Pentacostal Fire

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[ame=]When The Gates Swing Open, Otis Clay The Gospel Truth - YouTube[/ame]
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.


Faith is Being Sure
1Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. 2For by it the men of old gained approval.…

Cross References

Romans 8:24
For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have?

2 Corinthians 4:18
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Now the Holy Spirit was just bringing to my remembrance an individual who claimed to be an atheist, one who did not believe in God at all, but she made an interesting statement. She said, These Christians "decided to believe"......and when she said that it occured to me that even the one who claims not to believe in God knows that it is a "decision to believe God". That was quite a revelation and I wondered did she even realize what she had just said? You know, at the very core of faith there is a decision to be made. It begins in the heart. This is where it began for me. It started with, I know that I am a sinner. I know that I have not repented or asked the LORD to coming into my heart with the intention of leaving my old life behind and following Him. I know that there is good and evil. I can see it all around me. I know that by my very life I stand condemned and deserve hell. I know if I die tonight I am going to hell.

What is keeping me from calling upon the LORD? Nothing but me. I want to hang onto my sin. Sin is fun for a season but then in the end it brings forth death. I didn't want to retain that knowledge in my mind. Woe is me. Then the earthquake out in California happened. The date was October 18th, 1989 and all day long I heard about that earthquake and the sudden deaths of many a people and when I later that night saw it on my neighbors television I thought it surely looked like the end of the world. And if the end of the world came would I be ready? No, I would not have been ready. And so I asked my neighbor while watching that news report and the devastation that had just happened to the Californians - did they believe in God? And they replied, I believe in God but He isn't for me. And again, I am reminded that the unbeliever actually does believe but has decided not to follow Jesus. And so my reply was, I am going home to find out if He is for me.... and as I climbed those stairs to go up inside my home I knew I was about to be recieved by Jesus into His Kingdom which is a far bigger home - and I knew that when I cried out to Him He was going to hear me and heal me and forgive me of all of my sins. So I went into my bathroom and closed the door and got down on my knees and I cried out to Jesus and I repented of my sins and I was forgiven of my sins and born again. I was washed in the Blood of the Lamb that day. I looked at the clock. It was 8:58 p.m. and I have never been the same since knowing my Jesus loves me unconditionally and has cast my sins as far as the east is from the west. Never to be remembered again. Glory to God. My Jesus saves. My Jesus forgives. My Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life and I am so glad that He sent His Holy Spirit to draw me to Him.

I am so thankful that I "decided to believe" that I made that decision in my heart to believe and to receive the everlasting life Jesus offered me by His own shed blood on that cross, his death on that cross, his resurrection on the third day - and his ascension into heaven where He intercedes for me day and night. What a friend we have in Jesus. There is none to compare with Him. I tell you the truth if you lose every friend you have on this earth and family too in exchange for friendship with Jesus? You've made the best trade of your life. I tell you the truth, when I decided to follow Jesus? All my friends abandoned me. My own family even abandoned me for a season, but Jesus took me in. Glory to God. Jesus was all I ever needed. And He is all you'll ever need too, Beloved. That is the truth. If it were not, I could not tell it to you. Jesus is all you will ever need. He's all you need. Have Faith. Have Faith in Jesus and do not despair. Jesus is your answer. To your every care, Jesus is the answer. Amen.
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[ame=]I Have Decided To Follow Jesus (No Rain): Laura Rowzee - YouTube[/ame]
This is from a sermon by William Gurnall entitled - FAITH AND DESPAIR -

Satan begins with his more pleasant sins so that he may later entangle the victim more hopelessly. But the devil is too clever to lay his net of despair in the bird's sight. Other sins are only the top cover, and once he flatters his prey into it, he has trapped him for eternity.

Despair, more than other sins, puts a man into a kind of possession of hell itself. As faith gives substance to the word of promise, so the cruelty of despair gives existence to the torments of hell in the conscience. this drains the spirit and makes the creature become his own executioner.

Despair puts a soul beyond all relief, the offer of pardon comes too late. Faith and hope can open a window to let out the smoke that offends the Christian in any circumstances. But the soul will be choked when it is fastened up within despairing thoughts of its own sins, an no crevice of hope is left for an outlet to the dread that smothers him.

