Percent of Americans supporting Impeachment growing

you actually think you are scoring political points with that silliness? please, entertain me some more....

tic tic tic toc toc toc.

Look stupid, the left hates Trump so much if they had evidence of him even jaywalking they would have impeached him already. You clowns whining and moaning about Trump day after day for 2 plus years its getting a bit boring. Shit or get off the pot you gutless bunch of Mary's.

it's been 2 years - at least on congress' part because the god damn (R)s have stone walled.... THEN the gov shut down delayed the house majority from getting started when they took the gavel. but things seem to be moving pretty quickly now & mueller will be finishing up soon too.

Here we go with your unsubstantiated accusations again. Okay what specifically did the GOP stone wall?

the committees were shut down before all questions were asked... the (D)s had no power to continue. then when they got the gavel - the (R) minority dragged their feet appointing members to the various minority seats...

LOL name the committees that were shut down and questions that were not asked. :itsok:

i go by the ones that said they couldn't... i go by the list of those that the house wants docs from... i do know the subpoenas will be rolling out if the ones asked to return don't show up. traitor tot & steve bannon... perhaps jared too. oh as for shutting them down? start with devon nunez - chair of the house intel commitee. it must be burning his butt that shiff took that chair away from him & he gets to be overruled at any anytime.
Percent of Americans supporting Impeachment growing

OH, GOODY! I support impeachment, too! Now that the Constitution has come to being about a popular vote (and it hasn't, jerk) I fully support the impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama.
Wake up. The Impeachment of Clinton failed in the Senate BECAUSE of Clinton's popularity
We should have a full time investigation on every member of Congress.

Don’t we want to know if they are committing crimes?

Special Counsels on every member of Congress! :21:

Fucking idiots,
I’m done with Fort Fun,

If there are no impeachable crimes in the Mueller investigation, it should be over.

Dimms just want him out of office at all costs.

You shitheads had better look out for the socialists taking overs your party.
Look stupid, the left hates Trump so much if they had evidence of him even jaywalking they would have impeached him already. You clowns whining and moaning about Trump day after day for 2 plus years its getting a bit boring. Shit or get off the pot you gutless bunch of Mary's.

it's been 2 years - at least on congress' part because the god damn (R)s have stone walled.... THEN the gov shut down delayed the house majority from getting started when they took the gavel. but things seem to be moving pretty quickly now & mueller will be finishing up soon too.

Here we go with your unsubstantiated accusations again. Okay what specifically did the GOP stone wall?

the committees were shut down before all questions were asked... the (D)s had no power to continue. then when they got the gavel - the (R) minority dragged their feet appointing members to the various minority seats...

LOL name the committees that were shut down and questions that were not asked. :itsok:

i go by the ones that said they couldn't... i go by the list of those that the house wants docs from... i do know the subpoenas will be rolling out if the ones asked to return don't show up. traitor tot & steve bannon... perhaps jared too. oh as for shutting them down? start with devon nunez - chair of the house intel commitee. it must be burning his butt that shiff took that chair away from him & he gets to be overruled at any anytime.

You seem butthurt and thirsting for revenge. Here talk to the hand I'm done with you. :eusa_hand: You may go now I give you permission.
I’m done with Fort Fun,
No, you're done doing your little dance to avoid a simple yes/no question. To wit: "Would it surprise you in the least to learn that he has committed a gaggle of crimes?"

Good, you were starting to embarrass yourself. I'll mark you down with Bluesboi as, "too squeamish to answer; fears for status of trump cult card, should he answer honestly".
it's been 2 years - at least on congress' part because the god damn (R)s have stone walled.... THEN the gov shut down delayed the house majority from getting started when they took the gavel. but things seem to be moving pretty quickly now & mueller will be finishing up soon too.

Here we go with your unsubstantiated accusations again. Okay what specifically did the GOP stone wall?

the committees were shut down before all questions were asked... the (D)s had no power to continue. then when they got the gavel - the (R) minority dragged their feet appointing members to the various minority seats...

LOL name the committees that were shut down and questions that were not asked. :itsok:

i go by the ones that said they couldn't... i go by the list of those that the house wants docs from... i do know the subpoenas will be rolling out if the ones asked to return don't show up. traitor tot & steve bannon... perhaps jared too. oh as for shutting them down? start with devon nunez - chair of the house intel commitee. it must be burning his butt that shiff took that chair away from him & he gets to be overruled at any anytime.

