People aren't Buying Trump's BS Anymore.

Trump's in trouble. The country is doing poorly, Many other countries have handled Covid substantially better, and Trump looks very bad after getting Covid, and then spreading it. Trump supporters can cry all they want, but right now Trump has a problem.

Trump supporters are brainwashed, and will never admit reality, but that only represents about 34% of the electorate. Trump still needs another 15-17% and he is not going to get it.

People are tired of all the BS, lies, and stupidity from Trump. That only works when the country has record low unemployment. When the US has serious problems, and Trump isn't taking the problems seriously, it makes him look very bad. Trump's unhinged and insane governing only works when things are goin well.

Cry all you want, but Trump has a serious problem, injecting bleach will not solve this problem, despite what Trump recomends...
You only have Trump and his behavior to blame.

and so you are buying bidens bullshit?....
You want to talk about bullshit?. No one can listen to this and not realize that Trump is a demented and feckless liar

Just a sampling

The U.S. death toll from the COVID-19 pandemic increased by over 900 to 212,000-plus before Trump appeared on the program, but he told Limbaugh the country was nonetheless "rounding the term" in fighting the virus.

Trump also falsely claimed that a "cure" for the virus had been discovered.

Attempting to explain why California voters opposed him in 2016 and are likely to do so this year, Trump falsely claimed that Californians vote "three times" and suggested he could win the state. The most recent polling in California shows him losing to Biden by an average of 31.7 points.

He continued to attack the Mueller report, which showed him attempting to obstruct the investigation into whether his campaign colluded with Russia. He returned several times throughout the interview to the subject of his impeachment by the House of Representatives.
so i take it you are buying bidens bullshit?....
What bullshit? Be specific. I am not going to try to read your mind or go on a fishing trip.
just about everything he says.....we have heard all that bullshit before....i will do this,i promise to do that.....if you people believe these jerks than you people are pretty dam gullible....a politician should never promise to do anything,they should tell you i will do my many of their promises just never seem to get done,and then they always have an excuse.....and that goes for trump too....
People are tired of all the BS, lies, and stupidity from Trump. That only works when the country has record low unemployment. When the US has serious problems, and Trump isn't taking the problems seriously, it makes him look very bad. Trump's unhinged and insane governing only works when things are goin well.

Cry all you want, but Trump has a serious problem, injecting bleach will not solve this problem, despite what Trump recomends...
You only have Trump and his behavior to blame.
People are tired of all the BS, lies, and stupidity from Biden/BLM/etc. That only works when the country has record low unemployment. When the US has serious problems, and Biden isn't taking the problems seriously, it makes him look very bad. Biden's unhinged and insane governing only works when things are goin well.

Cry all you want, but Biden has a serious problem, injecting bleach will not solve this problem, despite what Biden recomends...
You only have Biden/BLM/Dems and their behavior to blame.

LOL, you were talking about Rump all along and you even went into his suggestion of injecting bleach. Can't you losers keep your insults strait? No fair writing down all Rumps bad habits and just changing the name to Bidne
Trump's in trouble. The country is doing poorly, Many other countries have handled Covid substantially better, and Trump looks very bad after getting Covid, and then spreading it. Trump supporters can cry all they want, but right now Trump has a problem.

Trump supporters are brainwashed, and will never admit reality, but that only represents about 34% of the electorate. Trump still needs another 15-17% and he is not going to get it.

People are tired of all the BS, lies, and stupidity from Trump. That only works when the country has record low unemployment. When the US has serious problems, and Trump isn't taking the problems seriously, it makes him look very bad. Trump's unhinged and insane governing only works when things are goin well.

Cry all you want, but Trump has a serious problem, injecting bleach will not solve this problem, despite what Trump recomends...
You only have Trump and his behavior to blame.

and so you are buying bidens bullshit?....
You want to talk about bullshit?. No one can listen to this and not realize that Trump is a demented and feckless liar

Just a sampling

The U.S. death toll from the COVID-19 pandemic increased by over 900 to 212,000-plus before Trump appeared on the program, but he told Limbaugh the country was nonetheless "rounding the term" in fighting the virus.

Trump also falsely claimed that a "cure" for the virus had been discovered.

