on. As it is, every deflection onto Trump just solidifies Biden's image as a sexual predator, and that's not doing him any favors.

I am speaking about pundits. I want to know why trump followers are so determined. Let it go the way you let the Trump accusations go. If you are going to put so much emphasis on Biden, then do the same for Trump. There is no
way that proof will emerge after 30 years for either of them. One can be wrong, but 25? Nah.

Trump's accusers had their day in the spotlight. This is Biden's turn. Let his situation stand on its own. As it is, this insistence that Trump be brought into it merely reinforces his apparent guilt.

His apparent guilt? Really? It reinforces your desire to deflect from Trump's transgressions.

Nonsense. This thread isn't about Trump and his alleged transgressions. If you want to rant about that, start a thread on it and do so. This thread is about Biden and what he's accused of doing. If your defense of him can't stand on its own merits without constant reference to Trump, you might want to reconsider just how much defense you're actually providing vs how much you make it appear that you believe he's done what he's accused of doing and don't care as long as you can point at Trump.


Suuure, con, uh-huh. Let's ignore the 25 women accusing Impeached Trump of sexual assault. You know, just so we can talk about how you suddenly care about sexual assault.


Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!". I mean, seriously, you can't just say, "Let's check into it and if no laws were broken, let the voters decide who will be the next president"? Or something like, "He might have done it, and we should hear her story and decide for ourselves if she's telling the truth, and if so, whether it merits kicking him to the curb or not". I think, though, that democrat faithful painted themselves into a corner with their absolutist position on Kavanaugh's accuser when they insisted that we had to believe her no matter what, and that he wasn't entitled to defend himself and that no-one was to criticize her in any way.

We don't know what happened in that hallway because none of us were there. At least let her story come out and see if it holds water. I don't think there's any need for the FBI to get involved, since it doesn't appear that a crime was committed that could result in criminal charges, but let's at least hear from her what happened, what she did afterwards, and whether anyone took steps to squash her story. We heard from Ford, decided her story wasn't credible and Kavanaugh was confirmed. We heard from Anita Hill, decided she wasn't credible, and Thomas was confirmed. We heard from Bubba's accusers, decided they were credible, but it wasn't enough to kick him out of office. In each case, we heard from the accuser and the accused was afforded the right to defend himself.

Why is it so hard for you guys to defend Biden? That's the main question I see after seeing the way you insist on jumping to Trump no matter what Biden may have done. It certainly seems that you can't defend him, and that's telling.

Here's an idea. If you think Trump's sexual peccadilloes are disqualifications for office, start threads on them and be consistent that Biden should be held to the same standard. And before you go off half-cocked claiming I'm saying Biden is guilty and should in essence face the firing squad, I'll save you some time looking by telling you that I haven't.

"Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!"

Well that's not true at all. We could point out Reade has no evidence. We could point out she waited nearly 3 decades to make a case of this, despite Biden running numerous times for public office during that period. We could point out how her recall of events of that purported sexual assault changed.

But why bother with such pesky details when we can even easier remind the loony right that they ignored 25 accusations of sexual assault against Impeached Trump? And that's not counting the one who claims Impeached Trump raped her and a friend when they were 13 and 12.

Well, it certainly seems very true that Biden's defenders really can't come up with anything more substantive because they don't. The majority of their defense is always to yell about Trump.

If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. That's how a story gets vetted. If it's weak and there's no evidence that they were in that location at that time, like with Ford's accusation, then the story is weakened. If people she says were witnesses deny knowledge, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. If she can't remember how she got to the location or how she returned home, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. And on it goes. If, however, all you ever do is shriek "Something about TRUMP!!!" when someone accuses Biden about something, you're not really doing Biden any favors, because you're not pointing out weaknesses in the accusations or evidence that Biden is innocent.

Let's put it this way, would you rather Biden be seen as innocent of the charges laid against him or probably guilty but given a pass because somebody else might have done something?

"If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. "

Umm, I already did it.

But I do like how you play the Ford card while complaining of others playing the Impeached Trump card.


Well, if you've already done everything you can to defend Biden, start a thread complaining about Trump. Of course, it'd be lost in the plethora of other identical threads all complaining about him, but hey.

Note that I haven't said that Ford's epic failure in any way excuses someone else. Bit of a difference there, you know. Feel free to show where I did if you think different.

Who needs another thread to highlight rightard hypocrisy?

And yes, Biden said something about the accusation levied against him. He said it's not true.

Who needs another deflection from Biden to Trump, since that's all that Biden's defense seems to be? So, Biden finally denied it when someone finally told him he was just making it worse by remaining silent. What did you expect him to say, that he was guilty? This is still the first round. She accuses, he denies, his supporters trot out reasons why he's innocent. Oh, wait, they're not. They're yelling about Trump instead. Not helping him very much.


Now you're bitching because Biden borrowed Impeached Trump's line he used on no less than 25 different women??


At any rate ... again ... that's not Biden's only defense as I listed several earlier.

What line was that, "I didn't do it"? Hardly a trademarked line, don't you think? And again you can't defend Biden without diverting to Trump. You keep making my point for me. Basically, the thrust of your posts have been that you believe Biden's guilt or innocence is irrelevant because Trump. Not a strong defense.

You just can't stop lying, can ya, con? I already defended Biden without Impeached Trump. It's not my problem you struggle with English.

My point stands, very few are willing to even try defending Biden without invoking Trump. It's as if you all have fax machines in the basement, spitting out talking points that you all must post or you'll get a "visit". Let's see if you can continue on this thread without invoking Trump to excuse Biden. Heck, we don't even know for sure he's done anything wrong yet, and y'all are jumping around like your pants are on fire and your hair's a-catchin'.


If your point was standing, you wouldn't have to keep lying.

You falsely claimed I gave no reasons other than pointing out Impeached Trump has been accused by 25 more women than Biden -- even though I listed some reasons which don't involve Impeached Trump.

You falsely claimed Biden didn't deny the allegation, a position you ridiculously described as a tacit admission of guilt -- but when shown he did deny it, you tried framing his dial as though he could say nothing else.

Again... there are valid reasons to dismiss Reade's claims as I mentioned earlier. That doesn't dissolve Impeached Trump being accused of the same by at least 25 women and the rights' approach to that is basically, "nuh-uh." Now you're throwing hissy fits because the left is being equally dismissive.

On the contrary, I said the general "you", not the specific "you" could not seem to come up with any defense of Biden other than to squeal about Trump, but if you want to count yourself in that group go ahead. I don't care enough about you to bother checking everything you've written, so I don't. Would you care to go back to whatever post you think I wrote that said Biden hadn't said anything? I know others have commented on this thread, and I don't recall saying anything to that effect. I would hate for you to be lying, you know. I do find it amusing that the left cares so very much about sexual harassment that they immediately went from "every woman must be believed" to "it's okay for Biden to do stuff because somebody else might have done something". It really demonstrates their concern and compassion for the victims of sexual harassment.

You miss the point, which is that you and your ilk are jumping on this like Grant took Richmond, and yet you dismissed the charges against Trump as rubbish because Trump called 25 women "liars".

Of course we enjoy watching you and your ilk squirm like worms on a hook when your faux concern for the victims of sexual harassment is exposed for what it is, crass political gamesmanship, and we see the pattern on every occasion. When a Republican is accused you go nuts trying to "protect" her and her feelings, every woman must be believed, and it's the worst thing since womebody wore white after Labor Day. The man must be punished, must be denied office or run off the job. There's no time and no need for looking deeper. When a democrat is accused, you suddenly discover that a man has rights too and there we must follow the rule of law, obviously the woman is a lying tramp, just drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park and see what you get.

It's humorous to watch, because in both situations, you're just as serious as you can be, completely oblivious to the fact that not more than a few months before you were arguing the exact opposite thing.


I like how you say that as though the right behaves any differently. :lmao:

It just happens to be the left's turn in the spotlight. In a matter of months, perhaps a year or two, a Republican will face the same accusations and the left will again discover that women need to be believed and that Republicans need to be punished without any defense. Those on the right who feel that the left got away with totally reversing themselves will again reverse themselves and pile on the woman. Of course there are those on the right who do the same thing. Rare is the person who holds to a consistent set of values.
The Left lie lie lie.

Biden said that nothing happened with that woman, just as Trump said that nothing happened with those 25 women.
Are they both lying? 25 women.

Biden has said nothing about the accusations because he knows the jig is up.

Biden's silence is an admission of GUILT! Fox News is having a field day with his silence to the point the liberal media are now starting to ask Dems questions. Pelosi was asked today and threw a conniption fit.

Trump News has no problem with a dozen or so women who have claimed that Trump sexually assaulted them. Apparently that is okay. Trump News is fake news.

But, but, but, TRUMP! Dogged determination to always at all cost shift the narrative to Trump rears its head once again. Clearly, the marching orders have gone out. Is it just too difficult to defend Biden on his own merits?

Not difficult, but unnecessary. We know that Trump is not guilty since he said they were all liars--all 25 of 'em.
On, he admitted to sexual impropriety and that doesn't matter to his followers either. So if Trump's stuff doesn't matter, why should Biden's stuff?

You're getting a little closer, but still not making the case for Biden on its own merits. If there's no need to defend Biden, why the shrieking about Trump every time someone criticizes him? If his groping doesn't matter, just say so and move on. As it is, every deflection onto Trump just solidifies Biden's image as a sexual predator, and that's not doing him any favors.

I am speaking about pundits. I want to know why trump followers are so determined. Let it go the way you let the Trump accusations go. If you are going to put so much emphasis on Biden, then do the same for Trump. There is no
way that proof will emerge after 30 years for either of them. One can be wrong, but 25? Nah.

Trump's accusers had their day in the spotlight. This is Biden's turn. Let his situation stand on its own. As it is, this insistence that Trump be brought into it merely reinforces his apparent guilt.

His apparent guilt? Really? It reinforces your desire to deflect from Trump's transgressions.

Nonsense. This thread isn't about Trump and his alleged transgressions. If you want to rant about that, start a thread on it and do so. This thread is about Biden and what he's accused of doing. If your defense of him can't stand on its own merits without constant reference to Trump, you might want to reconsider just how much defense you're actually providing vs how much you make it appear that you believe he's done what he's accused of doing and don't care as long as you can point at Trump.


Suuure, con, uh-huh. Let's ignore the 25 women accusing Impeached Trump of sexual assault. You know, just so we can talk about how you suddenly care about sexual assault.


Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!". I mean, seriously, you can't just say, "Let's check into it and if no laws were broken, let the voters decide who will be the next president"? Or something like, "He might have done it, and we should hear her story and decide for ourselves if she's telling the truth, and if so, whether it merits kicking him to the curb or not". I think, though, that democrat faithful painted themselves into a corner with their absolutist position on Kavanaugh's accuser when they insisted that we had to believe her no matter what, and that he wasn't entitled to defend himself and that no-one was to criticize her in any way.

We don't know what happened in that hallway because none of us were there. At least let her story come out and see if it holds water. I don't think there's any need for the FBI to get involved, since it doesn't appear that a crime was committed that could result in criminal charges, but let's at least hear from her what happened, what she did afterwards, and whether anyone took steps to squash her story. We heard from Ford, decided her story wasn't credible and Kavanaugh was confirmed. We heard from Anita Hill, decided she wasn't credible, and Thomas was confirmed. We heard from Bubba's accusers, decided they were credible, but it wasn't enough to kick him out of office. In each case, we heard from the accuser and the accused was afforded the right to defend himself.

Why is it so hard for you guys to defend Biden? That's the main question I see after seeing the way you insist on jumping to Trump no matter what Biden may have done. It certainly seems that you can't defend him, and that's telling.

Here's an idea. If you think Trump's sexual peccadilloes are disqualifications for office, start threads on them and be consistent that Biden should be held to the same standard. And before you go off half-cocked claiming I'm saying Biden is guilty and should in essence face the firing squad, I'll save you some time looking by telling you that I haven't.

"Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!"

Well that's not true at all. We could point out Reade has no evidence. We could point out she waited nearly 3 decades to make a case of this, despite Biden running numerous times for public office during that period. We could point out how her recall of events of that purported sexual assault changed.

But why bother with such pesky details when we can even easier remind the loony right that they ignored 25 accusations of sexual assault against Impeached Trump? And that's not counting the one who claims Impeached Trump raped her and a friend when they were 13 and 12.

Well, it certainly seems very true that Biden's defenders really can't come up with anything more substantive because they don't. The majority of their defense is always to yell about Trump.

If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. That's how a story gets vetted. If it's weak and there's no evidence that they were in that location at that time, like with Ford's accusation, then the story is weakened. If people she says were witnesses deny knowledge, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. If she can't remember how she got to the location or how she returned home, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. And on it goes. If, however, all you ever do is shriek "Something about TRUMP!!!" when someone accuses Biden about something, you're not really doing Biden any favors, because you're not pointing out weaknesses in the accusations or evidence that Biden is innocent.

Let's put it this way, would you rather Biden be seen as innocent of the charges laid against him or probably guilty but given a pass because somebody else might have done something?

"If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. "

Umm, I already did it.

But I do like how you play the Ford card while complaining of others playing the Impeached Trump card.


Well, if you've already done everything you can to defend Biden, start a thread complaining about Trump. Of course, it'd be lost in the plethora of other identical threads all complaining about him, but hey.

Note that I haven't said that Ford's epic failure in any way excuses someone else. Bit of a difference there, you know. Feel free to show where I did if you think different.

Who needs another thread to highlight rightard hypocrisy?

And yes, Biden said something about the accusation levied against him. He said it's not true.

Who needs another deflection from Biden to Trump, since that's all that Biden's defense seems to be? So, Biden finally denied it when someone finally told him he was just making it worse by remaining silent. What did you expect him to say, that he was guilty? This is still the first round. She accuses, he denies, his supporters trot out reasons why he's innocent. Oh, wait, they're not. They're yelling about Trump instead. Not helping him very much.


Now you're bitching because Biden borrowed Impeached Trump's line he used on no less than 25 different women??


At any rate ... again ... that's not Biden's only defense as I listed several earlier.

What line was that, "I didn't do it"? Hardly a trademarked line, don't you think? And again you can't defend Biden without diverting to Trump. You keep making my point for me. Basically, the thrust of your posts have been that you believe Biden's guilt or innocence is irrelevant because Trump. Not a strong defense.

You just can't stop lying, can ya, con? I already defended Biden without Impeached Trump. It's not my problem you struggle with English.

My point stands, very few are willing to even try defending Biden without invoking Trump. It's as if you all have fax machines in the basement, spitting out talking points that you all must post or you'll get a "visit". Let's see if you can continue on this thread without invoking Trump to excuse Biden. Heck, we don't even know for sure he's done anything wrong yet, and y'all are jumping around like your pants are on fire and your hair's a-catchin'.


If your point was standing, you wouldn't have to keep lying.

You falsely claimed I gave no reasons other than pointing out Impeached Trump has been accused by 25 more women than Biden -- even though I listed some reasons which don't involve Impeached Trump.

You falsely claimed Biden didn't deny the allegation, a position you ridiculously described as a tacit admission of guilt -- but when shown he did deny it, you tried framing his dial as though he could say nothing else.

Again... there are valid reasons to dismiss Reade's claims as I mentioned earlier. That doesn't dissolve Impeached Trump being accused of the same by at least 25 women and the rights' approach to that is basically, "nuh-uh." Now you're throwing hissy fits because the left is being equally dismissive.

On the contrary, I said the general "you", not the specific "you" could not seem to come up with any defense of Biden other than to squeal about Trump, but if you want to count yourself in that group go ahead. I don't care enough about you to bother checking everything you've written, so I don't. Would you care to go back to whatever post you think I wrote that said Biden hadn't said anything? I know others have commented on this thread, and I don't recall saying anything to that effect. I would hate for you to be lying, you know. I do find it amusing that the left cares so very much about sexual harassment that they immediately went from "every woman must be believed" to "it's okay for Biden to do stuff because somebody else might have done something". It really demonstrates their concern and compassion for the victims of sexual harassment.

You miss the point, which is that you and your ilk are jumping on this like Grant took Richmond, and yet you dismissed the charges against Trump as rubbish because Trump called 25 women "liars".

Of course we enjoy watching you and your ilk squirm like worms on a hook when your faux concern for the victims of sexual harassment is exposed for what it is, crass political gamesmanship, and we see the pattern on every occasion. When a Republican is accused you go nuts trying to "protect" her and her feelings, every woman must be believed, and it's the worst thing since womebody wore white after Labor Day. The man must be punished, must be denied office or run off the job. There's no time and no need for looking deeper. When a democrat is accused, you suddenly discover that a man has rights too and there we must follow the rule of law, obviously the woman is a lying tramp, just drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park and see what you get.

It's humorous to watch, because in both situations, you're just as serious as you can be, completely oblivious to the fact that not more than a few months before you were arguing the exact opposite thing.

It is humorous because Trump admitted to being a sexual predator, so when 25 women accuse him of sexual malfeasance, it is believable, yes?

Trumps' accusers' day in the spotlight was in 2016, so if you want to talk about him, you should start a thread about it. This is Biden's turn in the spotlight.
The Left lie lie lie.

