Pelosi: 'We were going to fly Commercial to Afghanistan, but...'


NANCY PELOSI, the FAILED Speaker of the House who JUST GOT BUSTED LYING HER ASS OFF BY claiming the Pesident's State of the Union speech needed to be cancelled because DHS & the Secret Service could not protect the President and politicians, just surpassed her 1st lie by claiming she had every intention of flying COMMERCIAL to Afghanistan after the President refused to allow her and Democrats to use military airlift as their own personal taxi service.


After being TOTALLY busted for telling such a monstrous - yet so easy to disprove LIE, no one has any reason to listen to a damn thing she says / claims! She has proven to be a shameless liar!

I bet she could not tell you when the last time she flew commercial was...if ever. :p

Talking about lies

They were going to fly commercial but someone leaked that they were going to fly commercial which is a security breach that put congressmen and congresswoman, troops, and support people in danger of potential terrorist attacks. So the smart thing to do was to just cancel it.

I wonder who leaked the story (cough cough Trump cough cough)

The commander and child has show once again the pettiness that 5 year olds will show when they can't reach that cookie jar.

People are not getting paid, Cancel the military flight because they should be working on the shutdown

Yet he walks out of a meeting about the shutdown because baby and commander did not get his way.

Did baby make a boo boo
He walked out of the meeting because she said NO.
Stupid ass.
You're a liar of course.
The only reason that anyone knew they were flying commercial was because Trump grounded their military flight....which was CLEARLY a misuse of air assets.

Ask yourself why the bitch had to go to Brussels, NATO headquarters. Ask yourself why Adam Schiff went on the trip? Are they working out deals with foreign governments without US authorization. If so that's punishable with a fine and 3 years in prison.
Psssst...Hey, Nancy...your JOB is in D.C...NOT Afghanistan...

Her first stop, she and NINETY-ONE of her closest friends, was in BRUSSELS BELGIUM!

By closest friends, that would be 9 Democrat pets, along with their spouses and friends. I wonder if any of them voted against her speakership were scheduled to be on the flight?
But an 'expert' on MSNBC stated the reason for the stop in Brussels was so the "pilot could have a sleep break". NO SHIT!!!!!!

I do LOVE whoever is writing this stuff for the Democrats.
AND why do taxpayers have to pay for a whole entourage of congressional Dem's to travel oversees vs just 1 or 2?

Simple, it was Nancy Pelosi's way of repaying those representatives who voted for her, along with their spouses, family, and friends. That would be 91 people going to Brussels, Egypt and, my guess would be a "fly by" over Afghanistan, to serve as a reason for the payoff.
AND why do taxpayers have to pay for a whole entourage of congressional Dem's to travel oversees vs just 1 or 2?

Simple, it was Nancy Pelosi's way of repaying those representatives who voted for her, along with their spouses, family, and friends. That would be 91 people going to Brussels, Egypt and, my guess would be a "fly by" over Afghanistan, to serve as a reason for the payoff.

It's not like she's never done it before.

Pelosi's monumental abuse of military aircraft privileges (Updated)
AND why do taxpayers have to pay for a whole entourage of congressional Dem's to travel oversees vs just 1 or 2?

Simple, it was Nancy Pelosi's way of repaying those representatives who voted for her, along with their spouses, family, and friends. That would be 91 people going to Brussels, Egypt and, my guess would be a "fly by" over Afghanistan, to serve as a reason for the payoff.

Holy crap, what was the security for 91 people going to cost taxpayers??
And ANNOUNCED their trip in a fucking tweet

So what? President Trump had already canceled the flight.

Do you really want anyone to think you believed that Pelosi and friends were going to take a COMMERCIAL FLIGHT? Really?
1. Pelosi got caught lying about the DHS & SS ... Part of her pathetic, petty attempt to hijack the Federal Govt & stop the President of the United States from giving the SotU address.

2. She was then caught trying to sneak out of DC to avoid answering about her LIE and shirking her responsibility to the country as Speaker

3. Then she lied again

4. She then walked away from an offered DACA deal, preferring to keep standing with violent illegals to keep the govt shut down

Quite an impressive 48-72 hours for the newly elected 3-time FAILED SPEAKER ... and the snowflakes trying to cover for her
800’000 DACA people are getting paid during this shutdown

NANCY PELOSI, the FAILED Speaker of the House who JUST GOT BUSTED LYING HER ASS OFF BY claiming the Pesident's State of the Union speech needed to be cancelled because DHS & the Secret Service could not protect the President and politicians, just surpassed her 1st lie by claiming she had every intention of flying COMMERCIAL to Afghanistan after the President refused to allow her and Democrats to use military airlift as their own personal taxi service.


After being TOTALLY busted for telling such a monstrous - yet so easy to disprove LIE, no one has any reason to listen to a damn thing she says / claims! She has proven to be a shameless liar!

I bet she could not tell you when the last time she flew commercial was...if ever. :p

Talking about lies

They were going to fly commercial but someone leaked that they were going to fly commercial which is a security breach that put congressmen and congresswoman, troops, and support people in danger of potential terrorist attacks. So the smart thing to do was to just cancel it.

I wonder who leaked the story (cough cough Trump cough cough)

The commander and child has show once again the pettiness that 5 year olds will show when they can't reach that cookie jar.

People are not getting paid, Cancel the military flight because they should be working on the shutdown

Yet he walks out of a meeting about the shutdown because baby and commander did not get his way.

Did baby make a boo boo[/QUOTE]
So, snowflakes think Pelosi was actually thinking about flying commercial on the bus on the way to the military aircraft she was going to board?



Pelosi would not even fly commercial from DC to her home...

.....but snowflakes think Pelosi would fly commercial all the way to Afghanistan?!

Aren't you guys 'special'?!

800’000 DACA people are getting paid during this shutdown

NANCY PELOSI, the FAILED Speaker of the House who JUST GOT BUSTED LYING HER ASS OFF BY claiming the Pesident's State of the Union speech needed to be cancelled because DHS & the Secret Service could not protect the President and politicians, just surpassed her 1st lie by claiming she had every intention of flying COMMERCIAL to Afghanistan after the President refused to allow her and Democrats to use military airlift as their own personal taxi service.


After being TOTALLY busted for telling such a monstrous - yet so easy to disprove LIE, no one has any reason to listen to a damn thing she says / claims! She has proven to be a shameless liar!

I bet she could not tell you when the last time she flew commercial was...if ever. :p

Talking about lies

They were going to fly commercial but someone leaked that they were going to fly commercial which is a security breach that put congressmen and congresswoman, troops, and support people in danger of potential terrorist attacks. So the smart thing to do was to just cancel it.

I wonder who leaked the story (cough cough Trump cough cough)

The commander and child has show once again the pettiness that 5 year olds will show when they can't reach that cookie jar.

People are not getting paid, Cancel the military flight because they should be working on the shutdown

Yet he walks out of a meeting about the shutdown because baby and commander did not get his way.

Did baby make a boo boo
Please post any evidence Pelosi has ever flown commercial anywhere in the world...

Please post the last time she flew outside the US on a commercial flight...

So, snowflake, Nancy was considering flying commercial on the bus on the way to board the military aircraft?

Why was she skipping town during her shutdown? To escape the media / attention over her LIE about DHS & the SS?

How did Pelosi plan on getting 80 tickets to Afghanistan in such short notice?

If they were considering flying commercial, why is Pelosi the only one on those buses claiming this?
So, snowflakes believe Pelosi is believable after she told such a HUGE lie about the DHS and SS...a lie so easy to check and debunk...several hours earlier?

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