People who’ve had their political opponents arrested:

Do you care if Trump did what the indictments say he did?

Do you care if the Bidens did what all of the witnesses and documents and evidence say they did? Trump and J6 are all history now, bub, Joe Biden is actually still in the WH and is leading this country down the path of ruin.

The standard should be very high to charge a presidential candidate with federal crimes. The indictments from Smith et al., are just not strong enough or specific enough to satisfy the very high standard that's required when a president of the United States (Joe Biden/beneficiary) allows his Justice Department to indict his opponent (on specious grounds yet) and influence the outcome of an election.

Worse, how do people comport with the fact that Biden is doing this to his chief opponent with impunity (so far), yet back in 2018, the democrats used a single phone call from Trump asking questions about Biden's criminal habits in Ukraine as THE BASIS FOR IMPEACHING HIM? Under the grounds that Trump was trying to impugn his opponent and swing political favor in his direction---- THE VERY THING BIDEN IS ACTUALLY DOING RIGHT NOW.
An interesting theory. Let me try to get the real bottom in this cionetxtt with this question: Hitler was the hate - but did he hate? He was for sure not educated to be an anti-Semite.

No. In the Germans who had been Jews he found a very good scapegoat for the crimes of the USA - the crimes of Russia - and the crimes of every other countries where Jews lived. All Jews who spke Germanmy ortand/or the German ölanaguge Yiddish had been ikndeed also germasn. What I say herer exapaisn püardaooxa why peopel inthsio tiome nof hstroy had been able tio bgeieiuvn that Jews ahd been eveil becaeun teh yahd been Capitalists and Bolshewists. And it e xaisn alos why natoi_; Seitikms adn Antio germasism are often going hadn in hand with each other - except in Germany wher suddneely all Germans werde made to "Aryans" what excluded the Jews.

By the way: Also the Slaws had been Aryans in the "defibition" (=absurdities) of the Nazis. Paradoxa in this context: Japanese - best allies - not had been Aryans. Arabs and other Muslims - also often had been allies of Hitler and not hgad been Aryans. Red Indians also not had been Aryans - but traditiobally Germans loved the noble and natural Red Indians - alos because their structures with nations and truibes are the same like the German structures. So all this "Aryan"+-nonsense never had been any German reality - it was exclusivelly only used to ostracize the German Jews and to kill them representative for all poepel from nations the Nazis had not been able to kill on thier own. Background: Enemies unify.

With this sentence you make yourselve in my eyes to a Nazi. Very interesting in this context is for me that neve anay Ger,man ahjd been an Aryan - but many Germans had been Arians in foemr tertims. But to confuse the words "Aryan" and "Arian" - who have absolutelly nothing to do with each other - is only possible in the English language.
Sigh. ...

And who of this girls is Joe Biden?


Do you care if the Bidens did what all of the witnesses and documents and evidence say they did? Trump and J6 are all history now, bub, Joe Biden is actually still in the WH and is leading this country down the path of ruin.

The standard should be very high to charge a presidential candidate with federal crimes. The indictments from Smith et al., are just not strong enough or specific enough to satisfy the very high standard that's required when a president of the United States (Joe Biden/beneficiary) allows his Justice Department to indict his opponent (on specious grounds yet) and influence the outcome of an election.

Worse, how do people comport with the fact that Biden is doing this to his chief opponent with impunity (so far), yet back in 2018, the democrats used a single phone call from Trump asking questions about Biden's criminal habits in Ukraine as THE BASIS FOR IMPEACHING HIM? Under the grounds that Trump was trying to impugn his opponent and swing political favor in his direction---- THE VERY THING BIDEN IS ACTUALLY DOING RIGHT NOW.
I think that Biden should be nailed, and made an example of, if found guilty of breaking the law. Same goes for anyone in his family.

I've said that MANY times, but I guess you didn't "see" it, huh?

It's a shame that you don't have the honor to say the same thing about your orange god.
Hilarious thread summed up right here:

What he is saying is that he knows the evil that has taken over much of the world. And the party he represents doing the sidestep over and over for many years that caused a man like him to run for President. Over each election cycle we see it. In 2016 when he was elected, we saw it form the people running in his party in the primaries. We are seeing it again for the 2024 Presidential election. No RINOS and NEO CONS just to start. However, they are there... I do not want send trillions of dollars to Ukraine and eventually American troops in significant numbers. Just one tiny issue.
I think that Biden should be nailed ...

