People getting fired


Previous people who have held the job. Porter's position touched every bit of paperwork that went to the President. They would have to have come up with a different arrangement to accommodate Porter.

Oh well then burning him as a witch is perfectly reasonable. He was accused after all. :thup:

You no doubt agree that if the police accuse a black person of something, there is no need for trails or evidence, the guilt is in the accusation - right?

Heil Stalin - the new democrat motto.

Oh stop anyone beating on their wife, or being violent for that matter needs reprimanding... So a failed comment, next!

I suppose that if we burn every man accused by a women of something, we may occasionally come across one who beats their wife. I mean, it's 1915 and wife beating is common, so the odds are that someone will be stopped.

Good enough to declare anyone accused as guilty, eh Comrade? Heil Stalin!

In 1960's the cops didn't even show up for most domestic cases..this is 2018, and it is finally coming out .

Perhaps the next time a coward raises his fist, he may think of the consequences..

Which should be decided in a court of law.

Who exactly is forbidden to dispute a firing via the legal system?
Clinton , Franken and other issues from the past have NOTHING to do with the CURRENT case that the 'op' is about . [if i recall correct] . All this rehashing on a dead issue from the past are just an attempt to change subject and throw up a Smokescreen Carbineer and other board lefty dems .
B!tch; Congress was owned by the Republicans! If they had any real proof, those idiots would have impeached him! Grow the FK up sometime and stop being a troll accepting anything and everything conservative! :1peleas: :aug08_031: :blahblah:

I was addressing YOU not who 'owns' the Congress. YOU threatened another Forum member. Now you start calling me names and making stupid accusations....Tell me, do you believe a person should be guilty before being proven innocent? OR does that just apply to the political party you so vehemently hate (for no reason other than you are a hack).
So the rightwingers like the OP, who hate unions, the organizations that will fight for a worker's 'due process',

is now a champion of due process?

I have always favored due process. Its you on the left who are wanting to convict based on accusations.

but a lot of you are still dodging the question. Is if OK for someone to lose his or her job for something non job related on their own time?
Clinton , Franken and other issues from the past have NOTHING to do with the CURRENT case that the 'op' is about . [if i recall correct] . All this rehashing on a dead issue from the past are just an attempt to change subject and throw up a Smokescreen Carbineer and other board lefty dems .

its what they do, we expect it.
Rob Porter should have been fired because he could not qualify for the security clearance required for his job.
----------------------------------- as i said earlier , it looks like the top Chief Executive of the USA President Trump or the Decider decided that he didn't need a 'security clearance' for this guy Porter Carbineer .
So the rightwingers like the OP, who hate unions, the organizations that will fight for a worker's 'due process',

is now a champion of due process?

unions are the ultimate form of discrimination in union states. You are forced to join and pay dues if you want to work.
So the rightwingers like the OP, who hate unions, the organizations that will fight for a worker's 'due process',

is now a champion of due process?

I have always favored due process. Its you on the left who are wanting to convict based on accusations.

but a lot of you are still dodging the question. Is if OK for someone to lose his or her job for something non job related on their own time?

Sure. If you rob a bank on your own time, I'd say your employer should be well within his rights to fire you.
B!tch; Congress was owned by the Republicans! If they had any real proof, those idiots would have impeached him! Grow the FK up sometime and stop being a troll accepting anything and everything conservative! :1peleas: :aug08_031: :blahblah:

I was addressing YOU not who 'owns' the Congress. YOU threatened another Forum member. Now you start calling me names and making stupid accusations....Tell me, do you believe a person should be guilty before being proven innocent? OR does that just apply to the political party you so vehemently hate (for no reason other than you are a hack).

Deflection, victimhood, and rehashing of old news; the pathetic ravings of a conservative troll who doesn't have a leg to stand on! There are so many of you; hence Trump, an admitted pervert is president! Thanks so much; your kids will appreciate it in the future when they're paying for your fk'n mistake! :19: :5_1_12024: :abgg2q.jpg:

Are you 2 supporting a man in beating up his wife and documented by the police.. He had his wife so scared that she avoided the trial.

Anyone who tries to overpower someone like that, looks like they are covering their tracks.

Have YOU stopped beating your wife yet?

Say Comrade, how did the trial go? I mean, the wife was scared so obviously there was a conviction, right?

No? Wait, not even any charges filed?

Say, you Stalinist scum wouldn't be lying about this whole thing, would you?

I mean, you wouldn't smear someone with no evidence based on allegations the police and local DA found not credible enough to file a case, just because you're a fucking hack without a shred or hint of integrity, would you?

Well, party above all and heil Stalin, da Comrade?

Am I touching a

First off, I am a woman ... and you are quite a dick for pulling a Roy Moore on this one..

These 2 women had nothing to gain when they both made reports of his abusing them in separate incidences years apart from one another..
LOL.. you seem to think that they planned this for years to get a peon in the WH

The FBI came after the girls to question them, they didn't come out to the press.

The dude couldn't get a security clearance ... Why?

So the rightwingers like the OP, who hate unions, the organizations that will fight for a worker's 'due process',

is now a champion of due process?

I have always favored due process. Its you on the left who are wanting to convict based on accusations.

but a lot of you are still dodging the question. Is if OK for someone to lose his or her job for something non job related on their own time?

