People getting fired

Did any one else make similar claims?

That is so funny. I love how you keep supporting my point that you're a Democrat, not a woman. This standard applies for you only when it's a Republican. With Slick, you still weren't sure and he had way more accusers than Porter does.

The right answer is that for Slick and Porter the answer is overwhelmingly, guilty
Ya, when did the abuse take place, and why wrent the police called? These woman are nothing but opportunist. Political hit nothing more.

Gotcha. His spouses keep getting in bar fights then taking pictures and saying it was him. Dose dastwardly wabbits.

The photos and multiple accusers actually is a pretty good indication the guy's a wife beater. Be real

You don’t get shit stupid. If he flat decked those bitches I don’t care. Especially when you have the Kennedy Klan who can rape and kill woman and get called heros for it. Point is, even if these bimbos did get a tune up from a chief Trumpkin, it has no Bering on anything. If it was not reported to the police why is a security clearance even an issue? You need to be less of a sheep.
Oh...that makes it all right then

Okay, coyote assaulted my wife. Stabbed her in the arm and stole her wallet. I have proof here,

View attachment 176060

Evidance is right there. Say I sent that to your local law enforcers? Say I sent it to your boss because I knew you worked at a job where it could really be an issue. Item though it’s utter bullshit, you would likelget stuffed in a hole or fired to avoid the hassle. All on some bull shit . So if the guy did it, fine, what was the disposing of the case? Were there criminal charges brought?

So you think that's equivalent to a picture of Porter's wife with a black eye? Seriously? If it were only here that's one thing, but his other ex-wife is saying the same thing.

Wife beaters are sick degenerates who deserve to have someone bigger and stronger beat the shit out of them. They don't belong in White House jobs for either party.

Coyote's with me 50% there. Depends on the party for her
If. Dem showed up with the same level of compelling evidence I would agree. But if it boils down to he said/she said...who is believed?
You just said an employer should have the right to fire anyone for any reason.

That would include an unproven allegation.


And the employee has the right to sue for defamation of character.

But this situation goes far beyond Porter, into the whole Salem "#metoo" trials, except this time there are no trials, the Gestapo media is fed a victim and then destroys them.

The fallout of this is destroying the career path of women across this nation. No one in their right mind will hire a women in this climate. To protect oneself and one's company, women must be purged from the work place.

I know, you think you'll pass laws that companies must hire women. But how will you enforce them short of state ownership of the means of production.. Oh wait, I think I see the endgame of the Maoist democrats...
Did any one else make similar claims?

That is so funny. I love how you keep supporting my point that you're a Democrat, not a woman. This standard applies for you only when it's a Republican. With Slick, you still weren't sure and he had way more accusers than Porter does.

The right answer is that for Slick and Porter the answer is overwhelmingly, guilty
Clinton and Trump are similar in terms of accusations and evidence.

Porter is not.

It is not D or R.
Trump has "doubled down" on defending Porter; sending out a Tweet defending "due process" since he believes a woman's accusation can ruin lives! The man is so touched in the head; but no more so than the people who are still supporting him! :aargh: :ack-1::dunno:

Ya, when did the abuse take place, and why wrent the police called? These woman are nothing but opportunist. Political hit nothing more.

Gotcha. His spouses keep getting in bar fights then taking pictures and saying it was him. Dose dastwardly wabbits.

The photos and multiple accusers actually is a pretty good indication the guy's a wife beater. Be real

You don’t get shit stupid. If he flat decked those bitches I don’t care. Especially when you have the Kennedy Klan who can rape and kill woman and get called heros for it. Point is, even if these bimbos did get a tune up from a chief Trumpkin, it has no Bering on anything. If it was not reported to the police why is a security clearance even an issue? You need to be less of a sheep.
Oh...that makes it all right then

Makes WHAT all right?

She was pointing out that Porter isn't a Democrat and therefore is guilty whereas if a Democrat was accused we aren't sure no matter how much evidence there is or how many accusers there are
Kaz, why do you believe the Clinton accusers but say the Trump accusers we’re lying?

R and D?
What is the difference between Juanita Broderick's accusations and Jennifer Willoughby's?
None, except the man involved. You're not fooling anyone.

rape vs a punch in the eye? you see those as equal?
Don't change the subject. Your stance here has been we should take no action on allegations/information about wrongdoing until there is a guilty verdict by the courts. The accusation itself is not the argument you've made.
The two women have made serious accusations that have not returned a guilty verdict. You believe Broderick but not Willoughby. Why?

You believe Anita Hill but not Clarence Thomas. Why? She had zero evidence, no witnesses and no other accusers.

