Percent of Americans supporting Impeachment growing

As more and more trump crimes and misdeeds come to light....the percent will rise even more.
Jim, Like you, I believe the whole Trump cartel is crooked as a corkscrew. But except for Manafort, Cohen, Papadapoulos, Flynn and a few others, what we have are accusations only. Before proof is presented it is premature to talk impeachment. It is not, or shouldn't be, American to punish on whim or because of what actions 'look like'. It's hard to prove chicanery by a group that have lived by it all their lives. They are cunning and know the law better than we do. But our FF chose the harder route and we should abide by their counsel to prevent error, like it or not. So IMHO, we should stifle this talk of impeachment unless or until there is lawful reason
he was supposta turn the trump empire over to others. he was supposta split from them. he didn't & he's using his brand as prez to intensify his holdings. that's unethical - but for donny... it really is biz'nez as usual. & the DC hotel is making cash DIRECTLY because he's prez.

More unsubstantiated speculation. Go ahead post the financial reports that show an increase in revenue. Post one shred of evidence any of the bat shit crazy nonsense you liberals vomit daily has any credibility.


Disclosure report shows Trump earned $40M in 2017 from D.C. hotel

Here Are the Ways Trump Cashes In on Being President

Trump Hotel reports $2 million in profits in first four months of 2017
he was supposta turn the trump empire over to others. he was supposta split from them. he didn't & he's using his brand as prez to intensify his holdings. that's unethical - but for donny... it really is biz'nez as usual. & the DC hotel is making cash DIRECTLY because he's prez.

More unsubstantiated speculation. Go ahead post the financial reports that show an increase in revenue. Post one shred of evidence any of the bat shit crazy nonsense you liberals vomit daily has any credibility.


Disclosure report shows Trump earned $40M in 2017 from D.C. hotel

Here Are the Ways Trump Cashes In on Being President

Trump Hotel reports $2 million in profits in first four months of 2017
So your theory is that the hotel wouldn't have made a profit if Trump hadn't won the election?

You're a fucking dumbass.
He has done nothing worthy of impeachment. Shady, greedy, sleazy stuff? Sure. But nothing to the standard of high crimes and misdemeanors.

there is an active emoluments lawsuit against trump thru the AG of DC as i'm writing this.

Another politically motivated exercise in futility.


kitty be wrong 'bout dat.

It will eventually be dismissed for lack of standing. Only congress can judge a violation of the emoluments clause. Every other case has been dismissed on that basis.

You people must be on the Moon....the crime are piling up.
What crimes, dumbass?
Do you think it possible or even likely that Trump did commit crimes, and that, upon deep dive investigations, evidence of them will come to light?
ROFL! Wouldn't that be true of any president? Wouldn't it be true of any poplitician?

Going on fishing expeditions to find whatever they can on the opposition president is not a legitimate function of Congress. It's the sure indication of a gang of sleazy douchebags.
he was supposta turn the trump empire over to others. he was supposta split from them. he didn't & he's using his brand as prez to intensify his holdings. that's unethical - but for donny... it really is biz'nez as usual. & the DC hotel is making cash DIRECTLY because he's prez.

More unsubstantiated speculation. Go ahead post the financial reports that show an increase in revenue. Post one shred of evidence any of the bat shit crazy nonsense you liberals vomit daily has any credibility.


Disclosure report shows Trump earned $40M in 2017 from D.C. hotel

Here Are the Ways Trump Cashes In on Being President

Trump Hotel reports $2 million in profits in first four months of 2017

Awesome file a police report and charge him with a crime, impeach him today.
You people must be on the Moon....the crime are piling up.
What crimes, dumbass?
Do you think it possible or even likely that Trump did commit crimes, and that, upon deep dive investigations, evidence of them will come to light?
ROFL! Wouldn't that be true of any president? Wouldn't it be true of any poplitician?

Going on fishing expeditions to find whatever they can on the opposition president is not a legitimate function of Congress. It's the sure indication of a gang of sleazy douchebags.

Thankfully the U.S. Constitution protects us from assholes like him. Can you even imagine the country we would be living in if the Constitution didn't bitch slap the left and keep them in check.
he was supposta turn the trump empire over to others. he was supposta split from them. he didn't & he's using his brand as prez to intensify his holdings. that's unethical - but for donny... it really is biz'nez as usual. & the DC hotel is making cash DIRECTLY because he's prez.

More unsubstantiated speculation. Go ahead post the financial reports that show an increase in revenue. Post one shred of evidence any of the bat shit crazy nonsense you liberals vomit daily has any credibility.


Disclosure report shows Trump earned $40M in 2017 from D.C. hotel

Here Are the Ways Trump Cashes In on Being President

Trump Hotel reports $2 million in profits in first four months of 2017
So your theory is that the hotel wouldn't have made a profit if Trump hadn't won the election?

You're a fucking dumbass.

no you idiot... i said he's profiting off the office of the prez with that hotel. you think dignitaries... probably paying way more than they have to - would stay there if they didn't want favors from the POTUS?

go away.
He has done nothing worthy of impeachment. Shady, greedy, sleazy stuff? Sure. But nothing to the standard of high crimes and misdemeanors.

there is an active emoluments lawsuit against trump thru the AG of DC as i'm writing this.

Another politically motivated exercise in futility.


kitty be wrong 'bout dat.

It will eventually be dismissed for lack of standing. Only congress can judge a violation of the emoluments clause. Every other case has been dismissed on that basis.


oh no worries - the house is getting all kindsa involved with donny's finances. finally.
he was supposta turn the trump empire over to others. he was supposta split from them. he didn't & he's using his brand as prez to intensify his holdings. that's unethical - but for donny... it really is biz'nez as usual. & the DC hotel is making cash DIRECTLY because he's prez.

More unsubstantiated speculation. Go ahead post the financial reports that show an increase in revenue. Post one shred of evidence any of the bat shit crazy nonsense you liberals vomit daily has any credibility.


Disclosure report shows Trump earned $40M in 2017 from D.C. hotel

Here Are the Ways Trump Cashes In on Being President

Trump Hotel reports $2 million in profits in first four months of 2017
So your theory is that the hotel wouldn't have made a profit if Trump hadn't won the election?

You're a fucking dumbass.

no you idiot... i said he's profiting off the office of the prez with that hotel. you think dignitaries... probably paying way more than they have to - would stay there if they didn't want favors from the POTUS?

go away.

Tell me, were people still purchasing crops from George Washington when he was president? The answer is hell yes. You legal morons don't have a leg to stand on a judge would laugh this out of court.
he was supposta turn the trump empire over to others. he was supposta split from them. he didn't & he's using his brand as prez to intensify his holdings. that's unethical - but for donny... it really is biz'nez as usual. & the DC hotel is making cash DIRECTLY because he's prez.

More unsubstantiated speculation. Go ahead post the financial reports that show an increase in revenue. Post one shred of evidence any of the bat shit crazy nonsense you liberals vomit daily has any credibility.


Disclosure report shows Trump earned $40M in 2017 from D.C. hotel

Here Are the Ways Trump Cashes In on Being President

Trump Hotel reports $2 million in profits in first four months of 2017

Awesome file a police report and charge him with a crime, impeach him today.

you actually think you are scoring political points with that silliness? please, entertain me some more....

tic tic tic toc toc toc.
You libs are so transparent and easy to dispense with facts.

You guys are pathetic, really....I fart in your general direction.
Tell me, were people still purchasing crops from George Washington when he was president?
Yes, among other actions. and, if you look around at any of the academic literature on this, you will find that what he did is generally regarded as legally and constitutionally problematic. So your whataboutism argument will end up biting you, in the end.

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