Pelosi: 'We were going to fly Commercial to Afghanistan, but...'

Since 9/11, the Speaker of the House protocol has been set to Fly on Military planes when going overseas...

Why spend the tax money for the rest of the Congressional delegation to take commercial flights, when the Military jet required to fly the Speaker, is empty and has plenty of room?

Thanks for the heads up, I'll know to avoid flying for a few days. I'd sure hate accidentally getting booked on the same plane as her . . .

No worries. Queen Pelosi flies on the taxpayer's dime. She will book an entire 747 for herself and her entourage.
Since 9/11, the Speaker of the House protocol has been set to Fly on Military planes when going overseas...

Why spend the tax money for the rest of the Congressional delegation to take commercial flights, when the Military jet required to fly the Speaker, is empty and has plenty of room?

Too practical, C4A. I mean, really. Bang my head.
If only he knew how to negotiate, he would have known that one side saying no is the start of all negotiations. I would be willing to bet he has never even read the Art of the Deal.
I can tell you have never been involved in any serious negotiations before, because you obviously don't understand the significance or power of the "walk."

When one side says "give up your only leverage or we will not negotiate" it's time to walk. The other side is not interested in negotiating in good faith.

Trump cannot and should not EVER give up that leverage. Gov. stays shut down until NANCY starts getting reasonable.

They waste so much money on useless shit. If the wall gives people comfort, gives a few jobs to construction workers, and puts thousands back to work at FedZilla, the only reason Pelosi and the gang would not negotiate is to score political points (not working) or because they know a wall WILL work, and they cannot block the path of their constituents because they need new wards of the state to vote for them.

Trump made the right move by walking.

Give us the wall or government stays shut down until at least 2020.

Who will the people blame in 2020? Do you think Trump gives a fuck if he loses on this gamble? He doesn't need this job.
Thanks for the heads up, I'll know to avoid flying for a few days. I'd sure hate accidentally getting booked on the same plane as her . . .

No worries. Queen Pelosi flies on the taxpayer's dime. She will book an entire 747 for herself and her entourage.

Maybe. Let's see who costs more, POTUS or Nancy?
Nancy Pelosi is a glamour girl. She loves the camera. She is 78 years old and has a large family. This is so simple. Her ego was squashed as a career politician that tortures us all. Do you know anyone who paid the Obamacare penalty? How about people who were struggling and paid massive insurance increases? Do you? Perhaps you do not know why Trump was elected then.

NANCY PELOSI, the FAILED Speaker of the House who JUST GOT BUSTED LYING HER ASS OFF BY claiming the Pesident's State of the Union speech needed to be cancelled because DHS & the Secret Service could not protect the President and politicians, just surpassed her 1st lie by claiming she had every intention of flying COMMERCIAL to Afghanistan after the President refused to allow her and Democrats to use military airlift as their own personal taxi service.


After being TOTALLY busted for telling such a monstrous - yet so easy to disprove LIE, no one has any reason to listen to a damn thing she says / claims! She has proven to be a shameless liar!

I bet she could not tell you when the last time she flew commercial was...if ever. :p

Talking about lies

They were going to fly commercial but someone leaked that they were going to fly commercial which is a security breach that put congressmen and congresswoman, troops, and support people in danger of potential terrorist attacks. So the smart thing to do was to just cancel it.

I wonder who leaked the story (cough cough Trump cough cough)

The commander and child has show once again the pettiness that 5 year olds will show when they can't reach that cookie jar.

People are not getting paid, Cancel the military flight because they should be working on the shutdown

Yet he walks out of a meeting about the shutdown because baby and commander did not get his way.

Did baby make a boo boo

Trump simply goes tid for tad. If he comes off being childish and throwing tantrums yet Schumer and Pelosi are not called out for their same behavior, holding only Trump accountable for behavior is laughable. Pelosi abs Schumer are heartbeats away from being President themselves. They could take the high road.

Pelosi effectively told the President “You can’t come over to my House and play”. That’s just as childish.

I hate to break this to you and Crying Chuckie, but he is NOT in the line of succession in any way, shape, or form!
Did baby make a boo boo
He walked out of the meeting because she said NO.
Stupid ass.

She refused to negotiate in any way, shape or form. What would be the point in staying in a meeting where the opposing party refuses to talk?

Only a "stupid ass" would have stayed.

President Trump has the poor woman spinning in circles!

I can't imagine that a Hollywood writer could have made up that story she came up with that they were going to fly commercial.[/QUOTE]
When democrats flatly said there would be no negotiation Trump should have said "How about dem Knicks!" Once Chuckie and Nan said they weren't speaking the only thing to do was leave.
Since 9/11, the Speaker of the House protocol has been set to Fly on Military planes when going overseas...

