People with lower emotional intelligence are more likely to hold right-wing views, study finds

Just as I suspected. You cant define communism.

Of course not.

People like the one you replied to have no idea of the honest meaning of communism.

They believe anyone who doesn't agree with them is a communist and that's communism.

Meanwhile all intelligent people who aren't driven by their childish and uneducated emotions knows that communism is an economic policy where there is no private ownership of property, business and real estate.

It's all owned by the state.

Obviously democrats aren't communists. They are capitalists.

From 2018

Jordan Peterson Dismantles Identity Politics in Under 10 Minutes​

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fear & loathing is a common denominator with the poorly educated. that's why donny depends on that to keep 'em in his base.
It's always cute when automatons with absolutely no actual intelligence of their own try so hard to invest in themselves a sense thereof.

Goodness, they never received any confirmation of their intelligence when in school, so they believe that all they need to do is be a member of a certain team and voila'!
fear & loathing is a common denominator with the poorly educated. that's why donny depends on that to keep 'em in his base.
Donny took on the DNC, the MSM and the corrupt rogue members of the FBI tied to Hillary.

So don't start the disingenuous small talk, as if you're unaware of how it really is. I was never a Trump supporter until around 2017.
Donny took on the DNC, the MSM and the corrupt rogue members of the FBI tied to Hillary.

So don't start the disingenuous small talk, as if you're unaware of how it really is. I was never a Trump supporter until around 2017.

donny did what donny needed to do to win over the 'masses' ...

if it could benefit him to switch sides, he would in a heartbeat. don't ferget he pardoned a dude who literally stole from his supporters 'cause he needed the help to try & stay in office.
"Hurr durr emotional intelligence! I AM VERY SMARTED PERSON!!!"
And to SHOW that emotional intelligence of his, he supports a serial child rapist who shows up in Kenosha to burn down the businesses of innocent people, and all this to show solidarity with a worthless thug who beat the living shit out one of his baby mommas.

That's some pretty amazing emotional intelligence on display there, isn't it folks?
donny did what donny needed to do to win over the 'masses' ...

if it could benefit him to switch sides, he would in a heartbeat. don't ferget he pardoned a dude who literally stole from his supporters 'cause he needed the help to try & stay in office.
Like all presidents, I never agree with them on everything.
It's called disagreeing.

A vital piece of our democracy puzzle, free speech and all that stuff you take for granted..... being American. ( or used to be)
This is not the first study that comes to the conclusion that right wingers are lower down the food scale.

Right wing arguments are based , generally, on greed and cruelty and those vices translate very quickly into policies that appeal to those of lower intelligence.

Indeed, there is very little need for actual policies to placate the dribblers amongst us.

Maybe the left needs to simplify its policies to a level that righties can understand. If that is even possible.
STFU retarded Brit.
I believe the right wing is who you're describing. Trump tells his flock that the election for presidency was stolen from him without a shred of evidence and they follow through, marching to his orders like half wits and zombies.
Well where there have been actual fake leftyvirus mailin ballots examined, they don't match signatures of the voter. Plus the 5 states where counting stopped in the evening with Trump ahead and miraculously in the morning had Poopeyman lots of abuse and cheating. But lets forget about that and just watch the idiots you elected hand it back next year to the House and Senate, and the presidency after that. You commie America haters don't get our country. As for zombies....cannot imagine any more feathered parrots than you dimbulbs following the orders of the Reich. Now back to your basement in a facediaper!
Right wing arguments are based , generally, on greed and cruelty and those vices translate very quickly into policies that appeal to those of lower intelligence.
I suppose you have inadvertently touched on the key differences, even though your framing is completely stupid.

What you REALLY mean is that some (right wing or whatever) accept human nature while others (you and other commies) choose to ignore or you are arrogant enough to think you can control and suppress human nature.

"Greed" is a primal human survival mechanism. You can NEVER suppress or eliminate it. Your best option is to harness it and make it work as a positive.

"Cruelty" is another primal human survival mechanism, although humans are generally compassionate and empathetic.

Because human nature cannot be suppressed, you fucking communism shit will never work.
Well where there have been actual fake leftyvirus mailin ballots examined, they don't match signatures of the voter. Plus the 5 states where counting stopped in the evening with Trump ahead and miraculously in the morning had Poopeyman lots of abuse and cheating. But lets forget about that and just watch the idiots you elected hand it back next year to the House and Senate, and the presidency after that. You commie America haters don't get our country. As for zombies....cannot imagine any more feathered parrots than you dimbulbs following the orders of the Reich. Now back to your basement in a facediaper!
Insinuations with out any proof what so ever. You can't try to over throw our honest and free elections with what you just described.
I'm shocked. SHOCKED, I tell ya!

People with lower emotional intelligence are more likely to hold right-wing views, study finds

New research from Belgium provides evidence that deficits in emotion understanding and emotion management are related to right-wing and prejudiced attitudes. The study has been published in the journal Emotion.

“I have a lifelong interest in political psychology and in political ideology in particular. The observation that left-wing and right-wing adherents tend to differ on so many psychological characteristics is amazing,” said study author Alain Van Hiel, a professor at the University of Ghent.

“Many scholars have investigated the cognitive basis of ideology in general, and right-wing ideological attitudes in particular. In the present study, we wanted to investigate if a similar relationship would exist for emotional abilities.”

In two studies, the researchers assessed the emotional abilities and political ideology of 983 Belgian undergraduate students. The second study also examined the participants’ cognitive ability. Emotional ability was measured with three tests: the Situational Test of Emotional Understanding, the Situational Test of Emotion Management, and the Geneva Emotion Recognition Test.

The researchers found that individuals with weaker emotional abilities — particularly emotional understanding and management — tended to score higher on a measure of right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation.

Right-wing authoritarianism is a personality trait that describes the tendency to submit to political authority and be hostile towards other groups, while social dominance orientation is a measure of a person’s preference for inequality among social groups.

“The results of this study were univocal. People who endorse authority and strong leaders and who do not mind inequality — the two basic dimensions underlying right-wing political ideology — show lower levels of emotional abilities,” Van Hiel told PsyPost

Those with lower emotional and cognitive abilities were also more likely to agree with blatantly prejudiced statements such as “The White race is superior to all other races.”

The researchers controlled for age, sex, and education level. But like all research, the study includes some limitations. The study only collected correlational data, preventing inferences of causality from being made.


The study, “The Relationship Between Emotional Abilities and Right-Wing and Prejudiced Attitudes“, was authored by Alain Van Hiel, Jonas De keersmaecker, Emma Onraet, Tessa Haesevoets, Arne Roets, and Johnny R. J. Fontaine.

That's okay. Conservatives score far higher on ACTUAL science than you lefties do.

So, you are emotional, but scientifically illiterate.
Lower emotional intelligence is another liberal made up parameter to try and justify their absence of though and fact in their actions
LEI Really Means not using emotions as the primary governance of your thoughts snd actions. It’s an assert which libbies are naturally pretzel twisting into a liability to try and justify their poor conduct
How are the Nazi Noculators doing today with their mandates and threats of firing and now actually threats of property confiscation?
Well where there have been actual fake leftyvirus mailin ballots examined, they don't match signatures of the voter. Plus the 5 states where counting stopped in the evening with Trump ahead and miraculously in the morning had Poopeyman lots of abuse and cheating. But lets forget about that and just watch the idiots you elected hand it back next year to the House and Senate, and the presidency after that. You commie America haters don't get our country. As for zombies....cannot imagine any more feathered parrots than you dimbulbs following the orders of the Reich. Now back to your basement in a facediaper!
Tell the judge bozo.

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