People who’ve had their political opponents arrested:

Cryptic is also an interesting language - but not so now. Say what you like to say in English. I understand this German dialect relativelly good.
perhaps you could learn English. Most all your posts can't be read.
So to clarify:

You think that Trump should be nailed and made an example of, if found guilty of something.

Is that correct?
anything that is actually against the law, sure!!! Again, I've maintainted that statement. I'm still waiting for what is against the law that he's been indicted with.

Witch hunts by kangaroo courts are so boring.
We know that these people are all part of The Cult.

The Leftwing party today under the guise of being "democrats" now side with everything actual democrats were AGAINST in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Then the communists took over the party in the 90s beginning with the Clintons, who used their office to sell national missile secrets to the Chinese.

Gee, can you just imagine their heads splitting wide open if Trump had done that?
I said "found guilty". The law does not use YOUR Trumpster standards.
found guilty of something that is unlawful isn't a crime. They call that Kangaroo court. The fact you don't know that is truly telling.

They call them Trumped up charges. Get it?
You will under no circumstances try to understand what I say to you - that's all.
not when you don't use English, I don't do gibberish knfndijaf;oieehr. what was that word? That's what kind of crap you type. Need me to show you some of your language no one else here speaks?
Wrong idea. You believe what tyrants say - I don't do so.
You don’t kill millions of people because you like them

I don’t need anyone to tell me that…but not surprised a dembot is looking for defend him

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