People getting fired

So the rightwingers like the OP, who hate unions, the organizations that will fight for a worker's 'due process',

is now a champion of due process?

I have always favored due process. Its you on the left who are wanting to convict based on accusations.

but a lot of you are still dodging the question. Is if OK for someone to lose his or her job for something non job related on their own time?

Sure. If you rob a bank on your own time, I'd say your employer should be well within his rights to fire you.

before or after you are convicted? this is an important question, please think before answering.

I answered your question as you posed it. Now you're going jigger it around?

same question, just amplified a bit. Let me try again, are PC firings justifiable in your mind?
B!tch; Congress was owned by the Republicans! If they had any real proof, those idiots would have impeached him! Grow the FK up sometime and stop being a troll accepting anything and everything conservative! :1peleas: :aug08_031: :blahblah:

I was addressing YOU not who 'owns' the Congress. YOU threatened another Forum member. Now you start calling me names and making stupid accusations....Tell me, do you believe a person should be guilty before being proven innocent? OR does that just apply to the political party you so vehemently hate (for no reason other than you are a hack).

Deflection, victimhood, and rehashing of old news; the pathetic ravings of a conservative troll who doesn't have a leg to stand on! There are so many of you; hence Trump, an admitted pervert is president! Thanks so much; your kids will appreciate it in the future when they're paying for your fk'n mistake! :19: :5_1_12024: :abgg2q.jpg:

we are still paying for your 8 year mistake. doubled the national debt, set race relations back 50 years, ruined the best medical system in the world, made the USA the laughing stock of the world.

Obama = worst president in history, bar none.

Now you're being a delusional TROLL! Obama brought the deficit down after "W" and Trump just signed a tax cut bill that gave to the rich, gave you crumbs, and added another Trillion+ dollars to the Nat'l debt! Go read a book; at least a newspaper before embarrassing yourself like that! :114: :71: :abgg2q.jpg:
B!tch; Congress was owned by the Republicans! If they had any real proof, those idiots would have impeached him! Grow the FK up sometime and stop being a troll accepting anything and everything conservative! :1peleas: :aug08_031: :blahblah:

I was addressing YOU not who 'owns' the Congress. YOU threatened another Forum member. Now you start calling me names and making stupid accusations....Tell me, do you believe a person should be guilty before being proven innocent? OR does that just apply to the political party you so vehemently hate (for no reason other than you are a hack).

Deflection, victimhood, and rehashing of old news; the pathetic ravings of a conservative troll who doesn't have a leg to stand on! There are so many of you; hence Trump, an admitted pervert is president! Thanks so much; your kids will appreciate it in the future when they're paying for your fk'n mistake! :19: :5_1_12024: :abgg2q.jpg:

Answer the question bitch.
So the rightwingers like the OP, who hate unions, the organizations that will fight for a worker's 'due process',

is now a champion of due process?
------------------------------------------ i only dislike PUBLIC Employee Unions . Just saying as comment Carbineer .
B!tch; Congress was owned by the Republicans! If they had any real proof, those idiots would have impeached him! Grow the FK up sometime and stop being a troll accepting anything and everything conservative! :1peleas: :aug08_031: :blahblah:

I was addressing YOU not who 'owns' the Congress. YOU threatened another Forum member. Now you start calling me names and making stupid accusations....Tell me, do you believe a person should be guilty before being proven innocent? OR does that just apply to the political party you so vehemently hate (for no reason other than you are a hack).

Deflection, victimhood, and rehashing of old news; the pathetic ravings of a conservative troll who doesn't have a leg to stand on! There are so many of you; hence Trump, an admitted pervert is president! Thanks so much; your kids will appreciate it in the future when they're paying for your fk'n mistake! :19: :5_1_12024: :abgg2q.jpg:

we are still paying for your 8 year mistake. doubled the national debt, set race relations back 50 years, ruined the best medical system in the world, made the USA the laughing stock of the world.

Obama = worst president in history, bar none.

All lies.

I thought you wanted a non-political thread?

