Perfect example for 2nd amendment rights.

Unlike the rich elitist left wing commies protected by armed guards and behind walls, the middle class who dont have such luxuries, perfect example.

Gentleman breaking into the persons home with a machete with the intention of killing the man and his wife.

Fucking left wingers are losers. Esepcially the rich hypocritical white ones.

What is your proposal for mitigating the 11,000+ gun homicides in the US each year?

No plan but since they represent less than a percent of a percent of the population I see no real problem you don't mind 30000 dead from cars or 200000 dead from bad doctors so I see no problem at all.

Actually I do mind those deaths. Stop building bullshit straw men.
How many black and Hispanic gang members (who commit 80% of our violent gun crimes) does Canada have?
Crime is not cause by race. It is primarily caused by poverty.

Murder, by gun, or any other weapon, has little to do with poverty. And, since the vast majority of those in poverty do not commit crimes, the poverty defense is nonsense. Hopelessness is the driver of violent crime, including gang banging.

You have to excuse g, he thinks he is an expert at everything. People kill people, not guns. People kill people for a lot of reasons but to Progressive like g it's never the person's fault, it's always do to circumstance or whatever else, but NEVER the "person".
It’s always the person, but they use guns to kill so guns can’t just be ignored. They are tools for death and destruction so they need to be handled responsibility. It’s not a hard concept

The vast majority of guns are handled responsibly. In fact, gun owners are a hell of a lot more responsible in the handling of guns than automobile owners are in the handling of their automobiles. And, the death toll is so much higher.
That’s great, they should be

Unlike the rich elitist left wing commies protected by armed guards and behind walls, the middle class who dont have such luxuries, perfect example.

Gentleman breaking into the persons home with a machete with the intention of killing the man and his wife.

Fucking left wingers are losers. Esepcially the rich hypocritical white ones.

What is your proposal for mitigating the 11,000+ gun homicides in the US each year?

No plan but since they represent less than a percent of a percent of the population I see no real problem you don't mind 30000 dead from cars or 200000 dead from bad doctors so I see no problem at all.

Actually I do mind those deaths. Stop building bullshit straw men.

And yet no demands to ban private ownership of cars or more stringent controls on doctors Juts demand we ban firearms go figure.

Unlike the rich elitist left wing commies protected by armed guards and behind walls, the middle class who dont have such luxuries, perfect example.

Gentleman breaking into the persons home with a machete with the intention of killing the man and his wife.

Fucking left wingers are losers. Esepcially the rich hypocritical white ones.

What is your proposal for mitigating the 11,000+ gun homicides in the US each year?

No plan but since they represent less than a percent of a percent of the population I see no real problem

Thank you for demonstrating my point about NOTHING so starkly.
This is a good line of questioning.

If we make it more difficult to obtain guns, then we save lives. This has proven to be the case in other advanced nations.

The USA is not, and never has been, like other advanced nations. Americans are independent minded, distrustful of government at all levels, and resistant to any government effort to control their wants.

Prohibition and the war on drugs has pretty well proven that Americans will get what they want, when they want it, whether government likes it or not. Millions of semi-automatic weapons are in the hands of criminals and the black market that supplies them. Neither you, nor the government, has a snowball's chance in hell of getting those guns away from them.
So, in short, your solution is NOTHING.

Meanwhile, the Left is offering Plan A, and Plan B, and so forth.

This is how the Left advances.

To the contrary, my plan is to make deliberate murder, or manslaughter of an innocent while attempting to commit murder a capital crime requiring the death sentence. That sentence to be carried out in public within one year of the conviction. Hang the perpetrator in his own neighborhood.

Mass murderers who die on the scene, should be publicly dumped into a garbage truck and hauled off to a landfill. His/her relatives could retrieve the body there, if they desire to do so. If the mass murderer survives, he should be put in chains and dragged off to jail through the streets where he can feel the wrath of an enraged community. Mass shootings would become rare.
They used to do all that stuff 100s of years ago. How did it work out?
There never was a repeat offender.....
Why don’t those systems exist anymore?
The USA is not, and never has been, like other advanced nations. Americans are independent minded, distrustful of government at all levels, and resistant to any government effort to control their wants.

