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Peres: Israel will consider joining chemical weapons ban treaty

Yet still Hamas did not protect the civilians, even though they knew Israel was retaliating for rockets from Gaza to Israel. You should be ashamed of Hamas Sherri, thoroughly ashamed.

It is a war crime to target civilians as Israel did.

You should be ashamed for being an apologist for Israel's war crimes.

This has nothing at all to do with Hamas, it is about Israel's unlawful killings in Gaza, that included 344 children and a total killed of 1391, most of whom were unlawfully killed by Israel.

These killings are Israel's responsibility and Israel's war crimes.

And one day, the perpetrators will be tried for war crimes.

The civilians were not targeted. Israel only targets terrorists. You know that full well. The killings were Hamas's responsibility. Everyone knows that apart from filthy antisemites. One day Karma is going to hit Hamas big time for targeting civilians in Israel and for not protecting the civilians in Gaza. I can't wait to see Hamas get what is due to them.
Here is the first story Amnesty documents that proves Israel used civilians as human shields.

I am just including the beginning of the story of what this family was subjected to as they were held as human shields.

"In the al-Zaytoun district of Gaza City, Israeli soldiers took over several houses of the
extended al-Sammouni family when they entered the area. As’ad ‘Ali al-Sammouni told
Amnesty International: “I live in this house with my wife, my three married sons and their
wives and 11 children and my four unmarried sons. My two nephews, their wives and 15
children were also staying with us. We were some 45 people in all. In the night between 3
and 4 January we heard noises up on the roof terrace and we concluded that the soldiers
must have descended from a helicopter because the gate and the front door were locked and
no one could have entered the house from anywhere else. We heard them banging up on the
roof terrace but nobody could dare to go upstairs to see what was happening. We all stayed
on the ground floor. At about 6.30am there was banging at the front door and lots of soldiers
came in. They grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and asked about Qassams and I said we
did not have any such things. They tied and blindfolded all of us – men and boys – and put
us all in one room in the ground floor, together with the women and children......"

Yet still Hamas did not protect the civilians, even though they knew Israel was retaliating for rockets from Gaza to Israel. You should be ashamed of Hamas Sherri, thoroughly ashamed.

It is a war crime to target civilians as Israel did.

You should be ashamed for being an apologist for Israel's war crimes.

This has nothing at all to do with Hamas, it is about Israel's unlawful killings in Gaza, that included 344 children and a total killed of 1391, most of whom were unlawfully killed by Israel.

These killings are Israel's responsibility and Israel's war crimes.

And one day, the perpetrators will be tried for war crimes.

The civilians were not targeted. Israel only targets terrorists. You know that full well. The killings were Hamas's responsibility. Everyone knows that apart from filthy antisemites. One day Karma is going to hit Hamas big time for targeting civilians in Israel and for not protecting the civilians in Gaza. I can't wait to see Hamas get what is due to them.

What I know to be true is what is reported by the human rights groups, and that is that Israel unlawfully targeted civilians.

Let's go to that part of Amnestys Report

The Table Of Contents

Introduction................................................................................................................. 1
1. Killings of Palestinian civilians by Israeli forces ........................................................... 6
1.1 Precision Strikes ............................................................................................... 11
1.1.1 Air strikes against buildings ......................................................................... 11
1.1.2 Air strikes targeting people........................................................................... 15
1.1.3 Tank shelling – targeting “anything that moves”............................................. 19
1.2 Close-range Shootings ....................................................................................... 24
1.3 Indiscriminate attacks ....................................................................................... 27
1.3.1 White phosphorus ....................................................................................... 27
1.3.2 Mortars ...................................................................................................... 36
1.3.3 flechettes................................................................................................... 38
1.4 Attacking and obstructing medical workers .......................................................... 40
1.4.1 Medical workers in the line of fire................................................................. 40
1.4.2 Access to medical care hindered for the wounded .......................................... 43

Hopefully the rockets from Gaza to Israel will stop. I am sure Hamas do not want to be blamed for more civilian deaths in Gaza when Israel needs to target Hamas launching sites again.
Yet still Hamas did not protect the civilians, even though they knew Israel was retaliating for rockets from Gaza to Israel. You should be ashamed of Hamas Sherri, thoroughly ashamed.

It is a war crime to target civilians as Israel did.

