Percent of Americans supporting Impeachment growing

Got you. I'll mark you down for, too big a sissy to answer
I'd like to be on your list too, please. What would you like to mark me down as?
Well, you're a sissy cultist who is too entrenched in his delusion to wrangle with a simple question. For starters.

Would it surprise you in the least to learn that Trump has committed a gaggle of crimes?
The Putin-Kim lovers are out in force tonight! I heard trump and Kim are expecting their first that true?
Well enjoy number 8, commie.

Got you. I'll mark you down for, two big a sissy to answer

Fine and I'll mark you down as a brain washed commie.

What I said which you would do no matter what I said. But the fact that you are sissy little Cultist too squeamish to answer a simple question on an anonymous message board is well proven by the last few pages of this thread.
When did you stop beating your wife?
Violations of TOS by crybaby little bitches aside....
Would it surprise you in the least to learn that Trump has committed a gaggle of crimes?

When did you stop beating your wife?
You're right, your opinion is irrelevant. You have yet to provide a reason to investigate in the first place, no reason would make any investigation irrelevant and probably illegal. The American people won't reward you commies for acting like, well, commies.


7th time:

Would it surprise you in the least to learn that Trump has committed a gaggle of crimes?

Well enjoy number 8, commie.

Got you. I'll mark you down for, two big a sissy to answer

Fine and I'll mark you down as a brain washed commie.

Which you would do no matter what I said. But the fact that you are sissy little Cultist too squeamish to answer a simple question on an anonymous message board is well proven by the last few pages of this thread.

I doubt even you could withstand an investigation form someone with unlimited resources, they say no American can without them finding some technical violations. They say every American probably commits 5 crimes a day and doesn't even know it. Would they find any thing major, I doubt it. Only commies like you would endorse such an investigation, that's not how the American justice system is suppose to work. You're the one looking for the old Soviet justice system to be implemented here.

no you idiot... i said he's profiting off the office of the prez with that hotel. you think dignitaries... probably paying way more than they have to - would stay there if they didn't want favors from the POTUS?

go away.

Next time, please do at least some research before letting your mouth write a check your behind can't cash.

Since announcing his run for the presidency, his empire has LOST money. In spite of that, he continues to donate his salary as President to worthy causes and is running for re-election.
Got you. I'll mark you down for, too big a sissy to answer
I'd like to be on your list too, please. What would you like to mark me down as?
Well, you're a sissy cultist who is too entrenched in his delusion to wrangle with a simple question. For starters.

Would it surprise you in the least to learn that Trump has committed a gaggle of crimes?

He has been proven to be an unindicted co-conspirator in one felony. With the amount and depth of both the federal and state investigations going on....the question is not IF there will be more crime....rather HOW MANY more crimes will there be.

No president in US history has had more criminal associates and more investigations into apparent criminal actions.
You sure didn't, ya little liar.

Wow, you trump supporters are really having a hard time with this simple yes/no question !

Would it surprise you in the least to learn that Trump has committed a gaggle of crimes?

After three and a half years of digging for dirt, coming up DRY. Yes.

Will it surprise you in the least to learn that Trump has NOT committed a gaggle of crimes. After three and a half years, why or why not?
Will it surprise you in the least to learn that Trump has NOT committed a gaggle of crimes.
Absolutely it would, though that's an odd question. How could that be firmly established? A better question would be to ask if it would surprise me if evidence of Trump's criminality was not uncovered. My answer would still be, "yes".
It doesn't matter. Trump charges them the same price as any other customer. Where T-mobile executives choose to stay has nothing to do with Trump.

One of these dumb ass libs was demanding that Trump let Federal employees stay at his hotels for free, free golf cart rentals, etc. not realizing that IS actually against the law.
You people must be on the Moon....the crime are piling up.

List the crimes allegedly committed by Trump that can be defined empirically and validated outside of what lies between your ears.

They have been listed in this thread. YOU FIND IT.

The coming months are going to be incredibly uncomfortable for the entire trump syndicate....
They have been listed in this thread. YOU FIND IT.

The coming months are going to be incredibly uncomfortable for the entire trump syndicate....

Have you filed a police report? Go ahead impeach Trump what are you gutless morons waiting for? For over 2 years now you have been predicting this nonsense.
Got you. I'll mark you down for, too big a sissy to answer
I'd like to be on your list too, please. What would you like to mark me down as?
Well, you're a sissy cultist who is too entrenched in his delusion to wrangle with a simple question. For starters.

Would it surprise you in the least to learn that Trump has committed a gaggle of crimes?

He has been proven to be an unindicted co-conspirator in one felony. With the amount and depth of both the federal and state investigations going on....the question is not IF there will be more crime....rather HOW MANY more crimes will there be.

No president in US history has had more criminal associates and more investigations into apparent criminal actions.

Just because Cohen plead guilty after being coerced by prosecutors, doesn't mean it was actually a crime. There is at least a 10 year history of Trump associates killing stories that could hurt Trumps brand, no one with any brains would think another NDA would be any different, your commie fantasies not withstanding.


As more and more Trump crimes and misdeeds come to light....the percent will rise even more.
Really? I hope so . Impeach Nixon used to be the popular cry back in the day, back in 73'. The highlight of American political culture, was Nixon knew when to resign. Clinton didn't have that same insight. And then there is that same foresight of those that never should have become president to begin with...Bush Jr. or Obama.
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I not want to see him Impeached. No one is more adept at playing the Victim than trump. He us the Charlie Brown of all Presidencies.

He needs to lose in 2020 and then the sealed indictments tha Mueller is holding need to be served. I expect on the sentence resulting from those charges could land him in prison for 5-10 years. He was the Leader of a Conspiracy to commit felonies. And that does not take into account other crimes that will be coming. Mueller....SDNY....State Attorney Generals....

Oh...and there are no policies that prohibit the NY Attorney General from indicting trump.

Wrong, he turned over the operation of it to his mother and brother.

Wait, Trump turned over his business to his relatives too. Will the letf stop whining and complaining now?

Yeah, hold your breath till that happens, The commies are so blinded by their hate, truth doesn't matter. They want the old Soviet justice system implemented here, but only for the people they hate. I guess that's what they call they fundamental transformation of the country.

He has been proven to be an unindicted co-conspirator in one felony. With the amount and depth of both the federal and state investigations going on....the question is not IF there will be more crime....rather HOW MANY more crimes will there be.
"...proven to be an unindicted co-conspirator"?

I assume that's in the Court of Leftist Lunacy, since it's kinda hard for something to be "proven" without an indictment AND a conviction.

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