Faith quenches the fiery dart of despair. The chief of Satan's strengths is the greatness and the multitude of a person's sins, which he can use to bring a soul into such despair that he sees no way of escape from God's verdict against them. When the conscience is breached and waves of guilt pour in upon the soul they soon drown all the creature's efforts, as the great flood covered the tall trees and the highest mountains. And as nothing was visible then but sea and heaven, the despairing soul sees nothing except sin and hell. His sins stare him in the face as with the eyes of many devils, ready to drag him into the bottomless pit.

A mere fly dares to crawl over the sleeping lion, an animal whose awesome voice makes all beasts tremble when he is awake. Fools freely mock sin as soon as the eye of conscience is shut. But when God arms sin and guilt and lets this serpent sting the conscience, then the proudest sinner flees before it. Only faith handles sin in its fullest strength by giving the soul a glimpse of the great God.

Above all, taking the shield of faith wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. Gurnall's sermon on Faith and Despair is divine. He cuts through the reality of the two choices given all mankind. Faith or Despair. It is one or the other. Faith shall crush despair under its very feet but depair? Despair is hopeless and can do nothing. That is what Satan desires to do mankind. Entice them to sin, entice them to befriend a world that is at enmity with God and therein become an enemy of God Almighty. Then? When he has accomplished this? He takes out his more evil weapon, despair and whispers, look at what you have done... God can never forgive you..all is lost.. All is lost. Then comes despair. Satan is a liar. All is not lost. Jesus Christ defeated him at the cross 2,000 years ago. Call upon the name of the LORD Jesus Christ and be saved! Despair shall take flight like the wings of a bird! It is the truth, Beloved. It is the truth. Have Faith. Decide to Believe God instead of the Father of lies, Lucifer. Decide to believe God and your faith shall conquer every doubt. Feed your faith and starve your doubt. Read the Word of God and think upon the goodness of God today.
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Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.


Witnessing to All Nations
…13"But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved. 14"This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.

Cross References

Matthew 4:23
Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people.

Mark 13:10
And the gospel must first be preached to all nations.


This is the mystery of God - yet it is the Word of God and I stand on the Word of God. The Word of God tells us that every man, woman and child shall hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. All nations means all nations. So this matter of someone not having heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ and God casting him or her into hell is utterly ridiculous. It never happened. Hell is full today of men and women who rejected the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There is not a single soul there who did not know about Jesus. No. Not one. The Holy Spirit is compelling me to make this very clear to everyone. The men and women who went down to the grave before Jesus went to the cross were either in hell or in paradise. See the story of Jesus and rich man in hell who begged for Lazarus who was resting in the bosom of Abraham - to be given him a drop of water to quench his thirst - yet he was not granted that request. Indeed the rich man went on to plead - go and tell my brothers - warn them - so they do not end up in this place - yet he was told, if they will not believe the living they will not believe the dead. You see, God is not an unjust God. Why could the rich man in hell see Lazurus and Abraham? Because there was a separation - a great gulf between hell and a location known as paradise and it wasn't until Jesus went to the cross, died on the cross and descended into hell that he not only took the keys to hell but he ministered to and took those who received in him - who were in Paradise and had been awaiting the promise of His coming - to heaven with him ( when he ascended into Heaven) . You see, he said to the thief on the cross, verily, verily you shall be with me in paradise today because that was directly where Jesus was going! Below to Paradise( also called the grave in the OT) to take His Own with him to heaven and also to hell to take the keys back from Satan! The Holy Spirit gave me this revelation and He alone deserves the glory for He alone is our teacher and reveals all truth to us who belong to Him and follow Him. Now there is a time coming - the resurrection of the dead - this is a mystery again - and I shall not go into it but that others may know that the Gospel shall be preached to all nations, to every human being - that they may have the choice to decide the Lord has compelled me to put up this scripture.

