Pence statement seals fate as election loser

Exactly, Pence is a Never Trumper who has fallen in love with being praised by Democrats like Mitt. I was translating your post for people who don't speak bull shit
Again, that Republicans would reject Pence as GOP presidential nominee because he refused to join Trump in his treasonous and criminal attempt to stop the certification of the EC vote count confirms that Republicans are just as reprehensible and treasonous as Trump.
RINO's are little pussies who won't even stand up for a fair vote.

Worthless Americans.

You have no clue what a RINO is. It's another term you people simply throw out there to describe someone who doesn't march with you in lock step and worship your cult leader and as a result have rendered the term meaningless.
You have no clue what a RINO is. It's another term you people simply throw out there to describe someone who doesn't march with you in lock step and worship your cult leader and as a result have rendered the term meaningless.


You're thinking of "racist."
One would think Pence would have learned his lesson by now. Republican voters expected Republicans in DC to stand behind Trump during the 2020 election. Pence has failed us. And now he opens his mouth and inserts his foot.

---I know we did our duty that day and I couldn’t be more encouraged whether it’s here in New Hampshire, in Iowa, or all across the country how many people come up to me and express their appreciation for the stand that we took.”---

Its going to REALLY piss you off when Pence, Barr, and Meadows testify against him.
A RINO is GTG with Open Borders / Amnesty / Pathway , Legalized Drugs , Socialized Medicine , Various & Sundry SJW shit including Tranny surgery for minors without parental consent , Sensible Firearms Restrictions , The Global Warning nonsense , The Pro Minority & Victimhood Zeitgeist ...
One would think Pence would have learned his lesson by now. Republican voters expected Republicans in DC to stand behind Trump during the 2020 election. Pence has failed us. And now he opens his mouth and inserts his foot.

---I know we did our duty that day and I couldn’t be more encouraged whether it’s here in New Hampshire, in Iowa, or all across the country how many people come up to me and express their appreciation for the stand that we took.”---

Because Pence seems to understand the US Constitution and understand that Trump couldn't give a flying fuck about the Constitution.
He's lying.
All states certified their elections by December 14, 2020. Trump had until that date to prove in a courtroom that he won a state that was called for Biden. •••• A rational human being will recognize that democracy cannot function if a loser is the one who gets to declare fraud and everything just stops to appease the loser. •••• So five or six weeks may not be much time for a fucking sore assed loser like Trump to prove the fraud he suspects cost him the election; but the Constitution says certify by December 14 (2020 election) and then count the certified results on January 6. •••• Of course there has been weeping and gnashing of teeth in Trump’s Biblical Fantasy Land over no court granting Loser Orange Messiah (LOM) a court ruling to stop seven states from certifying their challenged but verified results. ••••
On December 14 the election was over and there became no avenue of redress for Trump to avoid conceding he had lost. •••• Your line of argument @Rawley was dead before you brought it up; •••• Electoral College electors are scheduled to meet in states across the country on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December (Dec. 14 this year) to cast their votes.And if a state has finalized its results six days before then, according to the ECA, then those results qualify for "safe harbor" status — meaning Congress must treat them as the "conclusive" results, even if, for example, a state's legislature sends in a competing set of results.
Even if the election had been thrown to the HoR, there's no guarantee that Trump wold have won there...We do know that Cheney wouldn't have been an elector for him, leaving just two delegations that may have not done so.
The actual objective on January 6th was just to put on the brakes for a short time while these allegations and claims could be examined more closely.
Putting on the brakes was option D as in dumb idea. One of trumps defense lawyers on the Laura Ingraham show already confessed to the world that Trump expressly chose option D with co-conspirators after other options failed because Mike Pence was “too honest”.

If you read my post #141 (second from the top) it will explain why trumps conspiracy to a delay the January 6 joint session of Congress proceeding is a violation of the law.

"safe harbor" status — meaning Congress must treat them as the "conclusive” results

Because all sixty of trumps lawsuits, claiming election fraud were thrown out, and every state, certified the election by the so-called “safe Harbor” deadline Trump had to pursue other legal remedies if he truly believes in the election was stolen from him by outcome determinative fraud.

The law clearly states that Congress must declare every “safe harbor“ slate of electors to be conclusive. Trump, as he stated in his speech on the morning of January 6 very plainly, and he cited his co-conspirators by name, told the mob that his had assembled in DC, that day, that if Pence does the right thing “we win”.

Trump violated federal law, and it was clear the moment that he said if Pence does the right thing “we win” and you are the happiest people. Meaning orange Cult45 people who do not believe in continuation of our lawful democratic republic were to become the happiest people with an unlawful delay

vddbll.23.08.06 #5
nf.23.08.06 #141
vddbll.23.08.06 #5
dgsnn.23.08.07 #20
nf.23.08.07 #80
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