Pelosi tears up SOTU at SOTU

werent no speech she ripped -that was Trumps fat ass!



You do realize that there is about a 99% chance Trump will be acquitted today, which invalidates the impeachment in the same way that an acquittal invalidates an indictment, don’t you?

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He will go down and remain the 3rd impeached Potus, and never be exonerated.

Lol, keep clinging to that, meanwhile four more years, four more years.

There won't be 4 me years of this.

I agree. I think along with his speech and the impeachment debacle, he is toast. And by debacle I mean the Repub wingnuts in the Senate voting based on their party affiliation not the evidence.
Nan took a page out of the Trumpdrones playbook -

anything to piss off Trump and his cartel -

she TRIGGERED the entire party

normies ,indies and everyday americans
Theyll tune into a state of the union

When the see her tearing it up like a spoiled activist making a statement they cringe

Oh yeah

Wait till they find out it was planned "make a statement "

View attachment 304828

Of course it was planned, Nancy plans everything. You do not stay in power as long as she has by accident.

Her action has become the narrative, it is getting more air time than Trump's speech.

If she was trying to set the narrative that she is a petty, vindictive bitch she succeeded. Not sure how you think that helps her.

There is an old saying, one that Trump rode well....any press is good press.
And that saying is bullshit, so I'm not surprised you buy into it.

I did not say I bought into it, but Trump won the nomination using the tactic, you have a very short memory.
You brought it up, now you are running from it.

Shed some tears no doubt too. The more Trump wins the worst they get. They don't appreciate getting called out on who they are, and aint nothin' they can do about it.

At the risk of sounding like I'm in the playground, he started it.

Never liked Pelosi, but I loved what she did.

At the risk of reveling in the schadenfreude a bit too much, when one's adversaries are self-destructing, one is perfectly justified in watching the show.

Nan took a page out of the Trumpdrones playbook -

anything to piss off Trump and his cartel -

she TRIGGERED the entire party


She didn't trigger anyone, IQ7. People across the country of all political stripes are condemning her.
Shed some tears no doubt too. The more Trump wins the worst they get. They don't appreciate getting called out on who they are, and aint nothin' they can do about it.

normies ,indies and everyday americans
Theyll tune into a state of the union

When the see her tearing it up like a spoiled activist making a statement they cringe

Oh yeah

Wait till they find out it was planned "make a statement "

View attachment 304828

Of course it was planned, Nancy plans everything. You do not stay in power as long as she has by accident.

Her action has become the narrative, it is getting more air time than Trump's speech.
Indeed sir
All these older dems have all been threatened by the youngsters either tow the line our we'll run someone against you and replace you come election time ..every last one of em from nadler to pelosi .....sea to shining sea

Now the old drunken commie stooge can then turn to the useful idiots ...and they're still cheering like the tools that they are AS iowa voter turnout for the dems was a wee bit off ...
As for the complete screw up in iowa ....what does the msm do

Blame white people and wacisim

The dems dont have a dumpster fire on thier hands they have a tire yard fire goin on at the moment

Iowa turnout was off? Do you have a link to that?
It was all over the news yesterday maybe it's been updated with an appropriate record turnout lie to sooth the emotional useful idiots of the left

I will take that as a no, you are just parroting fake news.


Here is the real story...

less than 32,000 by the Repubs...which is to be expected as there is no real race.


more than 100,000 for the Dems.
Of course it was planned, Nancy plans everything. You do not stay in power as long as she has by accident.

Her action has become the narrative, it is getting more air time than Trump's speech.

If she was trying to set the narrative that she is a petty, vindictive bitch she succeeded. Not sure how you think that helps her.

There is an old saying, one that Trump rode well....any press is good press.
And that saying is bullshit, so I'm not surprised you buy into it.

I did not say I bought into it, but Trump won the nomination using the tactic, you have a very short memory.
You brought it up, now you are running from it.


when are you going to quit running and tell me what crime was trump acquitted of ?

3 days later - still waiting
The original can be on the computer that it was typed on.
If that file the original State of the Union?
Prove you answer to be true.
No, the original document was not handed to both the VP and Speaker, as they both cannot have been handed the one original,
Many legal documents have "original copies" that are signed by all the parties involved, so that each has an original..
So, yes, there can be.
Are -these- the original State of the Union?
Prove your answer to be true.
Of course it was planned, Nancy plans everything. You do not stay in power as long as she has by accident.

Her action has become the narrative, it is getting more air time than Trump's speech.

If she was trying to set the narrative that she is a petty, vindictive bitch she succeeded. Not sure how you think that helps her.

There is an old saying, one that Trump rode well....any press is good press.
And that saying is bullshit, so I'm not surprised you buy into it.

I did not say I bought into it, but Trump won the nomination using the tactic, you have a very short memory.
You brought it up, now you are running from it.


I am not running from it, and you keep ignoring that your god in the White House used the tactic to win the Repub nomination.
The original can be on the computer that it was typed on.
If that file the original State of the Union?
Prove you answer to be true.
No, the original document was not handed to both the VP and Speaker, as they both cannot have been handed the one original,
Many legal documents have "original copies" that are signed by all the parties involved, so that each has an original..
So, yes, there can be.
Are -these- the original State of the Union?
Prove your answer to be true.

I am done playing your little game.

As far as I know there is no original State of the Union, and until such time as you prove otherwise, then that is a fact.
And you saw the illness that most liberals and all Democrats in Congress
are afflicted with on full display from Ms Nancy-out of control emotions where emotional responses take priority over thinking ones and thus it’s perfectly OK to fully display your emotional displeasure and throw your crayons across the room.
impressive would have been Pelosi destroying Trumps teleprompter -

Nan took a page out of the Trumpdrones playbook -

anything to piss off Trump and his cartel -

she TRIGGERED the entire party

Can you imagine that crazy c*nt as president? The little mafia princess is nuts!
Your attempted switcheroo is pitiful. At least try to be amusing.

What I find even more amusing, as much as I hate to say it, up until yesterday I couldn't see anybody beating The Idiot in the WH. Not because every single Dem running for their nom is better than him (yes, even Warren), but because there seemed to be too much infighting amongst the Dems and they seemed a little disorganised. His speech was soooo bad yesterday - THAT bad - it seems to have rejuvenated them. Not only that, the press he has been getting has been uber negative. Sure, you right-wing loons will say, "he's always had bad press", which is true. This is somehow different. I've seen pieces written by apolitical people who are even saying this could cost him big time.

I'm hoping that's the case.
Your attempted switcheroo is pitiful. At least try to be amusing.

What I find even more amusing, as much as I hate to say it, up until yesterday I couldn't see anybody beating The Idiot in the WH. Not because every single Dem running for their nom is better than him (yes, even Warren), but because there seemed to be too much infighting amongst the Dems and they seemed a little disorganised. His speech was soooo bad yesterday - THAT bad - it seems to have rejuvenated them. Not only that, the press he has been getting has been uber negative. Sure, you right-wing loons will say, "he's always had bad press", which is true. This is somehow different. I've seen pieces written by apolitical people who are even saying this could cost him big time.

I'm hoping that's the case.

Your utter disconnect from reality is staggering. Between Pisslosi the drunk’s tantrum, your party’s pathetic response, and the sheer idiocy of the DNC on full display in Iowa, and morons like you think you hurt Trump? Keep that hope while you shit in your other hand. Enjoy that pile of shit as Trump is re-elected.

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