Pentacostal Fire

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That ye may be able to withstand in the evil day.’

But what is this evil day? Some take this evil day to comprehend the whole life of a Christian here below in this vale of tears, and then the argument runs thus:—Take to yourselves the whole armour of God, that you may be able to persevere to the end of your life, which you will find, as it were, one con*tinued day of trouble and trial. Thus Jacob draws a black line over his whole life—‘few and evil have the days of the years of my life been,’ Gen. 47:9. What day shines so fair that overcasts not before night, yea, in which the Christian meets not with some shower or other, enough to deserve the name of an evil day? Every day hath its portion, yea, proportion. Suffi*cient is the evil of the day; we need not borrow and take up sorrows upon use of the morrow, to make up our present load. As we read of ‘daily bread,’ so [also] of a ‘daily’ cross, Luke 9:23, which we are bid to take, not to make. We need not make crosses for ourselves, as we are prone to do; God in his provi*dence will provide one for us, and we are bid to take it up, but we hear nothing of laying it down, till cross and we lie down together. Our troubles and our lives are coetaneous; [they] live and die together here. When joy comes, sorrow is at its heel—staff and rod go together. Job himself, that good man, whose pros*perity the devil so grudged, and set forth in all his bravery and pomp, Job 1:10, as if his sun had no shadow, hear what account he gives of this his most flourishing time, ‘I was not in safety, neither had I rest, neither was I quiet;’ Job 3:26. There were some troubles that broke his rest; when his bed was, to thinking, as soft as heart could wish, even then this good man tosses and tumbles from one side to the other, and is not quiet. If one should have come to Job and blessed him with his happy condition, and said, ‘Surely, Job, thou couldst be content with what thou hast for thy portion, if thou mightest have all this settled on thee and thy heirs after thee;’ he would have said, as once Luther, ‘that God should not put him off with these.’ Such is the saints’ state in this bottom, that their very life here, and all the pompous entertainments of it, are their cross, because they detain them from their crown. We need nothing to make our life an evil day, more than our absence from our chief good, which cannot be recompensed by the world, nor enjoyed with it. Only this goodness there is in this evil, that it is short. Our life is but an ‘evil day,’ it will not last long. And sure it was mercy that God hath abridged so much of the term of man’s life in these last days—days wherein so much of Christ and heaven are discovered, that it would have put the saints’ patience hard to it, to have known so much of the upper world's glory, and then be kept so long from it, as the fathers in the first age were. O comfort one another, Christians, with this: Though your life be evil with troubles, yet it is short—a few steps, and we are out of the rain. There is a great difference between a saint in regard of the evils he meets with, and the wicked, just as between two travellers riding contrary ways—both taken in the rain and wet—but of whom one rides from the rain, and so is soon out of the shower, but the other rides into the rainy corner—the farther he goes, the worse he is. The saint meets with troubles as well as the wicked, but he is soon out of the shower—when death comes he has fair weather; but the wicked, the farther he goes the worse—what he meets with here is but a few drops, the great storm is the last. The pouring out of God's wrath shall be in hell, where all the deeps of horror are opened, both from above of God’s righteous fury, and from beneath of their own accusing and tormenting consciences.
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This teaching from Gurnall is so brilliant it shines like the sun! I hope that you will read on further to the entire study as this contains so much! It is a very important teaching although I would have to say the entire series is very important so maybe just save them all to your favorites so you can print them off and study them thoroughly. I always like to have paper copies because I do not like the idea of depending upon a computer for such valuable teachings.
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Question. If any now should ask, how they may get their hearts inflamed with this heavenly fire of love to truth?

