Perfect example for 2nd amendment rights.

London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises
But British politicians and police are increasingly expressing concern about Londonā€™s rising murder rate, which is driven by a surge in knife crime. Of the 47 murders in London so far this year, 31 have been committed with knives.

Britainā€™s interior ministry said it was consulting on new laws to further restrict dangerous weapons, including banning online stores from delivering knives to residential addresses and making it an offence to possess certain weapons in public.
Why is knife crime rising? Would you rather go up against a guy with a knife or a guy with a gun?

Knife crime is increasing as is gun crime. The reason is the UK is finally getting a nice large influx of third world people who are bringing their culture of violence with them.
Hopefully they can address this problem by improving assimilation, education, and community involvement

Assimilation, education and community involvement can have an affect but it will take years.
Yeah, I donā€™t think an immediate long term solution exists
London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises
But British politicians and police are increasingly expressing concern about Londonā€™s rising murder rate, which is driven by a surge in knife crime. Of the 47 murders in London so far this year, 31 have been committed with knives.

Britainā€™s interior ministry said it was consulting on new laws to further restrict dangerous weapons, including banning online stores from delivering knives to residential addresses and making it an offence to possess certain weapons in public.
Why is knife crime rising? Would you rather go up against a guy with a knife or a guy with a gun?

Knife crime is increasing as is gun crime. The reason is the UK is finally getting a nice large influx of third world people who are bringing their culture of violence with them.
Hopefully they can address this problem by improving assimilation, education, and community involvement

Islam, "real" Islam rejects assimilation.
London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises
But British politicians and police are increasingly expressing concern about Londonā€™s rising murder rate, which is driven by a surge in knife crime. Of the 47 murders in London so far this year, 31 have been committed with knives.

Britainā€™s interior ministry said it was consulting on new laws to further restrict dangerous weapons, including banning online stores from delivering knives to residential addresses and making it an offence to possess certain weapons in public.
Why is knife crime rising? Would you rather go up against a guy with a knife or a guy with a gun?

Knife crime is increasing as is gun crime. The reason is the UK is finally getting a nice large influx of third world people who are bringing their culture of violence with them.
Hopefully they can address this problem by improving assimilation, education, and community involvement

Assimilation, education and community involvement can have an affect but it will take years.
Yeah, I donā€™t think an immediate long term solution exists

So don't you feel not letting people come into the country illegally would be a solution?
London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises
But British politicians and police are increasingly expressing concern about Londonā€™s rising murder rate, which is driven by a surge in knife crime. Of the 47 murders in London so far this year, 31 have been committed with knives.

Britainā€™s interior ministry said it was consulting on new laws to further restrict dangerous weapons, including banning online stores from delivering knives to residential addresses and making it an offence to possess certain weapons in public.
Why is knife crime rising? Would you rather go up against a guy with a knife or a guy with a gun?

Knife crime is increasing as is gun crime. The reason is the UK is finally getting a nice large influx of third world people who are bringing their culture of violence with them.
Hopefully they can address this problem by improving assimilation, education, and community involvement

Islam, "real" Islam rejects assimilation.
Then people with those values shouldnt immigrate, I donā€™t see why they would want to. Iā€™d assume the vast majority of Muslim immigrants arenā€™t of that mindset. I know many Muslims and donā€™t know one that doesnā€™t want to assimilate
Why is knife crime rising? Would you rather go up against a guy with a knife or a guy with a gun?

Knife crime is increasing as is gun crime. The reason is the UK is finally getting a nice large influx of third world people who are bringing their culture of violence with them.
Hopefully they can address this problem by improving assimilation, education, and community involvement

Assimilation, education and community involvement can have an affect but it will take years.
Yeah, I donā€™t think an immediate long term solution exists

So don't you feel not letting people come into the country illegally would be a solution?
yeah of course, why would anybody encourage people to break the law? I think itā€™s a false accusation that the left wants that
My proposal would be to register gun buyers, not guns.

In Canada, buying a gun takes about 60 days. Licensing agents are required to advise an applicant's spouse or next-of-kin prior to granting a license. In fact, they have to notify any significant other you lived with in the prior two years that you are buying a gun. And you have to take a gun safety course.

I would propose something similar. You take a safety course, and an in-depth background check is performed. I don't know how I feel about notifying your spouse or significant other you are buying a gun, but my wife likes that idea a lot. I could see how women would like this idea.

Once you meet these requirements, you are certified as a legal gun buyer.

Then you can go into any gun shop and the salesman can check your legal status on the computer. Then you can buy whatever you wish, and the government is not informed of what you bought.

Once you are certified as a legal gun buyer, you can buy or not buy guns, and the government won't know the difference.
I would submit to a firearms owner registration if it meant no restrictions on the type of firearm I could purchase, including full autos. I don't care if they know that I am a gun owner. They already know that anyway.
London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises
But British politicians and police are increasingly expressing concern about Londonā€™s rising murder rate, which is driven by a surge in knife crime. Of the 47 murders in London so far this year, 31 have been committed with knives.