Sure. If you rob a bank on your own time, I'd say your employer should be well within his rights to fire you.

before or after you are convicted? this is an important question, please think before answering.
So the rightwingers like the OP, who hate unions, the organizations that will fight for a worker's 'due process',

is now a champion of due process?

unions are the ultimate form of discrimination in union states. You are forced to join and pay dues if you want to work.

No, your employer forces you to pay agency fees based on the fact that the employer has reached an AGREEMENT with a union that authorizes the union to represent the employees.
For what they do on their own time, things that are in no way job related. Does anyone have a problem with that?

please don't make this about politics, it applies to all parties.

Any act which a potential employee hides / fails to disclose. I would have a problem with dishonesty in every job.
Any act?

Any act which reflects poorly on the business, would open up the potential employee to blackmail, or any conviction of a felony or a high misdemeanor*.

*A high Misdemeanor carries a possible penalty of one year in a county jail (CA Penal Code).
So the rightwingers like the OP, who hate unions, the organizations that will fight for a worker's 'due process',

is now a champion of due process?

I have always favored due process. Its you on the left who are wanting to convict based on accusations.

but a lot of you are still dodging the question. Is if OK for someone to lose his or her job for something non job related on their own time?

I’ll answer your question . Depends on what they do .

Lots of jobs can be affected by your private life decisions . You need to be more specific in your examples . High level gov jobs are open to lots of criticism.
Clinton , Franken and other issues from the past have NOTHING to do with the CURRENT case that the 'op' is about . [if i recall correct] . All this rehashing on a dead issue from the past are just an attempt to change subject and throw up a Smokescreen Carbineer and other board lefty dems .
Clinton , Franken and other issues from the past have NOTHING to do with the CURRENT case that the 'op' is about . [if i recall correct] . All this rehashing on a dead issue from the past are just an attempt to change subject and throw up a Smokescreen Carbineer and other board lefty dems .

It's not a smokescreen, it's grabbing your head and making you look at the absolute lawlessness that Democrats seem to condone when it's one of their own.
B!tch; Congress was owned by the Republicans! If they had any real proof, those idiots would have impeached him! Grow the FK up sometime and stop being a troll accepting anything and everything conservative! :1peleas: :aug08_031: :blahblah:

I was addressing YOU not who 'owns' the Congress. YOU threatened another Forum member. Now you start calling me names and making stupid accusations....Tell me, do you believe a person should be guilty before being proven innocent? OR does that just apply to the political party you so vehemently hate (for no reason other than you are a hack).

Deflection, victimhood, and rehashing of old news; the pathetic ravings of a conservative troll who doesn't have a leg to stand on! There are so many of you; hence Trump, an admitted pervert is president! Thanks so much; your kids will appreciate it in the future when they're paying for your fk'n mistake! :19: :5_1_12024: :abgg2q.jpg:

we are still paying for your 8 year mistake. doubled the national debt, set race relations back 50 years, ruined the best medical system in the world, made the USA the laughing stock of the world.

Obama = worst president in history, bar none.
So the rightwingers like the OP, who hate unions, the organizations that will fight for a worker's 'due process',

is now a champion of due process?

I have always favored due process. Its you on the left who are wanting to convict based on accusations.

but a lot of you are still dodging the question. Is if OK for someone to lose his or her job for something non job related on their own time?

Sure. If you rob a bank on your own time, I'd say your employer should be well within his rights to fire you.

before or after you are convicted? this is an important question, please think before answering.

I answered your question as you posed it. Now you're going jigger it around?
So the rightwingers like the OP, who hate unions, the organizations that will fight for a worker's 'due process',

is now a champion of due process?

I have always favored due process. Its you on the left who are wanting to convict based on accusations.

but a lot of you are still dodging the question. Is if OK for someone to lose his or her job for something non job related on their own time?

I’ll answer your question . Depends on what they do .

Lots of jobs can be affected by your private life decisions . You need to be more specific in your examples . High level gov jobs are open to lots of criticism.

before or after being found guilty?
B!tch; Congress was owned by the Republicans! If they had any real proof, those idiots would have impeached him! Grow the FK up sometime and stop being a troll accepting anything and everything conservative! :1peleas: :aug08_031: :blahblah:

I was addressing YOU not who 'owns' the Congress. YOU threatened another Forum member. Now you start calling me names and making stupid accusations....Tell me, do you believe a person should be guilty before being proven innocent? OR does that just apply to the political party you so vehemently hate (for no reason other than you are a hack).

Deflection, victimhood, and rehashing of old news; the pathetic ravings of a conservative troll who doesn't have a leg to stand on! There are so many of you; hence Trump, an admitted pervert is president! Thanks so much; your kids will appreciate it in the future when they're paying for your fk'n mistake! :19: :5_1_12024: :abgg2q.jpg:

we are still paying for your 8 year mistake. doubled the national debt, set race relations back 50 years, ruined the best medical system in the world, made the USA the laughing stock of the world.

Obama = worst president in history, bar none.

All lies.

I thought you wanted a non-political thread?

Which, btw, makes one ask, why did you post this thread in Politics if you didn't want it to be political.

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