People with lower emotional intelligence are more likely to hold right-wing views, study finds

It's obvious that emotions are controlled by primitive instincts, which often conflict with intelligence.

Right-wingers tend to follow these instinctually based emotions to form their views, then use their intelligence to try to justify these emotions.

Left-wingers tend to be the type of people that squelch their instinctual emotions and base their views strictly on intelligence.

All you need to do is view a right-wing vs. a left-wing political rally to see which is more emotionally based - especially one of Trump's rally where they act like a bunch of dumb, nasty monkeys and thugs.
Left wingers are often susceptible to the loud sound of the wind passing through their ears as they pontificate about how intelligent they aren't.
I'm shocked. SHOCKED, I tell ya!

People with lower emotional intelligence are more likely to hold right-wing views, study finds

New research from Belgium provides evidence that deficits in emotion understanding and emotion management are related to right-wing and prejudiced attitudes. The study has been published in the journal Emotion.

“I have a lifelong interest in political psychology and in political ideology in particular. The observation that left-wing and right-wing adherents tend to differ on so many psychological characteristics is amazing,” said study author Alain Van Hiel, a professor at the University of Ghent.

“Many scholars have investigated the cognitive basis of ideology in general, and right-wing ideological attitudes in particular. In the present study, we wanted to investigate if a similar relationship would exist for emotional abilities.”

In two studies, the researchers assessed the emotional abilities and political ideology of 983 Belgian undergraduate students. The second study also examined the participants’ cognitive ability. Emotional ability was measured with three tests: the Situational Test of Emotional Understanding, the Situational Test of Emotion Management, and the Geneva Emotion Recognition Test.

The researchers found that individuals with weaker emotional abilities — particularly emotional understanding and management — tended to score higher on a measure of right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation.

Right-wing authoritarianism is a personality trait that describes the tendency to submit to political authority and be hostile towards other groups, while social dominance orientation is a measure of a person’s preference for inequality among social groups.

“The results of this study were univocal. People who endorse authority and strong leaders and who do not mind inequality — the two basic dimensions underlying right-wing political ideology — show lower levels of emotional abilities,” Van Hiel told PsyPost

Those with lower emotional and cognitive abilities were also more likely to agree with blatantly prejudiced statements such as “The White race is superior to all other races.”

The researchers controlled for age, sex, and education level. But like all research, the study includes some limitations. The study only collected correlational data, preventing inferences of causality from being made.


The study, “The Relationship Between Emotional Abilities and Right-Wing and Prejudiced Attitudes“, was authored by Alain Van Hiel, Jonas De keersmaecker, Emma Onraet, Tessa Haesevoets, Arne Roets, and Johnny R. J. Fontaine.
Oh lord have mercy....what the fuck is emotional Intelligence? How is it being defined exactly. Emotional thinkers aren't really thinking btw---they are reacting to emotions not logic or intelligence.

Belgium right is more like a left group btw.

And how are you trying to right-wing views exactly? Are you defining as the communists usually do? Anyone who is christian?

And Oh good grief---left wing communist leaning teenager and young twenty something interviewing teenager and young twenty somethings on a Belgium college pushing an agenda--to try to smear the right. Value of study is about zero...
This is not the first study that comes to the conclusion that right wingers are lower down the food scale.

Right wing arguments are based , generally, on greed and cruelty and those vices translate very quickly into policies that appeal to those of lower intelligence.

Indeed, there is very little need for actual policies to placate the dribblers amongst us.

Maybe the left needs to simplify its policies to a level that righties can understand. If that is even possible.
And Dims just do whatever the Gestapo orders them to do right commie?
Left-wingers tend to be the type of people that squelch their instinctual emotions and base their views strictly on intelligence.

Sure, sure. That's why you "party of science" geniuses think men can give birth, because you're so intelligent dontcha know...
Simplyassholic can be depended upon to start a troll thread with such a “study” since bomb throwers like the “boom” and don’t care about reliability.
Sure, sure. That's why you "party of science" geniuses think men can give birth, because you're so intelligent dontcha know...
Men who get trans-formed into women still can’t give birth. That whole “absence of uterus” thing gets in the way. This is why no biological male menstruates.

A high degree of “emotional intelligence” may tell liberals otherwise. But this is not good news for liberals and actual intelligence.

“DAMN those pesky ‘fact’ things,” liberals emotionally shriek.
I doubt that the Democratic Party operates in Belgium or elsewhere in Europe.

You have such a narrow range of reference I am not sure that you can contribute anything of value to the debate. Bar one thing.

You actually validate the OP.
I have a narrow range of reference? I consider myself the antithesis of you, whenever you "narrow range" we conservatives I "narrow range" you right back. And you think that Europe is full of conservatives, is that your comment? And I am sure you never contribute anything but commie tripe to any discussion.
If only there were a scientific way to ACTUALLY test this "theory" about commies being more "emotionally intelligent" than everybody else.

"Emotional intelligence" sounds like another way to say "people who are in touch with their feelings."

Is that what they're talking about?
More voodoo science silliness attempting to denigrate the superior thought processes of everyone not duped by liberal insanity.
No, no, no. It's not that they are more intelligent. You misunderstand.

It's that they are more "emotionally intelligent" which means they don't think when making decisions. They feel.

I'm shocked. SHOCKED, I tell ya!

People with lower emotional intelligence are more likely to hold right-wing views, study finds

New research from Belgium provides evidence that deficits in emotion understanding and emotion management are related to right-wing and prejudiced attitudes. The study has been published in the journal Emotion.

“I have a lifelong interest in political psychology and in political ideology in particular. The observation that left-wing and right-wing adherents tend to differ on so many psychological characteristics is amazing,” said study author Alain Van Hiel, a professor at the University of Ghent.

“Many scholars have investigated the cognitive basis of ideology in general, and right-wing ideological attitudes in particular. In the present study, we wanted to investigate if a similar relationship would exist for emotional abilities.”

In two studies, the researchers assessed the emotional abilities and political ideology of 983 Belgian undergraduate students. The second study also examined the participants’ cognitive ability. Emotional ability was measured with three tests: the Situational Test of Emotional Understanding, the Situational Test of Emotion Management, and the Geneva Emotion Recognition Test.

The researchers found that individuals with weaker emotional abilities — particularly emotional understanding and management — tended to score higher on a measure of right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation.

Right-wing authoritarianism is a personality trait that describes the tendency to submit to political authority and be hostile towards other groups, while social dominance orientation is a measure of a person’s preference for inequality among social groups.

“The results of this study were univocal. People who endorse authority and strong leaders and who do not mind inequality — the two basic dimensions underlying right-wing political ideology — show lower levels of emotional abilities,” Van Hiel told PsyPost

Those with lower emotional and cognitive abilities were also more likely to agree with blatantly prejudiced statements such as “The White race is superior to all other races.”

The researchers controlled for age, sex, and education level. But like all research, the study includes some limitations. The study only collected correlational data, preventing inferences of causality from being made.


The study, “The Relationship Between Emotional Abilities and Right-Wing and Prejudiced Attitudes“, was authored by Alain Van Hiel, Jonas De keersmaecker, Emma Onraet, Tessa Haesevoets, Arne Roets, and Johnny R. J. Fontaine.

I'm not surprised.

We see that exact behavior on this message board from the far right.

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