Britainā€™s interior ministry said it was consulting on new laws to further restrict dangerous weapons, including banning online stores from delivering knives to residential addresses and making it an offence to possess certain weapons in public.
Why is knife crime rising? Would you rather go up against a guy with a knife or a guy with a gun?

Knife crime is increasing as is gun crime. The reason is the UK is finally getting a nice large influx of third world people who are bringing their culture of violence with them.
Hopefully they can address this problem by improving assimilation, education, and community involvement

Good luck with that. We have been working on them for over fifty years and there has been no marked decrease in their violent crime rate. It is a multi generational project to change their views and how they deal with conflict.
So, if we did the following for all new firearm purchases:
  1. Thorough background check that takes 60 days to complete; and
  2. Mandatory training course.
After which, the person is certified as a registered gun buyer, would that be enough to shut the left up and repeal all remaining federal gun laws, allowing for registered buyers to purchase or construct Short-Barrel Rifles and full autos without restriction or additional cost?

Add to this new bill, that all other federal gun laws are repealed, and the mere introduction to Congress of any additional legislation aimed at further firearm restrictions would immediately and automatically repeal this law, making the purchase, construction, or conversion of any firearm by any person unrestricted, including children, retards, felons, and bat-shit crazy people.
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So, if we did the following for all new firearm purchases:
  1. Thorough background check that takes 60 days to complete; and
  2. Mandatory training course.
After which, the person is certified as a registered gun buyer, would that be enough to shut the left up and repeal all remaining federal gun laws, allowing for registered buyers to purchase or construct Short-Barrel Rifles and full autos without restriction or additional cost?

I could go for that.
London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises
But British politicians and police are increasingly expressing concern about Londonā€™s rising murder rate, which is driven by a surge in knife crime. Of the 47 murders in London so far this year, 31 have been committed with knives.

Britainā€™s interior ministry said it was consulting on new laws to further restrict dangerous weapons, including banning online stores from delivering knives to residential addresses and making it an offence to possess certain weapons in public.
Why is knife crime rising? Would you rather go up against a guy with a knife or a guy with a gun?

Knife crime is increasing as is gun crime. The reason is the UK is finally getting a nice large influx of third world people who are bringing their culture of violence with them.
Hopefully they can address this problem by improving assimilation, education, and community involvement

Good luck with that. We have been working on them for over fifty years and there has been no marked decrease in their violent crime rate. It is a multi generational project to change their views and how they deal with conflict.
We canā€™t change their views, we can set an example for how we run things in our country, create laws and then enforce them. Other than that working on eduction, community involment and economic opportunity are the best areas for us to increase efforts
That's what they do, they take two steps forward, get push back and retreat one step. They still gained the step they wanted.
That's why I threw that update in there. It would repeal all gun laws but that one, and the mere introduction of a gun bill before Congress would immediately and automatically repeal that statute, making it an unrestricted free-for-all.

That's the only way we can be certain that the left will not pull the bate and switch, like they have done for generations.

Only then would I allow such legislation.

This operates to expose the left for what they really want--total ban and confiscation.

Unlike the rich elitist left wing commies protected by armed guards and behind walls, the middle class who dont have such luxuries, perfect example.

Gentleman breaking into the persons home with a machete with the intention of killing the man and his wife.

Fucking left wingers are losers. Esepcially the rich hypocritical white ones.

What is your proposal for mitigating the 11,000+ gun homicides in the US each year?

I can't stop 11000 murders but If I can stop one (mine or my wife's) that's good enough reason to have a gun

What if you can stop 1 murder by limiting the firepower or magazine capacity of a gun in a school shooters hands. Say 16 deaths instead of 17 cause he had less bullets or had to reload... would that be worth it?


Because all he would have to do is bring more than one gun or more than one magazine

If he brought the same amount of guns and the same amount of magazines but they had less capacity and firepower then there would be less damage. Common sense man

If ifs and buts were candy and nut, we'd all have a merry Christmas.

Anyone hell bent on murder will bring whatever he thinks he needs to get the job done so instead of one rifle and 5 30 round mags he'll bring 15 10 round mags if he has it in his twisted mind that he needs 150 rounds

Or he'll bring 2 rifles or any combination of rifles and handguns etc
My proposal would be to register gun buyers, not guns.

In Canada, buying a gun takes about 60 days. Licensing agents are required to advise an applicant's spouse or next-of-kin prior to granting a license. In fact, they have to notify any significant other you lived with in the prior two years that you are buying a gun. And you have to take a gun safety course.

I would propose something similar. You take a safety course, and an in-depth background check is performed. I don't know how I feel about notifying your spouse or significant other you are buying a gun, but my wife likes that idea a lot. I could see how women would like this idea.

Once you meet these requirements, you are certified as a legal gun buyer.

Then you can go into any gun shop and the salesman can check your legal status on the computer. Then you can buy whatever you wish, and the government is not informed of what you bought.

Once you are certified as a legal gun buyer, you can buy or not buy guns, and the government won't know the difference.