Irish Ram I do agree with in that Jesus said to the Pharisees if you had not known it was sin it would not have been counted against you. This is true. We must rightly divide the word here. The men who mocked Jesus at the cross knew full well who Jesus was. They had heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ and rejected him. It is a blessed thing that Jesus said, Father forgive them for they know not what they do. I believe those very same men came to repentance after the death of our Lord and heard of His resurrection, great fear came upon them and then they decided to believe. I believe that there are many here today who had decided before not to believe but because the truth has been revealed by the Spirit of the Living God they too will fear the LORD and seek to follow Him all the days of their lives - repenting even this day.

I believe that the prostitute and the tax collector shall enter the kingdom of heaven before the Pharisee because while the tax collector and the prostitute see their need for a Savior - the Pharisee relies upon his own righteousness which the LORD declares is as filthy rags. I believe in the Word of God alone which declares that every nation - every people, shall hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and then shall the end come. I believe the Word of God has established that it is impossible that even a single soul would not have been presented the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the revelation of Jesus Christ that - that one would not have heard of the Lord Jesus Christ and who He is because the Written Word of God delares otherwise. Every nation, every tongue, every people, the whole earth shall hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and then shall the end come. I agree with the Word of God and declare the Word of God is the truth. The whole earth shall hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and each man shall make his decision. There is not one born innocent upon the earth. No not one. All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. All need redemption. All must call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. There is but one Gospel and that is the one that I preach. Amen. - Jeremiah
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2 Corinthians 5:8 We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord.Context

Our Eternal Dwelling
…7for we walk by faith, not by sight-- 8we are of good courage, I say, and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord. 9Therefore we also have as our ambition, whether at home or absent, to be pleasing to Him.…

Cross References

Proverbs 14:32
When calamity comes, the wicked are brought down, but even in death the righteous seek refuge in God.

John 12:26
Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.

2 Corinthians 5:6
Therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord.

Philippians 1:23
I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far;
God is a Spirit and we are a spirit living in a body and we have a soul. We are a trichotomy. We were created in the image and the likeness of God who is Father, Son, and Spirit. God is 1 x 1 x 1 = 1 and we being a spirit, living in a body, having a soul are 1 x 1 x 1 = 1. Spirits do not die. Angels do not die. Angels are called ministering spirits. With that in mind, my spirit " the real me" must live eternally in one of two places - heaven or hell. There is no alternate place. This is not multiple choice here. It is one or the other. With that said, it is imperative that every man, every woman, every child hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and "decide" where they want to spend eternity. With God in heaven where there is life everlasting and joy unspeakable.......or in hell with its eternal torment, unimaginable pain and suffering, eternal separation from God. We must carefully decide where we want to spend our eternity. It matters not that you do not believe in a place called hell. Reject Jesus Christ and you shall one day realize it exists in spite of your having denied it while walking upon the earth - it matters not that you believe in a God that is only Love who would never dare harm anyone which is nothing more than you having created a god in your own image and liking to accomodate the sins you refuse to part with! God is the God of the bible. Not your imagination.

It matters not that you do not believe jumping off the empire state building will not kill you, the law of gravity has proven it will and if you defy all warnings not to do it you shall surely encounter the reality of gravity and death. Our life is the comparison of a vapor when considering eternity. Eternity is something the finite mind simply cannot comprehend. The ways of God, the justice of God, the mercy and faithfulness of God, the longsuffering patience of God is something the finite mind cannot comprehend. The mere fact that you are able to read this today, that you are still alive is evidence of God and his goodness and even more reveals He has a plan, a purpose for your life. It would be using wisdom to seek Him early and find out what that plan is. It begins with receiving His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ for the pardon of your sins because without it? You cannot enter in, Beloved. You cannot.
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Please watch this video and hear the testimony of John Bunyan. John Bunyan was a Christian who served the LORD with his whole heart after having encountered God in a very powerful way. He is the author of Pilgrim's Progress and his testimony is evidence that there is indeed a heaven and a hell and that we are appointed once to live and then judgment. This is the testimony of John Bunyan.

