Pennsylvania drug testing welfare recipients

These (Florida and Pennsylvania's tests) are fairly obvious attempts to discourage use of public assistance by humiliating and harassing those who would apply for it.

If I have to take a drug test to get a job programming computers, then I fail to see the reason welfare recipients can't be asked to take a drug test.

I didn't say they can't be. I was pushing back against the notion that this is some nefarious plot to control the population when it's obviously just a thinly-veiled attempt to cull the rolls, PRWORA-style.

Why shouldn't accepting welfare be discouraged? Do you actually believe we should encourage people to get on welfare?

What the heck is PRWORA?
But the proposals, in Pennsylvania and across the country, have come under challenge. A federal judge in Florida temporarily blocked a bill backed by Republican Gov. Rick Scott last year, saying the law could represent an invasion of privacy and questioning whether it complies with the Fourth Amendment barring unreasonable searches. Scott's administration has appealed the decision.

And this idiotic measure will be struck down as well; one does not forfeit his 4th Amendment rights as a consequence of having a felony drug conviction or being on probation.

Ignoring all of these issues, it's still not clear what the tests are designed to accomplish.

They’re designed to provide a political weapon for republican politicians, regardless whether the measure is implemented. Indeed, such laws are drafted by republicans in the hope they’ll be struck down, providing conservatives cause to whine about ‘activist judges’ and ‘government waste.’

These (Florida and Pennsylvania's tests) are fairly obvious attempts to discourage use of public assistance by humiliating and harassing those who would apply for it.


This has nothing to do with ‘responsible stewardship of public funds,’ it has to do with demonizing the poor for a perceived political advantage.
Didn't the Florida governor have a relative that worked in pharmeceudicals? He did the testing to make someone rich off taxpayer dollars.
Ignoring all of these issues, it's still not clear what the tests are designed to accomplish.

The same thing all welfare state programs are designed to accomplish - conformity and control.

These (Florida and Pennsylvania's tests) are fairly obvious attempts to discourage use of public assistance by humiliating and harassing those who would apply for it.

People should be ashamed of going on the dole.
4th Amendment? What's that? :uhoh3:
You don't have to collect welfare, therefore you don't have to submit to the drug test. That's why it's not a violation of the 4th amendment.

IMO.....Anytime the government requires you to submit to a "search" without just cause it's a violation of your 4th Amendment Right. And simply signing up for temporary assistance is not a just cause.
The same thing all welfare state programs are designed to accomplish - conformity and control.

These (Florida and Pennsylvania's tests) are fairly obvious attempts to discourage use of public assistance by humiliating and harassing those who would apply for it.

People should be ashamed of going on the dole.

That's like saying people should be ashamed of contracting head lice. It's ignorance talking.
These (Florida and Pennsylvania's tests) are fairly obvious attempts to discourage use of public assistance by humiliating and harassing those who would apply for it.

If I have to take a drug test to get a job programming computers, then I fail to see the reason welfare recipients can't be asked to take a drug test.

If you're going to work for the government I would tend to agree with you.
These (Florida and Pennsylvania's tests) are fairly obvious attempts to discourage use of public assistance by humiliating and harassing those who would apply for it.

People should be ashamed of going on the dole.

That's like saying people should be ashamed of contracting head lice. It's ignorance talking.

I would quite frankly be embarrassed if I got head lice.

And it's not ignorance. Shame is a useful emotion and it used to be a great motivator. We've gone all touchy feely and tell people that there is no reason on earth for people to feel ashamed so they don't and now they believe they are entitled to live on the dole.

Personally, I would pick up dog shit for a penny a pile before I took charity from anyone.
If they want to pass these things the legislature should make themselves take drug tests also. Indiana has started something that may or may not pass which would force legislators to submit to tests

The Indiana House passed a bill 73-23 today that would establish a pilot program for drug testing for people who receive welfare assistance from Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.

Sen. Randy Head, R-Logansport, and Sen. Jim Banks, R-Columbia City, will sponsor the legislation in the Indiana Senate.

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families is a grant program that seeks to help recipients find jobs. Under the legislation, people who fail the test would lose their benefits from the federal-aid program, unless they enter a drug treatment program and subsequently stay off of drugs.

Legislators also would face drug testing under an amendment approved Monday. Half of the legislature would face random drug testing during each session, and the House speaker and Senate president pro tempore could also order drug testing of a particular member.
Indiana House OKs bill to drug-test welfare recipients | The Indianapolis Star |
The same thing all welfare state programs are designed to accomplish - conformity and control.

These (Florida and Pennsylvania's tests) are fairly obvious attempts to discourage use of public assistance by humiliating and harassing those who would apply for it.

People should be ashamed of going on the dole.

Including this guy?

First you guys castigate the poor. Then someone comes along and posts this picture and all of the sudden Obama doesn't do enough for the poor. Now that welfare comes back up they're the scum of the earth once again.


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People should be ashamed of going on the dole.

That's like saying people should be ashamed of contracting head lice. It's ignorance talking.

I would quite frankly be embarrassed if I got head lice.

And it's not ignorance. Shame is a useful emotion and it used to be a great motivator. We've gone all touchy feely and tell people that there is no reason on earth for people to feel ashamed so they don't and now they believe they are entitled to live on the dole.

Personally, I would pick up dog shit for a penny a pile before I took charity from anyone.

First of all there's nothing to be "embarrassed" about with head lice. Why would you feel embarrassed? Please explain.