No thanks.
What is your proposal for mitigating the 11,000+ gun homicides in the US each year?
I can't stop 11000 murders but If I can stop one (mine or my wife's) that's good enough reason to have a gun
What if you can stop 1 murder by limiting the firepower or magazine capacity of a gun in a school shooters hands. Say 16 deaths instead of 17 cause he had less bullets or had to reload... would that be worth it?
This is a good line of questioning.

If we make it more difficult to obtain guns, then we save lives. This has proven to be the case in other advanced nations.

It has not been proven.

The UK saw a rise in their murder rate after they passed ultra strict gun laws and their murder rate did not fall below what it was before the ban


In fact the murder rate in London is greater than the murder rate in NYC despite the strict UK gun laws

So how do you explain that?
You are missing the forest for the trees!

The UK has always had stricter gun control than the US.

So look at the left side of your chart. Notice anything?

The homicide rate in the UK is 0.92 per 100,000.

The homicide rate in the US is 4.88 per 100,000.

Our murder rate is more than five times that of the UK.

Whoever made that chart had to show murders per MILLION to make the homicide problem look bigger than it is.

Even at their worst period, their homicide rate was only about a third of ours.

Ok so in 1950 what were those guns laws?

In 1950's the UK had a murder rate of .8 per 100000

they passed a spate of very tough gun laws in the 60's yet their murder rate rose through the 80s

They passed more gun laws in the 90's yet their murder rate still climbed it has since dropped but it has never dropped below the level it was before the 60's

If more gun laws means less murders how do you explain this?

And if more gun laws mean less murders how do you explain the fact that the murder rate in London now surpasses that of New York City?

I've told you people where our murder problem is and it isn't the entire country as you seem to believe.

70% of all murders occur in very distinct small areas of just 5% of all the counties in the country. We know which areas they are. We know that the murders are mostly young urban minorities killing other young urban minorities.

Is there an analog of this particular socioeconomic, cultural urban phenomenon in the UK?

It seems to me this generational type of entrenched violence is poverty driven as these murder islands are historically depressed urban areas.

Maybe we need to address this not with more social programs but by actually moving people out of the cities into other areas of their respective states
What is your proposal for mitigating the 11,000+ gun homicides in the US each year?
I can't stop 11000 murders but If I can stop one (mine or my wife's) that's good enough reason to have a gun
What if you can stop 1 murder by limiting the firepower or magazine capacity of a gun in a school shooters hands. Say 16 deaths instead of 17 cause he had less bullets or had to reload... would that be worth it?
This is a good line of questioning.

If we make it more difficult to obtain guns, then we save lives. This has proven to be the case in other advanced nations.

It has not been proven.

The UK saw a rise in their murder rate after they passed ultra strict gun laws and their murder rate did not fall below what it was before the ban


In fact the murder rate in London is greater than the murder rate in NYC despite the strict UK gun laws

So how do you explain that?
You are missing the forest for the trees!

The UK has always had stricter gun control than the US.

So look at the left side of your chart. Notice anything?

The homicide rate in the UK is 0.92 per 100,000.

The homicide rate in the US is 4.88 per 100,000.

Our murder rate is more than five times that of the UK.

Whoever made that chart had to show murders per MILLION to make the homicide problem look bigger than it is.

Even at their worst period, their homicide rate was only about a third of ours.

They used murder per millions because whole numbers are easier to graph you moron

If you have half a brain you can figure out that 5 per million = .5 per 100000

So I guess you don't have half a brain
Knife crime is increasing as is gun crime. The reason is the UK is finally getting a nice large influx of third world people who are bringing their culture of violence with them.
Hopefully they can address this problem by improving assimilation, education, and community involvement

Assimilation, education and community involvement can have an affect but it will take years.
Yeah, I donā€™t think an immediate long term solution exists

So don't you feel not letting people come into the country illegally would be a solution?
yeah of course, why would anybody encourage people to break the law? I think itā€™s a false accusation that the left wants that

Wait a minute, aren't there 10's of thousands that are already here illegally, aren't there something like 800,000 on DACA, isn't there a caravan headed our way?
What is your proposal for mitigating the 11,000+ gun homicides in the US each year?
I can't stop 11000 murders but If I can stop one (mine or my wife's) that's good enough reason to have a gun
What if you can stop 1 murder by limiting the firepower or magazine capacity of a gun in a school shooters hands. Say 16 deaths instead of 17 cause he had less bullets or had to reload... would that be worth it?


Because all he would have to do is bring more than one gun or more than one magazine
If he brought the same amount of guns and the same amount of magazines but they had less capacity and firepower then there would be less damage. Common sense man

If ifs and buts were candy and nut, we'd all have a merry Christmas.

Anyone hell bent on murder will bring whatever he thinks he needs to get the job done so instead of one rifle and 5 30 round mags he'll bring 15 10 round mags if he has it in his twisted mind that he needs 150 rounds

Or he'll bring 2 rifles or any combination of rifles and handguns etc
Sure if he wants 150 rounds but who thinks like that? I donā€™t think many. Most people get a gun and then some extra magazines that they may or may not take with them.

And wouldnā€™t you rather a nutball need to carry 15 magazines and reload 15 times as opposed to 5? Each reload is time to run or disarm the guy.

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