Pentacostal Fire

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[ame=]I'M HELD BY YOUR LOVE by Karen Lim and Bob Fitts - YouTube[/ame]
Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.Context

The Excellence in God's Works
…10I have seen the task which God has given the sons of men with which to occupy themselves. 11He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart, yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end. 12I know that there is nothing better for them than to rejoice and to do good in one's lifetime;…

Cross References

Romans 11:33
Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!

Genesis 1:31
God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning--the sixth day.

Job 5:9
He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.

Proverbs 16:4
The LORD works out everything to its proper end-- even the wicked for a day of disaster.

Have you ever thought about how much Jesus Christ loves you? God makes all things beautiful in it's time. His thoughts towards you are like the grains of sand on the seashore! Who can count them? That is how much Jesus loves you! Truly His Love is so great He stretch out His arms on that cross and died for your sins! He took your place! How can we even begin to fathom the depths of God's love for us? Even while were yet sinners, God loved us! Blessed be the Name of the LORD.
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I've heard of speaking in tongues. My father used to do so in an Apostolic/Pentecostal church.
Psalm 139:18 Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand-- when I awake, I am still with you.


You have Searched Me and Know Me
…17How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! 18If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand. When I awake, I am still with You. 19O that You would slay the wicked, O God; Depart from me, therefore, men of bloodshed.…

Cross References

Psalm 3:5
I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me.

Psalm 40:5
Many, LORD my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare.
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I've heard of speaking in tongues. My father used to do so in an Apostolic/Pentecostal church.

My testimony is that I was raised in the Roman Catholic Church, my family didn't want any born again Christian mentioning the name of Jesus in our house. Outside of Mass I never saw my mother pray once growing up as a child ( that I can ever recall ) and I never saw her with a bible in her hands either. I do not know if there was a bible in our house. I never saw one. I grew up with a very warped idea of who God was and so I did not like Him in the least! Then one day someone shared Jesus Christ with me and I thought about it, I saw the earthquake out in California on a friends tv, it was October 18th, 1989. The Holy Spirit was convicting me of the sin in my life and the need I had for salvation. I decided to go home and cry out the LORD to save me, I was saved on Oct. 18, 1989 at 8:58 p.m. I remember the moment vividly. Best decision I ever made in my life. I asked a neighbor who lived across the street from me - who had an I love Jesus Bumper Sticker on her truck bumper if she would take me to her church. * I figured she must attend one as she had that bumper sticker on there. I didn't even know her! She took me and my son to her church - Orlando Christian Center. Benny Hinn was the Pastor. He prayed for me and I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and went home praying in tongues. My son was baptized in the Holy Spirit at the age of 5. And you?
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He was moved with Compassion.

I think that is how I was saved, Wake. Jesus was moved with compassion. He saw me and took pity on me and said, I shall send my Holy Spirit to draw that girl because she is deeply hurting and in need of my compassion. And then He sent the Holy Spirit and He drew me with His chords of love and I was so overwhelmed by his love, his mercy, his compassion that I realized he was not at all as others had portrayed him to be. He was all things wonderful and I knew in that moment He was all I would ever need. And I was right. Because truly He is all any of us need.
Matthew 9:36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.Context

The Sheep and the Harvest
35Jesus was going through all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness. 36Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd. 37Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.…

Scripture is so timeless, isn't it. We can look on the sheep today and say the same thing, couldn't we? The Sheep are distressed, dispirited, they are without a shepherd and many have been left in the care of hirelings who do not have the compassion of Christ. Pray that the LORD of the Harvest will send forth more laborers.......
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The Compassion of Jesus

I shall only recall my own experience in order to stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance, my brethren and sisters. I do well remember when I was under conviction of sin, and smarted bitterly under the rod of God, that when I was most heavy and depressed there would sometimes come something like hope across my spirit. I knew what it was to say, "My soul chooseth strangling rather than life," yet when I was at the lowest ebb and most ready to despair, though I could not quite lay hold of Christ, I used to get a touch of the promise now and then, till I half hoped that, after all, I might prove to be God's prisoner, and he might yet set me free. I do remember well, when my sins compassed me about like bees, and I thought it was all over with me, and I must be destroyed by them, it was at that moment when Jesus revealed himself to me. Had he waited a little longer, I had died of despair, but that was no desire of his. On swift wings of love he came and manifested his dear wounded self to my heart. I looked to him and was lightened, and my peace flowed like a river. I rejoiced in him. Yes, he was moved with compassion. He would not let the pangs of conviction be too severe; neither would he suffer them to be protracted too long for the spirit of man to fail before him. It is not his wont to break a leaf that is driven by the tempest. "He will not quench the smoking flax." Yea, and I do remember since I first saw him and began to love him many sharp and severe troubles, dark and heavy trials, yet have I noted this, that they have never reached that pitch of severity which I was unable to bear. When all gates seemed closed, there has still been with the trial a way of escape, and I have noted again that in deeper depressions of spirits through which I have passed, and horrible despondencies that have crushed me down, I have had some gleams of love, and hope, and faith at the last moment; for he was moved with compassion. If he withdrew his face, it was only till my heart broke for him, and then he showed me the light of his countenance again. If he laid the rod upon me, yet when my soul cried under his chastening he could not bear it, but he put back the rod, and he said, "My child, I will comfort thee."