Oh by the way. Who hates Jews hates also Jesus and likes ot nail him ... or is this now a perverted sexual component because of the sexual weirdness of the English speaking world?
An interesting theory. Let me try to get the real bottom in this context with this question: Hitler was the hate - but did he hate? He was for sure not educated to be an anti-Semite.

No. In the Germans who had been Jews he found a very good scapegoat for the crimes of the USA - the crimes of Russia - and the crimes of every other countries where Jews lived. All Jews who spoke German or/and the German language Yiddish had been indeed Germans like all other Germans.

What I say here explains paradoxa why people in this time of history had been able to bewlieve that Jews had been evil because they had been as well Capitalists and Bolshewists. And it explains also why anti-Semitism and anti-German attitudes are often also going hand in hand with each other - except in Germany where suddenly all Germans werde made to "Aryans" what excluded the Jews.

By the way: Also the Slaws had been Aryans in the "definitions" (=absurdities) of the Nazis. Paradoxa in this context: Japanese - best allies - not had been Aryans. Arabs and other Muslims - also often had been allies of Hitler and also often not had been Aryans. Red Indians also not had been Aryans - but traditiobally Germans loved the noble and natural Red Indians - also because their structures with nations and tribes are very similar to the Germanic structures.

So all this "Aryan"-nonsense never had been any German reality - it was exclusivelly only used to ostracize the German Jews and to kill them as representatives for all peiople from other nation who dishonored Germany after world war 1

With this sentence you make yourselve in my eyes only to a Nazi on your own.

By the way: Very interesting in this context is for me that never any German had been an Aryan - but many Germans had been Arians in ancient times. But to confuse the words "Aryan" and "Arian" - who have absolutelly nothing to do with each other - is only possible in the English language.
It’s not a theory hitler hated Jews…yes he used division policies to get followers to hate them and use them as scape goats…this is a common theme among leftist…we see the demafasict use it all the time here…black /white…rich v poor etc

It’s a simple truth the national socialist looked to the dems racist laws as a model
I think that Biden should be nailed, and made an example of, if found guilty of breaking the law. Same goes for anyone in his family.

I've said that MANY times, but I guess you didn't "see" it, huh?
I actually rarely read your posts as you seldom have anything notable or really very erudite or sagacious nor witty to say.

It's a shame that you don't have the honor to say the same thing about your orange god.
Apparently now it is YOU who fails to read posts. Or maybe it was hysterical amnesia. PS: I have no orange gods.
Here they are. It's amazing that our government has become anti-American.

So that can only happen in dictatorships?

What about Israel? They jailed their former PM Ohmert on corruption charges and Netanyahu is currently facing similar charges

It happens because of the actions of the leaders (like Trump)
you kill the USA for a foreign agent? You can't escape irony bubba!

Cryptic is also an interesting language - but not so now. Say what you like to say in English. I understand this German dialect relativelly good.
Do you care if the Bidens did what all of the witnesses and documents and evidence say they did? Trump and J6 are all history now, bub, Joe Biden is actually still in the WH and is leading this country down the path of ruin.

The standard should be very high to charge a presidential candidate with federal crimes. The indictments from Smith et al., are just not strong enough or specific enough to satisfy the very high standard that's required when a president of the United States (Joe Biden/beneficiary) allows his Justice Department to indict his opponent (on specious grounds yet) and influence the outcome of an election.

Worse, how do people comport with the fact that Biden is doing this to his chief opponent with impunity (so far), yet back in 2018, the democrats used a single phone call from Trump asking questions about Biden's criminal habits in Ukraine as THE BASIS FOR IMPEACHING HIM? Under the grounds that Trump was trying to impugn his opponent and swing political favor in his direction---- THE VERY THING BIDEN IS ACTUALLY DOING RIGHT NOW.

We know that these people are all part of The Cult.
Power and control is their bond.
The only time that they call anyone in their Cult out is when they cause a loss of power for The Cult.

Double standards
These are their essence.
I think that Biden should be nailed, and made an example of, if found guilty of breaking the law. Same goes for anyone in his family.

I've said that MANY times, but I guess you didn't "see" it, huh?

It's a shame that you don't have the honor to say the same thing about your orange god.
no one has said anything different about trump. Why do you continue to make shit up???

The impeachments failed due to.... no evidence. dossier failed because.... no evidence... Find something trump actually did and charge him. The fact that demfks are totally unhinged about one man isn't my problem. take him to court!!!!!

I actually rarely read your posts as you seldom have anything notable or really very erudite or sagacious nor witty to say.

Apparently now it is YOU who fails to read posts. Or maybe it was hysterical amnesia. PS: I have no orange gods.
Yeah, you've really been a Jack Smith fan!


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