Pence BOOED at "Hamilton" performance in NYC last night

Pence actually believes God created him to lead the believers and ignore (hopefully that's all they do) the rest of mankind.

please provide a quote where he said that. or you could just admit being a liar and STFU

Pence is smart enough not to say it, and with all pols one is advised not to watch their lips, but to watch their feet. If that is too abstract for you little fish brain, take a look at his voting record while in Congress, and see how he voted to impede a women's legal right to an abortion.

Not only women's legal right to abortion, but he fought gay marriage tooth and claw, with each loss he appealed to a higher court. There was an article in Huff Post written by a woman who, along with her wife, sued the State to recognize their Massachusetts marriage, as her wife was dying of cancer. The court asked for an exception for this dying woman, and Pence even refused that.

Gay marriage has no affect whatsoever on straights. The opposition to gay marriage is simply forcing your religious belief onto others. It is the antithesis of what your country is supposed to stand for. But that's the Republican Party - individual rights are fine as long as they don't violate MY beliefs.

simple question: Is it legal to hold beliefs that differ from what is dictated to be PC?

second, why
there is no right to murder unborn human beings. Hillary supported this:

as the baby's head emerges from the birth canal, kill it by punching hole in its head and sucking its brains out. Since you support that, why not allow children to be killed up to 2 years old if the mother decides she doesn't want them?

If you believe abortion is murder, then the death penalty for women who have abortions is the appropriate punishment?

No, its not that simple. But a question for you, why is someone who kills a pregnant woman charged with two counts of murder if the unborn are not human beings?

What's not that simple? You've declared abortion to be murder. Thus you have declared women who get abortions to be murderers. Why are you waffling now on how murder should be punished?

That's a question for society as a whole. Unlike you on the left, I don't want to dictate my views on the entire population.

abortion is a tough issue. you on the left want it as a common form of contraception (or when contraception fails). others see it as a necessary step only when necessary to save the mother.

I understand that you want to be black or white, but its not.

No, you proclaimed abortion to be murder.

If you're now willing to admit that it's not murder, by all means, do so.

To me, its murder. If a majority of our society wants to define it as something else, the majority should do that. The government cannot dictate beliefs. When members of society disagree on what is right or wrong, then they should vote and the majority belief should prevail.

So, are you up for a national referendum on it?

Rather has proven himself to be a lying asshole. This is further confirmation of his irrelevance.

the cast of that show was rude and disrespectful. They should have been called out for that.

You, and your kind are hypocrites, and that is not the only or worst character flaws of your kind. I get the fact that you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer, and you're as biddable as the last lemming jumping into the sea.

Rather lost his job, and much of his prestige, based on a full court press attacking him and not the truth of what he reported. Biddable sheep like fish brain, don't know the facts, he and others like him, simple echo the remarks of propaganda spewed by the likes of Limbaugh and Hannity and the rest of the echo chamber.

The cast was respectful and in speaking out the truth at the end of the play, the speaker gave a thoughtful and thought provoking comment which reflected the concerns and fear felt by millions of American's by the Rhetoric of the President elect and his choice for VP.

Remember, Pence once claimed, "I am a Christian, a Conservative and a Republican, in that order". What are Jews and Muslims, a Hindu, an Atheist a Buddhist, and a Jain to think by such a proclamation? What of Democrats, Independents and Libertarian's, et al, to think? Don't we matter?

Rather lost his job for lying on the air. Pence was saying who he is, he made no negative statements about you or anyone else. Your problem is that you are too stupid and brainwashed with left wing bullshit to understand that not everyone has to agree with your far left rhetoric.
I back my opinions with reasoning, not with stupid betting games.
Cuz you know you'll lose.

That's why.

I really don't give a rats ass what you think woman.

Like I said, I don't come here to play games.
You basically just belched out for the last few hours words your butterfly mouth your alligator ass can't back up.

When called on the carpet, you choked. CHOKED.