Biden said that nothing happened with that woman, just as Trump said that nothing happened with those 25 women.
Are they both lying? 25 women.

Biden has said nothing about the accusations because he knows the jig is up.

Biden's silence is an admission of GUILT! Fox News is having a field day with his silence to the point the liberal media are now starting to ask Dems questions. Pelosi was asked today and threw a conniption fit.

Trump News has no problem with a dozen or so women who have claimed that Trump sexually assaulted them. Apparently that is okay. Trump News is fake news.

But, but, but, TRUMP! Dogged determination to always at all cost shift the narrative to Trump rears its head once again. Clearly, the marching orders have gone out. Is it just too difficult to defend Biden on his own merits?

Not difficult, but unnecessary. We know that Trump is not guilty since he said they were all liars--all 25 of 'em.
On, he admitted to sexual impropriety and that doesn't matter to his followers either. So if Trump's stuff doesn't matter, why should Biden's stuff?

You're getting a little closer, but still not making the case for Biden on its own merits. If there's no need to defend Biden, why the shrieking about Trump every time someone criticizes him? If his groping doesn't matter, just say so and move on. As it is, every deflection onto Trump just solidifies Biden's image as a sexual predator, and that's not doing him any favors.

I am speaking about pundits. I want to know why trump followers are so determined. Let it go the way you let the Trump accusations go. If you are going to put so much emphasis on Biden, then do the same for Trump. There is no
way that proof will emerge after 30 years for either of them. One can be wrong, but 25? Nah.

Trump's accusers had their day in the spotlight. This is Biden's turn. Let his situation stand on its own. As it is, this insistence that Trump be brought into it merely reinforces his apparent guilt.

His apparent guilt? Really? It reinforces your desire to deflect from Trump's transgressions.

Nonsense. This thread isn't about Trump and his alleged transgressions. If you want to rant about that, start a thread on it and do so. This thread is about Biden and what he's accused of doing. If your defense of him can't stand on its own merits without constant reference to Trump, you might want to reconsider just how much defense you're actually providing vs how much you make it appear that you believe he's done what he's accused of doing and don't care as long as you can point at Trump.


Suuure, con, uh-huh. Let's ignore the 25 women accusing Impeached Trump of sexual assault. You know, just so we can talk about how you suddenly care about sexual assault.


Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!". I mean, seriously, you can't just say, "Let's check into it and if no laws were broken, let the voters decide who will be the next president"? Or something like, "He might have done it, and we should hear her story and decide for ourselves if she's telling the truth, and if so, whether it merits kicking him to the curb or not". I think, though, that democrat faithful painted themselves into a corner with their absolutist position on Kavanaugh's accuser when they insisted that we had to believe her no matter what, and that he wasn't entitled to defend himself and that no-one was to criticize her in any way.

We don't know what happened in that hallway because none of us were there. At least let her story come out and see if it holds water. I don't think there's any need for the FBI to get involved, since it doesn't appear that a crime was committed that could result in criminal charges, but let's at least hear from her what happened, what she did afterwards, and whether anyone took steps to squash her story. We heard from Ford, decided her story wasn't credible and Kavanaugh was confirmed. We heard from Anita Hill, decided she wasn't credible, and Thomas was confirmed. We heard from Bubba's accusers, decided they were credible, but it wasn't enough to kick him out of office. In each case, we heard from the accuser and the accused was afforded the right to defend himself.

Why is it so hard for you guys to defend Biden? That's the main question I see after seeing the way you insist on jumping to Trump no matter what Biden may have done. It certainly seems that you can't defend him, and that's telling.

Here's an idea. If you think Trump's sexual peccadilloes are disqualifications for office, start threads on them and be consistent that Biden should be held to the same standard. And before you go off half-cocked claiming I'm saying Biden is guilty and should in essence face the firing squad, I'll save you some time looking by telling you that I haven't.

"Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!"

Well that's not true at all. We could point out Reade has no evidence. We could point out she waited nearly 3 decades to make a case of this, despite Biden running numerous times for public office during that period. We could point out how her recall of events of that purported sexual assault changed.

But why bother with such pesky details when we can even easier remind the loony right that they ignored 25 accusations of sexual assault against Impeached Trump? And that's not counting the one who claims Impeached Trump raped her and a friend when they were 13 and 12.

Well, it certainly seems very true that Biden's defenders really can't come up with anything more substantive because they don't. The majority of their defense is always to yell about Trump.

If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. That's how a story gets vetted. If it's weak and there's no evidence that they were in that location at that time, like with Ford's accusation, then the story is weakened. If people she says were witnesses deny knowledge, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. If she can't remember how she got to the location or how she returned home, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. And on it goes. If, however, all you ever do is shriek "Something about TRUMP!!!" when someone accuses Biden about something, you're not really doing Biden any favors, because you're not pointing out weaknesses in the accusations or evidence that Biden is innocent.

Let's put it this way, would you rather Biden be seen as innocent of the charges laid against him or probably guilty but given a pass because somebody else might have done something?

"If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. "

Umm, I already did it.

But I do like how you play the Ford card while complaining of others playing the Impeached Trump card.


Well, if you've already done everything you can to defend Biden, start a thread complaining about Trump. Of course, it'd be lost in the plethora of other identical threads all complaining about him, but hey.

Note that I haven't said that Ford's epic failure in any way excuses someone else. Bit of a difference there, you know. Feel free to show where I did if you think different.

Who needs another thread to highlight rightard hypocrisy?

And yes, Biden said something about the accusation levied against him. He said it's not true.

Who needs another deflection from Biden to Trump, since that's all that Biden's defense seems to be? So, Biden finally denied it when someone finally told him he was just making it worse by remaining silent. What did you expect him to say, that he was guilty? This is still the first round. She accuses, he denies, his supporters trot out reasons why he's innocent. Oh, wait, they're not. They're yelling about Trump instead. Not helping him very much.


Now you're bitching because Biden borrowed Impeached Trump's line he used on no less than 25 different women??


At any rate ... again ... that's not Biden's only defense as I listed several earlier.

What line was that, "I didn't do it"? Hardly a trademarked line, don't you think? And again you can't defend Biden without diverting to Trump. You keep making my point for me. Basically, the thrust of your posts have been that you believe Biden's guilt or innocence is irrelevant because Trump. Not a strong defense.

You just can't stop lying, can ya, con? I already defended Biden without Impeached Trump. It's not my problem you struggle with English.

My point stands, very few are willing to even try defending Biden without invoking Trump. It's as if you all have fax machines in the basement, spitting out talking points that you all must post or you'll get a "visit". Let's see if you can continue on this thread without invoking Trump to excuse Biden. Heck, we don't even know for sure he's done anything wrong yet, and y'all are jumping around like your pants are on fire and your hair's a-catchin'.


If your point was standing, you wouldn't have to keep lying.

You falsely claimed I gave no reasons other than pointing out Impeached Trump has been accused by 25 more women than Biden -- even though I listed some reasons which don't involve Impeached Trump.

You falsely claimed Biden didn't deny the allegation, a position you ridiculously described as a tacit admission of guilt -- but when shown he did deny it, you tried framing his dial as though he could say nothing else.

Again... there are valid reasons to dismiss Reade's claims as I mentioned earlier. That doesn't dissolve Impeached Trump being accused of the same by at least 25 women and the rights' approach to that is basically, "nuh-uh." Now you're throwing hissy fits because the left is being equally dismissive.

On the contrary, I said the general "you", not the specific "you" could not seem to come up with any defense of Biden other than to squeal about Trump, but if you want to count yourself in that group go ahead. I don't care enough about you to bother checking everything you've written, so I don't. Would you care to go back to whatever post you think I wrote that said Biden hadn't said anything? I know others have commented on this thread, and I don't recall saying anything to that effect. I would hate for you to be lying, you know. I do find it amusing that the left cares so very much about sexual harassment that they immediately went from "every woman must be believed" to "it's okay for Biden to do stuff because somebody else might have done something". It really demonstrates their concern and compassion for the victims of sexual harassment.

You miss the point, which is that you and your ilk are jumping on this like Grant took Richmond, and yet you dismissed the charges against Trump as rubbish because Trump called 25 women "liars".

Of course we enjoy watching you and your ilk squirm like worms on a hook when your faux concern for the victims of sexual harassment is exposed for what it is, crass political gamesmanship, and we see the pattern on every occasion. When a Republican is accused you go nuts trying to "protect" her and her feelings, every woman must be believed, and it's the worst thing since womebody wore white after Labor Day. The man must be punished, must be denied office or run off the job. There's no time and no need for looking deeper. When a democrat is accused, you suddenly discover that a man has rights too and there we must follow the rule of law, obviously the woman is a lying tramp, just drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park and see what you get.

It's humorous to watch, because in both situations, you're just as serious as you can be, completely oblivious to the fact that not more than a few months before you were arguing the exact opposite thing.

It is humorous because Trump admitted to being a sexual predator, so when 25 women accuse him of sexual malfeasance, it is believable, yes?

Trumps' accusers' day in the spotlight was in 2016, so if you want to talk about him, you should start a thread about it. This is Biden's turn in the spotlight.

Problem is that you all dissed the accusations about Trump and you are paying sooo much attention to this one.
Why not diss this one too, yes?
The Left lie lie lie.

Biden said that nothing happened with that woman, just as Trump said that nothing happened with those 25 women.
Are they both lying? 25 women.

Biden has said nothing about the accusations because he knows the jig is up.

Biden's silence is an admission of GUILT! Fox News is having a field day with his silence to the point the liberal media are now starting to ask Dems questions. Pelosi was asked today and threw a conniption fit.

Trump News has no problem with a dozen or so women who have claimed that Trump sexually assaulted them. Apparently that is okay. Trump News is fake news.

But, but, but, TRUMP! Dogged determination to always at all cost shift the narrative to Trump rears its head once again. Clearly, the marching orders have gone out. Is it just too difficult to defend Biden on his own merits?

Not difficult, but unnecessary. We know that Trump is not guilty since he said they were all liars--all 25 of 'em.
On, he admitted to sexual impropriety and that doesn't matter to his followers either. So if Trump's stuff doesn't matter, why should Biden's stuff?

You're getting a little closer, but still not making the case for Biden on its own merits. If there's no need to defend Biden, why the shrieking about Trump every time someone criticizes him? If his groping doesn't matter, just say so and move on. As it is, every deflection onto Trump just solidifies Biden's image as a sexual predator, and that's not doing him any favors.

I am speaking about pundits. I want to know why trump followers are so determined. Let it go the way you let the Trump accusations go. If you are going to put so much emphasis on Biden, then do the same for Trump. There is no
way that proof will emerge after 30 years for either of them. One can be wrong, but 25? Nah.

Trump's accusers had their day in the spotlight. This is Biden's turn. Let his situation stand on its own. As it is, this insistence that Trump be brought into it merely reinforces his apparent guilt.

His apparent guilt? Really? It reinforces your desire to deflect from Trump's transgressions.

Nonsense. This thread isn't about Trump and his alleged transgressions. If you want to rant about that, start a thread on it and do so. This thread is about Biden and what he's accused of doing. If your defense of him can't stand on its own merits without constant reference to Trump, you might want to reconsider just how much defense you're actually providing vs how much you make it appear that you believe he's done what he's accused of doing and don't care as long as you can point at Trump.


Suuure, con, uh-huh. Let's ignore the 25 women accusing Impeached Trump of sexual assault. You know, just so we can talk about how you suddenly care about sexual assault.


Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!". I mean, seriously, you can't just say, "Let's check into it and if no laws were broken, let the voters decide who will be the next president"? Or something like, "He might have done it, and we should hear her story and decide for ourselves if she's telling the truth, and if so, whether it merits kicking him to the curb or not". I think, though, that democrat faithful painted themselves into a corner with their absolutist position on Kavanaugh's accuser when they insisted that we had to believe her no matter what, and that he wasn't entitled to defend himself and that no-one was to criticize her in any way.

We don't know what happened in that hallway because none of us were there. At least let her story come out and see if it holds water. I don't think there's any need for the FBI to get involved, since it doesn't appear that a crime was committed that could result in criminal charges, but let's at least hear from her what happened, what she did afterwards, and whether anyone took steps to squash her story. We heard from Ford, decided her story wasn't credible and Kavanaugh was confirmed. We heard from Anita Hill, decided she wasn't credible, and Thomas was confirmed. We heard from Bubba's accusers, decided they were credible, but it wasn't enough to kick him out of office. In each case, we heard from the accuser and the accused was afforded the right to defend himself.

Why is it so hard for you guys to defend Biden? That's the main question I see after seeing the way you insist on jumping to Trump no matter what Biden may have done. It certainly seems that you can't defend him, and that's telling.

Here's an idea. If you think Trump's sexual peccadilloes are disqualifications for office, start threads on them and be consistent that Biden should be held to the same standard. And before you go off half-cocked claiming I'm saying Biden is guilty and should in essence face the firing squad, I'll save you some time looking by telling you that I haven't.

"Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!"

Well that's not true at all. We could point out Reade has no evidence. We could point out she waited nearly 3 decades to make a case of this, despite Biden running numerous times for public office during that period. We could point out how her recall of events of that purported sexual assault changed.

But why bother with such pesky details when we can even easier remind the loony right that they ignored 25 accusations of sexual assault against Impeached Trump? And that's not counting the one who claims Impeached Trump raped her and a friend when they were 13 and 12.

Well, it certainly seems very true that Biden's defenders really can't come up with anything more substantive because they don't. The majority of their defense is always to yell about Trump.

If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. That's how a story gets vetted. If it's weak and there's no evidence that they were in that location at that time, like with Ford's accusation, then the story is weakened. If people she says were witnesses deny knowledge, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. If she can't remember how she got to the location or how she returned home, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. And on it goes. If, however, all you ever do is shriek "Something about TRUMP!!!" when someone accuses Biden about something, you're not really doing Biden any favors, because you're not pointing out weaknesses in the accusations or evidence that Biden is innocent.

Let's put it this way, would you rather Biden be seen as innocent of the charges laid against him or probably guilty but given a pass because somebody else might have done something?

"If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. "

Umm, I already did it.

But I do like how you play the Ford card while complaining of others playing the Impeached Trump card.


Well, if you've already done everything you can to defend Biden, start a thread complaining about Trump. Of course, it'd be lost in the plethora of other identical threads all complaining about him, but hey.

Note that I haven't said that Ford's epic failure in any way excuses someone else. Bit of a difference there, you know. Feel free to show where I did if you think different.

Who needs another thread to highlight rightard hypocrisy?

And yes, Biden said something about the accusation levied against him. He said it's not true.

Who needs another deflection from Biden to Trump, since that's all that Biden's defense seems to be? So, Biden finally denied it when someone finally told him he was just making it worse by remaining silent. What did you expect him to say, that he was guilty? This is still the first round. She accuses, he denies, his supporters trot out reasons why he's innocent. Oh, wait, they're not. They're yelling about Trump instead. Not helping him very much.


Now you're bitching because Biden borrowed Impeached Trump's line he used on no less than 25 different women??


At any rate ... again ... that's not Biden's only defense as I listed several earlier.

What line was that, "I didn't do it"? Hardly a trademarked line, don't you think? And again you can't defend Biden without diverting to Trump. You keep making my point for me. Basically, the thrust of your posts have been that you believe Biden's guilt or innocence is irrelevant because Trump. Not a strong defense.

You just can't stop lying, can ya, con? I already defended Biden without Impeached Trump. It's not my problem you struggle with English.

My point stands, very few are willing to even try defending Biden without invoking Trump. It's as if you all have fax machines in the basement, spitting out talking points that you all must post or you'll get a "visit". Let's see if you can continue on this thread without invoking Trump to excuse Biden. Heck, we don't even know for sure he's done anything wrong yet, and y'all are jumping around like your pants are on fire and your hair's a-catchin'.


If your point was standing, you wouldn't have to keep lying.

You falsely claimed I gave no reasons other than pointing out Impeached Trump has been accused by 25 more women than Biden -- even though I listed some reasons which don't involve Impeached Trump.

You falsely claimed Biden didn't deny the allegation, a position you ridiculously described as a tacit admission of guilt -- but when shown he did deny it, you tried framing his dial as though he could say nothing else.

Again... there are valid reasons to dismiss Reade's claims as I mentioned earlier. That doesn't dissolve Impeached Trump being accused of the same by at least 25 women and the rights' approach to that is basically, "nuh-uh." Now you're throwing hissy fits because the left is being equally dismissive.

On the contrary, I said the general "you", not the specific "you" could not seem to come up with any defense of Biden other than to squeal about Trump, but if you want to count yourself in that group go ahead. I don't care enough about you to bother checking everything you've written, so I don't. Would you care to go back to whatever post you think I wrote that said Biden hadn't said anything? I know others have commented on this thread, and I don't recall saying anything to that effect. I would hate for you to be lying, you know. I do find it amusing that the left cares so very much about sexual harassment that they immediately went from "every woman must be believed" to "it's okay for Biden to do stuff because somebody else might have done something". It really demonstrates their concern and compassion for the victims of sexual harassment.