You should be ashamed for being an apologist for Israel's war crimes.

This has nothing at all to do with Hamas, it is about Israel's unlawful killings in Gaza, that included 344 children and a total killed of 1391, most of whom were unlawfully killed by Israel.

These killings are Israel's responsibility and Israel's war crimes.

And one day, the perpetrators will be tried for war crimes.

arab propaganda
“Until now we don’t understand why. We want
peace; and we want an investigation; we want to
know why me and my sisters have been orphaned.
Why did they kill our parents, our family?”
Fathiya Mousa, whose parents and siblings were killed in an Israeli air strike while sitting in their yard (see Chapter 1.1.2).

At 11.30am on 27 December 2008, without warning, Israeli forces began a devastating
bombing campaign on the Gaza Strip codenamed Operation “Cast Lead”. Its stated aim was
to end rocket attacks into Israel by armed groups affiliated with Hamas and other Palestinian
factions. By 18 January 2009, when unilateral ceasefires were announced by both Israel and
Hamas, some 1,400 Palestinians had been killed, including some 300 children and
hundreds of other unarmed civilians, and large areas of Gaza had been razed to the ground,
leaving many thousands homeless and the already dire economy in ruins

Much of the destruction was wanton and resulted from direct attacks on civilian objects as
well as indiscriminate attacks that failed to distinguish between legitimate military targets
and civilian objects. Such attacks violated fundamental provisions of international
humanitarian law, notably the prohibition on direct attacks on civilians and civilian objects
(the principle of distinction), the prohibition on indiscriminate or disproportionate attacks,
and the prohibition on collective punishment

Hundreds of civilians were killed in attacks carried out using high-precision weapons – airdelivered
bombs and missiles, and tank shells. Others, including women and children, were
shot at short range when posing no threat to the lives of the Israeli soldiers. Aerial
bombardments launched from Israeli F-16 combat aircraft targeted and destroyed civilian
homes without warning, killing and injuring scores of their inhabitants, often while they slept.
Children playing on the roofs of their homes or in the street and other civilians going about
their daily business, as well as medical staff attending the wounded were killed in broad
daylight by Hellfire and other highly accurate missiles launched from helicopters and
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones, and by precision projectiles fired from tanks

Hopefully the rockets from Gaza to Israel will stop. I am sure Hamas do not want to be blamed for more civilian deaths in Gaza when Israel needs to target Hamas launching sites again.

The human rights groups blame Israel when they target and kill civilians.

International law makes such targetings unlawful and war crimes.
Hopefully the rockets from Gaza to Israel will stop. I am sure Hamas do not want to be blamed for more civilian deaths in Gaza when Israel needs to target Hamas launching sites again.

The human rights groups blame Israel when they target and kill civilians.

International law makes such targetings unlawful and war crimes.

Wow, I am sure I told you that Israel does not target and kill civilians. You probably ignored it!
WoW, you do not seem to be able to read English.

AMNESTY documented Israel unlawfully targeted civilians in Cast Lead.
WoW, you do not seem to be able to read English.

AMNESTY documented Israel unlawfully targeted civilians in Cast Lead.

"AMNESTY" is not a source----it is more an INTEREST GROUP than a source,
Even UNICEF is not a source. Most of all JOURNALISTS are not good
sources. The date of all can be considered----but not as concrete absolute
"FACTS" Most lawyers understand the stuff you cite as "heresay"
Amnesty addresses Israeli use of chemical weapons, white phosphorous

"White phosphorus, a highly incendiary substance, was repeatedly fired indiscriminately over
densely populated residential areas, killing and wounding civilians and destroying civilian
property. It was often launched from artillery shells in air-burst mode, which aggravated the
already devastating consequences of the attacks. Each shell ejected over a hundred felt
wedges impregnated with highly incendiary white phosphorus, which rained down over houses
and streets, igniting on exposure to oxygen and setting fire to people and property. Once their
incendiary content had been discharged, the artillery shells often crashed into buildings
causing further deaths and injuries. Repeated denials of the use of white phosphorus by
Israeli officials during the conflict delayed or prevented appropriate treatment for people
suffering agonizing burns. Some who died might otherwise have been saved."

