"Perhaps Only Property Owners Should Be Allowed To Vote," Said Steve Bannon

Another fascist practice just put out there as if it was a reasonable idea.

Well since the President is elected by EC and not by the people.

How about only states that have a net contribution to the federal government be allowed to vote in the EC....

Would our right wing friends like that...

They have been telling how the EC is so great for weeks...
Yeah, nearly all the red states suck off the federal teat like a bunch of piglets.
Another fascist practice just put out there as if it was a reasonable idea.

Well since the President is elected by EC and not by the people.

How about only states that have a net contribution to the federal government be allowed to vote in the EC....

Would our right wing friends like that...

They have been telling how the EC is so great for weeks...
There is very little actually keeping big private companies in blue states, moron.


And its the blue states that support you lazy bums. Its the Dems who support the Rs.
Another fascist practice just put out there as if it was a reasonable idea.

Well since the President is elected by EC and not by the people.

How about only states that have a net contribution to the federal government be allowed to vote in the EC....

Would our right wing friends like that...

They have been telling how the EC is so great for weeks...

It would cut California out, given that the state is the OVERWHELMING consumer of Obamacare funds.
Uh, saying that only property owners should be allowed to vote is a form of voter suppression, dipshit conservative imbeciles.

Some of you turds are the most anti-American pieces of shit I've ever encountered.
According the original Constitution, you had to be a freeholder of land to vote, subversive commie moonbat.


The Constitution does not require land ownership to vote, retard.
If only landowners could vote, before long there would be only a few thousand land owners and their votes, the banks would see to it.

That's pretty much King Trumpery's plan.

Its not an accident that he is stuffing his staff with nothing but DC Dinosaurs, K Street lobbyists, Wall Street criminals and other insiders who have always voted against the little guy.
If only landowners could vote, before long there would be only a few thousand land owners and their votes, the banks would see to it.

Quite the opposite is truth.

Further, the left is waging war on the small hold land owner, seeking to force all but the very wealthy into inner-city apartments.

If it were probable that every man would give his vote freely, and without influence of any kind, then, upon the true theory and genuine principles of liberty, every member of the community, however poor, should have a vote… But since that can hardly be expected, in persons of indigent fortunes, or such as are under the immediate dominion of others, all popular states have been obliged to establish certain qualifications, whereby, some who are suspected to have no will of their own, are excluded from voting; in order to set other individuals, whose wills may be supposed independent, more thoroughly upon a level with each other. (Alexander Hamilton, "The Farmer Refuted")
Wow that's news, just what is the mechanism whereby small landowners are forced to move off their land and go to the city? Usually people do that because the rural economy has always sucked balls and the real money is in the city. Been that way since cities were invented.
Uh, saying that only property owners should be allowed to vote is a form of voter suppression, dipshit conservative imbeciles.

Some of you turds are the most anti-American pieces of shit I've ever encountered.
According the original Constitution, you had to be a freeholder of land to vote, subversive commie moonbat.


Read the Constitution.

No wonder Trumpery won - he doesn't know the constitution either.
Another fascist practice just put out there as if it was a reasonable idea.

Well since the President is elected by EC and not by the people.

How about only states that have a net contribution to the federal government be allowed to vote in the EC....

Would our right wing friends like that...

They have been telling how the EC is so great for weeks...
There is very little actually keeping big private companies in blue states, moron.


And its the blue states that support you lazy bums. Its the Dems who support the Rs.
It's the private companies in the blue states(by happenstance and geography)that generate the wealth that blue states claim. Blue states do nothing to deserve any of that wealth.

What the hell is California doing to have such a monopoly on the tech industry? Nothing.

Neo leftism is directly hostile to businesses.
It is real simple if someone is one welfare AND they fail a high school equivalency test, they should not be allowed to vote. Why should they?

If you don't have a stake in the game, you shouldn't be able to vote for yourself the property of another man.

So, in your opinion, what is the definition of "having stake in the game"?

Like the guy who graduates from high school, joins the service, comes home and wants to vote?

You people are just astounding.
So, in your opinion, what is the definition of "having stake in the game"?

Like the guy who graduates from high school, joins the service, comes home and wants to vote?

You people are just astounding.
I don't believe there should be a standing military, either.

Stuff that in your pipe and smoke it.
It is real simple if someone is one welfare AND they fail a high school equivalency test, they should not be allowed to vote. Why should they?

Why shouldn't they?

Who the fuck are you (of all people! Really, you're one of the dumbest on the board) -

Who are you to decide?

Again, no wonder trumpery won. He also wants to gut the constitution.

But -- LOL --- Article 5.
So, in your opinion, what is the definition of "having stake in the game"?

Like the guy who graduates from high school, joins the service, comes home and wants to vote?

You people are just astounding.
I don't believe there should be a standing military, either.

Stuff that in your pipe and smoke it.

That does not address the issue or my post. Very sloppy thinking on your part. Go back to school, moron.

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