Pence Could Become President, At Least Temporarily

Reagan had this pesky thing called communism to deal with.

So communism is the excuse for tripling the debt, doubling the deficit, and employing fewer people than Clinton?

Clinton cut the military. His spending and democrat spending were one in the same? You idiot!

???? No idea what you're talking about. I think your Russian-to-English Google translator is broken. Clinton cut the military because there was no USSR that was a looming threat. As we saw during Clinton's years, the threats to this country came by way of foreign terrorists and domestic terrorists. We don't need a $600B military budget to fight a bunch of guys who sit at computer terminals and hack our elections. We don't need a $600B defense budget to fight guys who live in caves and sleep with goats, whose primary means of attack are suicide bombs and random shootings. A billion-dollar jet that can't fly in the rain isn't going to protect us from a Chinese hacker targeting our power grid or our election systems.
Reagan had this pesky thing called communism to deal with.

So communism is the excuse for tripling the debt, doubling the deficit, and employing fewer people than Clinton?

Clinton cut the military. His spending and democrat spending were one in the same? You idiot!

???? No idea what you're talking about. I think your Russian-to-English Google translator is broken. Clinton cut the military because there was no USSR that was a looming threat. As we saw during Clinton's years, the threats to this country came by way of foreign terrorists and domestic terrorists. We don't need a $600B military budget to fight a bunch of guys who sit at computer terminals and hack our elections. We don't need a $600B defense budget to fight guys who live in caves and sleep with goats, whose primary means of attack are suicide bombs and random shootings. A billion-dollar jet that can't fly in the rain isn't going to protect us from a Chinese hacker targeting our power grid or our election systems.
Your brain is fucked up. You twist everything to accommodate your belief system, I don't buy your garbage, puking it up over and over and over and over doesn't change anything.

I said communism was a big part of Reagan's spending and it was money well spent. You denied democrats play a role so that makes you a puppet, nothing more. I have no idea what the rest of your rant is supposed to accomplish.
Your brain is fucked up. You twist everything to accommodate your belief system, I don't buy your garbage, puking it up over and over and over and over doesn't change anything.

I twisted nothing. Calm down and get over yourself. Please explain how a billion-dollar jet that can't even fly in the rain is going to protect this country from a Russian teenage hacker, sitting at his computer in Vladivostok, hacking his way into our power grid?

I said communism was a big part of Reagan's spending and it was money well spent.

Was it? There's not much use for a tank if it's just sitting there. You seem to be advocating that the military is just one giant welfare program. So we spent all that money, tripled the debt, and for what? For nothing. Tanks are useless unless there's a major ground war on. There simply isn't one happening, nor will there ever be because warfare is different now than it was in the 1980's. Russia proved that by hacking our election. Putin did what 80 years of Communism couldn't do; undermine the faith in America's elections. The war is already over. We lost. What good is a remote-controlled drone if some Ukranian teenager can hack it?

You denied democrats play a role so that makes you a puppet, nothing more. I have no idea what the rest of your rant is supposed to accomplish.

Democrats played a role in what?
I'm just giving you facts. The facts are they Carter's job growth was better than Reagan's first term, and pretty much equal with his second. Carter also added about 1.3 million government jobs in his four years, with Reagan losing 23,000 in his first four but adding 1.4 million in his second term.

Again, guy, there was a reason why we ran Jimmy Carter's sorry ass out on a rail in 1980. The fact you were too young to remember why isn't my problem.
Pence is a dangerous lying sack of shit!

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Pence assured the group that Trump would stand beside them in defense of “those who are persecuted for their faith, no matter the country they call home or the creed they profess,” a remarkable pronouncement from an administration that is attempting to enact a religiously motivated travel ban and is currently in the process of deporting dozens of Iraqi Christians.

“President Trump has stood without apology for the most vulnerable in our society, the aged, the disabled, the infirm and the unborn,” he added, another jarring statement coming the day after the Senate GOP released a health care bill that could slash healthcare options for disabled people, the elderly and pregnant women[/QUOTE]

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