Prohibition and the war on drugs has pretty well proven that Americans will get what they want, when they want it, whether government likes it or not. Millions of semi-automatic weapons are in the hands of criminals and the black market that supplies them. Neither you, nor the government, has a snowball's chance in hell of getting those guns away from them.
So, in short, your solution is NOTHING.

Meanwhile, the Left is offering Plan A, and Plan B, and so forth.

This is how the Left advances.

To the contrary, my plan is to make deliberate murder, or manslaughter of an innocent while attempting to commit murder a capital crime requiring the death sentence. That sentence to be carried out in public within one year of the conviction. Hang the perpetrator in his own neighborhood.

Mass murderers who die on the scene, should be publicly dumped into a garbage truck and hauled off to a landfill. His/her relatives could retrieve the body there, if they desire to do so. If the mass murderer survives, he should be put in chains and dragged off to jail through the streets where he can feel the wrath of an enraged community. Mass shootings would become rare.
They used to do all that stuff 100s of years ago. How did it work out?

It worked out very well. No recidivism.
Then why doesn’t it still exist. Surely a system that works very well should still be actively in use, right?

The mafia used it very effectively just a couple of decades ago. Lilly livered social elites and politicians are the reason that it takes twenty to thirty years to carry out a death sentence, if it is ever carried out at all. No one can even remember why the person is being executed.
So, in short, your solution is NOTHING.

Meanwhile, the Left is offering Plan A, and Plan B, and so forth.

This is how the Left advances.

To the contrary, my plan is to make deliberate murder, or manslaughter of an innocent while attempting to commit murder a capital crime requiring the death sentence. That sentence to be carried out in public within one year of the conviction. Hang the perpetrator in his own neighborhood.

Mass murderers who die on the scene, should be publicly dumped into a garbage truck and hauled off to a landfill. His/her relatives could retrieve the body there, if they desire to do so. If the mass murderer survives, he should be put in chains and dragged off to jail through the streets where he can feel the wrath of an enraged community. Mass shootings would become rare.
They used to do all that stuff 100s of years ago. How did it work out?

It worked out very well. No recidivism.
Then why doesn’t it still exist. Surely a system that works very well should still be actively in use, right?

The mafia used it very effectively just a couple of decades ago. Lilly livered social elites and politicians are the reason that it takes twenty to thirty years to carry out a death sentence, if it is ever carried out at all. No one can even remember why the person is being executed.
Actually States take that long NOT the Federal Government.
Crime is not cause by race. It is primarily caused by poverty.

Murder, by gun, or any other weapon, has little to do with poverty. And, since the vast majority of those in poverty do not commit crimes, the poverty defense is nonsense. Hopelessness is the driver of violent crime, including gang banging.
Huh? Where do you that stat from? I’d be willing to bet that the vast majority of criminals in jail and gang bangers in the streets are in or from poverty. I see it first hand with the youth I work with in my community. Poverty is a huge driver of crime, how can you think otherwise?

The fact that most criminals and gang bangers come from poor and poverty stricken neighborhoods does not mean that the poverty is the cause. Evidence to the contrary is that most of those in poverty do not commit crimes.
Wow. I just can't fight this kind of stupidity. Sorry.

The fact is that people living in poverty commit a level of crime which far exceeds their demographic. You are actually retarded enough to believe poverty has nothing to do with it just because ALL poor people are not committing crime!


And then you blame gang bangers being gang bangers because of "hoplessness". And why are they hopeless, dipshit? Because they live in poverty!

You don't seem to understand your own argument. Let me type slow, maybe that will help you comprehend the obvious. People are not all hopeless because they live in poverty. Hopelessness is a subset of those in poverty. Most criminals and gang bangers come from that subset. They see no future for themselves, and therefore, figure they have nothing to lose by getting what they can now.
Therefore Poverty is a problem that contributes to people being triggered and/driven towards violence.
So, in short, your solution is NOTHING.

Meanwhile, the Left is offering Plan A, and Plan B, and so forth.

