Perhaps Now the British Government Will Consider Arming its Police...


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2011
...After two policewomen were slain with a grenade and a pistol last night.

As utterly useless as I've always found the British police, they should've been armed long ago. The handgun ban has been proven on countless occasions to be completely ineffective (gun crime involving handguns has steadily risen since the ban), and should be revoked. Criminals have made it patently clear that they'll ignore whatever firearms legislation is put in place, and the steady rise in illegal immigration has seen the arrival of much, much more violent gangs on hour streets.

Manchester Police Shootings - Telegraph

PS. Notice how they've disabled the comment option, so as to avoid facilitating any discussion over our utterly ridiculous gun laws.
My sympathies go out to you, how utterly tragic. But unless the citizenry is armed, having the police armed would be a grave and tragic mistake. As it is, you can't be said to live in a truly free society while the state has a monopoly on the use of force, so, if you don't like it, move.

When ever I go to a civic event and I see a public official walking around carrying a side arm, frankly it sickens me. If I am at a basketball game, football game, concerts, etc. what gives them a right to be carrying that piece intimidating people? We all naturally make the assumption that the "peace" officer is there to enforce the laws of the state fairly, but as we have seen time and again, these laws are enforced often times solely in at the discretion of the officer on duty based on the judgement of the officer. We know from experience, "the unspoken code of the force" will always back up those judgements, even if it later leads to injustice, or in some cases city wide riots. Usually politics will often times come into play. When politics is more important than justice, this is why an armed citizenry is not only necessary, it is essential.

Hence, the comments have been disabled on the article you have linked in your post. If you don't want to live in a nation where hereditary rulers, monarchic bloodlines, and clandestine organizations have as more influence than the common bloak's opinion on the street, move somewhere else. Not that there is anywhere on earth you can really go. The constitution in the United States has all but been shredded by non-profit foundations, and people here are so deluded by partisan politics to all but believe that these clandestine organizations have less influence than the parties their egos identify with. You want to find out what's going on over there and get a clear picture of the world, research everything you can and understand the The Royal Institute of International Affairs. We have our own problems with the Council on Foreign Relations. They are working to rid the world of everyone's right to secure arms against tyranny everywhere. See the UN (PoA) The UN Programme of Action on small arms and light weapons provides the framework for activities to counter the illicit trade in such arms. Do a Google search for the New American article titled "UN Promotes Another Gun-Grabbing Program," if you are really curious.

Nothing has really changed since the days of "Sir" William Wallace to be honest. But if you want to be genuine in your stand for freedom, I recommend a better Avatar to show where you are coming from and where your politics lay would be the Saint Andrew's Cross instead of the Union Flag. To an Englishman, that represents freedom. If they were in charge, do you honestly think this would be an issue? But then, a lot of people here in the states believe that when you fly a confederate flag it means you are a southerner or a bigot, when what you are actually trying to say is that you are pro states rights, pro freedom. Same idea here. Saint Andrew's Cross would be the equivalent of the confederate banner. Local people deciding for themselves what is right for themselves. Not some far off capitol deciding what is right for them.
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If the police in Britain are armed, officers will still die. If anything is may push petty criminals into arming themselves in response. Terrible event in Manchester but it still could have happened if the UK had an armed police force.
Well clearly the government does not have any regard for their police. You can bet when any of their politicians travel with security they have weapons. The bottom line is this. They knew the danger and still accepted the job. They need to ban together and all walk out until they get weapons or continue to accept this kind of thing.
Actually the average cop over there would have nothing to do with firearms if a choice is to be made.

They have too much self respect to define the importance of the job they're doing down to the carrying of a firearm being a make or break.

The rules for responders to various crimes will undoubtedly change once again to include anonymous calls of crimes in progress of a particular nature. They will deal with this as they have before.
...After two policewomen were slain with a grenade and a pistol last night.

As utterly useless as I've always found the British police, they should've been armed long ago. The handgun ban has been proven on countless occasions to be completely ineffective (gun crime involving handguns has steadily risen since the ban), and should be revoked. Criminals have made it patently clear that they'll ignore whatever firearms legislation is put in place, and the steady rise in illegal immigration has seen the arrival of much, much more violent gangs on hour streets.

Manchester Police Shootings - Telegraph

PS. Notice how they've disabled the comment option, so as to avoid facilitating any discussion over our utterly ridiculous gun laws.

Good lord Swag, why would we want the government boot boys armed? They already enforce unjust legislation that was put in by the Loony Labour party and being carried on by the Liberal Democrats and their partners, the Liberal Conservatives....
Guns ain't the answer,,YET...We just need those in power to let the police do the jobs they are paid to do without all the interference and Politically Correct shit being foisted on them...and ultimately, US....:clap2:

It was a tragedy to be sure but then we haven't got a real police force anymore...Much to busy arresting those citizens who don't fall in with the multicultural, open border crap..Just like the rest of Europe...Pitiful :eusa_silenced:

As for criminals ignoring the law?? :lol: That's WHY they're's what they do...But then I hear that illegal in the States means being the next generation of Dem voters so they can't be illegal...This is so confusing :confused:

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