You miss the point, which is that you and your ilk are jumping on this like Grant took Richmond, and yet you dismissed the charges against Trump as rubbish because Trump called 25 women "liars".

Of course we enjoy watching you and your ilk squirm like worms on a hook when your faux concern for the victims of sexual harassment is exposed for what it is, crass political gamesmanship, and we see the pattern on every occasion. When a Republican is accused you go nuts trying to "protect" her and her feelings, every woman must be believed, and it's the worst thing since womebody wore white after Labor Day. The man must be punished, must be denied office or run off the job. There's no time and no need for looking deeper. When a democrat is accused, you suddenly discover that a man has rights too and there we must follow the rule of law, obviously the woman is a lying tramp, just drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park and see what you get.

It's humorous to watch, because in both situations, you're just as serious as you can be, completely oblivious to the fact that not more than a few months before you were arguing the exact opposite thing.


I like how you say that as though the right behaves any differently. :lmao:

It just happens to be the left's turn in the spotlight. In a matter of months, perhaps a year or two, a Republican will face the same accusations and the left will again discover that women need to be believed and that Republicans need to be punished without any defense. Those on the right who feel that the left got away with totally reversing themselves will again reverse themselves and pile on the woman. Of course there are those on the right who do the same thing. Rare is the person who holds to a consistent set of values.

If you are innocent, how do you defend against an accusation like that when there is no proof? Let's face it. Trump
admitted to sexual impropriety and was accused by 25 women. All liers?
Biden did respond.
He said it never happened.
Of course, he also declared at a rally not long ago, "I am Joe Biden, and I am running for the US Senate".
Of course, Bill Clinton once declared, "I did not have sex with that woman".
You left out -- Impeached Trump denying he sexually assaulted any of the 25 women who said he did, even though he bragged about introducing himself to women by grabbing their pussy.
Biden has not proven himself to be innocent. So Joe is guilty.
Biden did respond.
He said it never happened.
Of course, he also declared at a rally not long ago, "I am Joe Biden, and I am running for the US Senate".
Of course, Bill Clinton once declared, "I did not have sex with that woman".
You left out -- Impeached Trump denying he sexually assaulted any of the 25 women who said he did, even though he bragged about introducing himself to women by grabbing their pussy.
Biden has not proven himself to be innocent. So Joe is guilty.
Great, by that logic, Impeached Trump is guilty on 25 counts. Lock him up!

The Left lie lie lie.

Biden said that nothing happened with that woman, just as Trump said that nothing happened with those 25 women.
Are they both lying? 25 women.

Biden has said nothing about the accusations because he knows the jig is up.

Biden's silence is an admission of GUILT! Fox News is having a field day with his silence to the point the liberal media are now starting to ask Dems questions. Pelosi was asked today and threw a conniption fit.

Trump News has no problem with a dozen or so women who have claimed that Trump sexually assaulted them. Apparently that is okay. Trump News is fake news.

But, but, but, TRUMP! Dogged determination to always at all cost shift the narrative to Trump rears its head once again. Clearly, the marching orders have gone out. Is it just too difficult to defend Biden on his own merits?

Not difficult, but unnecessary. We know that Trump is not guilty since he said they were all liars--all 25 of 'em.
On, he admitted to sexual impropriety and that doesn't matter to his followers either. So if Trump's stuff doesn't matter, why should Biden's stuff?

You're getting a little closer, but still not making the case for Biden on its own merits. If there's no need to defend Biden, why the shrieking about Trump every time someone criticizes him? If his groping doesn't matter, just say so and move on. As it is, every deflection onto Trump just solidifies Biden's image as a sexual predator, and that's not doing him any favors.

I am speaking about pundits. I want to know why trump followers are so determined. Let it go the way you let the Trump accusations go. If you are going to put so much emphasis on Biden, then do the same for Trump. There is no
way that proof will emerge after 30 years for either of them. One can be wrong, but 25? Nah.

Trump's accusers had their day in the spotlight. This is Biden's turn. Let his situation stand on its own. As it is, this insistence that Trump be brought into it merely reinforces his apparent guilt.

His apparent guilt? Really? It reinforces your desire to deflect from Trump's transgressions.

Nonsense. This thread isn't about Trump and his alleged transgressions. If you want to rant about that, start a thread on it and do so. This thread is about Biden and what he's accused of doing. If your defense of him can't stand on its own merits without constant reference to Trump, you might want to reconsider just how much defense you're actually providing vs how much you make it appear that you believe he's done what he's accused of doing and don't care as long as you can point at Trump.


Suuure, con, uh-huh. Let's ignore the 25 women accusing Impeached Trump of sexual assault. You know, just so we can talk about how you suddenly care about sexual assault.


Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!". I mean, seriously, you can't just say, "Let's check into it and if no laws were broken, let the voters decide who will be the next president"? Or something like, "He might have done it, and we should hear her story and decide for ourselves if she's telling the truth, and if so, whether it merits kicking him to the curb or not". I think, though, that democrat faithful painted themselves into a corner with their absolutist position on Kavanaugh's accuser when they insisted that we had to believe her no matter what, and that he wasn't entitled to defend himself and that no-one was to criticize her in any way.

We don't know what happened in that hallway because none of us were there. At least let her story come out and see if it holds water. I don't think there's any need for the FBI to get involved, since it doesn't appear that a crime was committed that could result in criminal charges, but let's at least hear from her what happened, what she did afterwards, and whether anyone took steps to squash her story. We heard from Ford, decided her story wasn't credible and Kavanaugh was confirmed. We heard from Anita Hill, decided she wasn't credible, and Thomas was confirmed. We heard from Bubba's accusers, decided they were credible, but it wasn't enough to kick him out of office. In each case, we heard from the accuser and the accused was afforded the right to defend himself.

Why is it so hard for you guys to defend Biden? That's the main question I see after seeing the way you insist on jumping to Trump no matter what Biden may have done. It certainly seems that you can't defend him, and that's telling.

Here's an idea. If you think Trump's sexual peccadilloes are disqualifications for office, start threads on them and be consistent that Biden should be held to the same standard. And before you go off half-cocked claiming I'm saying Biden is guilty and should in essence face the firing squad, I'll save you some time looking by telling you that I haven't.

"Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!"

Well that's not true at all. We could point out Reade has no evidence. We could point out she waited nearly 3 decades to make a case of this, despite Biden running numerous times for public office during that period. We could point out how her recall of events of that purported sexual assault changed.

But why bother with such pesky details when we can even easier remind the loony right that they ignored 25 accusations of sexual assault against Impeached Trump? And that's not counting the one who claims Impeached Trump raped her and a friend when they were 13 and 12.

Well, it certainly seems very true that Biden's defenders really can't come up with anything more substantive because they don't. The majority of their defense is always to yell about Trump.

If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. That's how a story gets vetted. If it's weak and there's no evidence that they were in that location at that time, like with Ford's accusation, then the story is weakened. If people she says were witnesses deny knowledge, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. If she can't remember how she got to the location or how she returned home, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. And on it goes. If, however, all you ever do is shriek "Something about TRUMP!!!" when someone accuses Biden about something, you're not really doing Biden any favors, because you're not pointing out weaknesses in the accusations or evidence that Biden is innocent.

Let's put it this way, would you rather Biden be seen as innocent of the charges laid against him or probably guilty but given a pass because somebody else might have done something?

"If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. "

Umm, I already did it.

But I do like how you play the Ford card while complaining of others playing the Impeached Trump card.


Well, if you've already done everything you can to defend Biden, start a thread complaining about Trump. Of course, it'd be lost in the plethora of other identical threads all complaining about him, but hey.

Note that I haven't said that Ford's epic failure in any way excuses someone else. Bit of a difference there, you know. Feel free to show where I did if you think different.

Who needs another thread to highlight rightard hypocrisy?

And yes, Biden said something about the accusation levied against him. He said it's not true.

Who needs another deflection from Biden to Trump, since that's all that Biden's defense seems to be? So, Biden finally denied it when someone finally told him he was just making it worse by remaining silent. What did you expect him to say, that he was guilty? This is still the first round. She accuses, he denies, his supporters trot out reasons why he's innocent. Oh, wait, they're not. They're yelling about Trump instead. Not helping him very much.


Now you're bitching because Biden borrowed Impeached Trump's line he used on no less than 25 different women??


At any rate ... again ... that's not Biden's only defense as I listed several earlier.

What line was that, "I didn't do it"? Hardly a trademarked line, don't you think? And again you can't defend Biden without diverting to Trump. You keep making my point for me. Basically, the thrust of your posts have been that you believe Biden's guilt or innocence is irrelevant because Trump. Not a strong defense.

You just can't stop lying, can ya, con? I already defended Biden without Impeached Trump. It's not my problem you struggle with English.

My point stands, very few are willing to even try defending Biden without invoking Trump. It's as if you all have fax machines in the basement, spitting out talking points that you all must post or you'll get a "visit". Let's see if you can continue on this thread without invoking Trump to excuse Biden. Heck, we don't even know for sure he's done anything wrong yet, and y'all are jumping around like your pants are on fire and your hair's a-catchin'.


If your point was standing, you wouldn't have to keep lying.

You falsely claimed I gave no reasons other than pointing out Impeached Trump has been accused by 25 more women than Biden -- even though I listed some reasons which don't involve Impeached Trump.

You falsely claimed Biden didn't deny the allegation, a position you ridiculously described as a tacit admission of guilt -- but when shown he did deny it, you tried framing his dial as though he could say nothing else.

Again... there are valid reasons to dismiss Reade's claims as I mentioned earlier. That doesn't dissolve Impeached Trump being accused of the same by at least 25 women and the rights' approach to that is basically, "nuh-uh." Now you're throwing hissy fits because the left is being equally dismissive.

On the contrary, I said the general "you", not the specific "you" could not seem to come up with any defense of Biden other than to squeal about Trump, but if you want to count yourself in that group go ahead. I don't care enough about you to bother checking everything you've written, so I don't. Would you care to go back to whatever post you think I wrote that said Biden hadn't said anything? I know others have commented on this thread, and I don't recall saying anything to that effect. I would hate for you to be lying, you know. I do find it amusing that the left cares so very much about sexual harassment that they immediately went from "every woman must be believed" to "it's okay for Biden to do stuff because somebody else might have done something". It really demonstrates their concern and compassion for the victims of sexual harassment.

You miss the point, which is that you and your ilk are jumping on this like Grant took Richmond, and yet you dismissed the charges against Trump as rubbish because Trump called 25 women "liars".

Of course we enjoy watching you and your ilk squirm like worms on a hook when your faux concern for the victims of sexual harassment is exposed for what it is, crass political gamesmanship, and we see the pattern on every occasion. When a Republican is accused you go nuts trying to "protect" her and her feelings, every woman must be believed, and it's the worst thing since womebody wore white after Labor Day. The man must be punished, must be denied office or run off the job. There's no time and no need for looking deeper. When a democrat is accused, you suddenly discover that a man has rights too and there we must follow the rule of law, obviously the woman is a lying tramp, just drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park and see what you get.

It's humorous to watch, because in both situations, you're just as serious as you can be, completely oblivious to the fact that not more than a few months before you were arguing the exact opposite thing.

It is humorous because Trump admitted to being a sexual predator, so when 25 women accuse him of sexual malfeasance, it is believable, yes?

Trumps' accusers' day in the spotlight was in 2016, so if you want to talk about him, you should start a thread about it. This is Biden's turn in the spotlight.

Problem is that you all dissed the accusations about Trump and you are paying sooo much attention to this one.
Why not diss this one too, yes?

Since you're talking to me and I don't talk for anyone else, note that I have not declared Biden guilty of anything. In fact, I've said let's hear her story, look at what evidence she has, then decide if it's credible and if it should disqualify Biden from office. I've just been having a lot of fun watching the usual suspects try to "defend" Biden by shrieking about Trump all the time.
The Left lie lie lie.

Biden said that nothing happened with that woman, just as Trump said that nothing happened with those 25 women.
Are they both lying? 25 women.

Biden has said nothing about the accusations because he knows the jig is up.

Biden's silence is an admission of GUILT! Fox News is having a field day with his silence to the point the liberal media are now starting to ask Dems questions. Pelosi was asked today and threw a conniption fit.

Trump News has no problem with a dozen or so women who have claimed that Trump sexually assaulted them. Apparently that is okay. Trump News is fake news.

But, but, but, TRUMP! Dogged determination to always at all cost shift the narrative to Trump rears its head once again. Clearly, the marching orders have gone out. Is it just too difficult to defend Biden on his own merits?

Not difficult, but unnecessary. We know that Trump is not guilty since he said they were all liars--all 25 of 'em.
On, he admitted to sexual impropriety and that doesn't matter to his followers either. So if Trump's stuff doesn't matter, why should Biden's stuff?

You're getting a little closer, but still not making the case for Biden on its own merits. If there's no need to defend Biden, why the shrieking about Trump every time someone criticizes him? If his groping doesn't matter, just say so and move on. As it is, every deflection onto Trump just solidifies Biden's image as a sexual predator, and that's not doing him any favors.

I am speaking about pundits. I want to know why trump followers are so determined. Let it go the way you let the Trump accusations go. If you are going to put so much emphasis on Biden, then do the same for Trump. There is no
way that proof will emerge after 30 years for either of them. One can be wrong, but 25? Nah.

Trump's accusers had their day in the spotlight. This is Biden's turn. Let his situation stand on its own. As it is, this insistence that Trump be brought into it merely reinforces his apparent guilt.

His apparent guilt? Really? It reinforces your desire to deflect from Trump's transgressions.

Nonsense. This thread isn't about Trump and his alleged transgressions. If you want to rant about that, start a thread on it and do so. This thread is about Biden and what he's accused of doing. If your defense of him can't stand on its own merits without constant reference to Trump, you might want to reconsider just how much defense you're actually providing vs how much you make it appear that you believe he's done what he's accused of doing and don't care as long as you can point at Trump.


Suuure, con, uh-huh. Let's ignore the 25 women accusing Impeached Trump of sexual assault. You know, just so we can talk about how you suddenly care about sexual assault.


Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!". I mean, seriously, you can't just say, "Let's check into it and if no laws were broken, let the voters decide who will be the next president"? Or something like, "He might have done it, and we should hear her story and decide for ourselves if she's telling the truth, and if so, whether it merits kicking him to the curb or not". I think, though, that democrat faithful painted themselves into a corner with their absolutist position on Kavanaugh's accuser when they insisted that we had to believe her no matter what, and that he wasn't entitled to defend himself and that no-one was to criticize her in any way.

We don't know what happened in that hallway because none of us were there. At least let her story come out and see if it holds water. I don't think there's any need for the FBI to get involved, since it doesn't appear that a crime was committed that could result in criminal charges, but let's at least hear from her what happened, what she did afterwards, and whether anyone took steps to squash her story. We heard from Ford, decided her story wasn't credible and Kavanaugh was confirmed. We heard from Anita Hill, decided she wasn't credible, and Thomas was confirmed. We heard from Bubba's accusers, decided they were credible, but it wasn't enough to kick him out of office. In each case, we heard from the accuser and the accused was afforded the right to defend himself.

Why is it so hard for you guys to defend Biden? That's the main question I see after seeing the way you insist on jumping to Trump no matter what Biden may have done. It certainly seems that you can't defend him, and that's telling.

Here's an idea. If you think Trump's sexual peccadilloes are disqualifications for office, start threads on them and be consistent that Biden should be held to the same standard. And before you go off half-cocked claiming I'm saying Biden is guilty and should in essence face the firing squad, I'll save you some time looking by telling you that I haven't.

"Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!"

Well that's not true at all. We could point out Reade has no evidence. We could point out she waited nearly 3 decades to make a case of this, despite Biden running numerous times for public office during that period. We could point out how her recall of events of that purported sexual assault changed.

But why bother with such pesky details when we can even easier remind the loony right that they ignored 25 accusations of sexual assault against Impeached Trump? And that's not counting the one who claims Impeached Trump raped her and a friend when they were 13 and 12.

Well, it certainly seems very true that Biden's defenders really can't come up with anything more substantive because they don't. The majority of their defense is always to yell about Trump.

If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. That's how a story gets vetted. If it's weak and there's no evidence that they were in that location at that time, like with Ford's accusation, then the story is weakened. If people she says were witnesses deny knowledge, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. If she can't remember how she got to the location or how she returned home, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. And on it goes. If, however, all you ever do is shriek "Something about TRUMP!!!" when someone accuses Biden about something, you're not really doing Biden any favors, because you're not pointing out weaknesses in the accusations or evidence that Biden is innocent.

Let's put it this way, would you rather Biden be seen as innocent of the charges laid against him or probably guilty but given a pass because somebody else might have done something?

"If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. "

Umm, I already did it.

But I do like how you play the Ford card while complaining of others playing the Impeached Trump card.


Well, if you've already done everything you can to defend Biden, start a thread complaining about Trump. Of course, it'd be lost in the plethora of other identical threads all complaining about him, but hey.

Note that I haven't said that Ford's epic failure in any way excuses someone else. Bit of a difference there, you know. Feel free to show where I did if you think different.

Who needs another thread to highlight rightard hypocrisy?