This is how the Left advances.

To the contrary, my plan is to make deliberate murder, or manslaughter of an innocent while attempting to commit murder a capital crime requiring the death sentence. That sentence to be carried out in public within one year of the conviction. Hang the perpetrator in his own neighborhood.

Mass murderers who die on the scene, should be publicly dumped into a garbage truck and hauled off to a landfill. His/her relatives could retrieve the body there, if they desire to do so. If the mass murderer survives, he should be put in chains and dragged off to jail through the streets where he can feel the wrath of an enraged community. Mass shootings would become rare.
They used to do all that stuff 100s of years ago. How did it work out?

It worked out very well. No recidivism.
Then why doesn’t it still exist. Surely a system that works very well should still be actively in use, right?

The mafia used it very effectively just a couple of decades ago. Lilly livered social elites and politicians are the reason that it takes twenty to thirty years to carry out a death sentence, if it is ever carried out at all. No one can even remember why the person is being executed.
Did you not understand my question or were you intentionally diverting ?
The USA is not, and never has been, like other advanced nations. Americans are independent minded, distrustful of government at all levels, and resistant to any government effort to control their wants.

Prohibition and the war on drugs has pretty well proven that Americans will get what they want, when they want it, whether government likes it or not. Millions of semi-automatic weapons are in the hands of criminals and the black market that supplies them. Neither you, nor the government, has a snowball's chance in hell of getting those guns away from them.
So, in short, your solution is NOTHING.

Meanwhile, the Left is offering Plan A, and Plan B, and so forth.

This is how the Left advances.

To the contrary, my plan is to make deliberate murder, or manslaughter of an innocent while attempting to commit murder a capital crime requiring the death sentence. That sentence to be carried out in public within one year of the conviction. Hang the perpetrator in his own neighborhood.

Mass murderers who die on the scene, should be publicly dumped into a garbage truck and hauled off to a landfill. His/her relatives could retrieve the body there, if they desire to do so. If the mass murderer survives, he should be put in chains and dragged off to jail through the streets where he can feel the wrath of an enraged community. Mass shootings would become rare.
They used to do all that stuff 100s of years ago. How did it work out?
There never was a repeat offender.....
Why don’t those systems exist anymore?
Because bleeding heart liberals stopped executing the murderers and rapists(like Ted Kennedy and Charles Manson) and set free, the child molesters, because it was inhumane to keep mentally ill people locked up..
How many black and Hispanic gang members (who commit 80% of our violent gun crimes) does Canada have?
Crime is not cause by race. It is primarily caused by poverty.

Murder, by gun, or any other weapon, has little to do with poverty. And, since the vast majority of those in poverty do not commit crimes, the poverty defense is nonsense. Hopelessness is the driver of violent crime, including gang banging.

You have to excuse g, he thinks he is an expert at everything. People kill people, not guns. People kill people for a lot of reasons but to Progressive like g it's never the person's fault, it's always do to circumstance or whatever else, but NEVER the "person".
It’s always the person, but they use guns to kill so guns can’t just be ignored. They are tools for death and destruction so they need to be handled responsibility. It’s not a hard concept

The vast majority of guns are handled responsibly. In fact, gun owners are a hell of a lot more responsible in the handling of guns than automobile owners are in the handling of their automobiles. And, the death toll is so much higher.

Of course they but these people always gravitate to the extreme.

Unlike the rich elitist left wing commies protected by armed guards and behind walls, the middle class who dont have such luxuries, perfect example.

Gentleman breaking into the persons home with a machete with the intention of killing the man and his wife.

Fucking left wingers are losers. Esepcially the rich hypocritical white ones.

So sick and sad.
I know a man who happened to buy a gun and go through training a few weeks
before a big muscular man, who might have been high on something and set up to
do a hit scare, broke into his home with a bat. To protect his wife and child upstairs,
the homeowner tried to confront this intruder at the stairs and warned him to stand back
or he'd shoot. The intruder lunged and swung the bat at him, who is a slight man a lot
lighter than the attacker, and shot him dead in his own home.

