Pelosi: 'We were going to fly Commercial to Afghanistan, but...'

Whether Pelosi had planned to fly to a WAR ZONE (something Trump has yet to do?) on a commercial air plane or not...once Trump exposed COULDN'T happen.

Good for her. She shouldn't be there in the first place. She's a Congress woman, not an ambassador or military. Perhaps she should re-visit the Constitution to see what her job actually is.
Pre bullshit.

But you had to say something

Show me in the Constitution where a Congress person is supposed to be overseas for anything. That's not the job of Congress. Congress is HERE to make laws, create spending, and maintain taxation. Given the fact we have a huge problem in this area, she should be here working on that, not taking joy rides all over the world. That's not what we pay her for.
CODELS have long been a norm. Of course norms no longer matter in the World of Trump
Whether Pelosi had planned to fly to a WAR ZONE (something Trump has yet to do?) on a commercial air plane or not...once Trump exposed COULDN'T happen.

Good for her. She shouldn't be there in the first place. She's a Congress woman, not an ambassador or military. Perhaps she should re-visit the Constitution to see what her job actually is.
Pre bullshit.

But you had to say something

Show me in the Constitution where a Congress person is supposed to be overseas for anything. That's not the job of Congress. Congress is HERE to make laws, create spending, and maintain taxation. Given the fact we have a huge problem in this area, she should be here working on that, not taking joy rides all over the world. That's not what we pay her for.
Educate yourself

A Brief History of U.S. Diplomacy
AND why do taxpayers have to pay for a whole entourage of congressional Dem's to travel oversees vs just 1 or 2?
Psssst...Hey, Nancy...your JOB is in D.C...NOT Afghanistan...

Her first stop, she and NINETY-ONE of her closest friends, was in BRUSSELS BELGIUM!

By closest friends, that would be 9 Democrat pets, along with their spouses and friends. I wonder if any of them voted against her speakership were scheduled to be on the flight?
But an 'expert' on MSNBC stated the reason for the stop in Brussels was so the "pilot could have a sleep break". NO SHIT!!!!!!
link required.

My understanding was that the Brussels stop had to do with NATO
The 'Nato delegates' live the same luxury lifestyle as the asshole UN 'diplomats' live in NYC.
They accomplish fuck all except for blowing through millions of dollars a year throwing lavish parties for each other and banging each others twelve year old (cough) 'maids'.
Go visit Brussels. A more full of themselves bunch of 'never-wasers' you will never find.
Go into any waffle house in Brussels and your chances of having had your waffles spit on......or worse by the waite staff are about 100%.
That information came to me straight from a Belgium chef who told me the only group of people the Belgians hate more than negroes are any American.

Source provided by Lesh


Congressional travel is a major means by which U.S. legislators experience the real world of American diplomacy. It affords senators and members of Congress opportunities to exercise oversight and better understand the operations of U.S. missions abroad, while at the same allowing Foreign Service Officers to gain the undivided attention of legislators.

There are four types of Congressional travel:

  1. Official delegations. Legislators traveling in this capacity work closely with the State Department and typically carry out diplomatic or quasi diplomatic functions. .
  2. Congressional delegations (CODELs). These trips, while often encouraged by the State Department, are typically arranged by the members themselves. The State Department works with U.S. embassies abroad to arrange meetings, hotels and travel within the country visited, and with the Department of Defense on airlift requirements.
  3. Congressional staff delegations (STAFFDELs). Very similar to CODELs, though usually involving much less protocol, STAFFDELs also travel abroad to assess U.S. Government operations and gather information to share with their parent Congressional committees or legislative offices.
  4. NODELs. This term is used to describe situations where senators or members of Congress travel abroad with the support of unofficial (non governmental) sponsors. .
Funds for official travel overseas are administered by the Department of State on behalf of the U.S. Congress. Receipts or written authorizations from Congressional authorities allow obligations and disbursements to be charged against specific Congressional travel accounts held by the U.S. Treasury.

Thanks Lesh for that source it was perfectly clear

It clearly states that Pelosi could do this and Emperor Trump was wrong in canceling the flight

The House passed a stop gap measure Thursday night to fund the government that includes $5 billion for a border wall sought by President Donald Trump
Dec 20

House passed a bill to reopen government
Jan 4

The Senate which pass a bill few day prior in Mid Dec but it did not have funding for a border wall

Senate choices

Pass the house proposal but wasn't going to happen with wall funding

Stick with there version of the funding bill

or let the government shut done which Trump endorsed and proud to do it

Source provided by Lesh


Congressional travel is a major means by which U.S. legislators experience the real world of American diplomacy. It affords senators and members of Congress opportunities to exercise oversight and better understand the operations of U.S. missions abroad, while at the same allowing Foreign Service Officers to gain the undivided attention of legislators.

There are four types of Congressional travel:

  1. Official delegations. Legislators traveling in this capacity work closely with the State Department and typically carry out diplomatic or quasi diplomatic functions. .
  2. Congressional delegations (CODELs). These trips, while often encouraged by the State Department, are typically arranged by the members themselves. The State Department works with U.S. embassies abroad to arrange meetings, hotels and travel within the country visited, and with the Department of Defense on airlift requirements.
  3. Congressional staff delegations (STAFFDELs). Very similar to CODELs, though usually involving much less protocol, STAFFDELs also travel abroad to assess U.S. Government operations and gather information to share with their parent Congressional committees or legislative offices.
  4. NODELs. This term is used to describe situations where senators or members of Congress travel abroad with the support of unofficial (non governmental) sponsors. .
Funds for official travel overseas are administered by the Department of State on behalf of the U.S. Congress. Receipts or written authorizations from Congressional authorities allow obligations and disbursements to be charged against specific Congressional travel accounts held by the U.S. Treasury.