Attempting to explain why California voters opposed him in 2016 and are likely to do so this year, Trump falsely claimed that Californians vote "three times" and suggested he could win the state. The most recent polling in California shows him losing to Biden by an average of 31.7 points.

He continued to attack the Mueller report, which showed him attempting to obstruct the investigation into whether his campaign colluded with Russia. He returned several times throughout the interview to the subject of his impeachment by the House of Representatives.
so i take it you are buying bidens bullshit?....
What bullshit? Be specific. I am not going to try to read your mind or go on a fishing trip.
just about everything he says.....we have heard all that bullshit before....i will do this,i promise to do that.....if you people believe these jerks than you people are pretty dam gullible....a politician should never promise to do anything,they should tell you i will do my many of their promises just never seem to get done,and then they always have an excuse.....and that goes for trump too....
I said be specific! Can you do that. ? Otherwise it is just all bullshit. I'm not playing your game
People are tired of all the BS, lies, and stupidity from Trump. That only works when the country has record low unemployment. When the US has serious problems, and Trump isn't taking the problems seriously, it makes him look very bad. Trump's unhinged and insane governing only works when things are goin well.

Cry all you want, but Trump has a serious problem, injecting bleach will not solve this problem, despite what Trump recomends...
You only have Trump and his behavior to blame.
People are tired of all the BS, lies, and stupidity from Biden/BLM/etc. That only works when the country has record low unemployment. When the US has serious problems, and Biden isn't taking the problems seriously, it makes him look very bad. Biden's unhinged and insane governing only works when things are goin well.

Cry all you want, but Biden has a serious problem, injecting bleach will not solve this problem, despite what Biden recomends...
You only have Biden/BLM/Dems and their behavior to blame.

LOL, you were talking about Rump all along and you even went into his suggestion of injecting bleach. Can't you losers keep your insults strait? No fair writing down all Rumps bad habits and just changing the name to Bidne
Lol, damn you're stupid. You can't even tell when Trump is pulling your leg.
Trump's in trouble. The country is doing poorly, Many other countries have handled Covid substantially better, and Trump looks very bad after getting Covid, and then spreading it. Trump supporters can cry all they want, but right now Trump has a problem.

Trump supporters are brainwashed, and will never admit reality, but that only represents about 34% of the electorate. Trump still needs another 15-17% and he is not going to get it.

People are tired of all the BS, lies, and stupidity from Trump. That only works when the country has record low unemployment. When the US has serious problems, and Trump isn't taking the problems seriously, it makes him look very bad. Trump's unhinged and insane governing only works when things are goin well.

Cry all you want, but Trump has a serious problem, injecting bleach will not solve this problem, despite what Trump recomends...
You only have Trump and his behavior to blame.

The WHO just made it clear that the democrat lockdown response made poor people poorer. Indeed that is all it did according to them.

All democrats did was fucking over their own constituents. I am sure they will forgive it because "Orange Man Bad".

I don't know if this is the good news or the bad news but it appears through complete disregard and stipidity it's the Party of the Rumpers time to catch Covid. Now make sure you put a big smooch on Rump when you go see him next. And finish that Big Mac he's been eating.
Trump's in trouble. The country is doing poorly, Many other countries have handled Covid substantially better, and Trump looks very bad after getting Covid, and then spreading it. Trump supporters can cry all they want, but right now Trump has a problem.

Trump supporters are brainwashed, and will never admit reality, but that only represents about 34% of the electorate. Trump still needs another 15-17% and he is not going to get it.

People are tired of all the BS, lies, and stupidity from Trump. That only works when the country has record low unemployment. When the US has serious problems, and Trump isn't taking the problems seriously, it makes him look very bad. Trump's unhinged and insane governing only works when things are goin well.

Cry all you want, but Trump has a serious problem, injecting bleach will not solve this problem, despite what Trump recomends...
You only have Trump and his behavior to blame.

The WHO just made it clear that the democrat lockdown response made poor people poorer. Indeed that is all it did according to them.

All democrats did was fucking over their own constituents. I am sure they will forgive it because "Orange Man Bad".

