Pelosi: 'We were going to fly Commercial to Afghanistan, but...'

Was Pelosi planning on visiting the troops WHILE UNDER SNIPER FIRE , like Hillary?

Was Pelosi planning on visiting the troops WHILE UNDER SNIPER FIRE
After Trump EXPOSED it...if she had gone it may well have been a lot worse than that

Ummm, if Pelosi was willing to 'face sniper fire' to visit the troops in Afghanistan, why was she so afraid to sit next to the Americans she lied to hours earlier on a commercial flight?!?

Rumor has it flying commercial was Pelosi's 3rd choice....Her 2nd choice was to ride her Magic Unicorn. She keeps it up her butt, the same place she pulled that lie about the DHS / SS and the lie about the commercial flight from.

Ummm, if Pelosi was willing to 'face sniper fire' to visit the troops in Afghanistan, why was she so afraid to sit next to the Americans she lied to hours earlier on a commercial flight?!?
Because Trump BLEW whatever security she might have had
Because Trump BLEW whatever security she might have had
Since there was no danger of attack on the bus ride back from the airport after being denied military airlift, Trump never placed Pelosi in danger.

She was more in danger from Americans when they found out she was trying to flee the country in the middle of her shutdown...
Pelosi could not face the media after she got busted lying about her sorry ass excuse for trying to shut down the SotU address....

Snowflakes really think Pelosi seriously considered flying commercial - being on a flight for 8+ hours with Americans effected by her shutdown, asking her all that time why she isn't in DC doing her job, why she won't negotiate / compromise / do her job?

Do they even TRY to think things through or use common sense before they blindly rush to the defense of proven shameless liars like Pelosi?

Evidently NOT!

Pelosi could not face the media after she got busted lying about her sorry ass excuse for trying to shut down the SotU address....

Snowflakes really think Pelosi seriously considered flying commercial - being on a flight for 8+ hours with Americans effected by her shutdown, asking her all that time why she isn't in DC doing her job, why she won't negotiate / compromise / do her job?


Uh, just 8 hours?
Was Pelosi planning on visiting the troops WHILE UNDER SNIPER FIRE

After Trump EXPOSED it...if she had gone it may well have been a lot worse than that

You can't be serious! You're being facetious...aren't you?

Such simple common sense questions completely destroy Pelosi's latest claim, exposing her latest lies....
Regardless of whether she did or did not have commercial travel plans...once Trump exposed the fact that she was intending to go...her security was blown
Regardless of whether she did or did not have commercial travel plans...
Thank you for admitting she LIED.

Pelosi was NEVER going to fly commercial to Afghanistan...

Pelosi was NEVER going to subject herself to having to sit beside the same Americans she is f*ing over with her partisan Trump-hating shutdown on a double-digit hour airplane fight, having to answer why she was fleeing the country instead of in the House trying to end the shutdown

You try to sweep her LIE under the rug as if insignificant, but the fact is her lie, the 2nd one in 24hrs, IS the point / subject of this thread...
Perhaps Trump should consider ordering a GPS tracking ankle monitor be placed on Pelosi to keep track of her in case she tries to flee the country again during her shutdown...

Regardless of whether she did or did not have commercial travel plans...once Trump exposed the fact that she was intending to go...her security was blown
Regardless of whether she did or did not have commercial travel plans...once Trump exposed the fact that she was intending to go...her security was blown

There is no sweeping the FACT that there never was any intention, whatsoever to fly commercial under the carpet. She LIED.

The trip was exposed AFTER President Trump canceled their use of government aircraft.
Regardless of whether she did or did not have commercial travel plans...once Trump exposed the fact that she was intending to go...her security was blown
Nancy Pelosi loves the lime light. She is high maintenance. That is what she is used to in her spoiled family's public service spanning many many decades. What part do you not notice? When Trump cancelled that trip, as a spoiled princess she seethed. No one saw it, but the private office she was in had extra liquor installed. Even Star Kist Tuna where she owns stock on slaves working for the company in the Western Pacific went with a douche. You see, when a career politician who causes massive pain to taxpayers trying to survive does not leave with dignity when they screw up(Obamacare) then you know they are evil for power and money is their gratification. Anyway I can thank people like her I can purchase those much reliable Japanese/Korean automobiles for their sellouts. 78 years old with her extended family on the West Coast. Must not be such a warm family.

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