Could it be the D after her name and the R after his? By Jove, I believe it could ...
I think it actually might have more to do with being a woman than a Dem. I'm not a Dem.

Why do you people insist on that lame lie?

It just happens that the Democrats are right on every issue. But you're not one of them, you just happen through independent research and self reflection to come to the conclusion they are right every time.

I'm having the same discussion with Moonglow who every time I ask why he's a "Republican" blasts the Republicans. You're a hoot.

Oh, and it just happens through independent research and self reflection the Democrat is always the better candidate, LOL
You some sort of creepy stalker keeping track of my stance on every issue here? No? Then don't keep pushing lies as if you know what you're talking about. I come down on the liberal side of things a lot. Ask any of the real Democrats around here if I'm always with them, though.
Ya, when did the abuse take place, and why wrent the police called? These woman are nothing but opportunist. Political hit nothing more.

Gotcha. His spouses keep getting in bar fights then taking pictures and saying it was him. Dose dastwardly wabbits.

The photos and multiple accusers actually is a pretty good indication the guy's a wife beater. Be real

You don’t get shit stupid. If he flat decked those bitches I don’t care. Especially when you have the Kennedy Klan who can rape and kill woman and get called heros for it. Point is, even if these bimbos did get a tune up from a chief Trumpkin, it has no Bering on anything. If it was not reported to the police why is a security clearance even an issue? You need to be less of a sheep.
Oh...that makes it all right then
Oh....having no conviction makes it alright then.

Depends. If it went to trial and was declared innocent or thrown out for lack of evidence then yes that is how our system works.

Just FYI, there is no "innocent" verdict in courts. There is a "not guilty" verdict. But all that means is you were not proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. It doesn't prove you were actually innocent
Ya, when did the abuse take place, and why wrent the police called? These woman are nothing but opportunist. Political hit nothing more.

Gotcha. His spouses keep getting in bar fights then taking pictures and saying it was him. Dose dastwardly wabbits.

The photos and multiple accusers actually is a pretty good indication the guy's a wife beater. Be real

You don’t get shit stupid. If he flat decked those bitches I don’t care. Especially when you have the Kennedy Klan who can rape and kill woman and get called heros for it. Point is, even if these bimbos did get a tune up from a chief Trumpkin, it has no Bering on anything. If it was not reported to the police why is a security clearance even an issue? You need to be less of a sheep.
Oh...that makes it all right then

Makes WHAT all right?

She was pointing out that Porter isn't a Democrat and therefore is guilty whereas if a Democrat was accused we aren't sure no matter how much evidence there is or how many accusers there are
I have NO love for the Kennedy’s :lol:
Gotcha. His spouses keep getting in bar fights then taking pictures and saying it was him. Dose dastwardly wabbits.

The photos and multiple accusers actually is a pretty good indication the guy's a wife beater. Be real

You don’t get shit stupid. If he flat decked those bitches I don’t care. Especially when you have the Kennedy Klan who can rape and kill woman and get called heros for it. Point is, even if these bimbos did get a tune up from a chief Trumpkin, it has no Bering on anything. If it was not reported to the police why is a security clearance even an issue? You need to be less of a sheep.
Oh...that makes it all right then
Oh....having no conviction makes it alright then.

Depends. If it went to trial and was declared innocent or thrown out for lack of evidence then yes that is how our system works.

Just FYI, there is no "innocent" verdict in courts. There is a "not guilty" verdict. But all that means is you were not proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. It doesn't prove you were actually innocent
True. But we take it as innocent.
Gotcha. His spouses keep getting in bar fights then taking pictures and saying it was him. Dose dastwardly wabbits.

The photos and multiple accusers actually is a pretty good indication the guy's a wife beater. Be real

You don’t get shit stupid. If he flat decked those bitches I don’t care. Especially when you have the Kennedy Klan who can rape and kill woman and get called heros for it. Point is, even if these bimbos did get a tune up from a chief Trumpkin, it has no Bering on anything. If it was not reported to the police why is a security clearance even an issue? You need to be less of a sheep.
Oh...that makes it all right then

Okay, coyote assaulted my wife. Stabbed her in the arm and stole her wallet. I have proof here,

View attachment 176060

Evidance is right there. Say I sent that to your local law enforcers? Say I sent it to your boss because I knew you worked at a job where it could really be an issue. Item though it’s utter bullshit, you would likelget stuffed in a hole or fired to avoid the hassle. All on some bull shit . So if the guy did it, fine, what was the disposing of the case? Were there criminal charges brought?

