Pence Speaks at the Federalist Society - Trump wrong and notion he could overturn elections was "un-American."

I remain hopeful that this is just one ugly moment. It says enough about this country that we've even allowed it to get this far, but it would still be a relief if we prove to be better than this.
To think, just a few years ago, the US was a beacon for democracy. Now we have millions of people that appear to be clamoring for Fascism. I hope that statements by Graham and Pence will finally put the first leak in the MAGA damn.

He is right! All these crap about the VP overturning the people's will is the definition of fascism. trump needs to shut up and admit that he is NOT a conservative.

The Federalist Society purports to be a conservative legal network, and fundraises off the back of the claim. Increasingly, however, with its RINO leadership and Big Tech sponsors, it looks to be another sell-out group.

Re enforcing the narrative to cover up the fraud.
To think, just a few years ago, the US was a beacon for democracy. Now we have millions of people that appear to be clamoring for Fascism. I hope that statements by Graham and Pence will finally put the first leak in the MAGA damn.
I remain absolutely stunned that this has even happened. I think I understand how it happened, but it just seems like the regular intellectual safeguards on which we can usually depend have simply failed. Emotion and ideology just wipe them out.
Pence at the time did in fact have authority to challenge it. But due to him being the establishment crony we always knew, I really wasn't surprised that day he let them cheat the results. Just waiting for that moment to show his backstabbing way. Sure enough it happens today. Not surprised made these comments. Besides that, President Trump can have a whole lot more options to be his running mate in 2024. Much more qualified, popular, and young potential running mate options.
Pence says you're a liar...and stupid

Pence is the Democrat Party's equivalent to Bernie Sanders and the Squad. They are communists, are an embarrassment to your party, and are dragging them too far to the left.

Pence is an embarrassment to the GOP. he's RINO, an old-school Republican of the type that loses election for the GOP. He's history. Toast. Washed up.
Prove it Perry Mason....
There was no 80+ million/ There is no 80+million who voted for the Sleepy joe. The truth will come out and already has by how unpopular he is. Even his own VP doesn't like him. But is trying to use him :auiqs.jpg:
Pence is the Democrat Party's equivalent to Bernie Sanders and the Squad. They are communists, are an embarrassment to your party, and are dragging them too far to the left.

Pence is an embarrassment to the GOP. he's RINO, an old-school Republican of the type that loses election for the GOP. He's history. Toast. Washed up.
Anybody that tells the truth is called a RINO.
The truth is kryptonite to a Trumper. You people are too weak to handle the truth.
Pence is still a NaziCon asshole - but I applaud him for stating the truth that Trump is wrong and that he, Pence, had no right to overturn the election!
Hold your applause. I have a feeling something made him think a complete cut with his former boss might be in his best interests. Pence's records were just subpoenaed by the 1/6 committee. I think he did so much official ass-covering in those documents that Trump world will be after his scalp anyway.

If you speak the truth and don't peddle the Big Lie, you get labeled a democrat, that is how far gone you trash are.
You're either a mindless, obedient Trumpster or you're an evil Hitler traitor Deep State Swamp commie.

They have devolved into literal binary thought.
Pence is an embarrassment to the GOP. he's RINO, an old-school Republican of the type that loses election for the GOP. He's history. Toast. Washed up.
Pence is one of the few in that group that valued democracy and the Constitution
Anybody that tells the truth is called a RINO.
The truth is kryptonite to a Trumper. You people are too weak to handle the truth.

Ok then fuckface. Pence is your party' version on Manchin and Sinema.

Wasn't it great how they gave that old cocksucker Biden a good ass-fucking? Yee fuckin' haw, hillbilly. They stopped that of old son of a bitch Biden dead in his tracks with that bill they cost you.

"Build Back Better"? Har de fuckin' ha, bitch. That shit ain't goin' no fuckin' where.

Pence is one of the few in that group that valued democracy and the Constitution
He is a fundamentalist Christian nation whacko that thought he might get to sit in the big chair after Trump got ejected. He's a cold calculating bastard that was at least as dangerous to Democracy as his former boss.

Mike Pence rebukes trump in speech at Federalist Society​

  1. Mike is finally looking to save some face.
  2. Mike is looking at a possible 2024 run.
  3. Mike is looking at a possible 2024 run and is starting out looking to save some face.
Pence is one of the few in that group that valued democracy and the Constitution
I wonder if there is a point of critical mass, at which enough dominoes fall to create a momentum that brings down the whole circus.

My guess is that won't happen, but I do wonder: Three inner circle people? Four? Five?
He is a fundamentalist Christian nation whacko that thought he might get to sit in the big chair after Trump got ejected. He's a cold calculating bastard that was at least as dangerous to Democracy as his former boss.

AMEN! That precisely sums up Ayatollah Pence!

He is right! All these crap about the VP overturning the people's will is the definition of fascism. trump needs to shut up and admit that he is NOT a conservative.
He's done more for the cause of conservatism than any previous president. Yes, he's not a by the book conservative, but look at all his accomplishments.

Would a Christian President Pence have moved the embassy to Jerusalem?

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