Pelosi: 'We were going to fly Commercial to Afghanistan, but...'

He was talking about the requirement for "funding in the middle of a shutdown"

Pelosi has already passed bills to open the government.

Until the Senate takes up a bill there's nothing for her to do in Washington in that regard

Yeah, a bill that said open up the government with no wall funding. You people are such puppets. WTF does she think there's a shutdown in the first place? It's because of no wall funding.

"Oh, I have a real deal for you President Trump: we get what we want and you don't get" Oh well, I tried.
Thats when they made other arrangements to fly commercial WHICH was a secret because they were going to a war zone until someone blab

This is where your tale departs from reality.. There was NEVER a plan to re-route on commercial air. No security detail would ALLOW members of Congress to fly "commercial" into Kabul.. Are you not aware of the evasive procedures to even APPROACH Kabul??

So there was no anticipation of a "back-up" plan. Trump caught them completely by surprise. Would have taken WEEKS to argue with security about an insane "commercial trip" to a hot war zone..
They were going to fly commercial but someone leaked that they were going to fly commercial which is a security breach that put congressmen and congresswoman, troops, and support people in danger of potential terrorist attacks. So the smart thing to do was to just cancel it.

Nobody KNEW about this trip outside of Congress and WH UNTIL they were all on an AIR FORCE BUS headed for Joint Base Andrews for a MILITARY flight. Trumps letter didn't ARRIVE until the bus arrived. Otherwise, why would they start PACKING THE BUS??

There's was never a plan to take a commercial flight until they got caught trying to escape Washington during a Shutdown for a 7 day junket.. Right after Pelosi's Hawaiian vacation and then that boondoogle trip to the beaches of Puerto Rico. She's apparently checking out as often as she can... Can't take the heat..

Get with the program. Called objective reasoning and actual facts...

These trips are not advertised. And she has every right to vacation in HI since the Potus of the US is throwing his shutdown and have a temper tantrum. She needs a vacation too, he played golf every weekend at one of his OWN golf courses since he was in office. She also had every right to take a trip to see the soldiers in Afghanistan.

For crying out loud, everybody went home for Christmas and New Years. Then Piglosi came back for a couple of days and now she needs a vacation? If she's that burned out from a few days at work, perhaps she's too old to hold that job.
Thats when they made other arrangements to fly commercial WHICH was a secret because they were going to a war zone until someone blab

This is where your tale departs from reality.. There was NEVER a plan to re-route on commercial air. No security detail would ALLOW members of Congress to fly "commercial" into Kabul.. Are you not aware of the evasive procedures to even APPROACH Kabul??

So there was no anticipation of a "back-up" plan. Trump caught them completely by surprise. Would have taken WEEKS to argue with security about an insane "commercial trip" to a hot war zone..

Well you say that there was no plan based on what

She said that there was a plan

It was reported Trump said this "On Thursday, Trump said he was revoking a military flight for the codel, suggesting Pelosi fly commercial instead."

It looks like they were planning to do this, now I do not know what those plans were but this is where we are at between Trump and Pelosi

Trump had already decided that they were not going nowhere until the problem at hand was dealt with

This fits his MO

I was not there so I do not know who is lying. I just read the news reports that said they were going to do commercial and what she says publicly .

I do not know the specifics but I would assume that they would have rented a plane or something just for the group and wasn't going to go with regular flights as the normals do.

still the below press release by the white house says

Later, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders elaborated. "It is outrageous that she would accuse the president of the United States of putting any life in jeopardy," Sanders said. "In fact the reason he didn't want her to go is because he's trying to protect American citizens. He wants to secure our border. And he wants a solution and "he wants her to stay here to help him fix it."

So conclusion can be drawn
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Thats when they made other arrangements to fly commercial WHICH was a secret because they were going to a war zone until someone blab

This is where your tale departs from reality.. There was NEVER a plan to re-route on commercial air. No security detail would ALLOW members of Congress to fly "commercial" into Kabul.. Are you not aware of the evasive procedures to even APPROACH Kabul??

So there was no anticipation of a "back-up" plan. Trump caught them completely by surprise. Would have taken WEEKS to argue with security about an insane "commercial trip" to a hot war zone..

Well you say that there was no plan based on what

She said that there was a plan

It was reported Trump said this "On Thursday, Trump said he was revoking a military flight for the codel, suggesting Pelosi fly commercial instead."

It looks like they were planning to do this, now I do not know what those plans were but this is where we are at between Trump and Pelosi

Trump had already decided that they were not going nowhere until the problem at hand was dealt with

This fits his MO

I was not there so I do not know who is lying. I just read the news reports that said they were going to do commercial and what she says publicly .