So you think that's equivalent to a picture of Porter's wife with a black eye? Seriously? If it were only here that's one thing, but his other ex-wife is saying the same thing.

Wife beaters are sick degenerates who deserve to have someone bigger and stronger beat the shit out of them. They don't belong in White House jobs for either party.

Coyote's with me 50% there. Depends on the party for her
If. Dem showed up with the same level of compelling evidence I would agree. But if it boils down to he said/she said...who is believed?

Leave it to the voters, EXCEPT, if there are laws or rules that prevent this guy from getting a security clearance. To be fair, it’s okay to make a big deal about this. If the indecent was kept quiet, could Russian spies use it to black mail the guy? So fine, get it out in the light and see what’s what. Don’t get sucked into the show and pulled to a side.
Gotcha. His spouses keep getting in bar fights then taking pictures and saying it was him. Dose dastwardly wabbits.

The photos and multiple accusers actually is a pretty good indication the guy's a wife beater. Be real

You don’t get shit stupid. If he flat decked those bitches I don’t care. Especially when you have the Kennedy Klan who can rape and kill woman and get called heros for it. Point is, even if these bimbos did get a tune up from a chief Trumpkin, it has no Bering on anything. If it was not reported to the police why is a security clearance even an issue? You need to be less of a sheep.
Oh...that makes it all right then
Oh....having no conviction makes it alright then.

Depends. If it went to trial and was declared innocent or thrown out for lack of evidence then yes that is how our system works.

Never even filed, not enough evidence that a crime occurred to bother.

divorce is an ugly business. Ex's often harbor rage and hatred that comes close to the rage and hatred you Communists have toward Trump, a level of insanity induced by feelings of betrayal.

If you have an ex, they probably say some pretty ugly things about you as well.

Typically they say things like you were mentally cruel. They don't produce pictures of you with a black eye and say you beat them supported by another ex-spouse who says you did the same to her.

Also, they typically want money and if they make you unemployable, that's hard to get. If they have children that's also a strong thing to do to their father.

Sure, one accusation I could write off. But two and photos, that's hard to ignore
You don’t get shit stupid. If he flat decked those bitches I don’t care. Especially when you have the Kennedy Klan who can rape and kill woman and get called heros for it. Point is, even if these bimbos did get a tune up from a chief Trumpkin, it has no Bering on anything. If it was not reported to the police why is a security clearance even an issue? You need to be less of a sheep.
Oh...that makes it all right then

Okay, coyote assaulted my wife. Stabbed her in the arm and stole her wallet. I have proof here,

View attachment 176060

Evidance is right there. Say I sent that to your local law enforcers? Say I sent it to your boss because I knew you worked at a job where it could really be an issue. Item though it’s utter bullshit, you would likelget stuffed in a hole or fired to avoid the hassle. All on some bull shit . So if the guy did it, fine, what was the disposing of the case? Were there criminal charges brought?

So you think that's equivalent to a picture of Porter's wife with a black eye? Seriously? If it were only here that's one thing, but his other ex-wife is saying the same thing.

Wife beaters are sick degenerates who deserve to have someone bigger and stronger beat the shit out of them. They don't belong in White House jobs for either party.

Coyote's with me 50% there. Depends on the party for her
If. Dem showed up with the same level of compelling evidence I would agree. But if it boils down to he said/she said...who is believed?

Leave it to the voters, EXCEPT, if there are laws or rules that prevent this guy from getting a security clearance. To be fair, it’s okay to make a big deal about this. If the indecent was kept quiet, could Russian spies use it to black mail the guy? So fine, get it out in the light and see what’s what. Don’t get sucked into the show and pulled to a side.
Well said.
Well, that's a lie. There was a 30 day TRO a dozen years ago.

But hey, no ex-wife has ever said anything malicious about their ex-husband.

No need for due process, the accusation is the conviction - heil Stalin.

According to another poster here - there was a police report filed and photos of the victim's wounds. So...that's is a bit more compelling then he said/she said don't you think?

I agree. I don't know enough to convict him in court, but he certainly looks guilty with multiple accusers telling the same stories and the photos. He certainly already has enough evidence against him it should have cost him his job, and fortunately did.

Here's the difference, if we flip parties, you will flip positions and I won't. Slick had many accusers telling the same story, and you couldn't have cared less. And you didn't care when his ho kept leading the publicity lynching.

Kathleen Wiley was even a long time Clinton supporter and Democrat activist and you yawned. This isn't a standard for you. It is for me.