And yes, Biden said something about the accusation levied against him. He said it's not true.

Who needs another deflection from Biden to Trump, since that's all that Biden's defense seems to be? So, Biden finally denied it when someone finally told him he was just making it worse by remaining silent. What did you expect him to say, that he was guilty? This is still the first round. She accuses, he denies, his supporters trot out reasons why he's innocent. Oh, wait, they're not. They're yelling about Trump instead. Not helping him very much.


Now you're bitching because Biden borrowed Impeached Trump's line he used on no less than 25 different women??


At any rate ... again ... that's not Biden's only defense as I listed several earlier.

What line was that, "I didn't do it"? Hardly a trademarked line, don't you think? And again you can't defend Biden without diverting to Trump. You keep making my point for me. Basically, the thrust of your posts have been that you believe Biden's guilt or innocence is irrelevant because Trump. Not a strong defense.

You just can't stop lying, can ya, con? I already defended Biden without Impeached Trump. It's not my problem you struggle with English.

My point stands, very few are willing to even try defending Biden without invoking Trump. It's as if you all have fax machines in the basement, spitting out talking points that you all must post or you'll get a "visit". Let's see if you can continue on this thread without invoking Trump to excuse Biden. Heck, we don't even know for sure he's done anything wrong yet, and y'all are jumping around like your pants are on fire and your hair's a-catchin'.


If your point was standing, you wouldn't have to keep lying.

You falsely claimed I gave no reasons other than pointing out Impeached Trump has been accused by 25 more women than Biden -- even though I listed some reasons which don't involve Impeached Trump.

You falsely claimed Biden didn't deny the allegation, a position you ridiculously described as a tacit admission of guilt -- but when shown he did deny it, you tried framing his dial as though he could say nothing else.

Again... there are valid reasons to dismiss Reade's claims as I mentioned earlier. That doesn't dissolve Impeached Trump being accused of the same by at least 25 women and the rights' approach to that is basically, "nuh-uh." Now you're throwing hissy fits because the left is being equally dismissive.

On the contrary, I said the general "you", not the specific "you" could not seem to come up with any defense of Biden other than to squeal about Trump, but if you want to count yourself in that group go ahead. I don't care enough about you to bother checking everything you've written, so I don't. Would you care to go back to whatever post you think I wrote that said Biden hadn't said anything? I know others have commented on this thread, and I don't recall saying anything to that effect. I would hate for you to be lying, you know. I do find it amusing that the left cares so very much about sexual harassment that they immediately went from "every woman must be believed" to "it's okay for Biden to do stuff because somebody else might have done something". It really demonstrates their concern and compassion for the victims of sexual harassment.

You miss the point, which is that you and your ilk are jumping on this like Grant took Richmond, and yet you dismissed the charges against Trump as rubbish because Trump called 25 women "liars".

Of course we enjoy watching you and your ilk squirm like worms on a hook when your faux concern for the victims of sexual harassment is exposed for what it is, crass political gamesmanship, and we see the pattern on every occasion. When a Republican is accused you go nuts trying to "protect" her and her feelings, every woman must be believed, and it's the worst thing since womebody wore white after Labor Day. The man must be punished, must be denied office or run off the job. There's no time and no need for looking deeper. When a democrat is accused, you suddenly discover that a man has rights too and there we must follow the rule of law, obviously the woman is a lying tramp, just drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park and see what you get.

It's humorous to watch, because in both situations, you're just as serious as you can be, completely oblivious to the fact that not more than a few months before you were arguing the exact opposite thing.


I like how you say that as though the right behaves any differently. :lmao:

It just happens to be the left's turn in the spotlight. In a matter of months, perhaps a year or two, a Republican will face the same accusations and the left will again discover that women need to be believed and that Republicans need to be punished without any defense. Those on the right who feel that the left got away with totally reversing themselves will again reverse themselves and pile on the woman. Of course there are those on the right who do the same thing. Rare is the person who holds to a consistent set of values.

If you are innocent, how do you defend against an accusation like that when there is no proof? Let's face it. Trump
admitted to sexual impropriety and was accused by 25 women. All liers?

Where there is no proof, it comes down to her claiming he did something and him claiming he didn't. Then the partisans both show up and insist their champion is absolutely correct while the other one is absolutely wrong, the press gangs up behind their favorite and do their best to sway public opinion, and everyone has to make up their own mind. A decades old accusation with no evidence has little credibility, which is what sank Ford's accusation against Kavanaugh. We'll see how this one holds up. If it has legs, Biden will eventually have to deal with it beyond simply denying it. And again, you rely on Trump. You actually had a decent post going there for a minute. And, BTW, I've never insisted Trump was innocent either.
The Left lie lie lie.

Biden said that nothing happened with that woman, just as Trump said that nothing happened with those 25 women.
Are they both lying? 25 women.

Biden has said nothing about the accusations because he knows the jig is up.

Biden's silence is an admission of GUILT! Fox News is having a field day with his silence to the point the liberal media are now starting to ask Dems questions. Pelosi was asked today and threw a conniption fit.

Trump News has no problem with a dozen or so women who have claimed that Trump sexually assaulted them. Apparently that is okay. Trump News is fake news.

But, but, but, TRUMP! Dogged determination to always at all cost shift the narrative to Trump rears its head once again. Clearly, the marching orders have gone out. Is it just too difficult to defend Biden on his own merits?

Not difficult, but unnecessary. We know that Trump is not guilty since he said they were all liars--all 25 of 'em.
On, he admitted to sexual impropriety and that doesn't matter to his followers either. So if Trump's stuff doesn't matter, why should Biden's stuff?

You're getting a little closer, but still not making the case for Biden on its own merits. If there's no need to defend Biden, why the shrieking about Trump every time someone criticizes him? If his groping doesn't matter, just say so and move on. As it is, every deflection onto Trump just solidifies Biden's image as a sexual predator, and that's not doing him any favors.

I am speaking about pundits. I want to know why trump followers are so determined. Let it go the way you let the Trump accusations go. If you are going to put so much emphasis on Biden, then do the same for Trump. There is no
way that proof will emerge after 30 years for either of them. One can be wrong, but 25? Nah.

Trump's accusers had their day in the spotlight. This is Biden's turn. Let his situation stand on its own. As it is, this insistence that Trump be brought into it merely reinforces his apparent guilt.

His apparent guilt? Really? It reinforces your desire to deflect from Trump's transgressions.

Nonsense. This thread isn't about Trump and his alleged transgressions. If you want to rant about that, start a thread on it and do so. This thread is about Biden and what he's accused of doing. If your defense of him can't stand on its own merits without constant reference to Trump, you might want to reconsider just how much defense you're actually providing vs how much you make it appear that you believe he's done what he's accused of doing and don't care as long as you can point at Trump.


Suuure, con, uh-huh. Let's ignore the 25 women accusing Impeached Trump of sexual assault. You know, just so we can talk about how you suddenly care about sexual assault.


Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!". I mean, seriously, you can't just say, "Let's check into it and if no laws were broken, let the voters decide who will be the next president"? Or something like, "He might have done it, and we should hear her story and decide for ourselves if she's telling the truth, and if so, whether it merits kicking him to the curb or not". I think, though, that democrat faithful painted themselves into a corner with their absolutist position on Kavanaugh's accuser when they insisted that we had to believe her no matter what, and that he wasn't entitled to defend himself and that no-one was to criticize her in any way.

We don't know what happened in that hallway because none of us were there. At least let her story come out and see if it holds water. I don't think there's any need for the FBI to get involved, since it doesn't appear that a crime was committed that could result in criminal charges, but let's at least hear from her what happened, what she did afterwards, and whether anyone took steps to squash her story. We heard from Ford, decided her story wasn't credible and Kavanaugh was confirmed. We heard from Anita Hill, decided she wasn't credible, and Thomas was confirmed. We heard from Bubba's accusers, decided they were credible, but it wasn't enough to kick him out of office. In each case, we heard from the accuser and the accused was afforded the right to defend himself.

Why is it so hard for you guys to defend Biden? That's the main question I see after seeing the way you insist on jumping to Trump no matter what Biden may have done. It certainly seems that you can't defend him, and that's telling.

Here's an idea. If you think Trump's sexual peccadilloes are disqualifications for office, start threads on them and be consistent that Biden should be held to the same standard. And before you go off half-cocked claiming I'm saying Biden is guilty and should in essence face the firing squad, I'll save you some time looking by telling you that I haven't.

"Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!"

Well that's not true at all. We could point out Reade has no evidence. We could point out she waited nearly 3 decades to make a case of this, despite Biden running numerous times for public office during that period. We could point out how her recall of events of that purported sexual assault changed.

But why bother with such pesky details when we can even easier remind the loony right that they ignored 25 accusations of sexual assault against Impeached Trump? And that's not counting the one who claims Impeached Trump raped her and a friend when they were 13 and 12.

Well, it certainly seems very true that Biden's defenders really can't come up with anything more substantive because they don't. The majority of their defense is always to yell about Trump.

If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. That's how a story gets vetted. If it's weak and there's no evidence that they were in that location at that time, like with Ford's accusation, then the story is weakened. If people she says were witnesses deny knowledge, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. If she can't remember how she got to the location or how she returned home, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. And on it goes. If, however, all you ever do is shriek "Something about TRUMP!!!" when someone accuses Biden about something, you're not really doing Biden any favors, because you're not pointing out weaknesses in the accusations or evidence that Biden is innocent.

Let's put it this way, would you rather Biden be seen as innocent of the charges laid against him or probably guilty but given a pass because somebody else might have done something?

"If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. "

Umm, I already did it.

But I do like how you play the Ford card while complaining of others playing the Impeached Trump card.


Well, if you've already done everything you can to defend Biden, start a thread complaining about Trump. Of course, it'd be lost in the plethora of other identical threads all complaining about him, but hey.

Note that I haven't said that Ford's epic failure in any way excuses someone else. Bit of a difference there, you know. Feel free to show where I did if you think different.

Who needs another thread to highlight rightard hypocrisy?

And yes, Biden said something about the accusation levied against him. He said it's not true.

Who needs another deflection from Biden to Trump, since that's all that Biden's defense seems to be? So, Biden finally denied it when someone finally told him he was just making it worse by remaining silent. What did you expect him to say, that he was guilty? This is still the first round. She accuses, he denies, his supporters trot out reasons why he's innocent. Oh, wait, they're not. They're yelling about Trump instead. Not helping him very much.


Now you're bitching because Biden borrowed Impeached Trump's line he used on no less than 25 different women??


At any rate ... again ... that's not Biden's only defense as I listed several earlier.

What line was that, "I didn't do it"? Hardly a trademarked line, don't you think? And again you can't defend Biden without diverting to Trump. You keep making my point for me. Basically, the thrust of your posts have been that you believe Biden's guilt or innocence is irrelevant because Trump. Not a strong defense.

You just can't stop lying, can ya, con? I already defended Biden without Impeached Trump. It's not my problem you struggle with English.

My point stands, very few are willing to even try defending Biden without invoking Trump. It's as if you all have fax machines in the basement, spitting out talking points that you all must post or you'll get a "visit". Let's see if you can continue on this thread without invoking Trump to excuse Biden. Heck, we don't even know for sure he's done anything wrong yet, and y'all are jumping around like your pants are on fire and your hair's a-catchin'.


If your point was standing, you wouldn't have to keep lying.

You falsely claimed I gave no reasons other than pointing out Impeached Trump has been accused by 25 more women than Biden -- even though I listed some reasons which don't involve Impeached Trump.

You falsely claimed Biden didn't deny the allegation, a position you ridiculously described as a tacit admission of guilt -- but when shown he did deny it, you tried framing his dial as though he could say nothing else.

Again... there are valid reasons to dismiss Reade's claims as I mentioned earlier. That doesn't dissolve Impeached Trump being accused of the same by at least 25 women and the rights' approach to that is basically, "nuh-uh." Now you're throwing hissy fits because the left is being equally dismissive.

On the contrary, I said the general "you", not the specific "you" could not seem to come up with any defense of Biden other than to squeal about Trump, but if you want to count yourself in that group go ahead. I don't care enough about you to bother checking everything you've written, so I don't. Would you care to go back to whatever post you think I wrote that said Biden hadn't said anything? I know others have commented on this thread, and I don't recall saying anything to that effect. I would hate for you to be lying, you know. I do find it amusing that the left cares so very much about sexual harassment that they immediately went from "every woman must be believed" to "it's okay for Biden to do stuff because somebody else might have done something". It really demonstrates their concern and compassion for the victims of sexual harassment.

You miss the point, which is that you and your ilk are jumping on this like Grant took Richmond, and yet you dismissed the charges against Trump as rubbish because Trump called 25 women "liars".

Of course we enjoy watching you and your ilk squirm like worms on a hook when your faux concern for the victims of sexual harassment is exposed for what it is, crass political gamesmanship, and we see the pattern on every occasion. When a Republican is accused you go nuts trying to "protect" her and her feelings, every woman must be believed, and it's the worst thing since womebody wore white after Labor Day. The man must be punished, must be denied office or run off the job. There's no time and no need for looking deeper. When a democrat is accused, you suddenly discover that a man has rights too and there we must follow the rule of law, obviously the woman is a lying tramp, just drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park and see what you get.

It's humorous to watch, because in both situations, you're just as serious as you can be, completely oblivious to the fact that not more than a few months before you were arguing the exact opposite thing.

It is humorous because Trump admitted to being a sexual predator, so when 25 women accuse him of sexual malfeasance, it is believable, yes?

Trumps' accusers' day in the spotlight was in 2016, so if you want to talk about him, you should start a thread about it. This is Biden's turn in the spotlight.

Problem is that you all dissed the accusations about Trump and you are paying sooo much attention to this one.
Why not diss this one too, yes?

Since you're talking to me and I don't talk for anyone else, note that I have not declared Biden guilty of anything. In fact, I've said let's hear her story, look at what evidence she has, then decide if it's credible and if it should disqualify Biden from office. I've just been having a lot of fun watching the usual suspects try to "defend" Biden by shrieking about Trump all the time.

Umm, we've heard her story.
The Left lie lie lie.

Biden said that nothing happened with that woman, just as Trump said that nothing happened with those 25 women.
Are they both lying? 25 women.

Biden has said nothing about the accusations because he knows the jig is up.

Biden's silence is an admission of GUILT! Fox News is having a field day with his silence to the point the liberal media are now starting to ask Dems questions. Pelosi was asked today and threw a conniption fit.

Trump News has no problem with a dozen or so women who have claimed that Trump sexually assaulted them. Apparently that is okay. Trump News is fake news.

But, but, but, TRUMP! Dogged determination to always at all cost shift the narrative to Trump rears its head once again. Clearly, the marching orders have gone out. Is it just too difficult to defend Biden on his own merits?

Not difficult, but unnecessary. We know that Trump is not guilty since he said they were all liars--all 25 of 'em.
On, he admitted to sexual impropriety and that doesn't matter to his followers either. So if Trump's stuff doesn't matter, why should Biden's stuff?

You're getting a little closer, but still not making the case for Biden on its own merits. If there's no need to defend Biden, why the shrieking about Trump every time someone criticizes him? If his groping doesn't matter, just say so and move on. As it is, every deflection onto Trump just solidifies Biden's image as a sexual predator, and that's not doing him any favors.

I am speaking about pundits. I want to know why trump followers are so determined. Let it go the way you let the Trump accusations go. If you are going to put so much emphasis on Biden, then do the same for Trump. There is no
way that proof will emerge after 30 years for either of them. One can be wrong, but 25? Nah.

Trump's accusers had their day in the spotlight. This is Biden's turn. Let his situation stand on its own. As it is, this insistence that Trump be brought into it merely reinforces his apparent guilt.

His apparent guilt? Really? It reinforces your desire to deflect from Trump's transgressions.

Nonsense. This thread isn't about Trump and his alleged transgressions. If you want to rant about that, start a thread on it and do so. This thread is about Biden and what he's accused of doing. If your defense of him can't stand on its own merits without constant reference to Trump, you might want to reconsider just how much defense you're actually providing vs how much you make it appear that you believe he's done what he's accused of doing and don't care as long as you can point at Trump.


Suuure, con, uh-huh. Let's ignore the 25 women accusing Impeached Trump of sexual assault. You know, just so we can talk about how you suddenly care about sexual assault.


Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!". I mean, seriously, you can't just say, "Let's check into it and if no laws were broken, let the voters decide who will be the next president"? Or something like, "He might have done it, and we should hear her story and decide for ourselves if she's telling the truth, and if so, whether it merits kicking him to the curb or not". I think, though, that democrat faithful painted themselves into a corner with their absolutist position on Kavanaugh's accuser when they insisted that we had to believe her no matter what, and that he wasn't entitled to defend himself and that no-one was to criticize her in any way.

We don't know what happened in that hallway because none of us were there. At least let her story come out and see if it holds water. I don't think there's any need for the FBI to get involved, since it doesn't appear that a crime was committed that could result in criminal charges, but let's at least hear from her what happened, what she did afterwards, and whether anyone took steps to squash her story. We heard from Ford, decided her story wasn't credible and Kavanaugh was confirmed. We heard from Anita Hill, decided she wasn't credible, and Thomas was confirmed. We heard from Bubba's accusers, decided they were credible, but it wasn't enough to kick him out of office. In each case, we heard from the accuser and the accused was afforded the right to defend himself.

