People Are So Desperate To Leave California lied by omission and/or you were just is par for your course. Local pay in San Diego adds over $20k to annual salary.
Some about the same as no truth, not that I expect you to be able to parse the difference~

BTW..entry level base pay is only relevant for first year...then you start climbing the steps.

Yes, you start climbing the steps. And that takes time. How long till you get up to GS 11
Yes, you start climbing the steps. And that takes time. How long till you get up to GS 11?

And, yet again. How is someone making 70k going to afford a million dollar house?

Show the math.
I guess, if 1m is your standard. Also, a two income household might well be able to come close to that number

However, looking at the would seem that if $500k is your target..lots to choose from:

I guess, if 1m is your standard. Also, a two income household might well be able to come close to that number

However, looking at the would seem that if $500k is your target..lots to choose from:

How far from the coast do you need to be to get down to the 500k mark?
Yep, I'm sure Newsom and his $32 Billion budget deficit feel the same way.

When, for a few years, CA had a budget surplus, some on the right accused Newsom of stealing from taxpayers.

When the pandemic hit, naturally that's going to cause budget deficits, as budgets are strained by the pandemic.

Seems we can't win with republicans. No matter what happens, they won't be happy.

But they didn't give a rat's ass when Trump's deficits soared.

They only mind deficits if a Democrat is in office.
The remaining 39 million who choose to live here, almost twice that of the next largest state, could care less.

Until the tax money that those folks paid runs out and then the free gravy train stops.

When, for a few years, CA had a budget surplus, some on the right accused Newsom of stealing from taxpayers.

When the pandemic hit, naturally that's going to cause budget deficits, as budgets are strained by the pandemic.

Seems we can't win with republicans. No matter what happens, they won't be happy.

But they didn't give a rat's ass when Trump's deficits soared.

They only mind deficits if a Democrat is in office.

Cali NEVER had a surplus. It was Newsom and company, cooking the books to create the illusion of one.

Morons, like you, believed the lies.
When, for a few years, CA had a budget surplus, some on the right accused Newsom of stealing from taxpayers.

When the pandemic hit, naturally that's going to cause budget deficits, as budgets are strained by the pandemic.

Seems we can't win with republicans. No matter what happens, they won't be happy.

But they didn't give a rat's ass when Trump's deficits soared.

They only mind deficits if a Democrat is in office.
Yep, going from a $98 Billion surplus to a $32 Billion deficit in a matter of months is one hell of a win, only an idiot liberal can appreciate.
Yep, going from a $98 Billion surplus to a $32 Billion deficit in a matter of months is one hell of a win, only an idiot liberal can appreciate.

Fuck you. Clearly, you are not interested in objective discourse.
When, for a few years, CA had a budget surplus, some on the right accused Newsom of stealing from taxpayers.

When the pandemic hit, naturally that's going to cause budget deficits, as budgets are strained by the pandemic.

Seems we can't win with republicans. No matter what happens, they won't be happy.

But they didn't give a rat's ass when Trump's deficits soared.

They only mind deficits if a Democrat is in office.
California has never had a budget surplus. California has had numerous PROJECTED budget surpluses. Those are quickly spent leading to the deficit we now enjoy.
California has never had a budget surplus. California has had numerous PROJECTED budget surpluses. Those are quickly spent leading to the deficit we now enjoy.


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