Per Mrs. Clinton: Americans have to change their personal beliefs


Gold Member
Jan 3, 2013
Hillary Says Americans Will Have to Change Their Personal and Religious Beliefs
S. Noble
July 27, 2016
Hillary Clinton said that Americans will have to change their religious convictions and cultural codes so they can pass laws. Convictions and belief systems of citizens should not stand in her way. Cultural codes and religious beliefs have to change, Hillary said. She made the comments in April of last year at the the sixth annual Women in the World Summit. She’s not only talking about foreign nations, her views are extreme and she wants those extreme views to dominate.

Instead of worrying about Fascism by Trump, people might want to look to the real and substantiated Fascism of Mrs. Clinton.

Americans have to change their beliefs because she says so? She will tell us what to think?

She was mostly referring to abortion but she can extend that to anything. She’s now the thought police.

In addition, Tim Kaine who claims to be personally against abortion, agreed to repeal the Hyde Amendment in exchange for the VP position.

What a loser.

The Hyde Amendment is a 1976 provision that bans the use of federal dollars for abortion services. The government under Clinton will force Americans to pay for abortion even if they see it as murder.

Even for pro-abortion activists, this should be a warning sign. If they can mandate this, they can mandate anything. What kind of government tells us what we are allowed to believe in? The government now dictates our beliefs?

This is the woman, or at least she self-identifies as a woman, who thinks the Second Amendment is not a constitutional right
The same kind of government that taxes you for not buying approved products. The kind of government we have NOW.

Those who defend the Clintons are like a cult according to Donna Brazile.

Got any KOOL AID????
Dear Hillary,

I suggest you pick from the following list another option:

1. Keep stupid ideas to yourself.
2. Listen to the pastor better at church.
3. Get elected as president.
4. Drink less.
5. Change what you can, which would be yourself.


A conservative
obama said the same thing.

VIDEO It Begins, MB Obama To Christians Change Your Beliefs – 4 Effects of Ruling – Elect SCOTUS? – ISIS GAY LOVE

President Obama gave a speech in which he said Americans need to change their religious views to be accepting of gay marriage, the Daily Caller reported. To that end, he encouraged gay marriage supporters to “help” people overcome their deeply-held religious views.

Those who disagree with the idea of gay marriage based, for example, on their religious views, must change to be more like progressives who accept gay marriage.
Hillary Says Americans Will Have to Change Their Personal and Religious Beliefs
S. Noble
July 27, 2016
Hillary Clinton said that Americans will have to change their religious convictions and cultural codes so they can pass laws. Convictions and belief systems of citizens should not stand in her way. Cultural codes and religious beliefs have to change, Hillary said. She made the comments in April of last year at the the sixth annual Women in the World Summit. She’s not only talking about foreign nations, her views are extreme and she wants those extreme views to dominate.

Instead of worrying about Fascism by Trump, people might want to look to the real and substantiated Fascism of Mrs. Clinton.

Americans have to change their beliefs because she says so? She will tell us what to think?

She was mostly referring to abortion but she can extend that to anything. She’s now the thought police.

In addition, Tim Kaine who claims to be personally against abortion, agreed to repeal the Hyde Amendment in exchange for the VP position.

What a loser.

The Hyde Amendment is a 1976 provision that bans the use of federal dollars for abortion services. The government under Clinton will force Americans to pay for abortion even if they see it as murder.

Even for pro-abortion activists, this should be a warning sign. If they can mandate this, they can mandate anything. What kind of government tells us what we are allowed to believe in? The government now dictates our beliefs?

This is the woman, or at least she self-identifies as a woman, who thinks the Second Amendment is not a constitutional right

No surprise here...more of that twisted LefTard logic.
"Let's do away with ALL that made America the greatest nation in the world....Let's allow for immorality, indecency and a no boundaries anything goes type of society....Let's write policies and adopt an ideology that benefits and helps thirdworlders while fucking over good quality REAL Americans."
Hillary Says Americans Will Have to Change Their Personal and Religious Beliefs
S. Noble
July 27, 2016
Hillary Clinton said that Americans will have to change their religious convictions and cultural codes so they can pass laws. Convictions and belief systems of citizens should not stand in her way. Cultural codes and religious beliefs have to change, Hillary said. She made the comments in April of last year at the the sixth annual Women in the World Summit. She’s not only talking about foreign nations, her views are extreme and she wants those extreme views to dominate.

Instead of worrying about Fascism by Trump, people might want to look to the real and substantiated Fascism of Mrs. Clinton.

Americans have to change their beliefs because she says so? She will tell us what to think?

She was mostly referring to abortion but she can extend that to anything. She’s now the thought police.

In addition, Tim Kaine who claims to be personally against abortion, agreed to repeal the Hyde Amendment in exchange for the VP position.

What a loser.

The Hyde Amendment is a 1976 provision that bans the use of federal dollars for abortion services. The government under Clinton will force Americans to pay for abortion even if they see it as murder.

Even for pro-abortion activists, this should be a warning sign. If they can mandate this, they can mandate anything. What kind of government tells us what we are allowed to believe in? The government now dictates our beliefs?

This is the woman, or at least she self-identifies as a woman, who thinks the Second Amendment is not a constitutional right

Hillary should know. She did after all mention a couple months ago that she had thought of becoming an ordained minister.

Imagine that: A Marxist becoming an ordained minister. Isn't that like dividing by zero? :laugh:

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