Which, btw, makes one ask, why did you post this thread in Politics if you didn't want it to be political.

yeah, I gave in to the BS, my bad. I always post in politics, probably should have put this in some general category, but the recent firings have been politically motivated, Soooooooooooo
Are you 2 supporting a man in beating up his wife and documented by the police.. He had his wife so scared that she avoided the trial.

Anyone who tries to overpower someone like that, looks like they are covering their tracks.

I, for one, am supporting the law and due process. You, on the other hand, are supporting lynch-mob violence and hatred.

Yeah that is the Kool Aid Trump is feeding you..There is a big movement against domestic violence right now.. Kelly should have let him go when he could not get clearance.


I don't need either you or Trump to tell me that 'innocent until proven guilty' is the law.

Yeah..said the Roy Moore supporters.. People showed how they felt about that, even after Trump supported the scumbag..

Tell me why Porter couldn't get a security clearance..?

So the rightwingers like the OP, who hate unions, the organizations that will fight for a worker's 'due process',

is now a champion of due process?

I have always favored due process. Its you on the left who are wanting to convict based on accusations.

but a lot of you are still dodging the question. Is if OK for someone to lose his or her job for something non job related on their own time?

I’ll answer your question . Depends on what they do .

Lots of jobs can be affected by your private life decisions . You need to be more specific in your examples . High level gov jobs are open to lots of criticism.

before or after being found guilty?

Why don't you give us the case that's on your mind, instead of pretending this is purely hypothetical.
B!tch; Congress was owned by the Republicans! If they had any real proof, those idiots would have impeached him! Grow the FK up sometime and stop being a troll accepting anything and everything conservative! :1peleas: :aug08_031: :blahblah:

I was addressing YOU not who 'owns' the Congress. YOU threatened another Forum member. Now you start calling me names and making stupid accusations....Tell me, do you believe a person should be guilty before being proven innocent? OR does that just apply to the political party you so vehemently hate (for no reason other than you are a hack).

Deflection, victimhood, and rehashing of old news; the pathetic ravings of a conservative troll who doesn't have a leg to stand on! There are so many of you; hence Trump, an admitted pervert is president! Thanks so much; your kids will appreciate it in the future when they're paying for your fk'n mistake! :19: :5_1_12024: :abgg2q.jpg:

we are still paying for your 8 year mistake. doubled the national debt, set race relations back 50 years, ruined the best medical system in the world, made the USA the laughing stock of the world.

Obama = worst president in history, bar none.

All lies.

I thought you wanted a non-political thread?

Which, btw, makes one ask, why did you post this thread in Politics if you didn't want it to be political.

and the comments I made about Obama are 100% true.
So the rightwingers like the OP, who hate unions, the organizations that will fight for a worker's 'due process',

is now a champion of due process?

I have always favored due process. Its you on the left who are wanting to convict based on accusations.

but a lot of you are still dodging the question. Is if OK for someone to lose his or her job for something non job related on their own time?

Sure. If you rob a bank on your own time, I'd say your employer should be well within his rights to fire you.

before or after you are convicted? this is an important question, please think before answering.

The law can hold you in jail without bail before you're convicted if the circumstances warrant it in the eyes of a judge. I don't see why an employer couldn't use similar discretion and precautions.
So the rightwingers like the OP, who hate unions, the organizations that will fight for a worker's 'due process',

is now a champion of due process?

I have always favored due process. Its you on the left who are wanting to convict based on accusations.

but a lot of you are still dodging the question. Is if OK for someone to lose his or her job for something non job related on their own time?

I’ll answer your question . Depends on what they do .

Lots of jobs can be affected by your private life decisions . You need to be more specific in your examples . High level gov jobs are open to lots of criticism.

before or after being found guilty?

Why don't you give us the case that's on your mind, instead of pretending this is purely hypothetical.

it was and is hypothetical, the Porter case is on point because it just happened, but my question was of a general nature since we are seeing more and more people losing their jobs for reasons unrelated to their ability to do their job or actions at the workplace.
So the rightwingers like the OP, who hate unions, the organizations that will fight for a worker's 'due process',

is now a champion of due process?