[ame=]Visions of Heaven and Hell by John Bunyan - YouTube[/ame]
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A Sermon from Katherine Kuhlman - THE INFILLING OF HIS SPIRIT - based on Ephesians 5:18

One of the differences between the Old and the New Testament is the changed relationship between the Spirit and God's people. Jesus disciples were in training with him for three years, but not unto the day of Pentecost were they endued with power from on high. Peter, the fisherman, could never have preached the sermon he did on the Day of Pentecost and pierced 3000 in their hearts without the help of the Holy Spirit. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is an occupancy. There is new strength, divine strength, and Holy Ghost boldness.

Now we come to the question that is asked of me again and again: How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit? If you are a Christian and you have been born again, this second experience - the infilling of the Holy Spirit - is important to you and is a vital part of your spiritual growth, and blessed part of your inheritance in Christ. It's God's plan that you receive this infilling of His Spirit.

In Ephesians 5:18, the Apostle Paul gives the command: "Be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess, but be filled with the Spirit." It's a command. It isn't optional.

Now what does Paul have in mind when he said, "be filled with the Spirit"? This word "filled" may be used in two different senses. In the original text there are two different senses. In the original text there are two different Greek words, both translated "filled." One suggests a filling up, as you might take a glass and a pitcher of water and you pour the water from the pitcher into the empty glass so that water fills glass. The disciples on the Day of Pentecost were filled - that is, they were filled with the Holy Spirit. The Spirit moved in, came in to dwell, and His presence was manifested in the believers.

But watch something. This second sense of the word seems to have added thought not only of presence but of power that manifests itself through the individual who is filled up. It is not only that the water poured into the empty glass, but there was more than that. There was a power that manifested itself through that glass having been filled up with water. Thus, there is a place where one is so filled up with not only the presence of the Holy Spirit, but also filled up with a power that manifests itself, so that through that individual who is filled up with the Spirit, Christ is revealed.

"How can I be filled with the Spirit?"

I will give you the answer in just a few words: Turn yourself and all you have over to Jesus. It is not the surrender of things. It is the surrender of you!

Being filled with the Spirit is that simple.

There is no power in the world today greater than the power of the Holy Spirit, and when the blood of Christ and the power of the Holy Ghost are linked together, we have an energy that nothing can stop. We have a power that produces miracles!

-Sermon from Katherine Kulhman -

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is for the believer today.
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When you are born again and receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit you will be changed. This is the work of the Spirit of God, that He changes our desires completely. What we once desired we no longer desire and what we never before desired we then begin to desire! God gives us a new heart that desires to worship Him in spirit and in truth. This is the miracle of salvation. He makes all things new!

Hebrews 1:9 You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy."


The Supremacy of the Son

Cross References

Psalm 45:6
Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom.

Psalm 45:7
You love righteousness and hate wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy.

Isaiah 61:1
The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners,
Any person who has not yet called upon the LORD - who says to themselves I cannot live this life! It is impossible! You are right! You cannot! This is the miracle of salvation that the LORD is the one who will take away those old desires and replace them with a heart that desires to do the will of God, Beloved. It is the Spirit of the LORD that empowers us to walk as Jesus walked, to obey Him, to do His Will. If we walk in the Spirit we will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. There is a walk in the Spirit that is available to all who have been born again and this is the walk the LORD Jesus has called us to. The Holy Spirit is our Helper, Our Comforter, Our teacher, our Guide, we are to be led by Him. He leads the way. He leads the way...
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Are you willing? If you are willing, God is willing! If you are willing to do the will of God and obey Him once you know what His Will is? God is willing to reveal to you what His Will is! If you are willing? God is willing!

John 7:17 Anyone who chooses to do the will of God will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own.


Jesus Teaches at the Feast
…16So Jesus answered them and said, "My teaching is not Mine, but His who sent Me. 17"If anyone is willing to do His will, he will know of the teaching, whether it is of God or whether I speak from Myself. 18"He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but He who is seeking the glory of the One who sent Him, He is true, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.…

Cross References

Psalm 25:9
He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.

Psalm 25:14
The LORD confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them.

Proverbs 3:32
For the LORD detests the perverse but takes the upright into his confidence.

Proverbs 28:5
Evildoers do not understand what is right, but those who seek the LORD understand it fully.

