Perfectly Sane

Yeah, no psychiatric care needed at all.

Indeed what a mess! A few screamers are obviously in need of medical intervention or perhaps they're taking too much of the wrong script. As if screaming at people, in their face, is the way "forward. That term "progressive" has gone to the dogs. If a boat needs repairs it's good to fix it, but that doesn't involve fanatical scream fests by lunatics. Hard to know what motivates these types to act like hostile imbeciles and the leftist media is keeping mum. When will the leftist mainstream media say that massive protesting is likely spreading, in a big way, COVID-19 SARS? I wouldn't advise anyone to hold his or her breath for that to happen;) What a scam that our media is owned/controlled mostly out of NY by what, 6-8 left-leaning billionaires? I read the details recently and it was a real eye-opener. The US cannot allow the media to call US elections, and yet every attempt to do just that is acceptable by the left because it's their "side"? If the left wants to be perceived as fair, why aren't we hearing more about that type of biased reporting? The more they spew out halt-truths, falsehoods, and insert opinions during informational pieces, the more I know Trump is the better option...funny how that works with respect to psychology.

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