to continue reading this sermon by Charles Spurgeon click link above...
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The Tender Mercies Of God

Redeeming love is still more wonderful as exercised towards enemies; towards those who could reject the offered salvation,—who were not to be moved by all the entreaties of heaven,—and who had malice enough to murder the Author of life in the very act of bringing it to them.

This love appears altogether astonishing when we consider the greatness of the sacrifice it made. That God himself, (infinite, eternal, and self-sufficient as he was,) should bring himself down to a mortal form; that he who made the heavens should descend from among the adorations of angels to assume the form of a servant and to receive the spittings of Roman soldiers; that he should exchange the quiet of eternal repose for a laborious life, the abodes of inaccessible light for the degrading manger,—the society of the Father and Spirit for that of illiterate fishermen,—the heights of infinite bliss for the agonies of Gethsemane and Golgotha;—and all to atone for abuses which he himself had received from men; fixes angels in astonishment and rivets their eyes to him who still bears the prints of the nails and the spear. That this divine Sufferer did not recede, but remained immovable in his purpose in a near view of his agonies; that he did not strike and rivet his insulting murderers to the centre, but spent his expiring breath in prayer for their life; evinces, not love only, but love unconquerable.

The extent of redeeming love further appears in the magnitude of the blessings which it intended for a ruined race. It stooped to catch a falling world; to snatch them from eternal flames to the transports of immortal life,—from everlasting contempt to be "kings and priests" forever "unto God" —to raise them from the depravity of sin to the purity of the divine image,—from a dungeon to the radiance of heaven,—from the society of devils to communion with angels,—from the blasphemies of hell to the songs of paradise,—from universal destitution to inherit all riches,—to be sons and heirs of God, members of the Redeemer's body,—to live in his family and heart, and forever to expand in the regions of light and life.

This mercy is heightened by the fact that the Saviour is so necessary, reasonable, and all-sufficient. Intrusted with all the offices needful for man's redemption, he possesses powers fully adequate to the infinite work, and exerts them when and where they are most needed. It is his stated business to strike off the chains from wretched prisoners,—to administer balm to those who are wounded to death, food to those who are perishing with hunger,—eyes and light to the blind and benighted. He is the "shadow of a great rock in a weary land," — "a hiding place from the wind and a covert from the tempest."

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This sermon will lift your spirit and comfort the reader to understand the unfathomable mercy and love our Lord has for us. Truly the LORD loves mankind and this sermon gives a most beautiful presentation of His great mercy and love toward us.
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The Whole Armour of God

Doctrine, The Christian of all men needs courage and resolution. Indeed there is nothing that he does as a Christian, or can do, but is an act of valour. A cowardly spirit is beneath the lowest duty of a Christian, 'be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest’—What? stand in battle against those warlike nations? No, but that thou mayest 'observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee,’ Joshua 1:7. It requires more prowess and greatness of spirit to obey God faithfully, than to command an army of men; to be a Christian than a captain. What seems less, than for a Christian to pray? yet this cannot be performed aright without a princely spirit: as Jacob is said to behave himself like a prince, when he did but pray; for which he came out of the field God's banneret. Indeed if you call that prayer, which a carnal person performs, nothing is more poor and dastard-like. Such an one is as great a stranger to this enterprise, as the craven soldier to the exploits of a valiant chieftain. The Christian in prayer comes up close to God, with a humble boldness of faith, and takes hold of him, wrestles with him; yea, will not let him go with*out a blessing, and all this in the face of his own sins, and divine justice, which let fly upon him from the fiery mouth of the law; while the other's boldness in prayer is but the child, either of ignorance in his mind, or hardness in his heart; whereby not feeling his sins, and not knowing his danger, he rushes upon duty with a blind confidence, which soon quails when conscience awakes, and gives him the alarm, that his sins are upon him, as the Philistines on Samson: alas, then in a fright the poor-spirited wretch throws down his weapon, flies the presence of God with guilty Adam, and dares not look him in the face. Indeed there is no duty in the Christian's whole course of walking with God, or acting for God but is lined with many difficulties, which shoot like enemies through the hedges at him, while he is marching towards heaven: so that he is put to dispute every inch of ground as he goes. They are only a few noble-spirited souls, who dare take heaven by force, that are fit for this calling. For the further proof of this point, see some few pieces of service that every Christian engageth in.

