People are on edge. Gun pointed at Burger King employee


Platinum Member
Mar 28, 2024
Eastern U.S.
For more than 3 decades the powers that be have worked specifically to divide us as a nation long partisan lines.

They have worked hard to convince their side the other side is evil and will destroy the world if they are not stopped.

We now spend our time fighting over beer cans and ads and everything else that never before was political. Hell, a bridge got hit by a ship and before the cars were even in the water people were making it political.

Shit like what happened in the OP are inevitable.
For more than 3 decades the powers that be have worked specifically to divide us as a nation long partisan lines.

They have worked hard to convince their side the other side is evil and will destroy the world if they are not stopped.

We now spend our time fighting over beer cans and ads and everything else that never before was political. Hell, a bridge got hit by a ship and before the cars were even in the water people were making it political.

Shit like what happened in the OP are inevitable.
Well, you know, if politicians had allocated some funds and authorized construction to protect those pilings, (AKA infrastructure) that bridge would still be standing. So yeah, that's kinda political, brah. :dunno:
Well, you know, if politicians had allocated some funds and authorized construction to protect those pilings, (AKA infrastructure) that bridge would still be standing. So yeah, that's kinda political, brah. :dunno:

Yes, neither party did that but for sheep like you it is still a partisan issue and all the blame of one single party...thus my point is proven.
Yes, neither party did that but for sheep like you it is still a partisan issue and all the blame of one single party...thus my point is proven.
Yeah, what political party has been in control of that area for decades, hmm? Democrats.

No other party at all. Stop lying. There was no other party that failed to do things right. It was Democrats.

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Yeah, what political party has been in control of that area for decades, hmm? Democrats.

No other party at all. Stop lying. There was no other party that failed to do things right. It was Democrats.

The funding for interstate systems is 90% from the Fed Govt.

I guess your beloved party talking points forgot to tell you this.

But I do so very much enjoy how you prove my post correct with each post of yours
The funding for interstate systems is 90% from the Fed Govt.

I guess your beloved party talking points forgot to tell you this.

But I do so very much enjoy how you prove my post correct with each post of yours
Is it a Federal bridge? What Federal road is it on?

You are aware counties are responsible for maintenance of interstates in their jurisdiction, correct?


Now I'm gettin' madder, because about 50 cents of every gallon of fuel sold every day 24/7 365

went to THAT.
Yeah, what political party has been in control of that area for decades, hmm? Democrats.

No other party at all. Stop lying. There was no other party that failed to do things right. It was Democrats.

Actually, it was Republicans. It was Spiro Agnew, who built that bridge when he was governor of Maryland.

This is the second bridge collapse from the same company. The bridge they built collapsed in 1970s.

It seems the construction of the bridge is quite controversial since there were more than $30 million in cost overruns and public hearings about all of it.
Is it a Federal bridge? What Federal road is it on?

You do know what the I in I695 stands for, correct?

You are aware counties are responsible for maintenance of interstates in their jurisdiction, correct?

With the help of federal funding.

Now I'm gettin' madder, because about 50 cents of every gallon of fuel sold every day 24/7 365

went to THAT.

You should be mad, but you are too partisan to be mad at the actual problem.
You didn't hear about people pulling guns at fast food joints that much except in some shitty hood rat infested ghetto back when we treated criminals, dopeheads and crazy people like what they truly are. We discouraged their kind and we seperated them from society.

This kind of nonsense will be allowed to fester and grow, they will continue fostering criminals, nutballs and dopeheads so they keep doing stuff like this till it gets so bad they can justify taking guns from the 95% of gun owners that have never caused a problem.

20 or 25 years ago dumb shit like this barely happened and we didn't have all these shootings. Guns haven't changed as guns are still guns, which tells me our society is getting worse.

Mortimer? ;)
You do know what the I in I695 stands for, correct?

With the help of federal funding.

You should be mad, but you are too partisan to be mad at the actual problem.
Who's in the hot seat, hmm? It's not like the problem didn't fail to be addressed for years before these guys though. All Democrat predecessors. :rolleyes-41:

We have decided that Crazy people have an unfettered right to guns because the Founding Slave Owners couldn't properly phrase a militia amendment.

This is the result.
Shall NOT BE INFRINGED. Just because there are some crazy people with guns, that does NOT give you or the government the right to disarm anyone.
You didn't hear about people pulling guns at fast food joints that much except in some shitty hood rat infested ghetto back when we treated criminals, dopeheads and crazy people like what they truly are. We discouraged their kind and we seperated them from society.

This kind of nonsense will be allowed to fester and grow, they will continue fostering criminals, nutballs and dopeheads so they keep doing stuff like this till it gets so bad they can justify taking guns from the 95% of gun owners that have never caused a problem.

20 or 25 years ago dumb shit like this barely happened and we didn't have all these shootings. Guns haven't changed as guns are still guns, which tells me our society is getting worse.
That's their plan. However, as with all Democrat plans, there will be disastrous and unintended consequences,

because they really don't ever think things through to logical conclusions.
Who's in the hot seat, hmm? It's not like the problem didn't fail to be addressed for years before these guys though. All Democrat predecessors. :rolleyes-41:

Ya gotta admit, despite the fun aspect of it, arguing with these simpletons sometimes gets old.

It's like, each and every day they just stepped out of a time warp.
We have decided that Crazy people have an unfettered right to guns because the Founding Slave Owners couldn't properly phrase a militia amendment.

This is the result.

No, we had crazy people locked up back then as well.
It is the idea that you do not have to lock up crazy people and instead you can just lock up all the guns is what makes no sense.
Not only is it harmful to everyone to try to lock up guns, but crazy people not only will still get them, but they also can just use other weapons.

As far as the "militia", that obviously is everyone except the crazy people who you should have already locked up.
When you chase away someone who was trying to break into your parked car at night, THAT IS the "militia" at work.

There can never be any advantage at all to "fettering" gun access.
As soon as you distinguish average citizens from the police, you have a dictatorship.
No, we had crazy people locked up back then as well.
It is the idea that you do not have to lock up crazy people and instead you can just lock up all the guns is what makes no sense.
Not only is it harmful to everyone to try to lock up guns, but crazy people not only will still get them, but they also can just use other weapons.
I do think the shuttering of mental hospitals was a terrible (and bipartisan) idea.

That said, about 18% of the population suffers from some form of mental illness, and you can't lock them all up. You can make it a lot harder for them to get guns.

As far as the "militia", that obviously is everyone except the crazy people who you should have already locked up.
When you chase away someone who was trying to break into your parked car at night, THAT IS the "militia" at work.
No, that's just stupid.
If someone is desperate enough to risk jail to steal your car, he's probably more inclined to kill you, and a car isn't worth it. That's why you have insurance.

There can never be any advantage at all to "fettering" gun access.
As soon as you distinguish average citizens from the police, you have a dictatorship.

Quite the contrary. Most other industrialized countries limit or ban private gun ownership, and they are just fine. Their police are less awful as well.

The fact is, in America, we have to equip our cops like soldiers, we have to put security doors and guards on every building, we have to make our kids do active shooter drills because at any moment, some maniac could burst into their classroom and start shooting. This doesn't make me feel terribly "Free" to be honest.

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