Why spend the tax money for the rest of the Congressional delegation to take commercial flights, when the Military jet required to fly the Speaker, is empty and has plenty of room?


what entitles her to use millions of taxpayer money on a boondoggle trip in order to get away from DC when she has a responsibility to be there to do her job? Do you think it costs nothing to fly an Air Force plane half way around the earth?

Which commercial airlines offer flights from DC to Kabul? There was no way she could have had commercial flights booked for herself or anyone else. She is lying once again.
Thanks for the heads up, I'll know to avoid flying for a few days. I'd sure hate accidentally getting booked on the same plane as her . . .

No worries. Queen Pelosi flies on the taxpayer's dime. She will book an entire 747 for herself and her entourage.
I don't like NP but please don't forget. So does POTUS and his entire fucking fucked Up family.

The president has no option but to fly on government planes. Did you see any of the obozo family on commercial flights? or the Bush family, or the Clinton family, or the Reagan family, or the Johnson family? Your rant is just plain ignorant.
Thanks for the heads up, I'll know to avoid flying for a few days. I'd sure hate accidentally getting booked on the same plane as her . . .

No worries. Queen Pelosi flies on the taxpayer's dime. She will book an entire 747 for herself and her entourage.
I don't like NP but please don't forget. So does POTUS and his entire fucking fucked Up family.

If this is a fucked up family, I should hope to be so badly fucked up. Every one of them is gorgeous. And a big part of and perk of being POTUS is flying to lots of places; Nancy? She can take a PAT bus. She'd ain't shit.


And no one flew their ass off more than the Obamas. I think every trip of their countless vacations was just to see how lavish and wasteful a trip they could take.

Oh and Orange? Where is the orange? Trump's no more orange than anyone else. Ever see him in public in person? There is no orange. Just a normal guy. I bet anything the liberal media doctor his public photos just to make him look so. One more lie by the Left because they got nothing real to get a hold of.
Thanks for the heads up, I'll know to avoid flying for a few days. I'd sure hate accidentally getting booked on the same plane as her . . .

No worries. Queen Pelosi flies on the taxpayer's dime. She will book an entire 747 for herself and her entourage.
I don't like NP but please don't forget. So does POTUS and his entire fucking fucked Up family.

If this is a fucked up family, I should hope to be so badly fucked up. Every one of them is gorgeous. And a big part of and perk of being POTUS is flying to lots of places; Nancy? She can take a PAT bus. She'd ain't shit.

View attachment 241003

And no one flew their ass off more than the Obamas. I think every trip of their countless vacations was just to see how lavish and wasteful a trip they could take.

Oh and Orange? Where is the orange? Trump's no more orange than anyone else. Ever see him in public in person? There is no orange. Just a normal guy. I bet anything the liberal media doctor his public photos just to make him look so. One more lie by the Left because they got nothing real to get a hold of.
in Pres Trump's First year in office, more on Travel and secret service costs were spent on him and family than all 8 years of the Obama family.... :rolleyes:
There isn't an instrument on Earth that has the capacity to measure the contempt that I have for miss Peeeelosi...
Pelosi: We were going to fly commercial to Afghanistan -- but Trump's letter created a security risk


NANCY PELOSI, the FAILED Speaker of the House who JUST GOT BUSTED LYING HER ASS OFF BY claiming the Pesident's State of the Union speech needed to be cancelled because DHS & the Secret Service could not protect the President and politicians, just surpassed her 1st lie by claiming she had every intention of flying COMMERCIAL to Afghanistan after the President refused to allow her and Democrats to use military airlift as their own personal taxi service.


After being TOTALLY busted for telling such a monstrous - yet so easy to disprove LIE, no one has any reason to listen to a damn thing she says / claims! She has proven to be a shameless liar!

I bet she could not tell you when the last time she flew commercial was...if ever. :p
Capitalism still works!

NANCY PELOSI, the FAILED Speaker of the House who JUST GOT BUSTED LYING HER ASS OFF BY claiming the Pesident's State of the Union speech needed to be cancelled because DHS & the Secret Service could not protect the President and politicians, just surpassed her 1st lie by claiming she had every intention of flying COMMERCIAL to Afghanistan after the President refused to allow her and Democrats to use military airlift as their own personal taxi service.


After being TOTALLY busted for telling such a monstrous - yet so easy to disprove LIE, no one has any reason to listen to a damn thing she says / claims! She has proven to be a shameless liar!

