Percent of Americans supporting Impeachment growing

Percent of Americans supporting Impeachment growing

OH, GOODY! I support impeachment, too! Now that the Constitution has come to being about a popular vote (and it hasn't, jerk) I fully support the impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama.
Wake up. The Impeachment of Clinton failed in the Senate BECAUSE of Clinton's popularity

Moron, Clinton WAS impeached. He just wasn't removed from office because the democrat-controlled senate saved him. Not because he was popular, but because he was one of their own doing what they wanted. And that is all that matters to a democrat.

Had the republicans been in control of the senate and Clinton a republican, THEY STILL WOULD HAVE REMOVED HIM, because that is what the law called for.

Likewise, if the democratic House impeaches Trump over some bullshit (not actual high crimes), the GOP controlled senate, even if they don't love the guy, likely will NOT remove him, following the true intent of the law.

Impeachment was never meant as a solution for the popularity or unpopularity of a sitting president.
Yep, they'll try, anything before Trump took entered politics is none of their fucking business, they aren't law enforcement. They have the authority of government oversight, nothing more.

Sorry but nope. And what are you afraid of them finding?

Tax fraud?

Money laundering?


NO, you seem to be forgetting that maobamas IRS was up Trumps ass for years, if there was anything to find it would have been found already. But hey enjoy your fantasies.

We should have a full time investigation on every member of Congress.

Don’t we want to know if they are committing crimes?

Special Counsels on every member of Congress! :21:

Fucking idiots,
Freakin out a little?

Panicking a little??

Perhaps, although a whole lot less than liberals are....dumbass.
"Would it surprise you in the least to learn that Trump has committed a gaggle of crimes?"

So is that quote the prior poster, "fucking idiots, freaking out, panicking"?
A not insignificant percentage of Americans supported Donald Trump for president but who cares about what they think
We should have a full time investigation on every member of Congress.

Don’t we want to know if they are committing crimes?

Special Counsels on every member of Congress! :21:

Fucking idiots,
Freakin out a little?

Panicking a little??

Perhaps, although a whole lot less than liberals are....dumbass.
"Would it surprise you in the least to learn that Trump has committed a gaggle of crimes?"

So is that quote the prior poster, "fucking idiots, freaking out, panicking"?
Sorry for the confusion. It's a simple yes/no question i am posing to you. I'll try again:
"Would it surprise you in the least to learn that Trump has committed a gaggle of crimes?"

No confusion, I knew you were attempting to change the subject.
Do you think the Democratic members of the House committee were more interested in getting at the truth or more interested in undermining Trump no matter what the facts showed?
More interested in getting at the truth 31%
More interested in undermining Trump 46%
....and? Welcome to big boy politics. It's not as if the trump presidency was the beginning of this sort of thing. It just so happens that the amoral, classless, ignorant, mentally ill child president presents a more fertile ground for it than past presidents.
Funny how they've got you twisted around their finger, "big boy". You sold, and you aren't even getting half as good a deal as your avatar.
We should have a full time investigation on every member of Congress.

Don’t we want to know if they are committing crimes?

Special Counsels on every member of Congress! :21:

Fucking idiots,
Freakin out a little?

Panicking a little??

Perhaps, although a whole lot less than liberals are....dumbass.
"Would it surprise you in the least to learn that Trump has committed a gaggle of crimes?"

So is that quote the prior poster, "fucking idiots, freaking out, panicking"?
Trump's Symbiosis of Stupid with Fox News May Involve an Impeachable Offense
According to a New Yorker bombshell from Jane Mayer, the president sought to block the AT&T-Time Warner merger in just one of three different moves he made to benefit Fox owner Rupert Murdoch.
You people must be on the Moon....the crime are piling up.

List them for the class.

Do you know that Trimp is an in-inducted conspirator in the charges Cohen is going to jail for?

You ought to. That’s aside from Obstruction if Justice he is almost certain to be slapped with.

You're full of shit. Cohen proved it was a personal expense when he testified he lied to the First Lady to keep her in the dark about the NDA.


Personal expense? A few days out from election after all these years?? Paid for out of Trump company account ???

Yea, good luck with that one mr.gullible.
Yeah, ain't lawfully mandated privacy a bitch, must suck to be a statist asshole, hugh?
Neato! But that has zero bearing on the fact that your claim doesn't seem to be supported by any factual information. And I looked for some.
you seem to be forgetting that maobamas IRS was up Trumps ass for years
It was? Could you direct us to some reading on this?

Is your google broke?

IF as you say Obamas irs was up trumps ass how come the public never saw it?? Wouldn't Obama have gladly shown the thiefs taxes?

Damn you idiots are great at assuming things not in evidence. How does it feel to live in a total fantasy world?

he was supposta turn the trump empire over to others. he was supposta split from them. he didn't & he's using his brand as prez to intensify his holdings. that's unethical - but for donny... it really is biz'nez as usual. & the DC hotel is making cash DIRECTLY because he's prez.

More unsubstantiated speculation. Go ahead post the financial reports that show an increase in revenue. Post one shred of evidence any of the bat shit crazy nonsense you liberals vomit daily has any credibility.


Disclosure report shows Trump earned $40M in 2017 from D.C. hotel

Here Are the Ways Trump Cashes In on Being President

Trump Hotel reports $2 million in profits in first four months of 2017
So your theory is that the hotel wouldn't have made a profit if Trump hadn't won the election?

You're a fucking dumbass.

Doesn't matter if people are spending money at his hotels to curry favor it is still corruption.

Washington Post: T-Mobile executives stayed at Trump's DC hotel after announcing merger needing administration's approval - CNNPolitics
You people must be on the Moon....the crime are piling up.

List them for the class.

Do you know that Trimp is an in-inducted conspirator in the charges Cohen is going to jail for?

You ought to. That’s aside from Obstruction if Justice he is almost certain to be slapped with.

You're full of shit. Cohen proved it was a personal expense when he testified he lied to the First Lady to keep her in the dark about the NDA.


Personal expense? A few days out from election after all these years?? Paid for out of Trump company account ???

Yea, good luck with that one mr.gullible.

At least two former heads of the FEC say it wasn't a violation, so your fantasies hold no water compared to their opinions.


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