He suffered anxiety and grief over this. It was sad that some professional trainer ended up dead who had a family might have been hired by the wrong people to go threaten the wrong person.

If liberals want gun free zones and schools, let them set those up privately.
Pay for these schools and run them how you want.
Let other taxpayers students and parents pay and run their own sites
and enforce 'crime free' zones.

So if you agree to no guns you go to work and school there.
If you agree to commit no abuses or crimes, and to get
help for you or anyone with an abuse or addiction issue,
then you go live and work in a crime free zone.

which do you think the teachers and police unions want to send workers?
a gun free zone where they have to worry about
being the only security that can stop a shooter?
or a crime free zone where no residents are allowed
to enter or live in the district if they don't agree
with compliance and go through screening or counseling for any issues?
So, in short, your solution is NOTHING.

Meanwhile, the Left is offering Plan A, and Plan B, and so forth.

This is how the Left advances.

To the contrary, my plan is to make deliberate murder, or manslaughter of an innocent while attempting to commit murder a capital crime requiring the death sentence. That sentence to be carried out in public within one year of the conviction. Hang the perpetrator in his own neighborhood.

Mass murderers who die on the scene, should be publicly dumped into a garbage truck and hauled off to a landfill. His/her relatives could retrieve the body there, if they desire to do so. If the mass murderer survives, he should be put in chains and dragged off to jail through the streets where he can feel the wrath of an enraged community. Mass shootings would become rare.
They used to do all that stuff 100s of years ago. How did it work out?
There never was a repeat offender.....
Why don’t those systems exist anymore?
Because bleeding heart liberals stopped executing the murderers and rapists(like Ted Kennedy and Charles Manson) and set free, the child molesters, because it was inhumane to keep mentally ill people locked up..

and because liberals don't promote but reject Christian spiritual healing
that has been used to cure causes of mental illness, homocidal and suicidal depression,
schizophrenia, addictions and abuse, and even criminal illness include some pedophilia cases.

When I bring up the idea of more formal medical research and development
of spiritual healing to cut the costs of diseases and crime,
I get a bunch of flack from liberals who assume this is fake religion.

So because they don't want Christians to be right,
they'd rather people die from lack of access to cure! Sad.

The solutions are already known but censored by the leftwing rejection of
anything from Christians and Conservatives they fear will take over
So, in short, your solution is NOTHING.

Meanwhile, the Left is offering Plan A, and Plan B, and so forth.

This is how the Left advances.

To the contrary, my plan is to make deliberate murder, or manslaughter of an innocent while attempting to commit murder a capital crime requiring the death sentence. That sentence to be carried out in public within one year of the conviction. Hang the perpetrator in his own neighborhood.

Mass murderers who die on the scene, should be publicly dumped into a garbage truck and hauled off to a landfill. His/her relatives could retrieve the body there, if they desire to do so. If the mass murderer survives, he should be put in chains and dragged off to jail through the streets where he can feel the wrath of an enraged community. Mass shootings would become rare.
They used to do all that stuff 100s of years ago. How did it work out?
There never was a repeat offender.....
Why don’t those systems exist anymore?
Because bleeding heart liberals stopped executing the murderers and rapists(like Ted Kennedy and Charles Manson) and set free, the child molesters, because it was inhumane to keep mentally ill people locked up..
How did these bleeding heart liberals with, as you describe, ineffective and counterproductive views, gain so much power to be able to institute these kind of changes? And why wouldn’t the old system go back to using the “effective” tactics once the changes proved to be ineffective?
London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises
But British politicians and police are increasingly expressing concern about London’s rising murder rate, which is driven by a surge in knife crime. Of the 47 murders in London so far this year, 31 have been committed with knives.

Britain’s interior ministry said it was consulting on new laws to further restrict dangerous weapons, including banning online stores from delivering knives to residential addresses and making it an offence to possess certain weapons in public.
Cherry picking.

The UK homicide rate is less than a fifth of ours.

And that article refers to a very narrow two month period.