I answer,

1. Answer. Labour for an inward conformity of thy heart to truth. Likeness is the ground of love. A carnal heart cannot like truth, because it is not like to truth. Such a one may love truth as one did Alexander, regem non Alexandrum—the king, not the person that was king. Truth in its honour and dignity, when it can prefer him, but not naked truth itself. How is it possible an earthly soul should love truth that is heavenly?—an unholy heart, truth that is pure? O it is sad indeed, when men's tenets and principles in their understandings, do clash and fight with the principles of their hearts and affections —when men have orthodox judgments, and heterodox hearts! There must needs be little love to truth, because the judgment and will are so unequally yoked. Truth in the conscience reproving and threatening lust in the heart! and that again controlling truth in the conscience! Thus like a scolding couple, they may a while dwell together, but taking no con*tent in one another, the wretch is easily persuaded to give truth a bill of divorce at last, and send her away, as Ahasuerus did Vashti, that he may espouse other principles, which will suit better with his corrupt heart, and not cross him in the way he is in. This, this I am persuaded hath parted many and truth in these licentious days. They could not sin peaceably while they kept their judgements sound. Truth ever and anon would be chiding them, and therefore to match their judgements with their hearts, they have taken up principles suitable to their lusts. But soul, if truth hath had such a power upon thee to transform thee, by the renewing of thy mind, into its own like*ness, that as the scion turns the stock into its own nature, so truth hath assimilated thee, and made thee bear fruit like itself, thou art the person that will never part with truth. Before thou canst do this, thou must part with that new nature, which, by it, the Spirit of God hath begot in thee. There is now such a near union betwixt thee and truth, or rather thee and Christ, as can never be broken. We see what a mighty power there goes along with God's ordinance of marriage—that two persons, who possibly a month before never knew one another, yet—their affections once knit by love, and their persons made one by marriage—they can now leave friends and parents for to enjoy each other. Such a mighty power, and much greater, goes along with this mystical marriage be*tween the soul and Christ, the soul and truth;—that the same person who, before conversion, would not have ventured the loss of a penny for Christ or his truth, yet now, knit to Christ and his truth by a secret work of the Spirit, new-forming him into the likeness thereof, can bid adieu to the world, life, and all, for these. As that martyr told him that asked whether he did not love his wife and children, and was not loath to part with them, ‘Yes,’ saith he, ‘I love them so dearly, that I would not part with any of them for all that the Duke of Brunswick—whose subject he was —is worth; but for Christ's sake and his truth, farewell to them all.’

continue reading on link above......
This teaching is the crown jewel on how one defends the Truth for the Love of Jesus Christ. Many profess to love Christ but when persecution comes for the truth will they deny him? If we refuse to deny the truth then it is our love for Jesus Christ that will compel us onwards while others whose love is not based on truth shall faint along the way. Still, how deep is our love and can the Lord test it with trials and tribulations, with evil men breathing fiery, murderous threats at us, can we hold fast to our faith as John Hus, Savonarolla, John Knox, Stephen, Paul, Peter, and James? By the grace of God we shall do just that! There came a time when many turned back and followed Jesus no more. I am paraphrasing the following conversation between Jesus and Peter - Jesus asked Peter would he also leave? Peter replied, Where would I go, Lord? You have the Words of Life! What a marvelous revelation - indeed Jesus IS Life and apart from Him there is no life! There is no life apart from Jesus Christ. Where would we go? God forbid. We follow Jesus Christ wherever He shall lead us. We will follow. Amen!
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This is my favorite Sermon of all time - from William Gurnall - it is found on the first page of his devotional Christian in Compete Armour. Glory to God! This is the greatest short sermon he ever preached! To me, it is a "Masterpiece". The Crown Jewel! Listen to this!

[ame=]William Gurnall - The Christian's Call To Courage - YouTube[/ame]
The fearful are those who march for hell. ( Revelation 21:8 ) The valiant are those who take heaven by force. ( Matthew 11:12) Cowards never won heaven. Do not claim that you are begotten of God and have His royal blood running through your veins unless you can prove your lineage by this heroic spirit: to dare to be holy in spite of men and devils.

- William Gurnall
Psalm 63:8 I cling to you; your right hand upholds me.


God, You are My God
…7For You have been my help, And in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy. 8My soul clings to You; Your right hand upholds me. 9But those who seek my life to destroy it, Will go into the depths of the earth.…

Whenever I see the word "cling" I think of Habbakuk. His name means one who clings to God.
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[ame=]Jesus Your Name - Kristyn Getty, Margaret Becker, Joanne Hogg - YouTube[/ame]
I can safely say that any man or woman that is turned off by worship is not ready for heaven.

- A.W. Tozer
[ame=]Alvin Slaughter--Power In The Name of Jesus (Full version) - YouTube[/ame]
YES!!! MY FRIEND!! WE each run our own race,let us run to win=========Run with Perseverance
1Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.… Hebrews 12:1
the presence of the LORD is so sweet in this worship music - oh it is so wonderful to experience the presence of the LORD.

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[ame=]Terry Macalmon - I Surrender All w/Lyrics - YouTube[/ame]
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