Pennsylvania Lt Gov: No Free Speech on Election Fraud

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

Pennsylvania Lt Gov: No Free Speech on Election Fraud
The First Amendment has been fundamental to the conception of American civilization since the 18th century. But it does have its limits. For example, according to John Fetterman, Democrat Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania, it does not allow voters to raise the issue of election fraud.
“[T]his idea that saying that Pennsylvania was rigged or that we were trying to steal the election, unquote, that’s a lie. And you do not have the right, that is not protected speech,” Fetterman told anchor Poppy Harlow on Friday.
Fetterman also revealed that it is “not deplatforming someone” to delete their tweets if you feel that the tweets are not true.

The open scorn Democrats now show for free speech is particularly alarming as they consolidate total control over both the federal government and social media.

Most of em .....They have no self awareness ..all they do is fuxkin lie..oy

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Pennsylvania Lt Gov: No Free Speech on Election Fraud
The First Amendment has been fundamental to the conception of American civilization since the 18th century. But it does have its limits. For example, according to John Fetterman, Democrat Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania, it does not allow voters to raise the issue of election fraud.
“[T]his idea that saying that Pennsylvania was rigged or that we were trying to steal the election, unquote, that’s a lie. And you do not have the right, that is not protected speech,” Fetterman told anchor Poppy Harlow on Friday.
Fetterman also revealed that it is “not deplatforming someone” to delete their tweets if you feel that the tweets are not true.

The open scorn Democrats now show for free speech is particularly alarming as they consolidate total control over both the federal government and social media.

Most of em .....They have no self awareness ..all they do is fuxkin lie..oy

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Meh. A little Fascism never hurt anyone
A 78 year old career criminal campaigns from his basement cause no one will show up to see him ...fumbles just about everyone he's on camera cause he's shot mentally and getting worse by the day...
Goes and picks one of the most unpopular candidates for vp ....or rather his handlers were under orders to pick whore bag fake ****** dot head twat.

Receives the most votes of any candidate in history at 4 am

Confirmed in the middle of the night ...

like his few campaign stops no one willing to show for a innaguration...
20000 national guard troops rolled out to protect that ass wipe and no one can even question it at all

How big is this fuckin shitshow
Delusional trump supporter.

Pennsylvania Lt Gov: No Free Speech on Election Fraud
The First Amendment has been fundamental to the conception of American civilization since the 18th century. But it does have its limits. For example, according to John Fetterman, Democrat Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania, it does not allow voters to raise the issue of election fraud.
“[T]his idea that saying that Pennsylvania was rigged or that we were trying to steal the election, unquote, that’s a lie. And you do not have the right, that is not protected speech,” Fetterman told anchor Poppy Harlow on Friday.
Fetterman also revealed that it is “not deplatforming someone” to delete their tweets if you feel that the tweets are not true.

The open scorn Democrats now show for free speech is particularly alarming as they consolidate total control over both the federal government and social media.

Most of em .....They have no self awareness ..all they do is fuxkin lie..oy

All links highlighted

One must remember that not only physical pathogens/viruses are contagious but also mental pathogens/viruses like narcissism, pathological lying, insanity etc. Physical pathogens/viruses are contacted via different means of physical transportation, eg; airborne, waterborne, blood borne, surface contact etc. The mental pathogens/viruses are not physically transported but ARE transported via communication by various means(wave lengths that can be detected visually or by sound by a person) which can "trip a trigger" in the human mind(software) & affect the normal thought pattern of an individual into an altered state. This temporary altered state can develop into a full bore altered REALITY which can alter the roadways in the brain(computer) that transport the information much as a 'detour' does to road traffic.

The seemingly odd to completely bizarre mental performance/opinions of many individuals from long accepted common sense social norms is living proof that the spiritual makeup of an individual can be a victim of pathogens/viruses just of a different variety(think of computer viruses vs influenza virus). Check out the link below to see the grisly truth of the matter. NOTE the percent of affected are for citizens of the USA ONLY. By the time one gets to the bottom of the link one will well understand the seriousness of the situation as well as WHY America has become so dysfunctional.

Mental Health By the Numbers | NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness
That is why they want to censor that speech, just like what big tech did with Hunter Biden...because it is true.

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