Yes, and they don't have black and Hispanic gang bangers who commit 80% of the gun crime here.
London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises
But British politicians and police are increasingly expressing concern about London’s rising murder rate, which is driven by a surge in knife crime. Of the 47 murders in London so far this year, 31 have been committed with knives.

Britain’s interior ministry said it was consulting on new laws to further restrict dangerous weapons, including banning online stores from delivering knives to residential addresses and making it an offence to possess certain weapons in public.
Why is knife crime rising? Would you rather go up against a guy with a knife or a guy with a gun?
I'd rather go up against a guy with a knife with my gun.

Oh? So it's OK for you to have a gun, but no one else? Is that what I'm getting here?
To the contrary, my plan is to make deliberate murder, or manslaughter of an innocent while attempting to commit murder a capital crime requiring the death sentence. That sentence to be carried out in public within one year of the conviction. Hang the perpetrator in his own neighborhood.

Mass murderers who die on the scene, should be publicly dumped into a garbage truck and hauled off to a landfill. His/her relatives could retrieve the body there, if they desire to do so. If the mass murderer survives, he should be put in chains and dragged off to jail through the streets where he can feel the wrath of an enraged community. Mass shootings would become rare.
They used to do all that stuff 100s of years ago. How did it work out?
There never was a repeat offender.....
Why don’t those systems exist anymore?
Because bleeding heart liberals stopped executing the murderers and rapists(like Ted Kennedy and Charles Manson) and set free, the child molesters, because it was inhumane to keep mentally ill people locked up..

and because liberals don't promote but reject Christian spiritual healing
that has been used to cure causes of mental illness, homocidal and suicidal depression,
schizophrenia, addictions and abuse, and even criminal illness include some pedophilia cases.

When I bring up the idea of more formal medical research and development
of spiritual healing to cut the costs of diseases and crime,
I get a bunch of flack from liberals who assume this is fake religion.

So because they don't want Christians to be right,
they'd rather people die from lack of access to cure! Sad.

The solutions are already known but censored by the leftwing rejection of
anything from Christians and Conservatives they fear will take over
Christian groups shot themselves in the foot when they got politically active to oppose gay rights and label them as perverts and sinners
London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises
But British politicians and police are increasingly expressing concern about London’s rising murder rate, which is driven by a surge in knife crime. Of the 47 murders in London so far this year, 31 have been committed with knives.

Britain’s interior ministry said it was consulting on new laws to further restrict dangerous weapons, including banning online stores from delivering knives to residential addresses and making it an offence to possess certain weapons in public.
Why is knife crime rising? Would you rather go up against a guy with a knife or a guy with a gun?

Knife crime is increasing as is gun crime. The reason is the UK is finally getting a nice large influx of third world people who are bringing their culture of violence with them.
London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises
But British politicians and police are increasingly expressing concern about London’s rising murder rate, which is driven by a surge in knife crime. Of the 47 murders in London so far this year, 31 have been committed with knives.

Britain’s interior ministry said it was consulting on new laws to further restrict dangerous weapons, including banning online stores from delivering knives to residential addresses and making it an offence to possess certain weapons in public.
Why is knife crime rising? Would you rather go up against a guy with a knife or a guy with a gun?

Knife crime is increasing as is gun crime. The reason is the UK is finally getting a nice large influx of third world people who are bringing their culture of violence with them.
Hopefully they can address this problem by improving assimilation, education, and community involvement
London murder rate overtakes New York as knife crime rises
But British politicians and police are increasingly expressing concern about London’s rising murder rate, which is driven by a surge in knife crime. Of the 47 murders in London so far this year, 31 have been committed with knives.

Britain’s interior ministry said it was consulting on new laws to further restrict dangerous weapons, including banning online stores from delivering knives to residential addresses and making it an offence to possess certain weapons in public.
Why is knife crime rising? Would you rather go up against a guy with a knife or a guy with a gun?

Knife crime is increasing as is gun crime. The reason is the UK is finally getting a nice large influx of third world people who are bringing their culture of violence with them.
Hopefully they can address this problem by improving assimilation, education, and community involvement

Assimilation, education and community involvement can have an affect but it will take years.

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