I don't know if this is the good news or the bad news but it appears through complete disregard and stipidity it's the Party of the Rumpers time to catch Covid. Now make sure you put a big smooch on Rump when you go see him next. And finish that Big Mac he's been eating.

More science deniers appear.
An impeached President is going to win over the Democrat candidate in a landslide. How embarrassing.
Democrats have done everything humanly or even inhumanly possible to destroy the country and blame Trump. They bought a Chinese virus and spread it. They hyped up and magnified the effects of that virus. They locked down the country to smother the economy. Democrats then created the color revolution and armed thugs to burn the cities and beat the citizens. For all they have done those communist democrats believe they can blame Trump and no one will notice.

We all noticed. November is when we take our revenge.
Trump's in trouble. The country is doing poorly, Many other countries have handled Covid substantially better, and Trump looks very bad after getting Covid, and then spreading it. Trump supporters can cry all they want, but right now Trump has a problem.

Trump supporters are brainwashed, and will never admit reality, but that only represents about 34% of the electorate. Trump still needs another 15-17% and he is not going to get it.

People are tired of all the BS, lies, and stupidity from Trump. That only works when the country has record low unemployment. When the US has serious problems, and Trump isn't taking the problems seriously, it makes him look very bad. Trump's unhinged and insane governing only works when things are goin well.

Cry all you want, but Trump has a serious problem, injecting bleach will not solve this problem, despite what Trump recomends...
You only have Trump and his behavior to blame.

“Trump's unhinged and insane governing only works when things are goin well.”

The only unhinged and insane governing us sane folks have witnessed over the last 3.75 years has come from your twisted fucked in the head mayors, governors and the 116th Congress.
Good real Americans have stayed focused on winning despite the Democrat/Chinese Virus...We omit the Dem Virus from factoring...we still see the following:
a record stock market
record low unemployment
higher wages
blacks being pried from the taxpayer tit in record numbers
lower taxes for our most productive citizens
beaners shut down at our border and being sent home to Mehico
our best citizens unified like never before
a collapsing Leftist movement
Etc etc
Trump's in trouble. The country is doing poorly, Many other countries have handled Covid substantially better, and Trump looks very bad after getting Covid, and then spreading it. Trump supporters can cry all they want, but right now Trump has a problem.

Trump supporters are brainwashed, and will never admit reality, but that only represents about 34% of the electorate. Trump still needs another 15-17% and he is not going to get it.

People are tired of all the BS, lies, and stupidity from Trump. That only works when the country has record low unemployment. When the US has serious problems, and Trump isn't taking the problems seriously, it makes him look very bad. Trump's unhinged and insane governing only works when things are goin well.

Cry all you want, but Trump has a serious problem, injecting bleach will not solve this problem, despite what Trump recomends...
You only have Trump and his behavior to blame.

and so you are buying bidens bullshit?....
You want to talk about bullshit?. No one can listen to this and not realize that Trump is a demented and feckless liar

Just a sampling

The U.S. death toll from the COVID-19 pandemic increased by over 900 to 212,000-plus before Trump appeared on the program, but he told Limbaugh the country was nonetheless "rounding the term" in fighting the virus.

Trump also falsely claimed that a "cure" for the virus had been discovered.

Attempting to explain why California voters opposed him in 2016 and are likely to do so this year, Trump falsely claimed that Californians vote "three times" and suggested he could win the state. The most recent polling in California shows him losing to Biden by an average of 31.7 points.

He continued to attack the Mueller report, which showed him attempting to obstruct the investigation into whether his campaign colluded with Russia. He returned several times throughout the interview to the subject of his impeachment by the House of Representatives.
so i take it you are buying bidens bullshit?....
What bullshit? Be specific. I am not going to try to read your mind or go on a fishing trip.
just about everything he says.....we have heard all that bullshit before....i will do this,i promise to do that.....if you people believe these jerks than you people are pretty dam gullible....a politician should never promise to do anything,they should tell you i will do my many of their promises just never seem to get done,and then they always have an excuse.....and that goes for trump too....
I said be specific! Can you do that. ? Otherwise it is just all bullshit. I'm not playing your game
no its how me and many others feel about the bull politicians tell belive it all because you are probably one of them die hard party people....biden says he will make the rich pay their fair share...he will close the loop holes they use.....we have heard that all before.....under him and obama the rich got richer,why should i believe him now?...
Trump's in trouble. The country is doing poorly, Many other countries have handled Covid substantially better, and Trump looks very bad after getting Covid, and then spreading it. Trump supporters can cry all they want, but right now Trump has a problem.