Let's review. Is Coyote for:

Leftist women? Check
Conservative women? Nope
Leftist men? Check
Conservative men? Nope

Hmm, you see what you actually are there?
Coyote: Here is the difference. Clinton’s accusers had their day in court. If there was a photo of one with a beaten face a police report? That rather changes things.

- You're probably not actually reading the discussion because you seldom do, but I'm anti-Porter and said do. BTW, he hasn't actually had a "day in court," your new standard justifying switching sides based on party
- Juanita Broadderick didn't have a day in court either

Coyote: Was Clinton a womanizer? Yes.
Coyote: Did he harass women? I think so.

- Exactly. Coyote's standard. Is multiple accusers telling the same story proof? Democrat - no. Republican - yes. Even when one of the accusers to the Democrat was a long time supporter and activist
- You also are alibiing the the media for hounding Democrat accusers of Republicans and ignoring the reverse
- I looked at Porter and said photos and multiple accusers, the guy's guilty enough to get fired.
- You look at multiple accusers of a Democrat and say "I think so"

Coyote: Did he rape? Not according to the court.
Coyote: Did he beat women? No evidence of it.

- Rape is worse than beating women. And you made that up, the court never said Slick didn't do it. It never went to court. On harassing women though, he paid almost a million for what he did

Coyote: How about the women accusing Trump?

- Well, I didn't vote for Trump for two reasons. First that he's anti-free trade. Second that he's a pig to women. Again, does kaz have a standard? Yes. Coyote? no, not at all.

As for the more extreme accusations though, unfortunately since we know that Democrats paid Democrats to lie, we'll never really know what's true and what was paid for by Democrats. I still find the accusations disturbing though.

If you actually cared about women, you'd be hysterically angry that Democrats paid women to lie. There is nothing more anti-woman than that. This country is growing deaf to the endless fake accusations of sexual harassment and racism. And that's bad because you're protecting the people out there who are actually guilty

I think Trump and Clinton are the same in regards to women. They are pigs. But pigs aren’t necessarily criminals. That is what what the courts determine.

In regards to Broaddrick there were significant problems with her accounts, recants etc....that makes it a bit hard to take as gospel truth.

Btw you realize the Republicans paid the Clinton accusers court costs don’t you. Does that mean they were paid to lie?

I think you are as biased to the R as you say I am to the D.

Ps if you actually read what I have written on these things you would realize I have a lot of concern for a lack of due process going on in this newfound zero tolerance.

Gotcha, this is why you're such a joke. I'm saying I believe Porter is guilty, I'm glad he got fired and I hope he gets the same back.

You're saying Slick is "probably" guilty of harassment.

What a useless douche
For what they do on their own time, things that are in no way job related. Does anyone have a problem with that?

please don't make this about politics, it applies to all parties.


But the current WH seems to have a piss poor HR as they've a disproportionately high number of bad human beings.

We all know that shit attracts flies.
Trump has "doubled down" on defending Porter; sending out a Tweet defending "due process" since he believes a woman's accusation can ruin lives! The man is so touched in the head; but no more so than the people who are still supporting him! :aargh: :ack-1::dunno:

Ya, when did the abuse take place, and why wrent the police called? These woman are nothing but opportunist. Political hit nothing more.

Gotcha. His spouses keep getting in bar fights then taking pictures and saying it was him. Dose dastwardly wabbits.

The photos and multiple accusers actually is a pretty good indication the guy's a wife beater. Be real

You don’t get shit stupid. If he flat decked those bitches I don’t care. Especially when you have the Kennedy Klan who can rape and kill woman and get called heros for it. Point is, even if these bimbos did get a tune up from a chief Trumpkin, it has no Bering on anything. If it was not reported to the police why is a security clearance even an issue? You need to be less of a sheep.
"If he flat decked those bitches i don't care"...says it all, doesn't it?
Gotcha. His spouses keep getting in bar fights then taking pictures and saying it was him. Dose dastwardly wabbits.

The photos and multiple accusers actually is a pretty good indication the guy's a wife beater. Be real

You don’t get shit stupid. If he flat decked those bitches I don’t care. Especially when you have the Kennedy Klan who can rape and kill woman and get called heros for it. Point is, even if these bimbos did get a tune up from a chief Trumpkin, it has no Bering on anything. If it was not reported to the police why is a security clearance even an issue? You need to be less of a sheep.
Oh...that makes it all right then

Okay, coyote assaulted my wife. Stabbed her in the arm and stole her wallet. I have proof here,

View attachment 176060

Evidance is right there. Say I sent that to your local law enforcers? Say I sent it to your boss because I knew you worked at a job where it could really be an issue. Item though it’s utter bullshit, you would likelget stuffed in a hole or fired to avoid the hassle. All on some bull shit . So if the guy did it, fine, what was the disposing of the case? Were there criminal charges brought?