Yawn, this is getting very very boring. No debate to be had here. You can talk to yourself or your husband/wife Sherri.
thanks so much for the AMNESTY TAKE on white-phophorous-----I am sure that
if and when it is actually decided that it is an ILLEGAL CHEMICAL weapon---
Israel will be delighted to give it up. It is not an effective weapon anyway. Do you think if it is determined that
"nerve gas" and "nitrogen mustard" and "chlorine bombs" are illegal
that your fellow isa-respecters will ----GIVE THEM UP? Should the USA
dispose of its vast stockpiles of injectable atropine and do away with nitrogen
mustard gas protocols at that point?. We got the stock----even though
those substances are ALREADY ILLEGAL . I wonder why

Sherri ---do you have the "AMNESTY" take on launching nail bombs into
civiilian areas for the glory of 'isa/allah" I would be interested to know.
Yawn, this is getting very very boring. No debate to be had here. You can talk to yourself or your husband/wife Sherri.

Not surprised you are bored, war crimes are like drinking water for Zionists.

How many children did you kill when you were in the IDF?
Yawn, this is getting very very boring. No debate to be had here. You can talk to yourself or your husband/wife Sherri.

Not surprised you are bored, war crimes are like drinking water for Zionists.

How many children did you kill when you were in the IDF?

Whenever a poster makes such asinine and patently ridiculous assertions, their credibility goes right down the drain......along with any pretense of their being a reasonable human being.
Hopefully the rockets from Gaza to Israel will stop. I am sure Hamas do not want to be blamed for more civilian deaths in Gaza when Israel needs to target Hamas launching sites again.

The human rights groups blame Israel when they target and kill civilians.

International law makes such targetings unlawful and war crimes.

"INTERNATIONAL LAW" as per sherri-----renders sneaking into houses for the purpose
of slitting the throats of infants in honor of her deity complex "isa/allah" not only
legal but laudable. In fact so did the nuremburg laws of her other deity---
adolf abu ali as do the laws of the 'holy' koran according to the scholars of
al Azhar University. Interestingly enough-----sherri's concept that self defense
is not permitted to jews originates with the original FASCIST PIG----constantine---
the founder of the ISA RESPECTING CULT ------including the branch created by
the rapist pig of Mecca----muhummad


I am watching an interesing TV movie -----which tells the story of the ALAMO---
interestingly enough----the brutality there was also an OFFSHOOT OF THE FILTH
OF THE CREED OF ISA-----brought to the AMERICAS by Cortez----the emissary of
ISABEL OF THE SPANISH INQUISITION It was her filth in the americas that
cost the lives of MILLIONS of native americans in south america and in
southwest ---north america. From where did you say you hail, Sherri?---
was it your kith and kin who murdered MONTEZUMA and stole billions
in gold for the glory of ISA/ALLAH? -----at the outset of that gross genocide?

The alamo fight in its MUTUAL FILTH-----is actually analogous to the
isa-repecting filth today going on in syria -------Some things never change
over there?
Here is the first story Amnesty documents that proves Israel used civilians as human shields.

I am just including the beginning of the story of what this family was subjected to as they were held as human shields.

"In the al-Zaytoun district of Gaza City, Israeli soldiers took over several houses of the
extended al-Sammouni family when they entered the area. As’ad ‘Ali al-Sammouni told
Amnesty International: “I live in this house with my wife, my three married sons and their
wives and 11 children and my four unmarried sons. My two nephews, their wives and 15
children were also staying with us. We were some 45 people in all. In the night between 3
and 4 January we heard noises up on the roof terrace and we concluded that the soldiers
must have descended from a helicopter because the gate and the front door were locked and
no one could have entered the house from anywhere else. We heard them banging up on the
roof terrace but nobody could dare to go upstairs to see what was happening. We all stayed
on the ground floor. At about 6.30am there was banging at the front door and lots of soldiers
came in. They grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and asked about Qassams and I said we
did not have any such things. They tied and blindfolded all of us – men and boys – and put
us all in one room in the ground floor, together with the women and children......"

I think by now, Frau Sherri, that most of the viewers realize that Amnesty International is very anti-Israel so you have to take with a grain of salt whatever they say. Meanwhile, didn't Hamas themselves admit that they used human shields during this incident? By the way, why are you blabbering about what happened a while back when your friends are busy killing innocent others in so many different locations in the here and now? Has anyone seen Frau Sherri even mention her fellow Christians being murdered by her friends lately in places like Egypt, Syria and Nigeria?

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