Suck it up, buttercup.

So instead of debating me on the actions of the Hamilton cast, you're upset that I didn't take a bet? Sorry that upsets you so much.

Suck it up, buttercup.
The Hamilton cast has a right of free speech, butterfly mouth.

That you didn't take the bet tells us you're a coward.

You know you'll lose.


Of course they do, but it was not the time or place to do it.
Cuz you know you'll lose.

That's why.

I really don't give a rats ass what you think woman.

Like I said, I don't come here to play games.
You basically just belched out for the last few hours words your butterfly mouth your alligator ass can't back up.

When called on the carpet, you choked. CHOKED.

Suck it up, buttercup.

So instead of debating me on the actions of the Hamilton cast, you're upset that I didn't take a bet? Sorry that upsets you so much.

Suck it up, buttercup.
The Hamilton cast has a right of free speech, butterfly mouth.

That you didn't take the bet tells us you're a coward.

You know you'll lose.


Of course they do, but it was not the time or place to do it.

correct, but liberals don't understand that. They are so butthurt that their hildebeast lost that they will whine and bitch like this for the next 8 years.

"but momma, I want a trophy too"
Who has $900 bucks to pay for a seat anyway? Liberals hate rich elitists, yet when Pence enters the room, oh, the opinions of those rich folks suddenly matter. I mean, that was essentially a bunch of rich folks looking down on the middle class and booing the man they elected as VP. That's another reason why Hillary lost.

(Waves goodbye, shuts door)

I'd say they booed Pence because he has a record as a gay-bashing, homophobic, climate-change denying, religious nutter, who wants Christian law written into legislation.

Stop calling Mike Pence boring. Here's his track record on gays, women, immigrants, and the planet.
And no. Hillary lost the EC. More people voted her to pres than the other guy. Fact.

Sadly, more people voting for one or the other wasn't the way to win...winning the EC was winning the game.
Stay strong, brothers and sisters, and speak out against the REAL "evil-doers" (Bush had is slightly wrong)
Pence should just stay away from Manhattan. Trump only got 12% of the vote to HIllary's 87%.

Vice President-elect Mike Pence greeted with boos from crowd at 'Hamilton' performance

The cast acknowledged the Indiana governor's presence during their curtain call at the end of the show.

We sir, we are the diverse America, who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights,” said Brandon Victor Dixon, who plays Aaron Burr. “But we truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us.

People in the theater said the performance was interrupted several times as the audience reacted to certain lines in the show.

Crowd booed him like crazy, and gave a standing O at the line “immigrants we get the job done,” tweeted Christy Colburn."""...

Veep-elect Mike Pence met with boos at 'Hamilton' performance

LOL, the irony they call America "diverse" while proving they are anything but, it's hysterical
You won the election and lost the country


Yeah, in winning the Presidency, holding the House and even the Senate with almost all Republican noncombatants and State elections at every level, that's exactly what the country was telling them. We've have it with you!

You see what you want to see, it's incredible. The country's message was simple. You didn't think it mattered you supported a criminal, fucked up healthcare and want to allow free access to illegal aliens. The country told you it did. Listen or don't, but so far, the Democrat party looks to have a cold dark night ahead of you until you put down the kool-aid and start paying attention
Stay strong, brothers and sisters, and speak out against the REAL "evil-doers" (Bush had is slightly wrong)
Pence should just stay away from Manhattan. Trump only got 12% of the vote to HIllary's 87%.

Vice President-elect Mike Pence greeted with boos from crowd at 'Hamilton' performance

The cast acknowledged the Indiana governor's presence during their curtain call at the end of the show.

We sir, we are the diverse America, who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights,” said Brandon Victor Dixon, who plays Aaron Burr. “But we truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us.

People in the theater said the performance was interrupted several times as the audience reacted to certain lines in the show.

Crowd booed him like crazy, and gave a standing O at the line “immigrants we get the job done,” tweeted Christy Colburn."""...