I do not know the specifics but I would assume that they would have rented a plane or something just for the group and wasn't going to go with regular flights as the normals do.

still the below press release by the white house says

Later, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders elaborated. "It is outrageous that she would accuse the president of the United States of putting any life in jeopardy," Sanders said. "In fact the reason he didn't want her to go is because he's trying to protect American citizens. He wants to secure our border. And he wants a solution and "he wants her to stay here to help him fix it."

So conclusion can be drawn

Ouch! Pelosi Was On Tarmac When Trump Cancelled "Excursion" Overseas - Sara A. Carter
Thanks for the heads up, I'll know to avoid flying for a few days. I'd sure hate accidentally getting booked on the same plane as her . . .

No worries. Queen Pelosi flies on the taxpayer's dime. She will book an entire 747 for herself and her entourage.
I don't like NP but please don't forget. So does POTUS and his entire fucking fucked Up family.

If this is a fucked up family, I should hope to be so badly fucked up. Every one of them is gorgeous. And a big part of and perk of being POTUS is flying to lots of places; Nancy? She can take a PAT bus. She'd ain't shit.

View attachment 241003

And no one flew their ass off more than the Obamas. I think every trip of their countless vacations was just to see how lavish and wasteful a trip they could take.

Oh and Orange? Where is the orange? Trump's no more orange than anyone else. Ever see him in public in person? There is no orange. Just a normal guy. I bet anything the liberal media doctor his public photos just to make him look so. One more lie by the Left because they got nothing real to get a hold of.
in Pres Trump's First year in office, more on Travel and secret service costs were spent on him and family than all 8 years of the Obama family.... :rolleyes:


Post verified cites or admit you're lying again.
Thanks for the heads up, I'll know to avoid flying for a few days. I'd sure hate accidentally getting booked on the same plane as her . . .

No worries. Queen Pelosi flies on the taxpayer's dime. She will book an entire 747 for herself and her entourage.
I don't like NP but please don't forget. So does POTUS and his entire fucking fucked Up family.

If this is a fucked up family, I should hope to be so badly fucked up. Every one of them is gorgeous. And a big part of and perk of being POTUS is flying to lots of places; Nancy? She can take a PAT bus. She'd ain't shit.

View attachment 241003

And no one flew their ass off more than the Obamas. I think every trip of their countless vacations was just to see how lavish and wasteful a trip they could take.

Oh and Orange? Where is the orange? Trump's no more orange than anyone else. Ever see him in public in person? There is no orange. Just a normal guy. I bet anything the liberal media doctor his public photos just to make him look so. One more lie by the Left because they got nothing real to get a hold of.
in Pres Trump's First year in office, more on Travel and secret service costs were spent on him and family than all 8 years of the Obama family.... :rolleyes:

Liar full of bullshit as always.
Pelosi tried to blame the President for some kind of security breach but it didn't even fly with the fawning media.
Thanks for the heads up, I'll know to avoid flying for a few days. I'd sure hate accidentally getting booked on the same plane as her . . .

No worries. Queen Pelosi flies on the taxpayer's dime. She will book an entire 747 for herself and her entourage.
I don't like NP but please don't forget. So does POTUS and his entire fucking fucked Up family.

If this is a fucked up family, I should hope to be so badly fucked up. Every one of them is gorgeous. And a big part of and perk of being POTUS is flying to lots of places; Nancy? She can take a PAT bus. She'd ain't shit.

View attachment 241003

And no one flew their ass off more than the Obamas. I think every trip of their countless vacations was just to see how lavish and wasteful a trip they could take.

Oh and Orange? Where is the orange? Trump's no more orange than anyone else. Ever see him in public in person? There is no orange. Just a normal guy. I bet anything the liberal media doctor his public photos just to make him look so. One more lie by the Left because they got nothing real to get a hold of.
in Pres Trump's First year in office, more on Travel and secret service costs were spent on him and family than all 8 years of the Obama family.... :rolleyes:

Liar full of bullshit as always.
I thought Nancy's statement about flying commercial was funny in a couple of ways. First the thought of her flying commercial was funny in itself and I laughed at her. Then considering Trump's Christmas visit to Iraq and what a point he made about security flying into a war zone, I laughed with her and Trump too.

It's good to be politically independent. Our humor is doubled.
Psssst...Hey, Nancy...your JOB is in D.C...NOT Afghanistan...

Her first stop, she and NINETY-ONE of her closest friends, was in BRUSSELS BELGIUM!

By closest friends, that would be 9 Democrat pets, along with their spouses and friends. I wonder if any of them voted against her speakership were scheduled to be on the flight?
Thanks for the heads up, I'll know to avoid flying for a few days. I'd sure hate accidentally getting booked on the same plane as her . . .