I bet she could not tell you when the last time she flew commercial was...if ever. :p

Talking about lies

They were going to fly commercial but someone leaked that they were going to fly commercial which is a security breach that put congressmen and congresswoman, troops, and support people in danger of potential terrorist attacks. So the smart thing to do was to just cancel it.

I wonder who leaked the story (cough cough Trump cough cough)

The commander and child has show once again the pettiness that 5 year olds will show when they can't reach that cookie jar.

People are not getting paid, Cancel the military flight because they should be working on the shutdown

Yet he walks out of a meeting about the shutdown because baby and commander did not get his way.

Did baby make a boo boo

Trump simply goes tid for tad. If he comes off being childish and throwing tantrums yet Schumer and Pelosi are not called out for their same behavior, holding only Trump accountable for behavior is laughable. Pelosi abs Schumer are heartbeats away from being President themselves. They could take the high road.

Pelosi effectively told the President “You can’t come over to my House and play”. That’s just as childish.[/QUOTE]

Okay give me an example where Pelosi acted childish and throwing a tantrum

Keep in mind just because the opposition does not agree with a certain policy this is not a tantrum or childish

NANCY PELOSI, the FAILED Speaker of the House who JUST GOT BUSTED LYING HER ASS OFF BY claiming the Pesident's State of the Union speech needed to be cancelled because DHS & the Secret Service could not protect the President and politicians, just surpassed her 1st lie by claiming she had every intention of flying COMMERCIAL to Afghanistan after the President refused to allow her and Democrats to use military airlift as their own personal taxi service.


After being TOTALLY busted for telling such a monstrous - yet so easy to disprove LIE, no one has any reason to listen to a damn thing she says / claims! She has proven to be a shameless liar!

I bet she could not tell you when the last time she flew commercial was...if ever. :p

Talking about lies

They were going to fly commercial but someone leaked that they were going to fly commercial which is a security breach that put congressmen and congresswoman, troops, and support people in danger of potential terrorist attacks. So the smart thing to do was to just cancel it.

I wonder who leaked the story (cough cough Trump cough cough)

The commander and child has show once again the pettiness that 5 year olds will show when they can't reach that cookie jar.

People are not getting paid, Cancel the military flight because they should be working on the shutdown

Yet he walks out of a meeting about the shutdown because baby and commander did not get his way.

Did baby make a boo boo

Trump simply goes tid for tad. If he comes off being childish and throwing tantrums yet Schumer and Pelosi are not called out for their same behavior, holding only Trump accountable for behavior is laughable. Pelosi abs Schumer are heartbeats away from being President themselves. They could take the high road.

Pelosi effectively told the President “You can’t come over to my House and play”. That’s just as childish.

Okay give me an example where Pelosi acted childish and throwing a tantrum

Keep in mind just because the opposition does not agree with a certain policy this is not a tantrum or childish[/QUOTE]

Telling the President he can’t come to the House of Reps to give the State of The Union....and lying about the justification.
Thanks for the heads up, I'll know to avoid flying for a few days. I'd sure hate accidentally getting booked on the same plane as her . . .

No worries. Queen Pelosi flies on the taxpayer's dime. She will book an entire 747 for herself and her entourage.
I don't like NP but please don't forget. So does POTUS and his entire fucking fucked Up family.

If this is a fucked up family, I should hope to be so badly fucked up. Every one of them is gorgeous. And a big part of and perk of being POTUS is flying to lots of places; Nancy? She can take a PAT bus. She'd ain't shit.

View attachment 241003

And no one flew their ass off more than the Obamas. I think every trip of their countless vacations was just to see how lavish and wasteful a trip they could take.

Oh and Orange? Where is the orange? Trump's no more orange than anyone else. Ever see him in public in person? There is no orange. Just a normal guy. I bet anything the liberal media doctor his public photos just to make him look so. One more lie by the Left because they got nothing real to get a hold of.
in Pres Trump's First year in office, more on Travel and secret service costs were spent on him and family than all 8 years of the Obama family.... :rolleyes:

He's also getting a lot more done that Obama and family.
Since 9/11, the Speaker of the House protocol has been set to Fly on Military planes when going overseas...

Why spend the tax money for the rest of the Congressional delegation to take commercial flights, when the Military jet required to fly the Speaker, is empty and has plenty of room?


what entitles her to use millions of taxpayer money on a boondoggle trip in order to get away from DC when she has a responsibility to be there to do her job? Do you think it costs nothing to fly an Air Force plane half way around the earth?

Which commercial airlines offer flights from DC to Kabul? There was no way she could have had commercial flights booked for herself or anyone else. She is lying once again.

Not only that, she was actually on the tarmac when she got word of the cancelation.

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