Pence wins despite awful moderation

So after misrepresenting Trump's comment with your accusation of inciting violence, you follow it up with a straw man. Wow, you're f**ked up.

So Trump tells his supporters to beat up protesters, and his supporters beat up protesters... and you don't see a connection?

Gee, maybe I'll read the link now. LOL

Don't worry, your counting skills will be as poor as FatIrishSow's...
Qusay and Uday Trump, sons of Tyrant Trump will settle the partisan violence issue once their dad is sworn in as the dictator.
I wish Kaine would`ve asked Pence why he`s no longer a "Christian". Real Christians would put as much distance between themselves and this George Wallace with a wig creature would they not?
Ex-Tim Kaine Staffer: Mike Pence Won Debate, ‘I Don’t Know What the Clintons Have Done’ to My Old Boss

FARMVILLE, Virginia — Ex-Tim Kaine staffer turned strong Donald Trump supporter Christian Rickers told Breitbart News exclusively that former Indiana Gov. Mike Pence easily won Tuesday night’s vice presidential debate.

“Kaine should have been himself. I don’t know what the Clintons have done to him. I thought Pence won the debate. It made me very sad,” Rickers told Breitbart News. “I’ve never seen him like that. It’s not the Tim Kaine I know. I can’t believe it. Is that what we have been reduced to? Win at all cost and bring out the hatchet?”

Exclusive — Ex-Tim Kaine Staffer: Mike Pence Won Debate, ‘I Don’t Know What the Clintons Have Done’ to My Old Boss - Breitbart

It was a delight listening to an actual conservative during this election.

Pence was a gentlemen with facts so dangerous to Hillary that all Kaine could do was keep trying to interrupt him like a rude ass.

Pence may the be the last such conservative now that the political system has gone to hell.

Enjoy 8 more years of hell America with Kaine and Unable.

It was a delight listening to an actual conservative during this election.

Pence was a gentlemen with facts so dangerous to Hillary that all Kaine could do was keep trying to interrupt him like a rude ass.

Pence may the be the last such conservative now that the political system has gone to hell.

Enjoy 8 more years of hell America with Kaine and Unable.

This is hilarious, Pence shellacked Kaine and the loons are trying to convince themselves Kaine won? Too funny, even Wapo gave it to Pence
Or "beat him up, I'll pay your legal bills"

I'll address this one as an example. It was funny. Dark humor. It's something I might have said. You must be some kind of candy ass.

No, I just don't think inciting violence to people who are already mentally unstable is a good idea.

A Continually Growing List of Violent Incidents at Trump Events to mention that the violence is almost invariably incited by a leftist protestor at the Trump events!!! Its the Trump supporter who is always getting assaulted!!:2up:

Nice try asshole!!! :bye1:
Even Tingles knows....

Chris Matthews: Pence Won Debate, Kaine Seemed ‘Desperate’ at Times

Liberal MSNBC host Chris Matthews said Indiana Gov. Mike Pence (R.) was the winner of Tuesday night’s vice-presidential debate with Sen. Tim Kaine (D., Va.), calling Kaine “desperate” regarding his repeated interruptions.

“Overall, I think the winner tonight will end up being, in terms of the debate and what they were trying to accomplish, Pence, because Pence really was solid,” Matthews said. “He looked like he had his head screwed on, and I think that’s going to look very important for [Donald] Trump, who doesn’t often look like he has his head screwed on. I think it was very important for him to look like a grown-up.”

Chris Matthews: Pence Won Debate, Kaine Seemed ‘Desperate’ at Times

It was a delight listening to an actual conservative during this election.

Pence was a gentlemen with facts so dangerous to Hillary that all Kaine could do was keep trying to interrupt him like a rude ass.

Pence may the be the last such conservative now that the political system has gone to hell.

Enjoy 8 more years of hell America with Kaine and Unable.

This is hilarious, Pence shellacked Kaine and the loons are trying to convince themselves Kaine won? Too funny, even Wapo gave it to Pence
No funnier than last week's gush over how Trump won the 1st debate, according to the Trumpsters. But that was much closer than last night's.

It was a delight listening to an actual conservative during this election.

Pence was a gentlemen with facts so dangerous to Hillary that all Kaine could do was keep trying to interrupt him like a rude ass.

Pence may the be the last such conservative now that the political system has gone to hell.

Enjoy 8 more years of hell America with Kaine and Unable.

This is hilarious, Pence shellacked Kaine and the loons are trying to convince themselves Kaine won? Too funny, even Wapo gave it to Pence
No funnier than last week's gush over how Trump won the 1st debate, according to the Trumpsters. But that was much closer than last night's.

Trump did OK...given the factors involved.
I had to turn the debate off. Tim Kaines interruptions were more than I could handle. So I'm still voting Trump. But from what I did see Mike Pence was pretty impressive.
So Trump tells his supporters to beat up protesters, and his supporters beat up protesters... and you don't see a connection?

Already addressed and shown as a misrepresentation. But you're welcome to keep beating the LIE drum.
No funnier than last week's gush over how Trump won the 1st debate, according to the Trumpsters. But that was much closer than last night's.

I'm voting Trump and I concede the first debate to Clinton.
CNN Poll: Pence Wins VP Debate, 29 Percent Move Toward Voting for Trump

The CNN/ORG instant poll of vice presidential primarily Democrat debate watchers, shows Republican vice presidential candidate Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana topped Democratic candidate Sen. Tim Kaine (VA). Some 29 percent said they moved toward voting for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump after the exchange.

Despite the Democrat-heavy audience displayed in the new poll, 48 percent said Pence won the debate over Kaine. Only 42 percent of those debate watchers said Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s running mate won.

Two-fifths of those registered voters surveyed said they were Democrats, 30 percent Republican and 29 percent unaffiliated or part of another party.

Almost 30 percent of respondents said they were more likely to vote for Trump after watching the debate, while just 18 percent said they moved toward Clinton.

CNN Poll: Pence Wins VP Debate, 29 Percent Move Toward Voting for Trump - Breitbart

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