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Let's have a feast today! William Gurnall is an excellent Minister whose Book, Christian in Complete Armour is a classic. This first teaching is on the Whole Armour of God. A wonderful place to begin!
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[ame=]William Gurnall ~Satan Corrupts The Mind With Doctrinal Error (1 of 2) - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]William Gurnall ~Satan Corrupts The Mind With Doctrinal Error (2 of 2) - YouTube[/ame]
Part Second

The Christian must be armed, and the Reason why.

Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. (Eph. 6:11).

This verse is a key to the former, wherein the apostle had exhorted believers to encourage and bear up their fainting spirits on the Lord, and the power of his might. Now in these words he explains himself, and shows how he would have them do this, not presumptuously [to] come into the field without that armour which God hath appointed to be worn by all his soldiers, and yet with a bravado, to trust to the power of God to save them. That soul is sure to fall short of home (heaven I mean), who hath nothing but a carnal confidence on the name of God, blown up by its ignorance of God and himself. No, he that would have his confidence duly placed on the power of God, must conscientiously use the means appointed for his defence, and not rush naked into the battle, like that fanatic spirit at Munster, who would needs go forth, and chase away the whole army then besieging that city, with no other cannon than a few words charged with the name of the Lord of hosts, which he blasphemously made bold to use, saying, In the name of the Lord of hosts depart. But himself soon perisheth, to learn others wisdom by what he paid for his folly. What foolish braving language shall ye hear drop from the lips of the most profane and ignorant among us! They trust in God, hope in his mercy, defy the devil and all his works, and such like stuff, who are yet poor naked creatures without the least piece of God's armour upon their souls. To cashier such presumption from the saints' camp, he annexeth this directory to his exhortation, ‘Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.’ So that the words fall into these two general parts. FIRST, A direction annexed to the former exhortation, showing how we may in a regular way come to be strong in the Lord, that is, by putting on the whole ‘armour of God.’ SECOND, A reason or argument strengthening this direction, ‘that ye may be able to stand against the wile of the devil.’
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In this second teaching it begins with importance of putting on the whole armour of God. Of all the teachers on subject of the armour of God which I have studied I would say that William Gurnall is among the very best.
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The saint's enemy is the devil, described by his wiles, properly, the methods of Satan. [The Greek word[1]] signi*fies, the art and order one observes in handling a point; we say such a one is methodical. Now because it shows ingenuity and acuteness of wit so to compose a discourse, therefore it is transferred to express the subtlety of Satan, in laying off his plots and stratagems, in his warlike preparations against the Christian. Indeed the expert soldier hath his order as well as the scholar; there is method in forming of an army, as well as framing an argument. The note which lies before us is—

Doctrine, That the devil is a very subtle enemy. The Christian is endangered most by his pol*icy and craft. He is called the old serpent—the serpent subtle above other creatures; an old serpent above other serpents. Satan was too crafty for man in his perfection, much more now in his maimed estate, having never recovered that first crack he got in his understanding, by the fall of Adam. And as man hath lost, so Satan hath gained more and more experience; he lost his wisdom, indeed, as soon as he became a devil, but, ever since, he hath increased his craft; though he hath not wisdom enough to do himself good, yet [he hath] subtlety enough to do others hurt. God shows us where his strength lies, when he prom*iseth he will bruise the head of the serpent; his head crushed, and he dies presently. Now in handling this point of Satan's subtlety, we shall consider him in his two main designs, and therein show you his wiles and policies. His first main design is to draw into sin. The second main design is to accuse, vex, and trouble the saint for sin.
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In this first Direction William Gurnall is addressing who our enemy is and what his strategies are against us. The Word of God shows us Satans strategies, his tricks and this will of course compliment the former teachings on the Armour of God and why each piece is important / significant in this warfare against Satan.
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The nature of the War, and character of the Assailants.

‘For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places’ (Eph. 6:12).

The Words are coupled to the precedent with the casual particle ‘for,’ which either refers to the two foregoing verses—and then they are a further reason, pressing the necessity of Christian fortitude in the tenth verse, and furniture in the eleventh—or else to the last words in the eleventh verse, where the apostle having descried the saints' grand enemy to be Satan, and described him in one of his attributes—his wily subtlety—he in this further displays him in his proper colours, not to weaken the saints’ hands, but to waken their care, that seeing their enemy marching up in a full body, they might stand in better order to receive his charge. Here, by the way, we may observe the apostle’s simplicity and plain-dealing; he doth not undervalue the strength of the enemy, and represent him inconsiderable, as captains use to keep their soldiers together, by slighting the power of their ad*versary; no, he tells them the worst at first. If Satan had been granted to set out his own power he could have challenged no more than is here granted to him. See here, the difference between Christ dealing with his followers, and Satan with his. Satan dares not let sinners know who that God is they fight against; this were enough to breed a mutiny in the devil's camp. Silly souls, they are drawn into the field by a false report of God and his ways, and are kept there together, with lies and fair tales; but Christ is not afraid to show his saints their enemy in all his power and principality, the weakness of God being stronger than the powers of hell.