So you think that's equivalent to a picture of Porter's wife with a black eye? Seriously? If it were only here that's one thing, but his other ex-wife is saying the same thing.

Wife beaters are sick degenerates who deserve to have someone bigger and stronger beat the shit out of them. They don't belong in White House jobs for either party.

Coyote's with me 50% there. Depends on the party for her
If. Dem showed up with the same level of compelling evidence I would agree. But if it boils down to he said/she said...who is believed?

Please, you don't believe a pattern of accusations against a Democrat including a long time Democrat activist.

But the answer to your question is two things:

1) Is there a pattern or is it a single accusation. You're not convinced by a pattern against Clinton past "probably" but you totally believe a single accuser against Clarence Thomas with zero witnesses and zero other accusers.

2) What context do you mean? I would not put Clinton in jail for Juanita Broadderick, but he had a history of sexual assault accusations and he lied under oath about it as well as using the power of the Presidency to cover it up. I would not put Porter in jail without more evidence, but there's plenty to fire him had he not quit
According to another poster here - there was a police report filed and photos of the victim's wounds. So...that's is a bit more compelling then he said/she said don't you think?

I agree. I don't know enough to convict him in court, but he certainly looks guilty with multiple accusers telling the same stories and the photos. He certainly already has enough evidence against him it should have cost him his job, and fortunately did.

Here's the difference, if we flip parties, you will flip positions and I won't. Slick had many accusers telling the same story, and you couldn't have cared less. And you didn't care when his ho kept leading the publicity lynching.

Kathleen Wiley was even a long time Clinton supporter and Democrat activist and you yawned. This isn't a standard for you. It is for me.

Let's review. Is Coyote for:

Leftist women? Check
Conservative women? Nope
Leftist men? Check
Conservative men? Nope

Hmm, you see what you actually are there?
Coyote: Here is the difference. Clinton’s accusers had their day in court. If there was a photo of one with a beaten face a police report? That rather changes things.

- You're probably not actually reading the discussion because you seldom do, but I'm anti-Porter and said do. BTW, he hasn't actually had a "day in court," your new standard justifying switching sides based on party
- Juanita Broadderick didn't have a day in court either

Coyote: Was Clinton a womanizer? Yes.
Coyote: Did he harass women? I think so.

- Exactly. Coyote's standard. Is multiple accusers telling the same story proof? Democrat - no. Republican - yes. Even when one of the accusers to the Democrat was a long time supporter and activist
- You also are alibiing the the media for hounding Democrat accusers of Republicans and ignoring the reverse
- I looked at Porter and said photos and multiple accusers, the guy's guilty enough to get fired.
- You look at multiple accusers of a Democrat and say "I think so"

Coyote: Did he rape? Not according to the court.
Coyote: Did he beat women? No evidence of it.

- Rape is worse than beating women. And you made that up, the court never said Slick didn't do it. It never went to court. On harassing women though, he paid almost a million for what he did

Coyote: How about the women accusing Trump?

- Well, I didn't vote for Trump for two reasons. First that he's anti-free trade. Second that he's a pig to women. Again, does kaz have a standard? Yes. Coyote? no, not at all.

As for the more extreme accusations though, unfortunately since we know that Democrats paid Democrats to lie, we'll never really know what's true and what was paid for by Democrats. I still find the accusations disturbing though.

If you actually cared about women, you'd be hysterically angry that Democrats paid women to lie. There is nothing more anti-woman than that. This country is growing deaf to the endless fake accusations of sexual harassment and racism. And that's bad because you're protecting the people out there who are actually guilty

I think Trump and Clinton are the same in regards to women. They are pigs. But pigs aren’t necessarily criminals. That is what what the courts determine.

In regards to Broaddrick there were significant problems with her accounts, recants etc....that makes it a bit hard to take as gospel truth.

Btw you realize the Republicans paid the Clinton accusers court costs don’t you. Does that mean they were paid to lie?

I think you are as biased to the R as you say I am to the D.

Ps if you actually read what I have written on these things you would realize I have a lot of concern for a lack of due process going on in this newfound zero tolerance.

Gotcha, this is why you're such a joke. I'm saying I believe Porter is guilty, I'm glad he got fired and I hope he gets the same back.

You're saying Slick is "probably" guilty of harassment.

What a useless douche
And you said Trumps accusers were lying....hmmmmm

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