Why is it so hard for you guys to defend Biden? That's the main question I see after seeing the way you insist on jumping to Trump no matter what Biden may have done. It certainly seems that you can't defend him, and that's telling.

Here's an idea. If you think Trump's sexual peccadilloes are disqualifications for office, start threads on them and be consistent that Biden should be held to the same standard. And before you go off half-cocked claiming I'm saying Biden is guilty and should in essence face the firing squad, I'll save you some time looking by telling you that I haven't.

"Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!"

Well that's not true at all. We could point out Reade has no evidence. We could point out she waited nearly 3 decades to make a case of this, despite Biden running numerous times for public office during that period. We could point out how her recall of events of that purported sexual assault changed.

But why bother with such pesky details when we can even easier remind the loony right that they ignored 25 accusations of sexual assault against Impeached Trump? And that's not counting the one who claims Impeached Trump raped her and a friend when they were 13 and 12.

Well, it certainly seems very true that Biden's defenders really can't come up with anything more substantive because they don't. The majority of their defense is always to yell about Trump.

If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. That's how a story gets vetted. If it's weak and there's no evidence that they were in that location at that time, like with Ford's accusation, then the story is weakened. If people she says were witnesses deny knowledge, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. If she can't remember how she got to the location or how she returned home, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. And on it goes. If, however, all you ever do is shriek "Something about TRUMP!!!" when someone accuses Biden about something, you're not really doing Biden any favors, because you're not pointing out weaknesses in the accusations or evidence that Biden is innocent.

Let's put it this way, would you rather Biden be seen as innocent of the charges laid against him or probably guilty but given a pass because somebody else might have done something?

"If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. "

Umm, I already did it.

But I do like how you play the Ford card while complaining of others playing the Impeached Trump card.


Well, if you've already done everything you can to defend Biden, start a thread complaining about Trump. Of course, it'd be lost in the plethora of other identical threads all complaining about him, but hey.

Note that I haven't said that Ford's epic failure in any way excuses someone else. Bit of a difference there, you know. Feel free to show where I did if you think different.

Who needs another thread to highlight rightard hypocrisy?

And yes, Biden said something about the accusation levied against him. He said it's not true.

Who needs another deflection from Biden to Trump, since that's all that Biden's defense seems to be? So, Biden finally denied it when someone finally told him he was just making it worse by remaining silent. What did you expect him to say, that he was guilty? This is still the first round. She accuses, he denies, his supporters trot out reasons why he's innocent. Oh, wait, they're not. They're yelling about Trump instead. Not helping him very much.


Now you're bitching because Biden borrowed Impeached Trump's line he used on no less than 25 different women??


At any rate ... again ... that's not Biden's only defense as I listed several earlier.

What line was that, "I didn't do it"? Hardly a trademarked line, don't you think? And again you can't defend Biden without diverting to Trump. You keep making my point for me. Basically, the thrust of your posts have been that you believe Biden's guilt or innocence is irrelevant because Trump. Not a strong defense.

You just can't stop lying, can ya, con? I already defended Biden without Impeached Trump. It's not my problem you struggle with English.

My point stands, very few are willing to even try defending Biden without invoking Trump. It's as if you all have fax machines in the basement, spitting out talking points that you all must post or you'll get a "visit". Let's see if you can continue on this thread without invoking Trump to excuse Biden. Heck, we don't even know for sure he's done anything wrong yet, and y'all are jumping around like your pants are on fire and your hair's a-catchin'.


If your point was standing, you wouldn't have to keep lying.

You falsely claimed I gave no reasons other than pointing out Impeached Trump has been accused by 25 more women than Biden -- even though I listed some reasons which don't involve Impeached Trump.

You falsely claimed Biden didn't deny the allegation, a position you ridiculously described as a tacit admission of guilt -- but when shown he did deny it, you tried framing his dial as though he could say nothing else.

Again... there are valid reasons to dismiss Reade's claims as I mentioned earlier. That doesn't dissolve Impeached Trump being accused of the same by at least 25 women and the rights' approach to that is basically, "nuh-uh." Now you're throwing hissy fits because the left is being equally dismissive.

On the contrary, I said the general "you", not the specific "you" could not seem to come up with any defense of Biden other than to squeal about Trump, but if you want to count yourself in that group go ahead. I don't care enough about you to bother checking everything you've written, so I don't. Would you care to go back to whatever post you think I wrote that said Biden hadn't said anything? I know others have commented on this thread, and I don't recall saying anything to that effect. I would hate for you to be lying, you know. I do find it amusing that the left cares so very much about sexual harassment that they immediately went from "every woman must be believed" to "it's okay for Biden to do stuff because somebody else might have done something". It really demonstrates their concern and compassion for the victims of sexual harassment.

You miss the point, which is that you and your ilk are jumping on this like Grant took Richmond, and yet you dismissed the charges against Trump as rubbish because Trump called 25 women "liars".

Of course we enjoy watching you and your ilk squirm like worms on a hook when your faux concern for the victims of sexual harassment is exposed for what it is, crass political gamesmanship, and we see the pattern on every occasion. When a Republican is accused you go nuts trying to "protect" her and her feelings, every woman must be believed, and it's the worst thing since womebody wore white after Labor Day. The man must be punished, must be denied office or run off the job. There's no time and no need for looking deeper. When a democrat is accused, you suddenly discover that a man has rights too and there we must follow the rule of law, obviously the woman is a lying tramp, just drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park and see what you get.

It's humorous to watch, because in both situations, you're just as serious as you can be, completely oblivious to the fact that not more than a few months before you were arguing the exact opposite thing.

It is humorous because Trump admitted to being a sexual predator, so when 25 women accuse him of sexual malfeasance, it is believable, yes?

Trumps' accusers' day in the spotlight was in 2016, so if you want to talk about him, you should start a thread about it. This is Biden's turn in the spotlight.

Problem is that you all dissed the accusations about Trump and you are paying sooo much attention to this one.
Why not diss this one too, yes?

Since you're talking to me and I don't talk for anyone else, note that I have not declared Biden guilty of anything. In fact, I've said let's hear her story, look at what evidence she has, then decide if it's credible and if it should disqualify Biden from office. I've just been having a lot of fun watching the usual suspects try to "defend" Biden by shrieking about Trump all the time.

Umm, we've heard her story.

You've heard what people have said about her story. Heck, let's do it up right. Put her and Biden in the Senate chambers, put the TV lights on them, and have them both testify under oath, with both friendly and hostile questioners. Let's hear from the people she says she told, let's unseal the records that she says are there. I mean, if we were yelling for an FBI investigation in the most recent episode of the soap opera, why not do it now? IOW, this is far from over. It'll dog Biden for a long time.
The Left lie lie lie.

Biden said that nothing happened with that woman, just as Trump said that nothing happened with those 25 women.
Are they both lying? 25 women.

Biden has said nothing about the accusations because he knows the jig is up.

Biden's silence is an admission of GUILT! Fox News is having a field day with his silence to the point the liberal media are now starting to ask Dems questions. Pelosi was asked today and threw a conniption fit.

Trump News has no problem with a dozen or so women who have claimed that Trump sexually assaulted them. Apparently that is okay. Trump News is fake news.

But, but, but, TRUMP! Dogged determination to always at all cost shift the narrative to Trump rears its head once again. Clearly, the marching orders have gone out. Is it just too difficult to defend Biden on his own merits?

Not difficult, but unnecessary. We know that Trump is not guilty since he said they were all liars--all 25 of 'em.
On, he admitted to sexual impropriety and that doesn't matter to his followers either. So if Trump's stuff doesn't matter, why should Biden's stuff?

You're getting a little closer, but still not making the case for Biden on its own merits. If there's no need to defend Biden, why the shrieking about Trump every time someone criticizes him? If his groping doesn't matter, just say so and move on. As it is, every deflection onto Trump just solidifies Biden's image as a sexual predator, and that's not doing him any favors.

I am speaking about pundits. I want to know why trump followers are so determined. Let it go the way you let the Trump accusations go. If you are going to put so much emphasis on Biden, then do the same for Trump. There is no
way that proof will emerge after 30 years for either of them. One can be wrong, but 25? Nah.

Trump's accusers had their day in the spotlight. This is Biden's turn. Let his situation stand on its own. As it is, this insistence that Trump be brought into it merely reinforces his apparent guilt.

His apparent guilt? Really? It reinforces your desire to deflect from Trump's transgressions.

Nonsense. This thread isn't about Trump and his alleged transgressions. If you want to rant about that, start a thread on it and do so. This thread is about Biden and what he's accused of doing. If your defense of him can't stand on its own merits without constant reference to Trump, you might want to reconsider just how much defense you're actually providing vs how much you make it appear that you believe he's done what he's accused of doing and don't care as long as you can point at Trump.


Suuure, con, uh-huh. Let's ignore the 25 women accusing Impeached Trump of sexual assault. You know, just so we can talk about how you suddenly care about sexual assault.


Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!". I mean, seriously, you can't just say, "Let's check into it and if no laws were broken, let the voters decide who will be the next president"? Or something like, "He might have done it, and we should hear her story and decide for ourselves if she's telling the truth, and if so, whether it merits kicking him to the curb or not". I think, though, that democrat faithful painted themselves into a corner with their absolutist position on Kavanaugh's accuser when they insisted that we had to believe her no matter what, and that he wasn't entitled to defend himself and that no-one was to criticize her in any way.

We don't know what happened in that hallway because none of us were there. At least let her story come out and see if it holds water. I don't think there's any need for the FBI to get involved, since it doesn't appear that a crime was committed that could result in criminal charges, but let's at least hear from her what happened, what she did afterwards, and whether anyone took steps to squash her story. We heard from Ford, decided her story wasn't credible and Kavanaugh was confirmed. We heard from Anita Hill, decided she wasn't credible, and Thomas was confirmed. We heard from Bubba's accusers, decided they were credible, but it wasn't enough to kick him out of office. In each case, we heard from the accuser and the accused was afforded the right to defend himself.

Why is it so hard for you guys to defend Biden? That's the main question I see after seeing the way you insist on jumping to Trump no matter what Biden may have done. It certainly seems that you can't defend him, and that's telling.

Here's an idea. If you think Trump's sexual peccadilloes are disqualifications for office, start threads on them and be consistent that Biden should be held to the same standard. And before you go off half-cocked claiming I'm saying Biden is guilty and should in essence face the firing squad, I'll save you some time looking by telling you that I haven't.

"Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!"

Well that's not true at all. We could point out Reade has no evidence. We could point out she waited nearly 3 decades to make a case of this, despite Biden running numerous times for public office during that period. We could point out how her recall of events of that purported sexual assault changed.

But why bother with such pesky details when we can even easier remind the loony right that they ignored 25 accusations of sexual assault against Impeached Trump? And that's not counting the one who claims Impeached Trump raped her and a friend when they were 13 and 12.

Well, it certainly seems very true that Biden's defenders really can't come up with anything more substantive because they don't. The majority of their defense is always to yell about Trump.

If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. That's how a story gets vetted. If it's weak and there's no evidence that they were in that location at that time, like with Ford's accusation, then the story is weakened. If people she says were witnesses deny knowledge, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. If she can't remember how she got to the location or how she returned home, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. And on it goes. If, however, all you ever do is shriek "Something about TRUMP!!!" when someone accuses Biden about something, you're not really doing Biden any favors, because you're not pointing out weaknesses in the accusations or evidence that Biden is innocent.

Let's put it this way, would you rather Biden be seen as innocent of the charges laid against him or probably guilty but given a pass because somebody else might have done something?

"If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. "

Umm, I already did it.

But I do like how you play the Ford card while complaining of others playing the Impeached Trump card.


Well, if you've already done everything you can to defend Biden, start a thread complaining about Trump. Of course, it'd be lost in the plethora of other identical threads all complaining about him, but hey.

Note that I haven't said that Ford's epic failure in any way excuses someone else. Bit of a difference there, you know. Feel free to show where I did if you think different.

Who needs another thread to highlight rightard hypocrisy?

And yes, Biden said something about the accusation levied against him. He said it's not true.

Who needs another deflection from Biden to Trump, since that's all that Biden's defense seems to be? So, Biden finally denied it when someone finally told him he was just making it worse by remaining silent. What did you expect him to say, that he was guilty? This is still the first round. She accuses, he denies, his supporters trot out reasons why he's innocent. Oh, wait, they're not. They're yelling about Trump instead. Not helping him very much.


Now you're bitching because Biden borrowed Impeached Trump's line he used on no less than 25 different women??


At any rate ... again ... that's not Biden's only defense as I listed several earlier.

What line was that, "I didn't do it"? Hardly a trademarked line, don't you think? And again you can't defend Biden without diverting to Trump. You keep making my point for me. Basically, the thrust of your posts have been that you believe Biden's guilt or innocence is irrelevant because Trump. Not a strong defense.

You just can't stop lying, can ya, con? I already defended Biden without Impeached Trump. It's not my problem you struggle with English.

My point stands, very few are willing to even try defending Biden without invoking Trump. It's as if you all have fax machines in the basement, spitting out talking points that you all must post or you'll get a "visit". Let's see if you can continue on this thread without invoking Trump to excuse Biden. Heck, we don't even know for sure he's done anything wrong yet, and y'all are jumping around like your pants are on fire and your hair's a-catchin'.


If your point was standing, you wouldn't have to keep lying.

You falsely claimed I gave no reasons other than pointing out Impeached Trump has been accused by 25 more women than Biden -- even though I listed some reasons which don't involve Impeached Trump.

You falsely claimed Biden didn't deny the allegation, a position you ridiculously described as a tacit admission of guilt -- but when shown he did deny it, you tried framing his dial as though he could say nothing else.

Again... there are valid reasons to dismiss Reade's claims as I mentioned earlier. That doesn't dissolve Impeached Trump being accused of the same by at least 25 women and the rights' approach to that is basically, "nuh-uh." Now you're throwing hissy fits because the left is being equally dismissive.

On the contrary, I said the general "you", not the specific "you" could not seem to come up with any defense of Biden other than to squeal about Trump, but if you want to count yourself in that group go ahead. I don't care enough about you to bother checking everything you've written, so I don't. Would you care to go back to whatever post you think I wrote that said Biden hadn't said anything? I know others have commented on this thread, and I don't recall saying anything to that effect. I would hate for you to be lying, you know. I do find it amusing that the left cares so very much about sexual harassment that they immediately went from "every woman must be believed" to "it's okay for Biden to do stuff because somebody else might have done something". It really demonstrates their concern and compassion for the victims of sexual harassment.

You miss the point, which is that you and your ilk are jumping on this like Grant took Richmond, and yet you dismissed the charges against Trump as rubbish because Trump called 25 women "liars".

Of course we enjoy watching you and your ilk squirm like worms on a hook when your faux concern for the victims of sexual harassment is exposed for what it is, crass political gamesmanship, and we see the pattern on every occasion. When a Republican is accused you go nuts trying to "protect" her and her feelings, every woman must be believed, and it's the worst thing since womebody wore white after Labor Day. The man must be punished, must be denied office or run off the job. There's no time and no need for looking deeper. When a democrat is accused, you suddenly discover that a man has rights too and there we must follow the rule of law, obviously the woman is a lying tramp, just drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park and see what you get.

It's humorous to watch, because in both situations, you're just as serious as you can be, completely oblivious to the fact that not more than a few months before you were arguing the exact opposite thing.

It is humorous because Trump admitted to being a sexual predator, so when 25 women accuse him of sexual malfeasance, it is believable, yes?

Trumps' accusers' day in the spotlight was in 2016, so if you want to talk about him, you should start a thread about it. This is Biden's turn in the spotlight.

Problem is that you all dissed the accusations about Trump and you are paying sooo much attention to this one.
Why not diss this one too, yes?

Since you're talking to me and I don't talk for anyone else, note that I have not declared Biden guilty of anything. In fact, I've said let's hear her story, look at what evidence she has, then decide if it's credible and if it should disqualify Biden from office. I've just been having a lot of fun watching the usual suspects try to "defend" Biden by shrieking about Trump all the time.

Umm, we've heard her story.

You've heard what people have said about her story. Heck, let's do it up right. Put her and Biden in the Senate chambers, put the TV lights on them, and have them both testify under oath, with both friendly and hostile questioners. Let's hear from the people she says she told, let's unseal the records that she says are there. I mean, if we were yelling for an FBI investigation in the most recent episode of the soap opera, why not do it now? IOW, this is far from over. It'll dog Biden for a long time.

No, we've heard her tell her story. Unfortunately for her, we've heard her tell it more than once and her stories don't always match. And who knows why you want this done in the Senate, it has nothing to do with the Senate. Electing a president is not a senatorial matter.
The Left lie lie lie.

Biden said that nothing happened with that woman, just as Trump said that nothing happened with those 25 women.
Are they both lying? 25 women.

Biden has said nothing about the accusations because he knows the jig is up.

