Percent of Americans supporting Impeachment growing

As more and more trump crimes and misdeeds come to light....the percent will rise even more.
Jim, Like you, I believe the whole Trump cartel is crooked as a corkscrew. But except for Manafort, Cohen, Papadapoulos, Flynn and a few others, what we have are accusations only. Before proof is presented it is premature to talk impeachment. It is not, or shouldn't be, American to punish on whim or because of what actions 'look like'. It's hard to prove chicanery by a group that have lived by it all their lives. They are cunning and know the law better than we do. But our FF chose the harder route and we should abide by their counsel to prevent error, like it or not. So IMHO, we should stifle this talk of impeachment unless or until there is lawful reason

I agree, we have no idea if or when the investigation will end and if there is evidence enough or not, and if there is evidence, then and only then should we impeach or at least look at whether there is enough evidence or not.
he was supposta turn the trump empire over to others. he was supposta split from them. he didn't & he's using his brand as prez to intensify his holdings. that's unethical - but for donny... it really is biz'nez as usual. & the DC hotel is making cash DIRECTLY because he's prez.

More unsubstantiated speculation. Go ahead post the financial reports that show an increase in revenue. Post one shred of evidence any of the bat shit crazy nonsense you liberals vomit daily has any credibility.


Disclosure report shows Trump earned $40M in 2017 from D.C. hotel

Here Are the Ways Trump Cashes In on Being President

Trump Hotel reports $2 million in profits in first four months of 2017
So your theory is that the hotel wouldn't have made a profit if Trump hadn't won the election?

You're a fucking dumbass.

no you idiot... i said he's profiting off the office of the prez with that hotel. you think dignitaries... probably paying way more than they have to - would stay there if they didn't want favors from the POTUS?

go away.

The reason people build hotels is to make a profit off of them, you fucking dumbass. The accusation that Trump is profiting off his hotel couldn't be more retarded. Of course he's profiting off of it. That's why he built it. Hotels that don't make a profit go out of business. Trump doesn't tell "foreign dignitaries" in which hotel they have to stay in. There's no crime here, moron.

Is there something you could point out that is actually corrupt?
I'm a liberal and have been registered as an Independent since 1978.

I don't want trump to be impeached.

It's nothing but a big waste of time and energy that can be spent on substantial issues we have.

Republicans in the senate will never vote guilty and he will not be thrown out of office so impeachment is a total waste of time.

The last thing I want to do is help make a martyr of trump to his supporters.

Nor do I want to give any of those crazy people a reason to pick up one of their weapons and go on a shooting spree of anyone that person deems a "liberal."

I believe in democracy and the voice of the people.

The next election is next year. We have a congress that will follow the constitution and impose proper checks and balances on trump.

Let democracy do it's thing.

If you or anyone honestly wants trump out of our White House the best way to do it is VOTE. It's not enough for you to vote. You need to get other people to vote. You need to fill your car on all early voting days with people all day long to take them to vote. You need to get people registered and get them to vote.

Not voting got us in this mess

Voting will get us out.

Concentrate on what will actually work. Getting record numbers of people to the polls to vote.
he was supposta turn the trump empire over to others. he was supposta split from them. he didn't & he's using his brand as prez to intensify his holdings. that's unethical - but for donny... it really is biz'nez as usual. & the DC hotel is making cash DIRECTLY because he's prez.

More unsubstantiated speculation. Go ahead post the financial reports that show an increase in revenue. Post one shred of evidence any of the bat shit crazy nonsense you liberals vomit daily has any credibility.


Disclosure report shows Trump earned $40M in 2017 from D.C. hotel

Here Are the Ways Trump Cashes In on Being President

Trump Hotel reports $2 million in profits in first four months of 2017

Awesome file a police report and charge him with a crime, impeach him today.

you actually think you are scoring political points with that silliness? please, entertain me some more....

tic tic tic toc toc toc.

You're the one who believes he's scoring political points with these brain dead accusations that Trump's hotel is making a profit! Horrors!
What the fuck was he supposed to do dumbass close down his farm and go broke?
You really can't think of any other option, eh? Well, that sort of makes you simple, doesn't it?

Furthermore, the problematic actions were not just summed up by his ownership of property. So your question is dumb on just about every level.
Trump's actions are "problematic" only to a bunch of deranged leftwing Trump haters with their panties in a knot.
What the fuck was he supposed to do dumbass close down his farm and go broke?
You really can't think of any other option, eh? Well, that sort of makes you simple, doesn't it?

Furthermore, the problematic actions were not just summed up by his ownership of property. So your question is dumb on just about every level.

Jimmy Carter had to sell his family farm when he was president.

No he did not you people are suck liars. Jimmy Carter turned his peanut farm and warehouse over to a blind trust when he became president. Four years later, when he and Rosalynn returned to Plains, they were aghast to discover that because of mismanagement by the trustees they were $1 million in debt. :itsok:
Of course it’s possible.