Thanks Lesh for that source it was perfectly clear

It clearly states that Pelosi could do this and Emperor Trump was wrong in canceling the flight

The House passed a stop gap measure Thursday night to fund the government that includes $5 billion for a border wall sought by President Donald Trump
Dec 20

House passed a bill to reopen government
Jan 4

The Senate which pass a bill few day prior in Mid Dec but it did not have funding for a border wall

Senate choices

Pass the house proposal but wasn't going to happen with wall funding

Stick with there version of the funding bill

or let the government shut done which Trump endorsed and proud to do it
Why are over 80 family members of less than 10 congress members going along?
Last edited:
They were going to fly commercial but someone leaked that they were going to fly commercial which is a security breach that put congressmen and congresswoman, troops, and support people in danger of potential terrorist attacks. So the smart thing to do was to just cancel it.

Nobody KNEW about this trip outside of Congress and WH UNTIL they were all on an AIR FORCE BUS headed for Joint Base Andrews for a MILITARY flight. Trumps letter didn't ARRIVE until the bus arrived. Otherwise, why would they start PACKING THE BUS??

There's was never a plan to take a commercial flight until they got caught trying to escape Washington during a Shutdown for a 7 day junket.. Right after Pelosi's Hawaiian vacation and then that boondoogle trip to the beaches of Puerto Rico. She's apparently checking out as often as she can... Can't take the heat..

Get with the program. Called objective reasoning and actual facts...

These trips are not advertised. And she has every right to vacation in HI since the Potus of the US is throwing his shutdown and have a temper tantrum. She needs a vacation too, he played golf every weekend at one of his OWN golf courses since he was in office. She also had every right to take a trip to see the soldiers in Afghanistan.


Also, what makes her think the troops want to see her ugly ass? I would bet 99.999% did not vote for her!
She's only a congresswoman. Unless they lived in her district they couldn't vote for her.
AND why do taxpayers have to pay for a whole entourage of congressional Dem's to travel oversees vs just 1 or 2?
How many went to Egypt with Graham the other day.

How much did Ivanka's trip to Florida cost?

Don't EVEN pretend you care about costs.
11 pages? Bwuhahahahaha....

Snowflakes who bought this bullish!t from Pelosi, her pathetic attempt to 'flip the script' to save face, are demonstrating that it took less than 24 hours to completely flush the FACT that Nancy Pelosi was busted for LYING HER ASS OFF by falsely claiming Homeland Security and the Secret Service could not provide security for the State of the Union address in order to justify attempting to hijack / cancel the speevh.

It took 24 hours for snowflakes to decide to ignore the fact that Democrats just got caught lying to them AGAIN, to accept it, and defend them ... again.

Jonathon Gruber - the liberal who repeatedly declared the Democrats believe their voters are stupid and that the Democrats count on that stupidity to get away with what they get away with - is laughing out loud today at snowflakes while thanking them for proving just how right he was.

Pelosi: We were going to fly commercial to Afghanistan -- but Trump's letter created a security risk


NANCY PELOSI, the FAILED Speaker of the House who JUST GOT BUSTED LYING HER ASS OFF BY claiming the Pesident's State of the Union speech needed to be cancelled because DHS & the Secret Service could not protect the President and politicians, just surpassed her 1st lie by claiming she had every intention of flying COMMERCIAL to Afghanistan after the President refused to allow her and Democrats to use military airlift as their own personal taxi service.


After being TOTALLY busted for telling such a monstrous - yet so easy to disprove LIE, no one has any reason to listen to a damn thing she says / claims! She has proven to be a shameless liar!

I bet she could not tell you when the last time she flew commercial was...if ever. :p
No honor in her

Pelosi’s History Of Abusing Military Travel – Bringing Family Members Aboard – Serving Top Shelf Liquor On Taxpayer Dime @ Pelosi’s History Of Abusing Military Travel – Bringing Family Members Aboard – Serving Top Shelf Liquor On Taxpayer Dime - Tea Party News
AND why do taxpayers have to pay for a whole entourage of congressional Dem's to travel oversees vs just 1 or 2?
How many went to Egypt with Graham the other day.

How much did Ivanka's trip to Florida cost?

Don't EVEN pretend you care about costs.

Do you know what a fiscal conservative is? I'm even tougher on the GOP when they waste MY money. I cut Dem's a bit of slack because they are stupid morons.
They were going to fly commercial but someone leaked that they were going to fly commercial which is a security breach that put congressmen and congresswoman, troops, and support people in danger of potential terrorist attacks. So the smart thing to do was to just cancel it.

Nobody KNEW about this trip outside of Congress and WH UNTIL they were all on an AIR FORCE BUS headed for Joint Base Andrews for a MILITARY flight. Trumps letter didn't ARRIVE until the bus arrived. Otherwise, why would they start PACKING THE BUS??

There's was never a plan to take a commercial flight until they got caught trying to escape Washington during a Shutdown for a 7 day junket.. Right after Pelosi's Hawaiian vacation and then that boondoogle trip to the beaches of Puerto Rico. She's apparently checking out as often as she can... Can't take the heat..

Get with the program. Called objective reasoning and actual facts...

These trips are not advertised. And she has every right to vacation in HI since the Potus of the US is throwing his shutdown and have a temper tantrum. She needs a vacation too, he played golf every weekend at one of his OWN golf courses since he was in office. She also had every right to take a trip to see the soldiers in Afghanistan.


Also, what makes her think the troops want to see her ugly ass? I would bet 99.999% did not vote for her!
She's only a congresswoman. Unless they lived in her district they couldn't vote for her.


What are the odds that even one of her flaming liberal California constituents is in Afghanistan? Pretty slim!

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