Biden's silence is an admission of GUILT! Fox News is having a field day with his silence to the point the liberal media are now starting to ask Dems questions. Pelosi was asked today and threw a conniption fit.

Trump News has no problem with a dozen or so women who have claimed that Trump sexually assaulted them. Apparently that is okay. Trump News is fake news.

But, but, but, TRUMP! Dogged determination to always at all cost shift the narrative to Trump rears its head once again. Clearly, the marching orders have gone out. Is it just too difficult to defend Biden on his own merits?

Not difficult, but unnecessary. We know that Trump is not guilty since he said they were all liars--all 25 of 'em.
On, he admitted to sexual impropriety and that doesn't matter to his followers either. So if Trump's stuff doesn't matter, why should Biden's stuff?

You're getting a little closer, but still not making the case for Biden on its own merits. If there's no need to defend Biden, why the shrieking about Trump every time someone criticizes him? If his groping doesn't matter, just say so and move on. As it is, every deflection onto Trump just solidifies Biden's image as a sexual predator, and that's not doing him any favors.

I am speaking about pundits. I want to know why trump followers are so determined. Let it go the way you let the Trump accusations go. If you are going to put so much emphasis on Biden, then do the same for Trump. There is no
way that proof will emerge after 30 years for either of them. One can be wrong, but 25? Nah.

Trump's accusers had their day in the spotlight. This is Biden's turn. Let his situation stand on its own. As it is, this insistence that Trump be brought into it merely reinforces his apparent guilt.

His apparent guilt? Really? It reinforces your desire to deflect from Trump's transgressions.

Nonsense. This thread isn't about Trump and his alleged transgressions. If you want to rant about that, start a thread on it and do so. This thread is about Biden and what he's accused of doing. If your defense of him can't stand on its own merits without constant reference to Trump, you might want to reconsider just how much defense you're actually providing vs how much you make it appear that you believe he's done what he's accused of doing and don't care as long as you can point at Trump.


Suuure, con, uh-huh. Let's ignore the 25 women accusing Impeached Trump of sexual assault. You know, just so we can talk about how you suddenly care about sexual assault.


Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!". I mean, seriously, you can't just say, "Let's check into it and if no laws were broken, let the voters decide who will be the next president"? Or something like, "He might have done it, and we should hear her story and decide for ourselves if she's telling the truth, and if so, whether it merits kicking him to the curb or not". I think, though, that democrat faithful painted themselves into a corner with their absolutist position on Kavanaugh's accuser when they insisted that we had to believe her no matter what, and that he wasn't entitled to defend himself and that no-one was to criticize her in any way.

We don't know what happened in that hallway because none of us were there. At least let her story come out and see if it holds water. I don't think there's any need for the FBI to get involved, since it doesn't appear that a crime was committed that could result in criminal charges, but let's at least hear from her what happened, what she did afterwards, and whether anyone took steps to squash her story. We heard from Ford, decided her story wasn't credible and Kavanaugh was confirmed. We heard from Anita Hill, decided she wasn't credible, and Thomas was confirmed. We heard from Bubba's accusers, decided they were credible, but it wasn't enough to kick him out of office. In each case, we heard from the accuser and the accused was afforded the right to defend himself.

Why is it so hard for you guys to defend Biden? That's the main question I see after seeing the way you insist on jumping to Trump no matter what Biden may have done. It certainly seems that you can't defend him, and that's telling.

Here's an idea. If you think Trump's sexual peccadilloes are disqualifications for office, start threads on them and be consistent that Biden should be held to the same standard. And before you go off half-cocked claiming I'm saying Biden is guilty and should in essence face the firing squad, I'll save you some time looking by telling you that I haven't.

"Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!"

Well that's not true at all. We could point out Reade has no evidence. We could point out she waited nearly 3 decades to make a case of this, despite Biden running numerous times for public office during that period. We could point out how her recall of events of that purported sexual assault changed.

But why bother with such pesky details when we can even easier remind the loony right that they ignored 25 accusations of sexual assault against Impeached Trump? And that's not counting the one who claims Impeached Trump raped her and a friend when they were 13 and 12.

Well, it certainly seems very true that Biden's defenders really can't come up with anything more substantive because they don't. The majority of their defense is always to yell about Trump.

If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. That's how a story gets vetted. If it's weak and there's no evidence that they were in that location at that time, like with Ford's accusation, then the story is weakened. If people she says were witnesses deny knowledge, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. If she can't remember how she got to the location or how she returned home, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. And on it goes. If, however, all you ever do is shriek "Something about TRUMP!!!" when someone accuses Biden about something, you're not really doing Biden any favors, because you're not pointing out weaknesses in the accusations or evidence that Biden is innocent.

Let's put it this way, would you rather Biden be seen as innocent of the charges laid against him or probably guilty but given a pass because somebody else might have done something?

"If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. "

Umm, I already did it.

But I do like how you play the Ford card while complaining of others playing the Impeached Trump card.


Well, if you've already done everything you can to defend Biden, start a thread complaining about Trump. Of course, it'd be lost in the plethora of other identical threads all complaining about him, but hey.

Note that I haven't said that Ford's epic failure in any way excuses someone else. Bit of a difference there, you know. Feel free to show where I did if you think different.

Who needs another thread to highlight rightard hypocrisy?

And yes, Biden said something about the accusation levied against him. He said it's not true.

Who needs another deflection from Biden to Trump, since that's all that Biden's defense seems to be? So, Biden finally denied it when someone finally told him he was just making it worse by remaining silent. What did you expect him to say, that he was guilty? This is still the first round. She accuses, he denies, his supporters trot out reasons why he's innocent. Oh, wait, they're not. They're yelling about Trump instead. Not helping him very much.


Now you're bitching because Biden borrowed Impeached Trump's line he used on no less than 25 different women??


At any rate ... again ... that's not Biden's only defense as I listed several earlier.

What line was that, "I didn't do it"? Hardly a trademarked line, don't you think? And again you can't defend Biden without diverting to Trump. You keep making my point for me. Basically, the thrust of your posts have been that you believe Biden's guilt or innocence is irrelevant because Trump. Not a strong defense.

You just can't stop lying, can ya, con? I already defended Biden without Impeached Trump. It's not my problem you struggle with English.

My point stands, very few are willing to even try defending Biden without invoking Trump. It's as if you all have fax machines in the basement, spitting out talking points that you all must post or you'll get a "visit". Let's see if you can continue on this thread without invoking Trump to excuse Biden. Heck, we don't even know for sure he's done anything wrong yet, and y'all are jumping around like your pants are on fire and your hair's a-catchin'.


If your point was standing, you wouldn't have to keep lying.

You falsely claimed I gave no reasons other than pointing out Impeached Trump has been accused by 25 more women than Biden -- even though I listed some reasons which don't involve Impeached Trump.

You falsely claimed Biden didn't deny the allegation, a position you ridiculously described as a tacit admission of guilt -- but when shown he did deny it, you tried framing his dial as though he could say nothing else.

Again... there are valid reasons to dismiss Reade's claims as I mentioned earlier. That doesn't dissolve Impeached Trump being accused of the same by at least 25 women and the rights' approach to that is basically, "nuh-uh." Now you're throwing hissy fits because the left is being equally dismissive.

On the contrary, I said the general "you", not the specific "you" could not seem to come up with any defense of Biden other than to squeal about Trump, but if you want to count yourself in that group go ahead. I don't care enough about you to bother checking everything you've written, so I don't. Would you care to go back to whatever post you think I wrote that said Biden hadn't said anything? I know others have commented on this thread, and I don't recall saying anything to that effect. I would hate for you to be lying, you know. I do find it amusing that the left cares so very much about sexual harassment that they immediately went from "every woman must be believed" to "it's okay for Biden to do stuff because somebody else might have done something". It really demonstrates their concern and compassion for the victims of sexual harassment.

You miss the point, which is that you and your ilk are jumping on this like Grant took Richmond, and yet you dismissed the charges against Trump as rubbish because Trump called 25 women "liars".

Of course we enjoy watching you and your ilk squirm like worms on a hook when your faux concern for the victims of sexual harassment is exposed for what it is, crass political gamesmanship, and we see the pattern on every occasion. When a Republican is accused you go nuts trying to "protect" her and her feelings, every woman must be believed, and it's the worst thing since womebody wore white after Labor Day. The man must be punished, must be denied office or run off the job. There's no time and no need for looking deeper. When a democrat is accused, you suddenly discover that a man has rights too and there we must follow the rule of law, obviously the woman is a lying tramp, just drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park and see what you get.

It's humorous to watch, because in both situations, you're just as serious as you can be, completely oblivious to the fact that not more than a few months before you were arguing the exact opposite thing.

It is humorous because Trump admitted to being a sexual predator, so when 25 women accuse him of sexual malfeasance, it is believable, yes?

Trumps' accusers' day in the spotlight was in 2016, so if you want to talk about him, you should start a thread about it. This is Biden's turn in the spotlight.

Problem is that you all dissed the accusations about Trump and you are paying sooo much attention to this one.
Why not diss this one too, yes?

Since you're talking to me and I don't talk for anyone else, note that I have not declared Biden guilty of anything. In fact, I've said let's hear her story, look at what evidence she has, then decide if it's credible and if it should disqualify Biden from office. I've just been having a lot of fun watching the usual suspects try to "defend" Biden by shrieking about Trump all the time.

Umm, we've heard her story.

The Left lie lie lie.

Biden said that nothing happened with that woman, just as Trump said that nothing happened with those 25 women.
Are they both lying? 25 women.

Biden has said nothing about the accusations because he knows the jig is up.

Biden's silence is an admission of GUILT! Fox News is having a field day with his silence to the point the liberal media are now starting to ask Dems questions. Pelosi was asked today and threw a conniption fit.

Trump News has no problem with a dozen or so women who have claimed that Trump sexually assaulted them. Apparently that is okay. Trump News is fake news.

But, but, but, TRUMP! Dogged determination to always at all cost shift the narrative to Trump rears its head once again. Clearly, the marching orders have gone out. Is it just too difficult to defend Biden on his own merits?

Not difficult, but unnecessary. We know that Trump is not guilty since he said they were all liars--all 25 of 'em.
On, he admitted to sexual impropriety and that doesn't matter to his followers either. So if Trump's stuff doesn't matter, why should Biden's stuff?

You're getting a little closer, but still not making the case for Biden on its own merits. If there's no need to defend Biden, why the shrieking about Trump every time someone criticizes him? If his groping doesn't matter, just say so and move on. As it is, every deflection onto Trump just solidifies Biden's image as a sexual predator, and that's not doing him any favors.

I am speaking about pundits. I want to know why trump followers are so determined. Let it go the way you let the Trump accusations go. If you are going to put so much emphasis on Biden, then do the same for Trump. There is no
way that proof will emerge after 30 years for either of them. One can be wrong, but 25? Nah.

Trump's accusers had their day in the spotlight. This is Biden's turn. Let his situation stand on its own. As it is, this insistence that Trump be brought into it merely reinforces his apparent guilt.

His apparent guilt? Really? It reinforces your desire to deflect from Trump's transgressions.

Nonsense. This thread isn't about Trump and his alleged transgressions. If you want to rant about that, start a thread on it and do so. This thread is about Biden and what he's accused of doing. If your defense of him can't stand on its own merits without constant reference to Trump, you might want to reconsider just how much defense you're actually providing vs how much you make it appear that you believe he's done what he's accused of doing and don't care as long as you can point at Trump.


Suuure, con, uh-huh. Let's ignore the 25 women accusing Impeached Trump of sexual assault. You know, just so we can talk about how you suddenly care about sexual assault.


Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!". I mean, seriously, you can't just say, "Let's check into it and if no laws were broken, let the voters decide who will be the next president"? Or something like, "He might have done it, and we should hear her story and decide for ourselves if she's telling the truth, and if so, whether it merits kicking him to the curb or not". I think, though, that democrat faithful painted themselves into a corner with their absolutist position on Kavanaugh's accuser when they insisted that we had to believe her no matter what, and that he wasn't entitled to defend himself and that no-one was to criticize her in any way.

We don't know what happened in that hallway because none of us were there. At least let her story come out and see if it holds water. I don't think there's any need for the FBI to get involved, since it doesn't appear that a crime was committed that could result in criminal charges, but let's at least hear from her what happened, what she did afterwards, and whether anyone took steps to squash her story. We heard from Ford, decided her story wasn't credible and Kavanaugh was confirmed. We heard from Anita Hill, decided she wasn't credible, and Thomas was confirmed. We heard from Bubba's accusers, decided they were credible, but it wasn't enough to kick him out of office. In each case, we heard from the accuser and the accused was afforded the right to defend himself.

Why is it so hard for you guys to defend Biden? That's the main question I see after seeing the way you insist on jumping to Trump no matter what Biden may have done. It certainly seems that you can't defend him, and that's telling.

Here's an idea. If you think Trump's sexual peccadilloes are disqualifications for office, start threads on them and be consistent that Biden should be held to the same standard. And before you go off half-cocked claiming I'm saying Biden is guilty and should in essence face the firing squad, I'll save you some time looking by telling you that I haven't.

"Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!"

Well that's not true at all. We could point out Reade has no evidence. We could point out she waited nearly 3 decades to make a case of this, despite Biden running numerous times for public office during that period. We could point out how her recall of events of that purported sexual assault changed.

But why bother with such pesky details when we can even easier remind the loony right that they ignored 25 accusations of sexual assault against Impeached Trump? And that's not counting the one who claims Impeached Trump raped her and a friend when they were 13 and 12.

Well, it certainly seems very true that Biden's defenders really can't come up with anything more substantive because they don't. The majority of their defense is always to yell about Trump.

If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. That's how a story gets vetted. If it's weak and there's no evidence that they were in that location at that time, like with Ford's accusation, then the story is weakened. If people she says were witnesses deny knowledge, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. If she can't remember how she got to the location or how she returned home, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. And on it goes. If, however, all you ever do is shriek "Something about TRUMP!!!" when someone accuses Biden about something, you're not really doing Biden any favors, because you're not pointing out weaknesses in the accusations or evidence that Biden is innocent.

Let's put it this way, would you rather Biden be seen as innocent of the charges laid against him or probably guilty but given a pass because somebody else might have done something?

"If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. "

Umm, I already did it.

But I do like how you play the Ford card while complaining of others playing the Impeached Trump card.


Well, if you've already done everything you can to defend Biden, start a thread complaining about Trump. Of course, it'd be lost in the plethora of other identical threads all complaining about him, but hey.

Note that I haven't said that Ford's epic failure in any way excuses someone else. Bit of a difference there, you know. Feel free to show where I did if you think different.

Who needs another thread to highlight rightard hypocrisy?

And yes, Biden said something about the accusation levied against him. He said it's not true.

Who needs another deflection from Biden to Trump, since that's all that Biden's defense seems to be? So, Biden finally denied it when someone finally told him he was just making it worse by remaining silent. What did you expect him to say, that he was guilty? This is still the first round. She accuses, he denies, his supporters trot out reasons why he's innocent. Oh, wait, they're not. They're yelling about Trump instead. Not helping him very much.


Now you're bitching because Biden borrowed Impeached Trump's line he used on no less than 25 different women??


At any rate ... again ... that's not Biden's only defense as I listed several earlier.

What line was that, "I didn't do it"? Hardly a trademarked line, don't you think? And again you can't defend Biden without diverting to Trump. You keep making my point for me. Basically, the thrust of your posts have been that you believe Biden's guilt or innocence is irrelevant because Trump. Not a strong defense.

You just can't stop lying, can ya, con? I already defended Biden without Impeached Trump. It's not my problem you struggle with English.

My point stands, very few are willing to even try defending Biden without invoking Trump. It's as if you all have fax machines in the basement, spitting out talking points that you all must post or you'll get a "visit". Let's see if you can continue on this thread without invoking Trump to excuse Biden. Heck, we don't even know for sure he's done anything wrong yet, and y'all are jumping around like your pants are on fire and your hair's a-catchin'.


If your point was standing, you wouldn't have to keep lying.

You falsely claimed I gave no reasons other than pointing out Impeached Trump has been accused by 25 more women than Biden -- even though I listed some reasons which don't involve Impeached Trump.

You falsely claimed Biden didn't deny the allegation, a position you ridiculously described as a tacit admission of guilt -- but when shown he did deny it, you tried framing his dial as though he could say nothing else.

Again... there are valid reasons to dismiss Reade's claims as I mentioned earlier. That doesn't dissolve Impeached Trump being accused of the same by at least 25 women and the rights' approach to that is basically, "nuh-uh." Now you're throwing hissy fits because the left is being equally dismissive.

On the contrary, I said the general "you", not the specific "you" could not seem to come up with any defense of Biden other than to squeal about Trump, but if you want to count yourself in that group go ahead. I don't care enough about you to bother checking everything you've written, so I don't. Would you care to go back to whatever post you think I wrote that said Biden hadn't said anything? I know others have commented on this thread, and I don't recall saying anything to that effect. I would hate for you to be lying, you know. I do find it amusing that the left cares so very much about sexual harassment that they immediately went from "every woman must be believed" to "it's okay for Biden to do stuff because somebody else might have done something". It really demonstrates their concern and compassion for the victims of sexual harassment.