Trump supporters are brainwashed, and will never admit reality, but that only represents about 34% of the electorate. Trump still needs another 15-17% and he is not going to get it.

People are tired of all the BS, lies, and stupidity from Trump. That only works when the country has record low unemployment. When the US has serious problems, and Trump isn't taking the problems seriously, it makes him look very bad. Trump's unhinged and insane governing only works when things are goin well.

Cry all you want, but Trump has a serious problem, injecting bleach will not solve this problem, despite what Trump recomends...
You only have Trump and his behavior to blame.

and so you are buying bidens bullshit?....
You want to talk about bullshit?. No one can listen to this and not realize that Trump is a demented and feckless liar

Just a sampling

The U.S. death toll from the COVID-19 pandemic increased by over 900 to 212,000-plus before Trump appeared on the program, but he told Limbaugh the country was nonetheless "rounding the term" in fighting the virus.

Trump also falsely claimed that a "cure" for the virus had been discovered.

Attempting to explain why California voters opposed him in 2016 and are likely to do so this year, Trump falsely claimed that Californians vote "three times" and suggested he could win the state. The most recent polling in California shows him losing to Biden by an average of 31.7 points.

He continued to attack the Mueller report, which showed him attempting to obstruct the investigation into whether his campaign colluded with Russia. He returned several times throughout the interview to the subject of his impeachment by the House of Representatives.
so i take it you are buying bidens bullshit?....
What bullshit? Be specific. I am not going to try to read your mind or go on a fishing trip.
just about everything he says.....we have heard all that bullshit before....i will do this,i promise to do that.....if you people believe these jerks than you people are pretty dam gullible....a politician should never promise to do anything,they should tell you i will do my many of their promises just never seem to get done,and then they always have an excuse.....and that goes for trump too....
I said be specific! Can you do that. ? Otherwise it is just all bullshit. I'm not playing your game
no its how me and many others feel about the bull politicians tell belive it all because you are probably one of them die hard party people....biden says he will make the rich pay their fair share...he will close the loop holes they use.....we have heard that all before.....under him and obama the rich got richer,why should i believe him now?...
Inequality has gotten worse under Trump. Biden will turn that around.

Inequality steadily increased from around 1979 to 2007, with a small reduction through 2016, followed by an increase from 2016–2018.
Trump's in trouble. The country is doing poorly, Many other countries have handled Covid substantially better, and Trump looks very bad after getting Covid, and then spreading it. Trump supporters can cry all they want, but right now Trump has a problem.

Trump supporters are brainwashed, and will never admit reality, but that only represents about 34% of the electorate. Trump still needs another 15-17% and he is not going to get it.

People are tired of all the BS, lies, and stupidity from Trump. That only works when the country has record low unemployment. When the US has serious problems, and Trump isn't taking the problems seriously, it makes him look very bad. Trump's unhinged and insane governing only works when things are goin well.

Cry all you want, but Trump has a serious problem, injecting bleach will not solve this problem, despite what Trump recomends...
You only have Trump and his behavior to blame.

I wouldnt bank on all those negative vibes about President Trump, Mr. Banker.
Last edited:
Trump's in trouble. The country is doing poorly, Many other countries have handled Covid substantially better, and Trump looks very bad after getting Covid, and then spreading it. Trump supporters can cry all they want, but right now Trump has a problem.

Trump supporters are brainwashed, and will never admit reality, but that only represents about 34% of the electorate. Trump still needs another 15-17% and he is not going to get it.

People are tired of all the BS, lies, and stupidity from Trump. That only works when the country has record low unemployment. When the US has serious problems, and Trump isn't taking the problems seriously, it makes him look very bad. Trump's unhinged and insane governing only works when things are goin well.

