Pelosi was heckled by a reporter

Unlike the honeymoon you Trump ass kissers have been giving that sociopath Trump since his escalator ride.
We know things will be better with the Repubs in control if it happens. But we will see how RINO like they act also. There may be a louder response from the voters if we get more of the same. Repubs had a few more opportunities to get things done with Trump and did not. Progs would have done those things easily.
Unlike the honeymoon you Trump ass kissers have been giving that sociopath Trump since his escalator ride.
Another moron in denial. Trump didn't get a five minute honeymoon, Einstein. The fact that you don't know that is all the proof I need to know that you're an idiot.
Another moron in denial. Trump didn't get a five minute honeymoon, Einstein. The fact that you don't know that is all the proof I need to know that you're an idiot.
He didn't deserve one. He turned the office into a three ring circus from the first day he slithered into the W.H.
He didn't deserve one. He turned the office into a three ring circus from the first day he slithered into the W.H.
blaming him for the Obamagate Gang and clinton.campaign along with the demafasict propaganda machine spreading Russian misinformation is rather silly
Wrong, moron, the democrats turned the country into a 3-ring circus with the scam impeachments, Russia, Russia, Russia, etc. etc. What do you call the Biden shit show, window licker?
If the Trump Party had any spine he would have been thrown out but they put party over Country.

And behind closed doors with the exception of a small minority they hate Trump's guts. Including McConnell.
If the Trump Party had any spine he would have been thrown out but they put party over Country.

And behind closed doors with the exception of a small minority they hate Trump's guts. Including McConnell.
You've outdone your ignorant ass again. Look at the OP, moron. PIGLOSI--not Trump. You can evict that non-entity anytime. But I understand, when you have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING positive to say about the democrat performance that was supposed to save the country from Trump, you have to resort to "But, But, But, Truuuummp" Whine, whine whine. Get a life idiot. Til then get on topic---Pelosis was heckled by a reporter, or just STFU.
Pelosi snapped Thursday at a reporter pressing her on the safety of the Supreme Court justices after the assassination attempt on Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
A reporter pressed her on the protection of the justices after 26-year-old Nicholas Roske was arrested and charged with attempted murder Wednesday after he allegedly carried at least one firearm and burglary tools on the street of Kavanaugh’s home.
"He’s protected,” Pelosi said. “He’s protected. This issue is not about the justices, it’s about staff and the rest. The justices are protected, you saw the attorney general even double down on that.”

......wonder if Pelosi was drunk again.
Both Pelosi and Schumer have incited political violence.
Pelosi called for "up risings" and Schumer called for a "whirlwind" and that USSC judges would "pay the price"
These Democrat Leaders are dangerous fanatics and their far left crackpot followers are out of control.

And? She seems to be more adult about it than the fat little handed former guy.
You've outdone your ignorant ass again. Look at the OP, moron. PIGLOSI--not Trump. You can evict that non-entity anytime. But I understand, when you have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING positive to say about the democrat performance that was supposed to save the country from Trump, you have to resort to "But, But, But, Truuuummp" Whine, whine whine. Get a life idiot. Til then get on topic---Pelosis was heckled by a reporter, or just STFU.
DiI hurt your feelings,,Trump ass licker?

The accusation about Pelosi is a crock of shit, idiot. Only a fucking jerkoff like you believes it, spoon fed imbecile.
DiI hurt your feelings,,Trump ass licker?

The accusation about Pelosi is a crock of shit, idiot. Only a fucking jerkoff like you believes it, spoon fed imbecile.
have u noticed how the libs use every swear word known to man

and probably only used about half of them before Trump came along, when they acquired Trump Derangement Syndrome


very telling

but then the fact that they think its OK to murder children is even more so and we've known that since 1973
Maybe Pelosi was pissed off because the reporter delayed her trip back to office to crack-open a fresh bottle.
is she drinking lately?

I would too if I had just defied an archbishop of the largest Christian Church in the world... who just told me basically I am on my way to Hell.. please repent...

yep... a drink would be the first thing to come to mind..

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