You miss the point, which is that you and your ilk are jumping on this like Grant took Richmond, and yet you dismissed the charges against Trump as rubbish because Trump called 25 women "liars".

Of course we enjoy watching you and your ilk squirm like worms on a hook when your faux concern for the victims of sexual harassment is exposed for what it is, crass political gamesmanship, and we see the pattern on every occasion. When a Republican is accused you go nuts trying to "protect" her and her feelings, every woman must be believed, and it's the worst thing since womebody wore white after Labor Day. The man must be punished, must be denied office or run off the job. There's no time and no need for looking deeper. When a democrat is accused, you suddenly discover that a man has rights too and there we must follow the rule of law, obviously the woman is a lying tramp, just drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park and see what you get.

It's humorous to watch, because in both situations, you're just as serious as you can be, completely oblivious to the fact that not more than a few months before you were arguing the exact opposite thing.

It is humorous because Trump admitted to being a sexual predator, so when 25 women accuse him of sexual malfeasance, it is believable, yes?

Trumps' accusers' day in the spotlight was in 2016, so if you want to talk about him, you should start a thread about it. This is Biden's turn in the spotlight.

Problem is that you all dissed the accusations about Trump and you are paying sooo much attention to this one.
Why not diss this one too, yes?

Since you're talking to me and I don't talk for anyone else, note that I have not declared Biden guilty of anything. In fact, I've said let's hear her story, look at what evidence she has, then decide if it's credible and if it should disqualify Biden from office. I've just been having a lot of fun watching the usual suspects try to "defend" Biden by shrieking about Trump all the time.

Umm, we've heard her story.

You've heard what people have said about her story. Heck, let's do it up right. Put her and Biden in the Senate chambers, put the TV lights on them, and have them both testify under oath, with both friendly and hostile questioners. Let's hear from the people she says she told, let's unseal the records that she says are there. I mean, if we were yelling for an FBI investigation in the most recent episode of the soap opera, why not do it now? IOW, this is far from over. It'll dog Biden for a long time.

No, we've heard her tell her story. Unfortunately for her, we've heard her tell it more than once and her stories don't always match. And who knows why you want this done in the Senate, it has nothing to do with the Senate. Electing a president is not a senatorial matter.

And yet you all INSISTED that in Kavanaugh's case we NEEDED an FBI investigation and a senate testimony. Tell me retard what is more important a Supreme Court pick or President? Why would we NOT do all the same for a Presidential pick? Ohh wait I forgot the rules for dems are different.
The Left lie lie lie.

Biden said that nothing happened with that woman, just as Trump said that nothing happened with those 25 women.
Are they both lying? 25 women.

Biden has said nothing about the accusations because he knows the jig is up.

Biden's silence is an admission of GUILT! Fox News is having a field day with his silence to the point the liberal media are now starting to ask Dems questions. Pelosi was asked today and threw a conniption fit.

Trump News has no problem with a dozen or so women who have claimed that Trump sexually assaulted them. Apparently that is okay. Trump News is fake news.

But, but, but, TRUMP! Dogged determination to always at all cost shift the narrative to Trump rears its head once again. Clearly, the marching orders have gone out. Is it just too difficult to defend Biden on his own merits?

Not difficult, but unnecessary. We know that Trump is not guilty since he said they were all liars--all 25 of 'em.
On, he admitted to sexual impropriety and that doesn't matter to his followers either. So if Trump's stuff doesn't matter, why should Biden's stuff?

You're getting a little closer, but still not making the case for Biden on its own merits. If there's no need to defend Biden, why the shrieking about Trump every time someone criticizes him? If his groping doesn't matter, just say so and move on. As it is, every deflection onto Trump just solidifies Biden's image as a sexual predator, and that's not doing him any favors.

I am speaking about pundits. I want to know why trump followers are so determined. Let it go the way you let the Trump accusations go. If you are going to put so much emphasis on Biden, then do the same for Trump. There is no
way that proof will emerge after 30 years for either of them. One can be wrong, but 25? Nah.

Trump's accusers had their day in the spotlight. This is Biden's turn. Let his situation stand on its own. As it is, this insistence that Trump be brought into it merely reinforces his apparent guilt.

His apparent guilt? Really? It reinforces your desire to deflect from Trump's transgressions.

Nonsense. This thread isn't about Trump and his alleged transgressions. If you want to rant about that, start a thread on it and do so. This thread is about Biden and what he's accused of doing. If your defense of him can't stand on its own merits without constant reference to Trump, you might want to reconsider just how much defense you're actually providing vs how much you make it appear that you believe he's done what he's accused of doing and don't care as long as you can point at Trump.


Suuure, con, uh-huh. Let's ignore the 25 women accusing Impeached Trump of sexual assault. You know, just so we can talk about how you suddenly care about sexual assault.


Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!". I mean, seriously, you can't just say, "Let's check into it and if no laws were broken, let the voters decide who will be the next president"? Or something like, "He might have done it, and we should hear her story and decide for ourselves if she's telling the truth, and if so, whether it merits kicking him to the curb or not". I think, though, that democrat faithful painted themselves into a corner with their absolutist position on Kavanaugh's accuser when they insisted that we had to believe her no matter what, and that he wasn't entitled to defend himself and that no-one was to criticize her in any way.

We don't know what happened in that hallway because none of us were there. At least let her story come out and see if it holds water. I don't think there's any need for the FBI to get involved, since it doesn't appear that a crime was committed that could result in criminal charges, but let's at least hear from her what happened, what she did afterwards, and whether anyone took steps to squash her story. We heard from Ford, decided her story wasn't credible and Kavanaugh was confirmed. We heard from Anita Hill, decided she wasn't credible, and Thomas was confirmed. We heard from Bubba's accusers, decided they were credible, but it wasn't enough to kick him out of office. In each case, we heard from the accuser and the accused was afforded the right to defend himself.

Why is it so hard for you guys to defend Biden? That's the main question I see after seeing the way you insist on jumping to Trump no matter what Biden may have done. It certainly seems that you can't defend him, and that's telling.

Here's an idea. If you think Trump's sexual peccadilloes are disqualifications for office, start threads on them and be consistent that Biden should be held to the same standard. And before you go off half-cocked claiming I'm saying Biden is guilty and should in essence face the firing squad, I'll save you some time looking by telling you that I haven't.

"Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!"

Well that's not true at all. We could point out Reade has no evidence. We could point out she waited nearly 3 decades to make a case of this, despite Biden running numerous times for public office during that period. We could point out how her recall of events of that purported sexual assault changed.

But why bother with such pesky details when we can even easier remind the loony right that they ignored 25 accusations of sexual assault against Impeached Trump? And that's not counting the one who claims Impeached Trump raped her and a friend when they were 13 and 12.

Well, it certainly seems very true that Biden's defenders really can't come up with anything more substantive because they don't. The majority of their defense is always to yell about Trump.

If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. That's how a story gets vetted. If it's weak and there's no evidence that they were in that location at that time, like with Ford's accusation, then the story is weakened. If people she says were witnesses deny knowledge, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. If she can't remember how she got to the location or how she returned home, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. And on it goes. If, however, all you ever do is shriek "Something about TRUMP!!!" when someone accuses Biden about something, you're not really doing Biden any favors, because you're not pointing out weaknesses in the accusations or evidence that Biden is innocent.

Let's put it this way, would you rather Biden be seen as innocent of the charges laid against him or probably guilty but given a pass because somebody else might have done something?

"If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. "

Umm, I already did it.

But I do like how you play the Ford card while complaining of others playing the Impeached Trump card.


Well, if you've already done everything you can to defend Biden, start a thread complaining about Trump. Of course, it'd be lost in the plethora of other identical threads all complaining about him, but hey.

Note that I haven't said that Ford's epic failure in any way excuses someone else. Bit of a difference there, you know. Feel free to show where I did if you think different.

Who needs another thread to highlight rightard hypocrisy?

And yes, Biden said something about the accusation levied against him. He said it's not true.

Who needs another deflection from Biden to Trump, since that's all that Biden's defense seems to be? So, Biden finally denied it when someone finally told him he was just making it worse by remaining silent. What did you expect him to say, that he was guilty? This is still the first round. She accuses, he denies, his supporters trot out reasons why he's innocent. Oh, wait, they're not. They're yelling about Trump instead. Not helping him very much.


Now you're bitching because Biden borrowed Impeached Trump's line he used on no less than 25 different women??


At any rate ... again ... that's not Biden's only defense as I listed several earlier.

What line was that, "I didn't do it"? Hardly a trademarked line, don't you think? And again you can't defend Biden without diverting to Trump. You keep making my point for me. Basically, the thrust of your posts have been that you believe Biden's guilt or innocence is irrelevant because Trump. Not a strong defense.

You just can't stop lying, can ya, con? I already defended Biden without Impeached Trump. It's not my problem you struggle with English.

My point stands, very few are willing to even try defending Biden without invoking Trump. It's as if you all have fax machines in the basement, spitting out talking points that you all must post or you'll get a "visit". Let's see if you can continue on this thread without invoking Trump to excuse Biden. Heck, we don't even know for sure he's done anything wrong yet, and y'all are jumping around like your pants are on fire and your hair's a-catchin'.


If your point was standing, you wouldn't have to keep lying.

You falsely claimed I gave no reasons other than pointing out Impeached Trump has been accused by 25 more women than Biden -- even though I listed some reasons which don't involve Impeached Trump.

You falsely claimed Biden didn't deny the allegation, a position you ridiculously described as a tacit admission of guilt -- but when shown he did deny it, you tried framing his dial as though he could say nothing else.

Again... there are valid reasons to dismiss Reade's claims as I mentioned earlier. That doesn't dissolve Impeached Trump being accused of the same by at least 25 women and the rights' approach to that is basically, "nuh-uh." Now you're throwing hissy fits because the left is being equally dismissive.

On the contrary, I said the general "you", not the specific "you" could not seem to come up with any defense of Biden other than to squeal about Trump, but if you want to count yourself in that group go ahead. I don't care enough about you to bother checking everything you've written, so I don't. Would you care to go back to whatever post you think I wrote that said Biden hadn't said anything? I know others have commented on this thread, and I don't recall saying anything to that effect. I would hate for you to be lying, you know. I do find it amusing that the left cares so very much about sexual harassment that they immediately went from "every woman must be believed" to "it's okay for Biden to do stuff because somebody else might have done something". It really demonstrates their concern and compassion for the victims of sexual harassment.

You miss the point, which is that you and your ilk are jumping on this like Grant took Richmond, and yet you dismissed the charges against Trump as rubbish because Trump called 25 women "liars".

Of course we enjoy watching you and your ilk squirm like worms on a hook when your faux concern for the victims of sexual harassment is exposed for what it is, crass political gamesmanship, and we see the pattern on every occasion. When a Republican is accused you go nuts trying to "protect" her and her feelings, every woman must be believed, and it's the worst thing since womebody wore white after Labor Day. The man must be punished, must be denied office or run off the job. There's no time and no need for looking deeper. When a democrat is accused, you suddenly discover that a man has rights too and there we must follow the rule of law, obviously the woman is a lying tramp, just drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park and see what you get.

It's humorous to watch, because in both situations, you're just as serious as you can be, completely oblivious to the fact that not more than a few months before you were arguing the exact opposite thing.

It is humorous because Trump admitted to being a sexual predator, so when 25 women accuse him of sexual malfeasance, it is believable, yes?

Trumps' accusers' day in the spotlight was in 2016, so if you want to talk about him, you should start a thread about it. This is Biden's turn in the spotlight.

Problem is that you all dissed the accusations about Trump and you are paying sooo much attention to this one.
Why not diss this one too, yes?

Since you're talking to me and I don't talk for anyone else, note that I have not declared Biden guilty of anything. In fact, I've said let's hear her story, look at what evidence she has, then decide if it's credible and if it should disqualify Biden from office. I've just been having a lot of fun watching the usual suspects try to "defend" Biden by shrieking about Trump all the time.

Umm, we've heard her story.

You've heard what people have said about her story. Heck, let's do it up right. Put her and Biden in the Senate chambers, put the TV lights on them, and have them both testify under oath, with both friendly and hostile questioners. Let's hear from the people she says she told, let's unseal the records that she says are there. I mean, if we were yelling for an FBI investigation in the most recent episode of the soap opera, why not do it now? IOW, this is far from over. It'll dog Biden for a long time.

No, we've heard her tell her story. Unfortunately for her, we've heard her tell it more than once and her stories don't always match. And who knows why you want this done in the Senate, it has nothing to do with the Senate. Electing a president is not a senatorial matter.

And yet you all INSISTED that in Kavanaugh's case we NEEDED an FBI investigation and a senate testimony. Tell me retard what is more important a Supreme Court pick or President? Why would we NOT do all the same for a Presidential pick? Ohh wait I forgot the rules for dems are different.

The Left lie lie lie.

Biden said that nothing happened with that woman, just as Trump said that nothing happened with those 25 women.
Are they both lying? 25 women.

Biden has said nothing about the accusations because he knows the jig is up.

Biden's silence is an admission of GUILT! Fox News is having a field day with his silence to the point the liberal media are now starting to ask Dems questions. Pelosi was asked today and threw a conniption fit.

Trump News has no problem with a dozen or so women who have claimed that Trump sexually assaulted them. Apparently that is okay. Trump News is fake news.

But, but, but, TRUMP! Dogged determination to always at all cost shift the narrative to Trump rears its head once again. Clearly, the marching orders have gone out. Is it just too difficult to defend Biden on his own merits?

Not difficult, but unnecessary. We know that Trump is not guilty since he said they were all liars--all 25 of 'em.
On, he admitted to sexual impropriety and that doesn't matter to his followers either. So if Trump's stuff doesn't matter, why should Biden's stuff?

You're getting a little closer, but still not making the case for Biden on its own merits. If there's no need to defend Biden, why the shrieking about Trump every time someone criticizes him? If his groping doesn't matter, just say so and move on. As it is, every deflection onto Trump just solidifies Biden's image as a sexual predator, and that's not doing him any favors.

I am speaking about pundits. I want to know why trump followers are so determined. Let it go the way you let the Trump accusations go. If you are going to put so much emphasis on Biden, then do the same for Trump. There is no
way that proof will emerge after 30 years for either of them. One can be wrong, but 25? Nah.

Trump's accusers had their day in the spotlight. This is Biden's turn. Let his situation stand on its own. As it is, this insistence that Trump be brought into it merely reinforces his apparent guilt.

His apparent guilt? Really? It reinforces your desire to deflect from Trump's transgressions.

Nonsense. This thread isn't about Trump and his alleged transgressions. If you want to rant about that, start a thread on it and do so. This thread is about Biden and what he's accused of doing. If your defense of him can't stand on its own merits without constant reference to Trump, you might want to reconsider just how much defense you're actually providing vs how much you make it appear that you believe he's done what he's accused of doing and don't care as long as you can point at Trump.


Suuure, con, uh-huh. Let's ignore the 25 women accusing Impeached Trump of sexual assault. You know, just so we can talk about how you suddenly care about sexual assault.


Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!". I mean, seriously, you can't just say, "Let's check into it and if no laws were broken, let the voters decide who will be the next president"? Or something like, "He might have done it, and we should hear her story and decide for ourselves if she's telling the truth, and if so, whether it merits kicking him to the curb or not". I think, though, that democrat faithful painted themselves into a corner with their absolutist position on Kavanaugh's accuser when they insisted that we had to believe her no matter what, and that he wasn't entitled to defend himself and that no-one was to criticize her in any way.

We don't know what happened in that hallway because none of us were there. At least let her story come out and see if it holds water. I don't think there's any need for the FBI to get involved, since it doesn't appear that a crime was committed that could result in criminal charges, but let's at least hear from her what happened, what she did afterwards, and whether anyone took steps to squash her story. We heard from Ford, decided her story wasn't credible and Kavanaugh was confirmed. We heard from Anita Hill, decided she wasn't credible, and Thomas was confirmed. We heard from Bubba's accusers, decided they were credible, but it wasn't enough to kick him out of office. In each case, we heard from the accuser and the accused was afforded the right to defend himself.

Why is it so hard for you guys to defend Biden? That's the main question I see after seeing the way you insist on jumping to Trump no matter what Biden may have done. It certainly seems that you can't defend him, and that's telling.

Here's an idea. If you think Trump's sexual peccadilloes are disqualifications for office, start threads on them and be consistent that Biden should be held to the same standard. And before you go off half-cocked claiming I'm saying Biden is guilty and should in essence face the firing squad, I'll save you some time looking by telling you that I haven't.

"Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!"

Well that's not true at all. We could point out Reade has no evidence. We could point out she waited nearly 3 decades to make a case of this, despite Biden running numerous times for public office during that period. We could point out how her recall of events of that purported sexual assault changed.

But why bother with such pesky details when we can even easier remind the loony right that they ignored 25 accusations of sexual assault against Impeached Trump? And that's not counting the one who claims Impeached Trump raped her and a friend when they were 13 and 12.

Well, it certainly seems very true that Biden's defenders really can't come up with anything more substantive because they don't. The majority of their defense is always to yell about Trump.