Daniel 12:10
Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.
If you cannot see the truth, it is because you have not yet "decided" to be willing to open your heart to the truth. Once you decide in your heart that you do not want to live the way you are living, that you want to live a life that is pleasing unto God and one that glorifies His Son, once you decide to believe on the Lord Jesus and call upon His name to save you? You will know. It is the decision that comes first. What is happening before the decision? Conviction. The Holy Spirit is dealing with your heart and you know that you know that He is speaking to you. His Word - His Living Holy Word -the Written Word of God is exposing and laying bare your inner most thoughts and with it revealing to you that you are perishing. That you need Jesus Christ to come into your heart and save you.

You may be struggling with such decisions as what you may have to give up, wrong relationships, wrong lifestyle, wrong type of work or involvment with something you know God will not approve of should you decide to follow Jesus - but Beloved! In the scope of eternity what little price you are paying to part with such things that prevent you from going on with God! You must go on with God! You must receive the Lord Jesus Christ because without Him, what shall become of you - in eternity?

Will you part with Christ for so little here and now? Do you not realize that those who have decided not to go on with God will fare no better than those at the bottom of a ship that is capsized and sinking though a few air pockets remain? I tell you the truth! They may choose to sink to the bottom and go down with the ship but you should realize that such a fate is not God's desire for you - please - put on the garment of Christ today Who is your eternal life vest! For without Him, you perish! Come out from among those who are holding you down and take Hold of the Hand of Jesus Christ extended to you today! Let Him lift you out now and rescue you! Do not wait! Do it today!

If you say that you have doubt, you are fastened and held down by unbelief, then cry out to Jesus, Lord! I believe! Help me in my unbelief! Did He not answer the man who asked in this way? Yes! He did! Do you not think He will do it for you also? Of Course He will! God is not a respector of any persons! What He has done for one He shall do for another! Even you today, Beloved! Call upon the Name of Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved! This is His promise to you. Take hold of it!

Why wait?
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From a Sermon by William Gurnall entitled - COMFORT FOR THE ONE WHO DOUBTS -

You may be genuinely sincere but doubt persuades you otherwise. To you I have a few words of counsel, and I trust God to give His blessings to each one.

Do not conclude you are a hypocrite because you cannot now see evidence of your sincerity. The patriarchs had money bundled up in their sacks and traveled all the way to the inn, no knowing what they had until they opened them. There is a treasure of sincerity hidden in many souls, but the time has not come for them to open the sack and know their true riches. Thousands of saints whose voyages were marked by fears about whether or not God's grace was truly in them have crossed the great gulf and safely landed in heaven. Faith unfeigned puts a believer in the ark with Christ and shuts the door, but it does not necessarily keep him from getting seasick in the ship.

It is the work of Christ which demonstrates itself in such a way that we can see and own it, whereas the truth of our grace may not so clearly show itself. God has put the Holy Spirit besides the truth of grace to lead the soul into the light and show His children the truth. He alone is the great messenger who is able "to show unto man his uprightness" ( Job 33:23 )

But even as the eye, which cannot see anything in complete darkness, is still a seeing eye where there is light, so there may be truth of grace where there is not a sense of that truth present. So the person may hunt passionately from one church service to another to get the sincerity he already has, as one who looks frantically throughout the house to find his hat, when all the time it has been on his head.

Mark this down as real truth: "I may be upright even when I am not able to see it clearly." Although this insight will not furnish full comfort, it can be support until assurance comes.
That is a word from the LORD for someone reading today. May it bring you the comfort you need until as Gurnall says, "assurance comes".
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Let the Lord minister to you as you enter into His presence and worship Him tonight.

[ame=]This is the Time sung by Terry MacAlmon with lyrics - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]SHOUT TO THE LORD (LYRICS) - YouTube[/ame]

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD. - Psalm 150:6
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[ame=]Above All (Worship Video with lyrics). - YouTube[/ame]

The earth is the LORD's, and the fulness thereof, the world, and they that dwell therein. For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods. Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart, who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. This it the generation of them that seek him, that seek thy face, O Jacob.

Lift up your heads, O ye gates and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors, and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O ye gates: even lift them up, ye everlasting doors, and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah.

-Psalm 24
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