Pelosi tears up SOTU at SOTU

Your utter disconnect from reality is staggering. Between Pisslosi the drunk’s tantrum, your party’s pathetic response, and the sheer idiocy of the DNC on full display in Iowa, and morons like you think you hurt Trump? Keep that hope while you shit in your other hand. Enjoy that pile of shit as Trump is re-elected.

Dem is not my party. I have never voted for them in my life.
He might be reelected. I hope not.
The fact you seem to have him in such high esteem says a lot about you. None of it good.
werent no speech she ripped -that was Trumps fat ass!



You do realize that there is about a 99% chance Trump will be acquitted today, which invalidates the impeachment in the same way that an acquittal invalidates an indictment, don’t you?

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He will go down and remain the 3rd impeached Potus, and never be exonerated.

He will be at 4 pm today.

He won't be exonerated. Senators have stated that what trump did was wrong. They are about to admit trumps wrongdoing but how they, the senate, with constitutional authority to do so, can't do anything about it.

He has been acquitted of any wrongdoing. He has been EXONERATED.
Your utter disconnect from reality is staggering. Between Pisslosi the drunk’s tantrum, your party’s pathetic response, and the sheer idiocy of the DNC on full display in Iowa, and morons like you think you hurt Trump? Keep that hope while you shit in your other hand. Enjoy that pile of shit as Trump is re-elected.

Dem is not my party. I have never voted for them in my life.
He might be reelected. I hope not.
The fact you seem to have him in such high esteem says a lot about you. None of it good.

Like i care what you think of me. Yes, a booming economy, record low unemployment for everyone, including blacks, women, and Hispanics, keeping more of MY money, killing terrorists, and causing leftists to have meltdowns on national television. That sounds pretty good to me. The fact that you can’t see any of that says all we need to know about you. News flash Gomer: you don’t look too smart here.
Nan took a page out of the Trumpdrones playbook -

anything to piss off Trump and his cartel -

she TRIGGERED the entire party


She didn't trigger anyone, IQ7. People across the country of all political stripes are condemning her.
Actually that's not the case.
werent no speech she ripped -that was Trumps fat ass!



You do realize that there is about a 99% chance Trump will be acquitted today, which invalidates the impeachment in the same way that an acquittal invalidates an indictment, don’t you?

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He will go down and remain the 3rd impeached Potus, and never be exonerated.
no need to be exonerated when nothing was proved

It was all proved. They were all in on it. Trumpublicans own the "Shakedown Corruption" King. Don't fret, Democrats own the "Lying about a Blowjob" Corruption King ya'll impeached.
nothing was proved--no witnesses/no nothing
Like i care what you think of me. Yes, a booming economy, record low unemployment for everyone, including blacks, women, and Hispanics, keeping more of MY money, killing terrorists, and causing leftists to have meltdowns on national television. That sounds pretty good to me. The fact that you can’t see any of that says all we need to know about you. News flash Gomer: you don’t look too smart here.

Oh, you're one of those Cool Aid drinkers. Why didn't you say so! Now I can you as seriously as I take the Orange Buffoon...:2up:
werent no speech she ripped -that was Trumps fat ass!



You do realize that there is about a 99% chance Trump will be acquitted today, which invalidates the impeachment in the same way that an acquittal invalidates an indictment, don’t you?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He will go down and remain the 3rd impeached Potus, and never be exonerated.

He will be at 4 pm today.

He won't be exonerated. Senators have stated that what trump did was wrong. They are about to admit trumps wrongdoing but how they, the senate, with constitutional authority to do so, can't do anything about it.

He has been acquitted of any wrongdoing. He has been EXONERATED.

No he has not. Everybody knows this was a sham. No witness testimony, trump refused to testify, he blocked witnesses and documents. Nah, he ain't exonerated. You will learn that on a Tuesday this November.
Shed some tears no doubt too. The more Trump wins the worst they get. They don't appreciate getting called out on who they are, and aint nothin' they can do about it.
She was an excellent representative for the party of hate. You could see the hate in her eyes throughout the entire speech, and as she ripped up the speech in her rage.
As a Catholic, she said she does not hate him...What a liar.
Like i care what you think of me. Yes, a booming economy, record low unemployment for everyone, including blacks, women, and Hispanics, keeping more of MY money, killing terrorists, and causing leftists to have meltdowns on national television. That sounds pretty good to me. The fact that you can’t see any of that says all we need to know about you. News flash Gomer: you don’t look too smart here.

Oh, you're one of those Cool Aid drinkers. Why didn't you say so! Now I can you as seriously as I take the Orange Buffoon...:2up:

Since you can’t even spell Kool-Aid, seems you’re the buffoon here. Your denial of facts and reality are noted. News flash 2 Gomer: Nobody takes you seriously loser.
--You-- made the distinction between an original record and a copy, and stated Nancy is OK because it is not illegal to destroy a copy.
So... what --is-- the original record?
If you cannot tell us, your statement cannot hold water.
The original are the words the president spoke during the address.
Prove this to be true.
Well, as soon as Nancy is arrested for 18 U.S. Code 2071 then you will know I am wrong.
Ah. You know you cannot prove you claim to be true.
Thus, you have no idea whatsoever if Nancy tore up an original document, or a copy .
I accept your concession.
so please elaborate - how do you know it WAS an original?

In this day and age, I'm not sure there IS such a thing as "original document", insofar as the speech was likely typed up and saved on a computer in the White House and then printed out to hand to Witchy-Poo; it would be a matter of five minutes to print it again.

In the sense that the paper he handed to the Speaker is the physical embodiment of his fulfillment of his Constitutional obligations, it's THE State of the Union.
Ah. You know you cannot prove you claim to be true.
Thus, you have no idea whatsoever if Nancy tore up an original document, or a copy .
I accept your concession.
There is no original document,
There must be an original document, otherwise you cannot have copies.
So... what's the original document?

What is this, 1980?

In the sense you're talking, the original is the electronic document saved on his computer.
The copy of the President's speech didn't belong to Speaker Pelosi. As a matter of fact an ordinary citizen would surely have been arrested if he walked away with it. It's obvious that Speaker Pelosi intentionally destroyed an official government document that was presented to the House of Representatives in a fit of (some would say insane) hatred and petulance.

You're just pissed that Nancy made him look exactly what he is. That wasn't a SOTU speech, it was keep thing stirred up and all about Rump. I loved Nancy's reaction to it. I would have paid money to see and hear rump after he left the hall. I'll bet he turned from Orange to deep red. His reelection campaign should be sent the bill for the hall since it was "ReElect Me" or the world will come to an end speech. And once again, every third statement as a lie. I watched it later and it was amazing that he thinks so little of us that he would do such a speech. But, then I thought, it's just the rump doing what the rump does. He needs gone.

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