Pelosi mad that the press isnt selling the democrat agenda to the people

The entire premise of this thread is that she was telling the media to do something. There's a video and everything.

Yes and I plainly and clearly said it was her job to convince the Public but you still felt a need to argue.
Wrong. In the very first post after the OP with a video of the old hag addressing the media directly, you said "It's her job to do that."

Yes, it's her job to do that. The media is not a "her".
Yes and I plainly and clearly said it was her job to convince the Public but you still felt a need to argue.
He's mental.

But the dems failed to put together a bill with a coherent message, and opted instead for a bunch of stuff the govt giving out money for. It's what dems do. It would have been much simpler to just do a smaller child tax credit, pre-K, after school and Obamacare. And separately label part of the bill for global warming, but I'm still not sure what the dems plan there is.
It's her job to tell the press what to do?
Don't bother with that jackass. He's playing word games and arguing points that were never part of the discussion.

He is the one that owes the Apology but he's a dem so good luck with that
Pelosi admits the biased news media is supposed to work for the Democrats. Nobody is shocked except that she admitted it.
Sounds like she's trying to o convince the press
The fact is the Dem's left liberal agenda isn't popular with the American people. Now Dems are whining and bitching to the press about it. I guess Pelosi expects the press to put lipstick on that pig and sell it.
He's mental.

But the dems failed to put together a bill with a coherent message, and opted instead for a bunch of stuff the govt giving out money for. It's what dems do. It would have been much simpler to just do a smaller child tax credit, pre-K, after school and Obamacare. And separately label part of the bill for global warming, but I'm still not sure what the dems plan there is.
Why isn't Biden out there on the road selling this? Both Obama and Trump were skilled at this.
Have you noticed that whenever Dems regain control of congress and the White House they are unable to govern. They make a giant mess then the American people throw the bum Dems out again in the next election.
Less than a minute into the video the old woman complains directly to the press about them not doing the Democrats bidding.

I'm actually shocked the Leftist Extremist Marxist Democrat-water bearers and propaganda spreaders are not selling the lie-based $5.5 Trillion national security-threatening 'Reconciliation' bill, too.

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