If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. That's how a story gets vetted. If it's weak and there's no evidence that they were in that location at that time, like with Ford's accusation, then the story is weakened. If people she says were witnesses deny knowledge, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. If she can't remember how she got to the location or how she returned home, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. And on it goes. If, however, all you ever do is shriek "Something about TRUMP!!!" when someone accuses Biden about something, you're not really doing Biden any favors, because you're not pointing out weaknesses in the accusations or evidence that Biden is innocent.

Let's put it this way, would you rather Biden be seen as innocent of the charges laid against him or probably guilty but given a pass because somebody else might have done something?

"If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. "

Umm, I already did it.

But I do like how you play the Ford card while complaining of others playing the Impeached Trump card.


Well, if you've already done everything you can to defend Biden, start a thread complaining about Trump. Of course, it'd be lost in the plethora of other identical threads all complaining about him, but hey.

Note that I haven't said that Ford's epic failure in any way excuses someone else. Bit of a difference there, you know. Feel free to show where I did if you think different.

Who needs another thread to highlight rightard hypocrisy?

And yes, Biden said something about the accusation levied against him. He said it's not true.

Who needs another deflection from Biden to Trump, since that's all that Biden's defense seems to be? So, Biden finally denied it when someone finally told him he was just making it worse by remaining silent. What did you expect him to say, that he was guilty? This is still the first round. She accuses, he denies, his supporters trot out reasons why he's innocent. Oh, wait, they're not. They're yelling about Trump instead. Not helping him very much.


Now you're bitching because Biden borrowed Impeached Trump's line he used on no less than 25 different women??


At any rate ... again ... that's not Biden's only defense as I listed several earlier.

What line was that, "I didn't do it"? Hardly a trademarked line, don't you think? And again you can't defend Biden without diverting to Trump. You keep making my point for me. Basically, the thrust of your posts have been that you believe Biden's guilt or innocence is irrelevant because Trump. Not a strong defense.

You just can't stop lying, can ya, con? I already defended Biden without Impeached Trump. It's not my problem you struggle with English.

My point stands, very few are willing to even try defending Biden without invoking Trump. It's as if you all have fax machines in the basement, spitting out talking points that you all must post or you'll get a "visit". Let's see if you can continue on this thread without invoking Trump to excuse Biden. Heck, we don't even know for sure he's done anything wrong yet, and y'all are jumping around like your pants are on fire and your hair's a-catchin'.


If your point was standing, you wouldn't have to keep lying.

You falsely claimed I gave no reasons other than pointing out Impeached Trump has been accused by 25 more women than Biden -- even though I listed some reasons which don't involve Impeached Trump.

You falsely claimed Biden didn't deny the allegation, a position you ridiculously described as a tacit admission of guilt -- but when shown he did deny it, you tried framing his dial as though he could say nothing else.

Again... there are valid reasons to dismiss Reade's claims as I mentioned earlier. That doesn't dissolve Impeached Trump being accused of the same by at least 25 women and the rights' approach to that is basically, "nuh-uh." Now you're throwing hissy fits because the left is being equally dismissive.

On the contrary, I said the general "you", not the specific "you" could not seem to come up with any defense of Biden other than to squeal about Trump, but if you want to count yourself in that group go ahead. I don't care enough about you to bother checking everything you've written, so I don't. Would you care to go back to whatever post you think I wrote that said Biden hadn't said anything? I know others have commented on this thread, and I don't recall saying anything to that effect. I would hate for you to be lying, you know. I do find it amusing that the left cares so very much about sexual harassment that they immediately went from "every woman must be believed" to "it's okay for Biden to do stuff because somebody else might have done something". It really demonstrates their concern and compassion for the victims of sexual harassment.

You miss the point, which is that you and your ilk are jumping on this like Grant took Richmond, and yet you dismissed the charges against Trump as rubbish because Trump called 25 women "liars".

Of course we enjoy watching you and your ilk squirm like worms on a hook when your faux concern for the victims of sexual harassment is exposed for what it is, crass political gamesmanship, and we see the pattern on every occasion. When a Republican is accused you go nuts trying to "protect" her and her feelings, every woman must be believed, and it's the worst thing since womebody wore white after Labor Day. The man must be punished, must be denied office or run off the job. There's no time and no need for looking deeper. When a democrat is accused, you suddenly discover that a man has rights too and there we must follow the rule of law, obviously the woman is a lying tramp, just drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park and see what you get.

It's humorous to watch, because in both situations, you're just as serious as you can be, completely oblivious to the fact that not more than a few months before you were arguing the exact opposite thing.

It is humorous because Trump admitted to being a sexual predator, so when 25 women accuse him of sexual malfeasance, it is believable, yes?

Trumps' accusers' day in the spotlight was in 2016, so if you want to talk about him, you should start a thread about it. This is Biden's turn in the spotlight.

Problem is that you all dissed the accusations about Trump and you are paying sooo much attention to this one.
Why not diss this one too, yes?

Since you're talking to me and I don't talk for anyone else, note that I have not declared Biden guilty of anything. In fact, I've said let's hear her story, look at what evidence she has, then decide if it's credible and if it should disqualify Biden from office. I've just been having a lot of fun watching the usual suspects try to "defend" Biden by shrieking about Trump all the time.

Umm, we've heard her story.

You've heard what people have said about her story. Heck, let's do it up right. Put her and Biden in the Senate chambers, put the TV lights on them, and have them both testify under oath, with both friendly and hostile questioners. Let's hear from the people she says she told, let's unseal the records that she says are there. I mean, if we were yelling for an FBI investigation in the most recent episode of the soap opera, why not do it now? IOW, this is far from over. It'll dog Biden for a long time.

No, we've heard her tell her story. Unfortunately for her, we've heard her tell it more than once and her stories don't always match. And who knows why you want this done in the Senate, it has nothing to do with the Senate. Electing a president is not a senatorial matter.

And yet you all INSISTED that in Kavanaugh's case we NEEDED an FBI investigation and a senate testimony. Tell me retard what is more important a Supreme Court pick or President? Why would we NOT do all the same for a Presidential pick? Ohh wait I forgot the rules for dems are different.

Fuck off, con, I insisted no such thing. In fact, I posted that I didn't believe her.

And by the way, I view Supreme Court picks more important the presidential ones. A lifetime appointment with virtually no checks and balances the ability shape the law.
The Left lie lie lie.

Biden said that nothing happened with that woman, just as Trump said that nothing happened with those 25 women.
Are they both lying? 25 women.

Biden has said nothing about the accusations because he knows the jig is up.

Biden's silence is an admission of GUILT! Fox News is having a field day with his silence to the point the liberal media are now starting to ask Dems questions. Pelosi was asked today and threw a conniption fit.

Trump News has no problem with a dozen or so women who have claimed that Trump sexually assaulted them. Apparently that is okay. Trump News is fake news.

But, but, but, TRUMP! Dogged determination to always at all cost shift the narrative to Trump rears its head once again. Clearly, the marching orders have gone out. Is it just too difficult to defend Biden on his own merits?

Not difficult, but unnecessary. We know that Trump is not guilty since he said they were all liars--all 25 of 'em.
On, he admitted to sexual impropriety and that doesn't matter to his followers either. So if Trump's stuff doesn't matter, why should Biden's stuff?

You're getting a little closer, but still not making the case for Biden on its own merits. If there's no need to defend Biden, why the shrieking about Trump every time someone criticizes him? If his groping doesn't matter, just say so and move on. As it is, every deflection onto Trump just solidifies Biden's image as a sexual predator, and that's not doing him any favors.

I am speaking about pundits. I want to know why trump followers are so determined. Let it go the way you let the Trump accusations go. If you are going to put so much emphasis on Biden, then do the same for Trump. There is no
way that proof will emerge after 30 years for either of them. One can be wrong, but 25? Nah.

Trump's accusers had their day in the spotlight. This is Biden's turn. Let his situation stand on its own. As it is, this insistence that Trump be brought into it merely reinforces his apparent guilt.

His apparent guilt? Really? It reinforces your desire to deflect from Trump's transgressions.

Nonsense. This thread isn't about Trump and his alleged transgressions. If you want to rant about that, start a thread on it and do so. This thread is about Biden and what he's accused of doing. If your defense of him can't stand on its own merits without constant reference to Trump, you might want to reconsider just how much defense you're actually providing vs how much you make it appear that you believe he's done what he's accused of doing and don't care as long as you can point at Trump.


Suuure, con, uh-huh. Let's ignore the 25 women accusing Impeached Trump of sexual assault. You know, just so we can talk about how you suddenly care about sexual assault.


Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!". I mean, seriously, you can't just say, "Let's check into it and if no laws were broken, let the voters decide who will be the next president"? Or something like, "He might have done it, and we should hear her story and decide for ourselves if she's telling the truth, and if so, whether it merits kicking him to the curb or not". I think, though, that democrat faithful painted themselves into a corner with their absolutist position on Kavanaugh's accuser when they insisted that we had to believe her no matter what, and that he wasn't entitled to defend himself and that no-one was to criticize her in any way.

We don't know what happened in that hallway because none of us were there. At least let her story come out and see if it holds water. I don't think there's any need for the FBI to get involved, since it doesn't appear that a crime was committed that could result in criminal charges, but let's at least hear from her what happened, what she did afterwards, and whether anyone took steps to squash her story. We heard from Ford, decided her story wasn't credible and Kavanaugh was confirmed. We heard from Anita Hill, decided she wasn't credible, and Thomas was confirmed. We heard from Bubba's accusers, decided they were credible, but it wasn't enough to kick him out of office. In each case, we heard from the accuser and the accused was afforded the right to defend himself.

Why is it so hard for you guys to defend Biden? That's the main question I see after seeing the way you insist on jumping to Trump no matter what Biden may have done. It certainly seems that you can't defend him, and that's telling.

Here's an idea. If you think Trump's sexual peccadilloes are disqualifications for office, start threads on them and be consistent that Biden should be held to the same standard. And before you go off half-cocked claiming I'm saying Biden is guilty and should in essence face the firing squad, I'll save you some time looking by telling you that I haven't.

"Well, like I've been saying for some time now, it's obvious that Biden's defenders can't come up with anything more substantive than, "Oh, yeah, well Trump might have done some stuff, and since he want to yell about that, we don't want you to talk about Biden!"

Well that's not true at all. We could point out Reade has no evidence. We could point out she waited nearly 3 decades to make a case of this, despite Biden running numerous times for public office during that period. We could point out how her recall of events of that purported sexual assault changed.

But why bother with such pesky details when we can even easier remind the loony right that they ignored 25 accusations of sexual assault against Impeached Trump? And that's not counting the one who claims Impeached Trump raped her and a friend when they were 13 and 12.

Well, it certainly seems very true that Biden's defenders really can't come up with anything more substantive because they don't. The majority of their defense is always to yell about Trump.

If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. That's how a story gets vetted. If it's weak and there's no evidence that they were in that location at that time, like with Ford's accusation, then the story is weakened. If people she says were witnesses deny knowledge, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. If she can't remember how she got to the location or how she returned home, like with Ford's accusation, the story is weakened. And on it goes. If, however, all you ever do is shriek "Something about TRUMP!!!" when someone accuses Biden about something, you're not really doing Biden any favors, because you're not pointing out weaknesses in the accusations or evidence that Biden is innocent.

Let's put it this way, would you rather Biden be seen as innocent of the charges laid against him or probably guilty but given a pass because somebody else might have done something?

"If you want to cast doubt on Reade's story, do it. "

Umm, I already did it.

But I do like how you play the Ford card while complaining of others playing the Impeached Trump card.


Well, if you've already done everything you can to defend Biden, start a thread complaining about Trump. Of course, it'd be lost in the plethora of other identical threads all complaining about him, but hey.

Note that I haven't said that Ford's epic failure in any way excuses someone else. Bit of a difference there, you know. Feel free to show where I did if you think different.

Who needs another thread to highlight rightard hypocrisy?

And yes, Biden said something about the accusation levied against him. He said it's not true.

Who needs another deflection from Biden to Trump, since that's all that Biden's defense seems to be? So, Biden finally denied it when someone finally told him he was just making it worse by remaining silent. What did you expect him to say, that he was guilty? This is still the first round. She accuses, he denies, his supporters trot out reasons why he's innocent. Oh, wait, they're not. They're yelling about Trump instead. Not helping him very much.


Now you're bitching because Biden borrowed Impeached Trump's line he used on no less than 25 different women??


At any rate ... again ... that's not Biden's only defense as I listed several earlier.

What line was that, "I didn't do it"? Hardly a trademarked line, don't you think? And again you can't defend Biden without diverting to Trump. You keep making my point for me. Basically, the thrust of your posts have been that you believe Biden's guilt or innocence is irrelevant because Trump. Not a strong defense.

You just can't stop lying, can ya, con? I already defended Biden without Impeached Trump. It's not my problem you struggle with English.

My point stands, very few are willing to even try defending Biden without invoking Trump. It's as if you all have fax machines in the basement, spitting out talking points that you all must post or you'll get a "visit". Let's see if you can continue on this thread without invoking Trump to excuse Biden. Heck, we don't even know for sure he's done anything wrong yet, and y'all are jumping around like your pants are on fire and your hair's a-catchin'.


If your point was standing, you wouldn't have to keep lying.

You falsely claimed I gave no reasons other than pointing out Impeached Trump has been accused by 25 more women than Biden -- even though I listed some reasons which don't involve Impeached Trump.

You falsely claimed Biden didn't deny the allegation, a position you ridiculously described as a tacit admission of guilt -- but when shown he did deny it, you tried framing his dial as though he could say nothing else.

Again... there are valid reasons to dismiss Reade's claims as I mentioned earlier. That doesn't dissolve Impeached Trump being accused of the same by at least 25 women and the rights' approach to that is basically, "nuh-uh." Now you're throwing hissy fits because the left is being equally dismissive.

On the contrary, I said the general "you", not the specific "you" could not seem to come up with any defense of Biden other than to squeal about Trump, but if you want to count yourself in that group go ahead. I don't care enough about you to bother checking everything you've written, so I don't. Would you care to go back to whatever post you think I wrote that said Biden hadn't said anything? I know others have commented on this thread, and I don't recall saying anything to that effect. I would hate for you to be lying, you know. I do find it amusing that the left cares so very much about sexual harassment that they immediately went from "every woman must be believed" to "it's okay for Biden to do stuff because somebody else might have done something". It really demonstrates their concern and compassion for the victims of sexual harassment.

You miss the point, which is that you and your ilk are jumping on this like Grant took Richmond, and yet you dismissed the charges against Trump as rubbish because Trump called 25 women "liars".

Of course we enjoy watching you and your ilk squirm like worms on a hook when your faux concern for the victims of sexual harassment is exposed for what it is, crass political gamesmanship, and we see the pattern on every occasion. When a Republican is accused you go nuts trying to "protect" her and her feelings, every woman must be believed, and it's the worst thing since womebody wore white after Labor Day. The man must be punished, must be denied office or run off the job. There's no time and no need for looking deeper. When a democrat is accused, you suddenly discover that a man has rights too and there we must follow the rule of law, obviously the woman is a lying tramp, just drag a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park and see what you get.

It's humorous to watch, because in both situations, you're just as serious as you can be, completely oblivious to the fact that not more than a few months before you were arguing the exact opposite thing.

It is humorous because Trump admitted to being a sexual predator, so when 25 women accuse him of sexual malfeasance, it is believable, yes?

Trumps' accusers' day in the spotlight was in 2016, so if you want to talk about him, you should start a thread about it. This is Biden's turn in the spotlight.

Problem is that you all dissed the accusations about Trump and you are paying sooo much attention to this one.
Why not diss this one too, yes?

Since you're talking to me and I don't talk for anyone else, note that I have not declared Biden guilty of anything. In fact, I've said let's hear her story, look at what evidence she has, then decide if it's credible and if it should disqualify Biden from office. I've just been having a lot of fun watching the usual suspects try to "defend" Biden by shrieking about Trump all the time.

Umm, we've heard her story.

You've heard what people have said about her story. Heck, let's do it up right. Put her and Biden in the Senate chambers, put the TV lights on them, and have them both testify under oath, with both friendly and hostile questioners. Let's hear from the people she says she told, let's unseal the records that she says are there. I mean, if we were yelling for an FBI investigation in the most recent episode of the soap opera, why not do it now? IOW, this is far from over. It'll dog Biden for a long time.

No, we've heard her tell her story. Unfortunately for her, we've heard her tell it more than once and her stories don't always match. And who knows why you want this done in the Senate, it has nothing to do with the Senate. Electing a president is not a senatorial matter.

And yet you all INSISTED that in Kavanaugh's case we NEEDED an FBI investigation and a senate testimony. Tell me retard what is more important a Supreme Court pick or President? Why would we NOT do all the same for a Presidential pick? Ohh wait I forgot the rules for dems are different.

Fuck off, con, I insisted no such thing. In fact, I posted that I didn't believe her.

And by the way, I view Supreme Court picks more important the presidential ones. A lifetime appointment with virtually no checks and balances the ability shape the law.

Just think, Trump gets to pick Ginsberg’s replacement!

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