Veep-elect Mike Pence met with boos at 'Hamilton' performance

LOL, the irony they call America "diverse" while proving they are anything but, it's hysterical

liberal hypocrisy, it never ends.
Pence's response, "that's what freedom sounds like", was great. Trump's response, whining on Twitter, not so much.
Trump's response was also what freedom sounds like.
Sure, people are free to whine.

Even people who should have more dignity and self control.

does that apply to Obama who just said that he will continue to whine after he leaves office? no honor, no ethics, no sense of duty---------------just me, me, me, me. Worst president in history, bar none.
Pence's response, "that's what freedom sounds like", was great. Trump's response, whining on Twitter, not so much.
Trump's response was also what freedom sounds like.
Sure, people are free to whine. Even people who should have more dignity and self control.
does that apply to Obama who just said that he will continue to whine after he leaves office? no honor, no ethics, no sense of duty---------------just me, me, me, me. Worst president in history, bar none.
That would be bad form, and I don't think I would be surprised.
Pence's response, "that's what freedom sounds like", was great. Trump's response, whining on Twitter, not so much.
Trump's response was also what freedom sounds like.
Sure, people are free to whine. Even people who should have more dignity and self control.
does that apply to Obama who just said that he will continue to whine after he leaves office? no honor, no ethics, no sense of duty---------------just me, me, me, me. Worst president in history, bar none.
That would be bad form, and I don't think I would be surprised.

well, we agree on that.

Pence's response, "that's what freedom sounds like", was great. Trump's response, whining on Twitter, not so much.
Trump's response was also what freedom sounds like.
Sure, people are free to whine. Even people who should have more dignity and self control.
does that apply to Obama who just said that he will continue to whine after he leaves office? no honor, no ethics, no sense of duty---------------just me, me, me, me. Worst president in history, bar none.
That would be bad form, and I don't think I would be surprised.

well, we agree on that.
The man who said he would defeat ISIS is at war with a Broadway musical and Saturday Night Live. :lol:
The man who said he would defeat ISIS is at war with a Broadway musical and Saturday Night Live. :lol:
He didn't declare any war. Mostly they declared war on him.

But as I've asked elsewhere, if a bunch of liberal crybabies start demanding special extra privileges and nobody listens, do they make any difference?
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“We sir, we are the diverse America, who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights,”
Dear Sir,

Most of what you are asking here, is not within the authority of the U.S. government, and for good reason. Protecting all these things would have no practical limits, and politicians seeking to buy votes would expand them endlessly, and run up taxes to pay for them so high families and their businesses would be bankrupted and left unable to pay any taxes at all, even for the vital functions government does provide.

The purpose of government in this country, is to prevent people from interfering with you as you run your own life. It is not there for the purpose of running your life ourselves. We had to draw the line somewhere, so we wrote a Constitution that names what the Federal govt is authorized to do. That Constitution also contains a command saying that anything not explicitly stated, was forbidden to the Federal govt but is allowed for the states and lower governments. You'll have to contact them for help in those areas.

The Fed is indeed charged with defending you and protecting your unalienable rights. Plus rights the Constitution lists. Protecting the planet is a little beyond us. Besides, we don't know of anyone from outside the planet who wants to attack it. Same goes for protecting your children and parents. That's up to you, but we'll certainly keep bad guys off your backs while you do it. For those areas, please contact your individual state or local governments. As I have pointed out, there is very good reason for this separation of powers.

But you are quite right that our new administration headed by President-elect Donald Trump will not do those things that exceed the authority we have been given by the Constitution. We also won't restrict you from doing them yourselves, unless your acts violate the Constitution (no punishment for criminal acts without trial, no slavery etc.)

Our job is to stay out of your way unless somebody unjustly interferes with you. The rest is up to you.

Let us know how it goes.

Yours in freedom (mostly from excessive government),
Mike Pence, Vice-President-Elect.

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