No worries. Queen Pelosi flies on the taxpayer's dime. She will book an entire 747 for herself and her entourage.
I don't like NP but please don't forget. So does POTUS and his entire fucking fucked Up family.

If this is a fucked up family, I should hope to be so badly fucked up. Every one of them is gorgeous. And a big part of and perk of being POTUS is flying to lots of places; Nancy? She can take a PAT bus. She'd ain't shit.

View attachment 241003

And no one flew their ass off more than the Obamas. I think every trip of their countless vacations was just to see how lavish and wasteful a trip they could take.

Oh and Orange? Where is the orange? Trump's no more orange than anyone else. Ever see him in public in person? There is no orange. Just a normal guy. I bet anything the liberal media doctor his public photos just to make him look so. One more lie by the Left because they got nothing real to get a hold of.
in Pres Trump's First year in office, more on Travel and secret service costs were spent on him and family than all 8 years of the Obama family.... :rolleyes:
If true then maybe the 95% media/entertainment/political venom he receives could be the reason. One day these swamp shills will get their just desserts. And when checks and benefits are cut because of necessity it will be heartwarming to view their demise.
Thanks for the heads up, I'll know to avoid flying for a few days. I'd sure hate accidentally getting booked on the same plane as her . . .

No worries. Queen Pelosi flies on the taxpayer's dime. She will book an entire 747 for herself and her entourage.
I don't like NP but please don't forget. So does POTUS and his entire fucking fucked Up family.

If this is a fucked up family, I should hope to be so badly fucked up. Every one of them is gorgeous. And a big part of and perk of being POTUS is flying to lots of places; Nancy? She can take a PAT bus. She'd ain't shit.

View attachment 241003

And no one flew their ass off more than the Obamas. I think every trip of their countless vacations was just to see how lavish and wasteful a trip they could take.

Oh and Orange? Where is the orange? Trump's no more orange than anyone else. Ever see him in public in person? There is no orange. Just a normal guy. I bet anything the liberal media doctor his public photos just to make him look so. One more lie by the Left because they got nothing real to get a hold of.
in Pres Trump's First year in office, more on Travel and secret service costs were spent on him and family than all 8 years of the Obama family.... :rolleyes:
If true then maybe the 95% media/entertainment/political venom he receives could be the reason. One day these swamp shills will get their just desserts. And when checks and benefits are cut because of necessity it will be heartwarming to view their demise.

It's not true. Care4all is just making shit up and hoping she doesn't get called on her outright lies.

Typical Stalinist democrat.
If only he knew how to negotiate, he would have known that one side saying no is the start of all negotiations. I would be willing to bet he has never even read the Art of the Deal.

Obviously, he is a far superior to negotiations than you. He is a multi-billionaire and you are not.

I made my living for over 45 years negotiating. You never, ever start any negotiations with "NO", or that you will NOT do something.

If you had read Art of the Deal, you would know that too.
The Speaker wanting to visit the troops does not equate to a critical / necessary task requiring govt funding in the middle of a shutdown.

But Ivanka flying on a military jet to Florida does?

Don't even pretend this is anything but a childish stunt

How else would you expect the First Lady to fly to their HOME, for many years, in Palm Beach?
Neither I nor you know you knows the exact mechanism for a Speaker to fly commercial but it's certain that once Trump exposes the fact of it...that were she to do it whatever security they may have used...was compromised

Did you buy it, or are you just posting that because you think that if others thought you bought into this desperate charade, they would too? You're joking, right?

Do you really think that Pelosi and 91 of her closest friends were going to check in at the counter, go through security and get on a commercial flight?

Yep, you're gullible enough to believe Nancy Pelosi. I bet you believe AOC too!
If only he knew how to negotiate, he would have known that one side saying no is the start of all negotiations. I would be willing to bet he has never even read the Art of the Deal.
I can tell you have never been involved in any serious negotiations before, because you obviously don't understand the significance or power of the "walk."

When one side says "give up your only leverage or we will not negotiate" it's time to walk. The other side is not interested in negotiating in good faith.

Trump cannot and should not EVER give up that leverage. Gov. stays shut down until NANCY starts getting reasonable.

They waste so much money on useless shit. If the wall gives people comfort, gives a few jobs to construction workers, and puts thousands back to work at FedZilla, the only reason Pelosi and the gang would not negotiate is to score political points (not working) or because they know a wall WILL work, and they cannot block the path of their constituents because they need new wards of the state to vote for them.

Trump made the right move by walking.

Give us the wall or government stays shut down until at least 2020.

Who will the people blame in 2020? Do you think Trump gives a fuck if he loses on this gamble? He doesn't need this job.

One-hundred-percent CORRECT! If you threaten or imply that you'll walk, then you have to have the stones to walk.

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