Anything is possible.
Ah, the easy way out. So, at this moment, you are putting the possibility that trump committed crimes on par with the possibility that your family pet will suddenly appear in the Andromeda galaxy via quantum tunneling.

So, I must refine my question. maybe put another way: would it surprise you in the least to learn that he has committed a gaggle of crimes? I am guessing your answer to that is "no".
Trump has been investigated for 2 years now, including his financial records. He has also been audited by the IRS every single year. The odds that Trump has committed any crimes is minuscule. On the other hand, we know that Hillary has committed dozens if not thousands of crimes.

What could be dumber than asking whether something anyone could do is possible? Is it possible that Nazi Pelosi picks her nose when no one is looking? Of course it is.
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At least two former heads of the FEC say it wasn't a violation
While the judge says it was. Whose opinion matters more? Hmm, that's a toughie...

Really, what judge would that be?

You can figure it out. Or not.

Anyhoo, I asked you a question:

Would it surprise you in the least to learn that Trump has committed a gaggle of crimes?

Already answered that one commie.

You sure didn't, ya little liar.

Wow, you trump supporters are really having a hard time with this simple yes/no question !

Would it surprise you in the least to learn that Trump has committed a gaggle of crimes?

Only un-American commie MFs would want to search for crimes where there are no indications of a crime being committed, just because of their hate. You seem to fit that description very well.

Trump's actions are "problematic" only to a bunch of deranged leftwing Trump haters with their panties in a knot.

Bripat holy shit Dem's do nothing but try to profit off their political office its mind boggling that they have the nerve to even bring this subject up. What were the Clintons and Obama's worth before and after holding office, bingo.
What the fuck was he supposed to do dumbass close down his farm and go broke?
You really can't think of any other option, eh? Well, that sort of makes you simple, doesn't it?

Furthermore, the problematic actions were not just summed up by his ownership of property. So your question is dumb on just about every level.

Jimmy Carter had to sell his family farm when he was president.

Wrong, he turned over the operation of it to his mother and brother.

You people must be on the Moon....the crime are piling up.

he was supposta turn the trump empire over to others. he was supposta split from them. he didn't & he's using his brand as prez to intensify his holdings. that's unethical - but for donny... it really is biz'nez as usual. & the DC hotel is making cash DIRECTLY because he's prez.

More unsubstantiated speculation. Go ahead post the financial reports that show an increase in revenue. Post one shred of evidence any of the bat shit crazy nonsense you liberals vomit daily has any credibility.


Disclosure report shows Trump earned $40M in 2017 from D.C. hotel

Here Are the Ways Trump Cashes In on Being President

Trump Hotel reports $2 million in profits in first four months of 2017
So your theory is that the hotel wouldn't have made a profit if Trump hadn't won the election?

You're a fucking dumbass.

Doesn't matter if people are spending money at his hotels to curry favor it is still corruption.

Washington Post: T-Mobile executives stayed at Trump's DC hotel after announcing merger needing administration's approval - CNNPolitics
It doesn't matter. Trump charges them the same price as any other customer. Where T-mobile executives choose to stay has nothing to do with Trump.
Really, what judge would that be?

You can figure it out. Or not.

Anyhoo, I asked you a question:

Would it surprise you in the least to learn that Trump has committed a gaggle of crimes?

Already answered that one commie.

You sure didn't, ya little liar.

Wow, you trump supporters are really having a hard time with this simple yes/no question !

Would it surprise you in the least to learn that Trump has committed a gaggle of crimes?

Only un-American commie MFs would want to search for crimes where there are no indications of a crime being committed, just because of their hate. You seem to fit that description very well.

Thank you again for your cry-babying.

5th time:

Would it surprise you in the least to learn that Trump has committed a gaggle of crimes?

If you want answers you like go watch MSLSD, they're in tune with your commie aspirations.

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As more and more trump crimes and misdeeds come to light....the percent will rise even more.

You Tards are so Butt Hurt is has rotted your little bitty brains...
Ah, deno the wise is here.

A question:

Would it surprise you in the least to learn that Trump has committed a gaggle of crimes?

No more so than obozo or any other libtard politician…..

The wise has spoken……
If you want answers you like
My opinion of your answer is irrelevant to the fact that you refuse to give one.

6th time:

Would it surprise you in the least to learn that Trump has committed a gaggle of crimes?
When did you stop beating your wife?
Look at these huge fucking sissies. a simple yes or no question sends them into a tailspin.
When did you stop beating your wife?
At least two former heads of the FEC say it wasn't a violation
While the judge says it was. Whose opinion matters more? Hmm, that's a toughie...

Really, what judge would that be?

You can figure it out. Or not.

Anyhoo, I asked you a question:

Would it surprise you in the least to learn that Trump has committed a gaggle of crimes?

Already answered that one commie.


You got some big ball calling someone a Commie after your Great Leader is practically sleeping with Putin and Kim. The Dictator wannabe would love to have people "stand up" for him...

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