I have always favored due process. Its you on the left who are wanting to convict based on accusations.

but a lot of you are still dodging the question. Is if OK for someone to lose his or her job for something non job related on their own time?

Sure. If you rob a bank on your own time, I'd say your employer should be well within his rights to fire you.

before or after you are convicted? this is an important question, please think before answering.

The law can hold you in jail without bail before you're convicted if the circumstances warrant it in the eyes of a judge. I don't see why an employer couldn't use similar discretion and precautions.

would the employee wrongly fired be entitled to compensation if later found innocent? This could get very messy.
Are you 2 supporting a man in beating up his wife and documented by the police.. He had his wife so scared that she avoided the trial.

Anyone who tries to overpower someone like that, looks like they are covering their tracks.

I, for one, am supporting the law and due process. You, on the other hand, are supporting lynch-mob violence and hatred.

Yeah that is the Kool Aid Trump is feeding you..There is a big movement against domestic violence right now.. Kelly should have let him go when he could not get clearance.


I don't need either you or Trump to tell me that 'innocent until proven guilty' is the law.

Yeah..said the Roy Moore supporters.. People showed how they felt about that, even after Trump supported the scumbag..

Tell me why Porter couldn't get a security clearance..?

----------------------------------------------- doesn't matter does it , The TRUMP had Porter working without a Security Clearance i GUESS EWing. Porter was let go or resigned due to silly outcry by dems , lefties , rinos , YOU and others is all that happened EWings .
So the rightwingers like the OP, who hate unions, the organizations that will fight for a worker's 'due process',

is now a champion of due process?

I have always favored due process. Its you on the left who are wanting to convict based on accusations.

but a lot of you are still dodging the question. Is if OK for someone to lose his or her job for something non job related on their own time?

Sure. If you rob a bank on your own time, I'd say your employer should be well within his rights to fire you.

before or after you are convicted? this is an important question, please think before answering.

The law can hold you in jail without bail before you're convicted if the circumstances warrant it in the eyes of a judge. I don't see why an employer couldn't use similar discretion and precautions.

would the employee wrongly fired be entitled to compensation if later found innocent? This could get very messy.

It already has! I'm sure it's happened before and it'll happen again! That's life and the American way! :113: :71:
I have always favored due process. Its you on the left who are wanting to convict based on accusations.

but a lot of you are still dodging the question. Is if OK for someone to lose his or her job for something non job related on their own time?

Sure. If you rob a bank on your own time, I'd say your employer should be well within his rights to fire you.

before or after you are convicted? this is an important question, please think before answering.

The law can hold you in jail without bail before you're convicted if the circumstances warrant it in the eyes of a judge. I don't see why an employer couldn't use similar discretion and precautions.

would the employee wrongly fired be entitled to compensation if later found innocent? This could get very messy.

It already has! I'm sure it's happened before and it'll happen again! That's life and the American way! :113: :71:

how about a person fired for saying something that is not PC?

Previous people who have held the job. Porter's position touched every bit of paperwork that went to the President. They would have to have come up with a different arrangement to accommodate Porter.

Oh well then burning him as a witch is perfectly reasonable. He was accused after all. :thup:

You no doubt agree that if the police accuse a black person of something, there is no need for trails or evidence, the guilt is in the accusation - right?

Heil Stalin - the new democrat motto.

Oh stop anyone beating on their wife, or being violent for that matter needs reprimanding... So a failed comment, next!

I suppose that if we burn every man accused by a women of something, we may occasionally come across one who beats their wife. I mean, it's 1915 and wife beating is common, so the odds are that someone will be stopped.

Good enough to declare anyone accused as guilty, eh Comrade? Heil Stalin!

In 1960's the cops didn't even show up for most domestic cases..this is 2018, and it is finally coming out .

Perhaps the next time a coward raises his fist, he may think of the consequences..

Which should be decided in a court of law.

Well maybe she will feel empowered to bring it to court now that she has been away from him.. I am sure all the crazies are at her door to get in the limelight and bring it to court.