You seem butthurt and thirsting for revenge. Here talk to the hand I'm done with you. :eusa_hand: You may go now I give you permission.

you have very poor judgment, sweety. i answered every time you posted to me - gave you links & straight up truth. i understand why you need to go....
He has done nothing worthy of impeachment. Shady, greedy, sleazy stuff? Sure. But nothing to the standard of high crimes and misdemeanors.

there is an active emoluments lawsuit against trump thru the AG of DC as i'm writing this.

Another politically motivated exercise in futility.


kitty be wrong 'bout dat.

It will eventually be dismissed for lack of standing. Only congress can judge a violation of the emoluments clause. Every other case has been dismissed on that basis.


oh no worries - the house is getting all kindsa involved with donny's finances. finally.

Yep, they'll try, anything before Trump took entered politics is none of their fucking business, they aren't law enforcement. They have the authority of government oversight, nothing more.

We should have a full time investigation on every member of Congress.

Don’t we want to know if they are committing crimes?

Special Counsels on every member of Congress! :21:

Fucking idiots,
Freakin out a little?

Panicking a little??
Yep, they'll try, anything before Trump took entered politics is none of their fucking business, they aren't law enforcement. They have the authority of government oversight, nothing more.

Sorry but nope. And what are you afraid of them finding?

Tax fraud?

Money laundering?

We should have a full time investigation on every member of Congress.

Don’t we want to know if they are committing crimes?

Special Counsels on every member of Congress! :21:

Fucking idiots,
Freakin out a little?

Panicking a little??

Perhaps, although a whole lot less than liberals are....dumbass.
"Would it surprise you in the least to learn that Trump has committed a gaggle of crimes?"
He has done nothing worthy of impeachment. Shady, greedy, sleazy stuff? Sure. But nothing to the standard of high crimes and misdemeanors.

there is an active emoluments lawsuit against trump thru the AG of DC as i'm writing this.

Another politically motivated exercise in futility.


kitty be wrong 'bout dat.

It will eventually be dismissed for lack of standing. Only congress can judge a violation of the emoluments clause. Every other case has been dismissed on that basis.

Do you think it possible or even likely that Trump did commit crimes, and that, upon deep dive investigations, evidence of them will come to light?

You don't seem to understand the purpose of an investigation, they're not supposed to be fishing expeditions. There has to be a reason other than just not liking someone. This bullshit of show me the man and I'll find you a crime is what third world dictators do. Congress has no law enforcement power, and have no authority to investigate anything before Trump entered politics.

Polling agency: Monmouth University Polling Institute

Total polled: 802
Dates: Mar 1-4 (right after the Cohen Circus)

Demographic (rather blue, lol): "The Polling Institute's major focus is New Jersey but also conducts policy research and election polls throughout the mid-Atlantic region."

Actual info and questions here: Impeachment Support Inches Up

Some questions the articles want to hide:

Do you approve or disapprove of the job the U.S. Congress is doing?
Approve: 23%
Disapprove: 68%

Do you think the Democratic members of the House committee were more interested in getting at the truth or more interested in undermining Trump no matter what the facts showed?
More interested in getting at the truth 31%
More interested in undermining Trump 46%

So bottom line, even the Dems know what their leaders are up to - and they don't like it either.

Damn, debunking this nonsense is easy!
I’d like a special counselor appointed to Schiff.

We have audio of him colluding with someone whom he thought was a Russian operative to get evidence against Trump.

Sounds actionable to me.

Where is the special counsel?
You don't seem to understand the purpose of an investigation, they're not supposed to be fishing expeditions.
Hmm, no, clearly it is you who does not understand. Investigations are often launched based on suspicious activity, in order to determine whether or not a crime was committed. In Cogress's case, it doesn't even have to be a crime. These are facts, and every time you try to imply otherwise, you are simply dead-ass wrong. Nothing more to cover...
Do you think the Democratic members of the House committee were more interested in getting at the truth or more interested in undermining Trump no matter what the facts showed?
More interested in getting at the truth 31%
More interested in undermining Trump 46%
....and? Welcome to big boy politics. It's not as if the trump presidency was the beginning of this sort of thing. It just so happens that the amoral, classless, ignorant, mentally ill child president presents a more fertile ground for it than past presidents.

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