Cry all you want, but Trump has a serious problem, injecting bleach will not solve this problem, despite what Trump recomends...
You only have Trump and his behavior to blame.

and so you are buying bidens bullshit?....
You want to talk about bullshit?. No one can listen to this and not realize that Trump is a demented and feckless liar

Just a sampling

The U.S. death toll from the COVID-19 pandemic increased by over 900 to 212,000-plus before Trump appeared on the program, but he told Limbaugh the country was nonetheless "rounding the term" in fighting the virus.

Trump also falsely claimed that a "cure" for the virus had been discovered.

Attempting to explain why California voters opposed him in 2016 and are likely to do so this year, Trump falsely claimed that Californians vote "three times" and suggested he could win the state. The most recent polling in California shows him losing to Biden by an average of 31.7 points.

He continued to attack the Mueller report, which showed him attempting to obstruct the investigation into whether his campaign colluded with Russia. He returned several times throughout the interview to the subject of his impeachment by the House of Representatives.

How about you come up with the actual transcript instead of a biased opinion piece hit job?
Trump's in trouble. The country is doing poorly, Many other countries have handled Covid substantially better, and Trump looks very bad after getting Covid, and then spreading it. Trump supporters can cry all they want, but right now Trump has a problem.

Trump supporters are brainwashed, and will never admit reality, but that only represents about 34% of the electorate. Trump still needs another 15-17% and he is not going to get it.

People are tired of all the BS, lies, and stupidity from Trump. That only works when the country has record low unemployment. When the US has serious problems, and Trump isn't taking the problems seriously, it makes him look very bad. Trump's unhinged and insane governing only works when things are goin well.

Cry all you want, but Trump has a serious problem, injecting bleach will not solve this problem, despite what Trump recomends...
You only have Trump and his behavior to blame.

Zero blame on China? Zero blame on the biased media? You’re dishonest.
Trump's in trouble. The country is doing poorly, Many other countries have handled Covid substantially better, and Trump looks very bad after getting Covid, and then spreading it. Trump supporters can cry all they want, but right now Trump has a problem.

Trump supporters are brainwashed, and will never admit reality, but that only represents about 34% of the electorate. Trump still needs another 15-17% and he is not going to get it.

People are tired of all the BS, lies, and stupidity from Trump. That only works when the country has record low unemployment. When the US has serious problems, and Trump isn't taking the problems seriously, it makes him look very bad. Trump's unhinged and insane governing only works when things are goin well.

Cry all you want, but Trump has a serious problem, injecting bleach will not solve this problem, despite what Trump recomends...
You only have Trump and his behavior to blame.

and so you are buying bidens bullshit?....
You want to talk about bullshit?. No one can listen to this and not realize that Trump is a demented and feckless liar

Just a sampling

The U.S. death toll from the COVID-19 pandemic increased by over 900 to 212,000-plus before Trump appeared on the program, but he told Limbaugh the country was nonetheless "rounding the term" in fighting the virus.

Trump also falsely claimed that a "cure" for the virus had been discovered.

Attempting to explain why California voters opposed him in 2016 and are likely to do so this year, Trump falsely claimed that Californians vote "three times" and suggested he could win the state. The most recent polling in California shows him losing to Biden by an average of 31.7 points.

He continued to attack the Mueller report, which showed him attempting to obstruct the investigation into whether his campaign colluded with Russia. He returned several times throughout the interview to the subject of his impeachment by the House of Representatives.

How about you come up with the actual transcript instead of a biased opinion piece hit job?
It's what he said! Try to refute it if you can.
Yeah..the counties handled the virus better are republican controlled one but watch the libs spin chit like no one knows the truth.

The left have nothing but lies and meaningless polls to run on. President Trump crushed them on all the issues important to voters. So Dems flail in all directions. At this point they are suffering PTSD.
Really? Lets just take one issue for now. Health care. He has been saying that he has a terrific plan for 5 years now. A plan that will affordable, cover everyone and protect those with pre existing conditions. WHERE IS THE FUCKING PLAN?!! Most Americans are not as stupid as you apparently are.. The executive order that he signed regarding pre existing conditions is a sham and unenforceable. At the same time, he is in court trying to get the whole ACA tossed out. Give me a fucking break. In a related issue, he has botched the Covid response miserably and Americans know that too.
You disagree

Please explain. That is reality. Deal with it.

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