Ya...shame is a useful emotion. Maybe we should start using "scarlet letters" to mark everyone who was unfortunate enough to lose their job and needs temporary assistance. Especially those deadbeat single mothers....
Pennsylvania Officials Roll Out Drug Tests For Welfare Recipients | Fox News


It's a pilot program, but at least they have the balls to do it. If people have the money for illegal drugs, they have the money for food and medicine.

Officials are taking it slow. A pilot program has started in Pennsylvania's Schuylkill County, which could pave the way for a statewide program this summer if it proves cost effective.

Schuykill {Skoo-kull] is the most corrupt county in the state. It's run with an iron fist by 3 brothers. Ones a judge, another runs housing and another is on some jobs board, that controls what companies can pay employees.

If this passed, these guys are up to something. Maybe trying to clear housing or drum up some arrest. idk

Any where else, I would be glad to see it getting done.

fyi; mostly white, coal region.
These (Florida and Pennsylvania's tests) are fairly obvious attempts to discourage use of public assistance by humiliating and harassing those who would apply for it.

People should be ashamed of going on the dole.

Including this guy?

First you guys castigate the poor. Then someone comes along and posts this picture and all of the sudden Obama doesn't do enough for the poor. Now that welfare comes back up they're the scum of the earth once again.

That pics funny.

It shows JFK looking away and Reagan at his shoulder.
Why just WELFARE recipeients?

Why not test everybody every day?

Let's start with cops and politicians.
Pennsylvania Officials Roll Out Drug Tests For Welfare Recipients | Fox News


It's a pilot program, but at least they have the balls to do it. If people have the money for illegal drugs, they have the money for food and medicine.

Officials are taking it slow. A pilot program has started in Pennsylvania's Schuylkill County, which could pave the way for a statewide program this summer if it proves cost effective.

Schuykill {Skoo-kull] is the most corrupt county in the state. It's run with an iron fist by 3 brothers. Ones a judge, another runs housing and another is on some jobs board, that controls what companies can pay employees.

If this passed, these guys are up to something. Maybe trying to clear housing or drum up some arrest. idk

Any where else, I would be glad to see it getting done.

fyi; mostly white, coal region.

COST EFFECTIVE??!! Did you even read the article? How the hell can $35 and $76 each be cost effective? It's a total waste of taxpayer dollars.

And I'm glad the officials are "taking it slow". I guess it's better to s-l-o-w-l-y deprive someone of their Constitutional Rights.......

And I get a laugh whenever I see people that are supposedly for "limited government" applauding government overreach.

If they want to test and prosecute someone who they suspect or have evidence of illegal drug use I have no problem with that. But to arbitrarily test everyone is an illegal search, plain and simple.
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Pennsylvania Officials Roll Out Drug Tests For Welfare Recipients | Fox News


It's a pilot program, but at least they have the balls to do it. If people have the money for illegal drugs, they have the money for food and medicine.

Officials are taking it slow. A pilot program has started in Pennsylvania's Schuylkill County, which could pave the way for a statewide program this summer if it proves cost effective.

Schuykill {Skoo-kull] is the most corrupt county in the state. It's run with an iron fist by 3 brothers. Ones a judge, another runs housing and another is on some jobs board, that controls what companies can pay employees.

If this passed, these guys are up to something. Maybe trying to clear housing or drum up some arrest. idk

Any where else, I would be glad to see it getting done.

fyi; mostly white, coal region.

COST EFFECTIVE??!! Did you even read the article? How the hell can $35 and $76 each be cost effective? It's a total waste of taxpayer dollars.

And I'm glad the officials are "taking it slow". I guess it's better to s-l-o-w-l-y deprive someone of their Constitutional Rights.......

And I get a laugh whenever I see people that are supposedly for "limited government" applauding government overreach.

If they want to test and prosecute someone who they suspect or have evidence of illegal drug use I have no problem with that. But to arbitrarily test everyone is an illegal search, plain and simple.

Where did I mention "COST EFFECTIVE??!!"

I'll save you some time, I didn't.

Did I read the link? Clearly, as I copied a chunk from it.

as fare as being cost effective, by getting people to clean up or lose welfare, crime would go down, as hopefully, the demand for drugs would decline, which would mean fewer cops, judges, jails, corrections officers, drug rehab, etc etc, plus since people are now clean, they might as well get a job.

if they are denied welfare, they will have to find a job, and working leads to less time to get high.
Ah, come on ya'll, where's your entrepreneurial spirit? Laws like this are great for lawyers and people who sell clean urine tests...a bargoon at around $60...(or around a quarter ounce if you calculate in weed)

I'll support this law when it starts with the legislature voting for it. If they sign a bill requiring themselves to get drug tested before EVERY check, I'll fall right in line behind testing welfare recipients.

Now, what about states with medical Marijuana laws? What if the welfare recipient can show they grow their own MJ?
If I have to take a drug test to get a job programming computers, then I fail to see the reason welfare recipients can't be asked to take a drug test.

I didn't say they can't be. I was pushing back against the notion that this is some nefarious plot to control the population when it's obviously just a thinly-veiled attempt to cull the rolls, PRWORA-style.

Why shouldn't accepting welfare be discouraged? Do you actually believe we should encourage people to get on welfare?

What the heck is PRWORA?

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996<Welfare Reform...

And yes it should be...

“I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I travelled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.”
~ Benjamin Franklin

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