Why was he working in the Oval office when he could not get a security clearance ?
Sure. If you rob a bank on your own time, I'd say your employer should be well within his rights to fire you.

before or after you are convicted? this is an important question, please think before answering.

The law can hold you in jail without bail before you're convicted if the circumstances warrant it in the eyes of a judge. I don't see why an employer couldn't use similar discretion and precautions.

would the employee wrongly fired be entitled to compensation if later found innocent? This could get very messy.

It already has! I'm sure it's happened before and it'll happen again! That's life and the American way! :113: :71:

how about a person fired for saying something that is not PC?

I'm one that thinks a private employer can get rid of someone for being non-PC! If they say indelicate racial and sexist remarks, they should go! Why should an employer allow one person to alienate the rest of a business? Are you high? :1041:
Oh well then burning him as a witch is perfectly reasonable. He was accused after all. :thup:

You no doubt agree that if the police accuse a black person of something, there is no need for trails or evidence, the guilt is in the accusation - right?

Heil Stalin - the new democrat motto.

Oh stop anyone beating on their wife, or being violent for that matter needs reprimanding... So a failed comment, next!

I suppose that if we burn every man accused by a women of something, we may occasionally come across one who beats their wife. I mean, it's 1915 and wife beating is common, so the odds are that someone will be stopped.

Good enough to declare anyone accused as guilty, eh Comrade? Heil Stalin!

In 1960's the cops didn't even show up for most domestic cases..this is 2018, and it is finally coming out .

Perhaps the next time a coward raises his fist, he may think of the consequences..

Which should be decided in a court of law.

Well maybe she will feel empowered to bring it to court now that she has been away from him.. I am sure all the crazies are at her door to get in the limelight and bring it to court.

Why was he working in the Oval office when he could not get a security clearance ?

Yes that is clearly what needs to happen. And in the meantime try to remember:

The presumption of innocence, sometimes referred to by the Latin expression ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat (the burden of proof is on the one who declares, not on one who denies), is the principle that one is considered innocent unless proven guilty.

  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, article 11, states: "Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.".
For what they do on their own time, things that are in no way job related. Does anyone have a problem with that?

please don't make this about politics, it applies to all parties.

Was being spied on in your off hours off company property and time by the company spelled out in the company's terms of employment? If not, BIG PROBLEM.

Are you a public figure whose behavior reflected badly on your company with that understanding? If not, BIG PROBLEM.

Was your behavior objectionable based solely on a difference in political or religious views? (It's always a liberal company firing a conservative employee) If so, BIG PROBLEM.

Does the company have a GOOD ARGUMENT and REASON why your firing was both justified and without another, lesser course of action? If not, BIG PROBLEM.

Does the papers your company has you sign basically say you work AT WILL so they legally get around such actions by saying you work AT THEIR WHIM, giving themselves essentially unlimited rights against you while defining few if any rights against them? Oh so common. BIG PROBLEM.

WHY OH WHY do businesses get away with such crap, yet when it comes to our elected politicians in Washington, they basically get away with murder and us taxpayers whom they work for have NO SAY in THEIR employment?

Are you 2 supporting a man in beating up his wife and documented by the police.. He had his wife so scared that she avoided the trial.

Anyone who tries to overpower someone like that, looks like they are covering their tracks.

I, for one, am supporting the law and due process. You, on the other hand, are supporting lynch-mob violence and hatred.

Yeah that is the Kool Aid Trump is feeding you..There is a big movement against domestic violence right now.. Kelly should have let him go when he could not get clearance.


I don't need either you or Trump to tell me that 'innocent until proven guilty' is the law.

Yeah..said the Roy Moore supporters.. People showed how they felt about that, even after Trump supported the scumbag..

Tell me why Porter couldn't get a security clearance..?

----------------------------------------------- doesn't matter does it , The TRUMP had Porter working without a Security Clearance i GUESS EWing. Porter was let go or resigned due to silly outcry by dems , lefties , rinos , YOU and others is all that happened EWings .

Trump didn't even know about it Pismoe, this is why Trump is so mad at Kelly who did say he would resign..because Kelly kept Porter on knowing about the inability to get a security clearance.

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