The words contain a lively description of a bloody and lasting war between the Christian and his implacable enemy. In them we may observe: FIRST, The Christian's state in this life [is] set out by this word ‘wrestling.’ SECOND, The assailants that appear in arms against the Christian. They are described—First, Negatively, ‘not flesh and blood;’ or rather comparatively, not chiefly flesh and blood. Second, Positively, ‘but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.’

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In this Second Direction we see Gurnall going further into the "nature of the warfare" and the character of the assailants who are warring against the Kingdom of Heaven. Make no mistake about it. There is a definite warfare going on.

Anytime you find an individual or a group of individuals who openly deny faith in Jesus Christ, deny the existance of Satan and of hell, yet spend every waking hour seeking to discuss the subject with others there is a reason for it - they do it in order to destroy the faith of others through devious tactics, trickery, fabricated stories, etc, you can be sure that person or group of individuals are doing warfare against the Kingdom of Heaven and if you are a Christian or trying to make your way towards God - you are a target.

With that said, I would compare William Gurnall to a 4 star General in the Army of God when it comes to the teachings of the Armour and Spriritual Warfare. You will not find a finer teacher in the subject than Gurnall in my opinion. He is also a very good teacher on the subject of prayer. I'd also add Andrew Murray, Charles Spurgeon, Charles Finney, Watchman Nee, Hudson Taylor and of course, David Brainerd to that list for great teachers on the subject of prayer.
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This video teaching on Holding Fast to the Profession of Truth is directly addressing what the believer will contend with in his or her fight to defend the Truth against the Spirit of Error. ( Danger and Death ) Keep in mind that as William Gurnall once said, no coward ever won heaven. So with this in mind it is a glorious battle and we should be honored that the LORD first chose us! Amen! It is brief but to the point and I am using this to preview the next teaching from Gurnall which addresses this strategy of Satan. Here then is the video:

[ame=]William Gurnall ~ Hold Your Profession Of Truth In The Face Of Danger And Death - YouTube[/ame]
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The apostle having shown what the saint’s enemies are not, flesh and blood, frail men, who can*not come but they are seen, who may be resisted by man’s power, or escaped by flight; now he describes the positively, ‘against principalities, against powers,’ &c. Some think [that] the apostle by these divers names and titles, intends to set forth the distinct orders, whereby the devils are subordinate one to another; so they make the devil, ver. 11, to be the head or monarch, and these, ver. 12, so many inferior or*ders, as among men there are princes, dukes, earls, &c., under an emperor. That there is an order among the devils cannot be denied. The Scripture speaks of a prince of devils, Matt. 9:34, and of the devil and his angels, who with him fell from their first station, called his angels, as it is probably conceived, because one above the rest (as the head of the faction), drew with him multitudes of others into his party, who with him sinned and fell. But that there should be so many distinct orders among them, as there are several branches in this description, is not probable; too weak a notion to be the foundation of a pulpit dis*course. Therefore we shall take them as meant of the devil collectively—we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but [with] devils, who are principalities and powers, &c.—and not distributively, to make princi*palities one rank, powers another; for some of these branches cannot be meant of distinct orders, but promiscuously of all as spiritual wickedness; it being not proper to one to be spirits, or wicked, but com*mon to all. first, Then, the devil or whole pack of them are here described by their government in this world—principalities. second, By their strength and puissance, called powers. third, In their kingdom or proper territories—rulers of the darkness of this world. fourth, By their nature in its substance and degeneracy—spiritual wickedness. fifth, By the ground of the war—in the heavenly places, or about heavenly things.
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Excuse me, I am two away from the identifying of Lucifer's strategies, first William Gurnall In Second Division gives description of ranks in Satans kingdom. Devils, principalities and powers, branches but as he points out not distinct order - how they operate their govt. in this world - the territories - rulers of the darkness of this world - for example you could look up Daniel 10:12 and note the warfare Daniel was in while he had been praying for several weeks, the angel came to him and told him that Michael one of his chief princes came to help him ( in that warfare ) because the princes of the kingdom of Persia had withstood him. ( he was letting Daniel know God heard your prayer from the very first day several weeks ago, and this is what has been going on in the spirit realm ) Now this was not in reference to a flesh and blood prince but principalities over Persia. Which if you will look up Ephesians 6: 12 - For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places............. When you realize, Christian, the authority that you possess in Christ you will never again fear what any man can do to you. If you have all power over the demonic realm - all power over Satan - and you do - see Luke 10:19 - then why would you ever fear a mere man? Keep reading your bible above all and read on for the teachings of Gurnall. You'll get it.
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